Himati - The BIG Issue (Volume XV, Issue 1)

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Volume XV, Issue 1

June November 2011




foreword by fatima marie gaane

What comes into your minds when you hear the word BIG? You might be wondering what has gone into HIMATIs head when they thought about this issue. Well, this time we thought BIG. It could mean differently for each one of you power, significance, influence, sexual intensity. For such a short word, its definition carries so much weight to it. You remembered we previously released The $3X Issue and Food Frenzy. This time, we wanted to focus more on our home turf and see what once was and what is now change, may it be in our country, our beloved university and even its students. From the little changes that eventually became big changes, these are what youre going to expect in the succeeding pages. If the little changes matter, how much more the big changes, right?
Aprille Dawn Golimlim, Earl Lawrence Autida

Building a perspective:

The right to quality education

The Philippines is a hopeless nation. Who among us, Filipinos, would ever say or even think of this? We, in HIMATI, believe that nobody should. Why? Because the truth of the matter is, the Philippines is a rich country - so rich that other countries envy us. And that is a fact. You could do your own research if you want to or you could just look around you. Our natural resources are so abundant - rice, coconut, vegetable products, fish products, pearls, abaca, lumber, petroleum, silicon, and even gold. They are everywhere and we have plenty of them. In fact, these are just a few of what we ACTUALLY have. See, these are just few of the many things we possess that could really boost our economy and help us become a developed nation if only we have proper knowledge on how to fully utilize them. So here we are wondering, Why the heck are we in this grave economic crisis? Sure, there are a lot of reasons. Corruption has always been one. The lack of political will among our leaders and the lack of discipline among us, citizens, are definitely included. However, we would like to shed light and focus on this particular reason that has been bugging and pestering the whole nation for decades now. And that is no other than the misallocation of our national budget. For several years now, our taxpayers money is being misused and overspent on less important services. Our government has been allocating a big chunk of

We just couldnt ignore these big changes because undeniably it has helped us a lot in the four or five years of staying in this university. This, however, does not mean that we forsake what the old has done to help us. There were good times and bad times too. Altogether, lets not forget to look back on the Abortion Road and the old canteen. Together, let us say goodbye to the old and say hello to the new.

our national budget to debt servicing, military, and infrastructure instead of further augmenting the budget for vital sectors like social and health care services, agriculture, and of course, EDUCATION. How could our nation develop economically if its citizens are not equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to improve their lives and become globally competitive? Without proper education, that is almost an impossibility. According to Article 14, Section 1 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution, The State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all levels and shall take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all. Clearly, with what is happening with the education sector right now, particularly with the budget cut on tertiary education, our governments actions can be considered unconstitutional. Education here in our country, still, has not been made accessible and affordable to majority of the population. Whats more depressing is that it is becoming more and more of a privilege rather than a right. Our government, for a very long time now, has not been able to subsidize all levels of education. It is true that they have been giving the Department of Education the largest budget allocation. In addition to that, they are taking steps in improving the quality of education at the primary and secondary level. We can see that they are exerting effort and we commend them for that. We dont just oppose them all the time, but the

