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Lxper|ence the Charm of Goa

Goa |s the crown [ewe| of Ind|a 1h|s sma|| state |s a parad|se for beach |overs
and bes|des a charm|ng beaches and attract|ve n|ght||fe |t has fu|| of ortuguese
her|tages 1here are hundreds of reasons to v|s|t Goa and exper|ence the beauty
of th|s sma|| d|verse and cu|tura||y r|ch state of Ind|a
Goa |s a beaut|fu| state of Ind|a r|ch |n terms of p|cturesque |andscape
abundant natura| resources and perfect b|end of ortuguese and Ind|an cu|ture
Sway|ng pa|m trees r|st|ne wh|te sands and spark||ng b|ue water are the three
ma|n component of th|s beaut|fu| |and 1h|s southern Ind|an State w|th |ts
unspo||t beaches and a un|que ||festy|e makes |t d|fferent from the rest of Ind|a
Goa |s a|so nest|ed |n the pr|st|ne Western Ghats and |s bordered by the Arab|an
Sea wh|ch br|ngs the add|t|ona| charm to th|s state 1he beaut|fu| h|||s of
Western Ghats are h|gh|y r|ch |n terms of natura| abundance of f|ora and fauna
and are the perfect reverse of the bust||ng and s|zz||ng beaches of Goa Goa has
beaut|fu| r|vu|ets and r|vers spectacu|ar waterfa||s tower|ng rock h|||s th|ck
fo||age of green and w|de var|ety of I|ora and fauna spec|es makes the state a
heaven for nature |overs erfect natura| conservat|on and susta|nab|e
deve|opment has ensured successfu| ecotour|sm and |s creat|ng a perfect
ba|ance between nature conservat|on and tour|sm very eff|c|ent|y
1h|s sma|| Ind|an state |s b|essed w|th a r|ch and un|que cu|ture wh|ch |s the
resu|t of a cu|tura| fus|on of ortuguese and Southern Ind|an cu|ture Goa used
to be a ortuguese co|ony for centur|es and |s r|ch |n |ots of co|on|a| as we|| as
reg|ona| cu|tura| her|tages eop|e of Goa are fr|end|y |ot and |ove to en[oy ||fe
w|th a s|mp|e motto of ||ve work and en[oy 1h|s un|que fr|end|y atmosphere
has resu|ted |n a '[o|e de v|vre' ||festy|e |n Goa Ce|ebrat|ng ||fe |s |n |tse|f |s a
ce|ebrat|on of Goa Lnt|re state |s dotted w|th h|stor|ca| churches famous
temp|es and p|cturesque forts Goa's cu|s|ne |s renowned |n Ind|a and d|st|nct|y
carr|es a strong f|avours and resemb|ance w|th ortuguese cu|s|ne Cashew Ien|
|s the |oca||y made brew consumed w|th gusto by the |oca|s Ln[oy cru|s|ng |n
the Mandov| k|ver or engu|f yourse|f w|th trance mus|c and |ate n|ght beach
part|es Goa w||| sure|y capt|vate you
V|s|t the countrys|de and Western Ghat reg|on of the state and arr|ve |n a
comp|ete|y d|fferent p|ace far from the beaches and part|es to en[oy the
sooth|ng nature of Western Ghats Ln[oy b|rd watch|ng nature h|k|ng w||d||fe
spott|ng or d|scover the sma|| r|vu|ets and waterfa||s V|s|t Goa and en[oy the
atmosphere of exuberance en[oy the hosp|ta||ty of the fr|end|y Goans unw|nd
yourse|f |n the pr|st|ne and exot|c beaches en[oy the adrena||ne rush of water
sports c||mb uph||| |n the Ghats cross the r|vu|ets and treat yourse|f by be|ng
c|ose to the nature have a r|ver cru|se watch|ng sunset en[oy the n|ght||fe |n
Goa Goa |s a one stop dest|nat|on offer|ng ||fet|me exper|ence to tour|st from
d|fferent parts of the wor|d
O 1he |nformat|on |n the art|c|e |s prov|ded by Dpau|s tours and trave|s that
offer|ng Goa ho||day packages beach ho||days Goa 1ours We a|so
prov|de |nformat|on about 1anger|ne kesort and C|dade De Goa
packages at very affordab|e pr|ces

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