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SLC CuLsourclng lndla

Boasting a huge base o oer 00 million users, lacebook is quickly becoming the deault
destination or social and interactie games today oering a huge opportunity and market or social,
web-based games and exactly because o aboe Massie
Usage o 1op facebook games, it has gien enough to
keep the Iacebook Game Developer busy creating games
that modernize, monetized and popularize the way the
world plays game online. Iacebook applications
development inoles brain-storming with strategic game-
play that set the new norms o addiction on lacebook oer
the period o time which hae ruled this world o
applications and continue to regain all along. According to
statistics, Mob \ars hae been continuously and
consistently earning more than >1 Million per month or its
deeloper and games like MAlIA \ARS, GANG \ARS
and Maia Corruption are in the way to join its league and
becoming one o the highest grossing applications. 1he
engaging portrayals o these applications hooks that keep
its users hooked on application are reasons that these applications hae garnered this huge success.
1he elements that create curiosity like unlocking new items, reaching next leels or new items with
increasing communal collaboration keeps the users addicted and enchanted to the game.
SLO Outsourcing India oers truly compelling Iacebook Game Development Services. \ith its
deep understanding o social network gaming and expertise in deeloping games to make social
interaction un, SLO Outsourcing India helps you to deelop games that moes beyond any set o
norms or demographic limitations. \e receie hundreds o call on a daily basis by the deelopers
who are interested in Strategic Iacebook Game Applications. Dedicated IaceBook Game
development Lxpert at SLO outsourcing India, designs these applications powered with classic
RPG play-style and integrated the engaging tools with the all iral channels to keep the users sticked
on applications but the only way though which Success o these applications truly depends upon the
iral pattern along with addictie tools that keep ultimately keeps its users hooked with the
application or a long run.
Some o the key components to a well-designed lacebook game are:
O Clear focus: 1argeting a Clear and being unique in that ocus.
O Iun and engagement: low engaging the core gameplay is to users
O Incentives to return: \hat incenties the game gies users to return.
O Social interaction and identity: \hat kind o meaningul ways people can interact with
riends or other lacebook users and how can players establish themseles as unique among
these other players.
O Advancement: A proper speed o adancement through the game
O Monetization incentives: low well the game incentiizes users to buy things to adance
their gameplay.
O Content refreshes: low well the deeloper is able to keep resh content to keep users
1hus it can be said that IaceBook Game Development 1eam at SLO Outsourcing India, has
been busy understanding the players Psychology at lace book and inally proides you with
opportunity to en-cash rom its eer-growing user database and help you to moe to the Next
Level of Iacebook Game Development.

========================1hanking You========================

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