Those Who Stand Shall Fall

Nobody knows much, truth be told. Inconsistent rumors spread among those who dont know, and those who do know dont say a lot or answer any questions.
But what we know is this: a brilliant, 21-year old who went on leave of absence from his last year in college to join the New Peoples Army (NPA) was shot in an encounter with AFP troops in Davao Oriental. He was such a definite presence in the school that when his absence became apparent, the loss was staggering. Often bombarding us with his pitchy songs, obscene jokes, and loud protests against the school administration, he disappeared since the beginning of this semester, unheard from, until we heard this. That is all we can know. But there is a lot to thing about: Many argue about the sense of his death. Opinions vary. The range swings from absolute admiration and respect for his boldness and commitment to fight for his ideals, then to scorn at the promising youth with all the potential who wasted his life in a war that does not change anything. These people take stands and take sides and will take up the warfare wherein he was lost. But to a sad majority, Alvin Santiago is neither a new hero nor a senseless martyr. To them, he was a name passed around for a week in the middle of August, in hushed whispers, namatay si Alvin, yung bakla na FoodTech. They did not write on the tribute page made for him online. They do not remember him from the small, unattended rallies and forums, from his invitations to class walk-outs, from dancing in the corridors, from the College Scholars list. They do not ask why he died. They do not want to know how it is to die for something. They will never stand for something, so that they will never have to fall. They will also probably never rise and soar in anything. Not one of them will be an Alvin. They will soon forget, maybe already have forgotten, his name, his brilliance, and his fight. It is not so much that we take up his stand and take over where he left off, but that we keep in mind that there is something to fight for. He was a blip in an uneventful week, something to tell about the radical university that has changed people and progress and thinking, but cannot move its own children to bear the weight of carrying concern for others welfare other than their own. They will walk out of this school having gained but never having given. They will only be blank faces of a sad, ignorant, common majority.

problem is, these efforts are not enough. Yes, we have nothing against K+12 or the proposition of prolonging the years of education at the primary and secondary level. In fact, we deem it appropriate for the current needs of the people especially the masses for it will equip them early on with the skills necessary for them to be able to find a job and earn money even though they have not yet graduated from college. However, if implementing this would mean that the subsidy for tertiary education will be affected and greatly reduced, we are very much against it. As what the Constitution clearly implies, education is a right that should be enjoyed by ALL Filipinos. We truly believe that K+12 is good. Offering technical and vocational courses at the secondary level could really help in lowering the growing unemployment rate in the country. But for this plan to succeed, the government should make sure that the state subsidy for all levels of education will not be compromised. Education is a right that should be enjoyed by every Filipino citizen, and our political leaders should always put that in their minds. All our natural riches will be wasted and put in danger, and our advantages over other countries will serve no useful purpose if we dont have the proper knowledge and training to tap their full potential. Furthermore, an uneducated person will only be a burden to the society and could possibly pose serious threat to public welfare and safety. This goes to show how vital education is and this should serve as a serious wake-up call to our government. Undeniably, our government is flawed, but we should not disregard the fact that they are exerting a considerable amount of effort to make up for their faults and shortcomings. As rational people, moreover, as UP students, we should not let ourselves be blinded by our dissatisfaction and disgust for the government. Give credit where credit is due. It wouldnt hurt if every once in a while we show our support for our government, especially when they deserve it. They need us just as much as we need them. Building a strong nation is not a simple process. As the expression goes, It takes two to tango. Finally, to end this, we have a short message to our fellow Iskolars ng Bayan. To all Iskos and Iskas, do put in mind that the fight for greater state subsidy on education should not just be focused on state universities like our beloved University of the Philippines. We should not forget that we owe our education to all Filipino taxpayers. Therefore, we should always prioritize the welfare of others over our own. After all, that is what Oble symbolizes equality and selfless love for our nation.

Editor-in-Chief Fatima Marie Gaane Managing Editor Beatriz Tulio Features Editor Kit Iris Frias Feature Writers Jean Kirvy Waga, Kikko Kalabud, Alexander Ken Libranza News Writers Safora Korina Alaman, Kristelle Alina Omar, Marianne May Loquias
Creative Director Maureen Joyce Homez Graphic Designer Sam Sanchez Photo Editor Jamaica Bulacito Cartoonists Marijoy Gualberto, Aprille Dawn Golimlim, Earl Lawrence Autida Online Director Iva Barbara Caballero HimatiVlogs Editor Seth Marquin Busque Online Services Developer Kenneth Porio Vloggers Ferina Santos, Althea Astrid Gopo, Kenneth Porio

HIM ATI is one the oldest student organizations in UP Mindanao and is recognized as the official student publication of the University of the Philippines Mindanao. It is funded by the students for the purpose of bringing to the fore important issues that affect the student body and the UP community. HIM ATI literally means awakening in Tausug and perspective in Cebuano. HIM ATI is a member of UP SOLIDARIDAD (Systemwide Alliance of Student Publications and Writers Organizations) and the College Editors Guild of the Philippines (CEGP).

Himati Office, UP Mindanao Mintal, Tugbok District Davao City 8022 facebook.com/himati gplus.to/himatigplus twitter.com/himati youtube.com/user/himativlogs scribd.com/himati emailhimati@gmail.com




Rendell Cagula Chairperson

Anjelica Napala Vice Chairperson

Trisha Aligato Councilor

Marian Aora Councilor

Anna Dayrit Councilor

Alethea Gamalong Councilor


The new UP Mindanao University Student Council officials

Eikinela Gervacio Councilor

Ronald Gica Councilor

Von Lao Councilor

Krystel Suam Councilor

Keinne Tripoli CHSS Rep.

Neal Micabani CSM Rep.

Danette Megalbio SOM Rep.

More student orgs flourish

UP a school known for its high-quality education, an institution founded in order to mold the youth into such reputable individuals. Uno may be quite a satisfying gain, alright, but does achievement end there? Not at all. The skills and capabilities of the students arent in any way ignored, the student body relationship isnt even in the least way overlooked, and most of all, the spiritual growth of each is never shunned. Hence the birth of various school organizations. Here in UP Mindanao, a number of orgs have already been formed ever since the campus was established and through the years, they still continue to thrive and multiply. This year, a brand new batch of these groups established themselves as the newest orgs on the block to cater to the growing pool of interests, skills and concerns of every student. Heres an overview of the newly-recognized, non-fraternal student organizations for AY 2011-2012: CFC Youth for Christ (Campus-based) a CFC Youth for Christ official evangelization program based within college or University level campuses which aims to strengthen the relationship of Jesus with fellow students Debate Society a society of potential youth debaters which aims to train fluency in public speaking with correct grammar and reasoning EKKLESIA (UPMin Chapter) a Christ-centered, Bible-based and Spirit-filled campus ministry under the Lord of the Harvest Christian community Jesus Disciple Movement works for the advancement of Gods kingdom through various activities with its core principles on Evangelism, Discipleship, and World Mission Lakas-Angkan an organization which helps the students seek spiritual growth and nurturing in order to revive their relationship with God Literary Society an official course-based organization of the BA English program for student writers and literature enthusiasts UP Mindanao Maroon Spikers Club an alliance of volleyball enthusiasts under the themes of camaraderie, athletics, sportsmanship and competitiveness UP Mindanao Association of Musicians Playing Loud Instruments (UPMin AMPLI) a versatile, multi-faceted organization composed of members, both residents and alumni of the University, who all share a common passion for OPM Youth to the Nations UP Chapter an organization upholding youth welfare and spiritual wellness that encourages students to live by the Christian values
Officials and members from different student organizations during the TAGBO -UPMin! Student Leadership Training Camp held on July 27-29 at Hope Mountain Training Center. The training camp, organized by the Office of Student Affairs and UP Mindanao Alumni Association - Davao Chapter, was sponsored by the Ayala Foundation and the JCI Durian City Jaycees.
Mr. Rene Estremera

These are the new organizations to choose from. We actually got a whole lot of them which only goes to show that college isnt just a matter of being excellent academe-wise. Cause here in UP, brilliance, belief and bravado come together in bonds.
Jean Kirvy Waga

Get connected 24/7.

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UPMin to continue Bt eggplant project

Research team to continue project after controversial uprooting on Dec. 17-18, 2010 Inday Sara approves IBC request for information dissemination Uprooting was a result of UPMins failure to comply BPI requirements and PIS dissemination throughout Davao City
Upon the approval of Mayor Sara Duterte-Carpio on the Institutional Biosafety Committees (IBC) request for permission to post public information sheets (PISs) all over Davao City before proceeding to the field testing, University of the Philippines in Mindanao (UPMin) now plans to continue its once-hindered Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) talong project. In an interview with HIMATI when asked how the team felt when the Bt eggplant were uprooted, Dr. Eufemio Rascos information and research head, Georgianna Oguis, gave her laments. We were dismayed, frustrated It was a fruit of everybodys effort din kasi tapos pinatigil lang. But since legal matters should also be considered, we cant do anything anymore but to follow the rules, she said. On December 17 and 18 last year, staff and members from City Agriculturists Office uprooted the genetically-modified eggplants. The uprooting was consequent to Dutertes cease-and-desist order against Bt talong operation released on December 13 last year. As indicated in the order, the reason why Duterte had to stop the field testing was because UPMin failed to comply with BPIs requirement to also post PISs in particular, conspicuous areas all over Davao City, and not only in Brgys. Mintal and Bago Oshiro, as what the research team did. Only three out of four required areas of BPI were posted by UPMin with PISs. When asked why this was so, Orguis said the team was, and is, aware of its responsibility to inform the public about Bt talong occupying a space in UPMins public property. This, according to them, was the reason why they posted PISs even before the cease-and-desist order was released, but the thing was they did not know, and was not informed, they also had to post notices outside UPMins immediate premises. Nag-post kami ng PISs sa Mintal at Bago Oshiro pero, in those places nga lang. We missed out on one place na pala and we had only been aware, and informed, of it when the order was released, she pointed out. Since Duterte has already approved the teams request for permission, they can now already and legally push through with the project. We are planning to post the new PISs by the end of this year para makapag-field test na. Thirty days after that, as conditioned by BPI, we can already re-plant these very controversial eggplants, Oguis said.
Safora Korina Alaman
Resource persons and members of the Bt eggplant research team led by Chancellor Gilda Rivero and Dr. Eufemio Rasco (extreme left) prepare during the City Council Committee of Agriculture and Food hearing last February 3 regarding the field testing of Bacillus thuringiensis eggplants
Mr. Rene Estremera

Mr. Rene Estremera (1,2) Sam Sanchez (3)

CSM, SOM dominate Dula 11

DULA 2011, the annual Universitywide intramurals, began on 1st September 2011, at the UP Mindanao Administration Building. Members of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, the College of Science and Mathematics, the School of Management and the school Administration each participated actively in the Volleyball, Basketball, Bowling, Table Tennis (Singles and Mixed Doubles), Lawn Tennis (Single and Mixed Doubles), Chess, Dama, Soccer, and Track and Field events. Day 1 was highlighted by the much-anticipated Cheerdance competition, which also marks the BA English programs first entry into the event. The champion, 1st runner-up and 2nd-runner up were the BA Communication Arts program, the BS Agribusiness Economics, and the BS Food Technology, respectively. Day 2 was the culmination of the event, with encores of the cheerdance performances by the top three, as well as a number by the BS Biology program, who have won the Cheerdance competition for more than four years in a row. Caught in a tie, CSM and SOM were both declared the over-all DULA 2011 Champions, followed by the CHSS and the Administration in first and second runner-up, respectively.
Kristelle Alina Omar

UP Mindanao hosts Clean-up Drive

The University of the Philippines Mindanao, in coordination with the Philippine Center for Population and Development, hosted a Clean-up Drive on August 15, 2011, at the UP Mindanao Atrium. Barangay Capt. Ramon Abay Bargamento of Mintal, Davao City, was the guest of honor at this event. Students from the different colleges participated in the clean up drive, which consisted of a lecture on garbage segregation, pledge-signing, and trash collection from all over campus. This event was spearheaded by Mr. Antonio R. Obsioma, head of the Department of Biological Science and Environmental Studies. This is my advocacy; ito ang aking maipamana sa aking mga anak at apo, he stated. Even without the law, we should still segregate. All things that we do now has implications for the future. Prof. Obsioma is also the project leader for the implementation of this program on campus. Garbage cans, labeled Biodegradable and Non-biodegradable have been placed all over the campus so that the students may learn how to segregate. There will also be strict rules as to how this program will be implemented on campus; the Chancellor will penalize those who are caught littering. In response to R.A. 9003, there are several programs that UPMin has spearheaded, including the Solid Waste Management program. Residents of Brgy. Mintal have also been supportive in this campaign, and are planning to implement this program in the surrounding subdivisions.
Kristelle Alina Omar

Winners (Sporting events)

Volleyball: CHSS (Mens & Womens Divison) Basketball: SOM (M&W) Bowling: CHSS (Mixed) Table Tennis: CHSS (M&W Singles); CHSS (Mixed Doubles) Champions: CSM, SOM Lawn Tennis: CHSS (M); SOM (W); CSM (Mixed Doubles) Chess: Admin (M); SOM (F) Dama: Admin (M); CSM (F) Soccer: CSM (Mixed) Track and field: SOM (Overall tally) Second-runner up: Admin

First-runner up: CHSS




5 years after 3 UP students abduction:

SC digs case; supporters combat for victims rights

Five years after the abduction of three University of the Philippines campus students in San Miguel, Hagonoy, Batangas on June 26, 2006, the Supreme Court (SC) scrutinizes the particular case, while victims supporters continue to fight for their childrens rights. Sherlyn Cadapan, Karen Empeno and Manuel Merino are the victims who, as of this writing, are still missing. There were not any reports nor claims that Merino was a member of any active movement or organization, but Cadapan and Empeno are founders of the Comprehensive Agreement on Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law (CAHRIHL) movement, which fights the rights on land ownership of farmers in Central Luzon. Meanwhile, SC issued an order of release to the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), compelling it to produce the three missing UP students, from whom they are hold liable of, especially then the commanding officer but now retired Maj. Gen. Jovito Palparan, who sits in the position when the case happened. The incumbent commanding general of the 7th Infantry Division and the incumbent battalion commander of the 24th Infantry Battalion, both of the Philippine Army, are enjoined to fully ensure the release of the three from detention, read its decision. This decision of the SC was based on the findings of the Court of Appeals (CA) which conclude that AFP could be held liable over the matter. Raymond Manalos statement, claiming that he was one of the abducted victims until his escape from the offenders, in part affected that conclusion of the CA. Nakita ko po kung paano silang pinahirapan at ginahasa, said Manalo in an interview indicated in the general voice-out speech of the All UP Workers Alliance on June 26 this year, as they commemorate their so-called national day of support for Maricon C. Montajes who is also a UP student activist, arrested in a raid conducted by the police in Taysan, Batangas. On the other hand, because of this testimony sworn by Manalo, families of the victims were enraged. Specifically, mothers of Cadapan and Empeno filed charges of arbitrary detention, serious physical injuries, maltreatment of grave prisoners, grave threats, grave coercion and rape against Palparan and at least six others last May 4. The High Courts efforts are seen as it directs the Department of Justice (DOJ), AFP and Philippine National Police (PNP) to investigate further the Cadapan-Empeno-Merino abduction-and-disappearance case. But for Deputy Speaker Lorenzo Taada, who welcomed the SC ruling, the effort of the SC to recognize and protect the victims human rights and justices might be a little too late as he assumed the missing are already dead. It may not bring the lives back of the two UP students, he lamented. Safora Korina Alaman

UPMin students participate in the simultaneous planking throughout the country during the UP Strikes Back mass action.
Kit Iris Frias

UPMin students slam PNoy Admins Second Round of Budget Cuts

Mag-planking tang tanan! shouts Krystel Deane Suam, UP Mindanao University Student Council councilor, while she holds a video camera and takes footage of some Isko and Iska who planked while shouting for greater state subsidy on education. Wearing shredded shirts, ripped shorts and all sorts of cut clothing to symbolize the grave cutback on the education budget, students from the University of the Philippines Mindanao staged a protest on September 22, 2011 on campus grounds in Mintal, Davao City while on-going strikes against the second round of budget cuts on social services under the Aquino administration were staged simultaneously in other parts of the country. To attract media attention, these students planked an activity where people are photographed face down with stiffened arms and legs. The Aquino administration has turned a deaf ear once again to the voice of the people. With another round of budget cuts in social services like education and health, the PNoy admin has shown its insincerity in addressing socio-economic problems of the country. Hindi tayo ang kanyang BOSS, stresses Rendell Cagula, Chairperson of the UP Mindanao University Student Council. According to the Department of Budget and Management, for the fiscal year 2012, only PhP21.9 billion is allotted for the budget of 110 state colleges and universities around the country; lower than last years PhP22.03 billion. For the University of the Philippines system, PhP1.16 billion was slashed between 2010 and 2011. An additional cut of PhP200 million is pending for 2012, lowering the UP system budget from PhP5.75 billion to PhP5.54 billion an allocation that amounts only to 32% of the UP budget proposal of PhP17.07 billion. The allotted budget for tertiary education is expected to further decrease under President Benigno Aquino III when he announced in his 2011 budget message: We are gradually reducing the subsidy to [state colleges and universities] to push them toward becoming self-sufficient and financially independent, given their ability to raise their income and to utilize it for their programs and projects. It is evident that his administrations proposed national budget will only increase the already swelling number of students dropping out or not enrolling as a consequence to the continued slashes on state subsidy for SUCs (State Universities and Colleges), says Cagula.
Safora Korina Alaman

Freshmen bloc leaders together with their upperclassmen counterparts raise their respective degree program torches during the Freshmen Night 2011 festivities.
Sam Sanchez

Kalimudan celebrates its First Anniversary

To commemorate its one-year business operation, the UPMins cafeteria, the Kalimudan Student Center, celebrated its first anniversary on August 23 to 26. Kalimudan was first opened to the public on August 20 last year. However, this year, August 20 is a Saturday so the cafeterias management, under the tutelage and supervision of UPMins Business Managing Officer Ms. Rebecca Maam Bambi Cabrera, decided to observe the anniversary on August 23 to 26. We moved it so that more students could participate. We also did a raffle draw sponsored by our concessionaires, where students were encouraged to join in, Maam Bambi said. She also shared how the celebration went for the management. Syempre, para sa amin naging masaya yung week-long celebration na yun. Sa mga students naman, I think nag-enjoy din naman sila. May film viewings and many more activities din kasing pinakulo sa Kalimudan, not to mention the prizes in the raffles draw, Maam Bambi said. One of the patimpalaks held by the management was called Serbisyo Para Sa Inyo, Panalo Kayo! ,gave away to student winners their respective prizes. In addition, when asked how the management reacts to the fact that there still are some students who prefer eating in other carenderias, rather than Kalimudan (which is UPMins official cafeteria), Maam Bambi expressed their side. Of course, we cannot force them to eat in Kalimudan, and only in Kalimudan. We know that in this case, its still a matter of consumer preference. Pero ang sa amin lang, we disagree that the food we serve arent pocket-friendly and delicious. Why dont they try eating in Kalimudan again? Then theyll know we have improved, she said. What she meant by that improvement, still according to her, is specifically Cravings Foods Delights effort in providing much larger, healthier and more delicious food servings.
Safora Korina Alaman




UP Mindanao Chancellor Gilda C. Rivero, VC for Academic Affairs Emma Ruth Bayogan and VC for Administration Vicente Calag presents to UP President Alfredo E. Pascual a portrait of him painted by Prof. Teody Boylie Perez, PhD. during the Pahalipay alang kay PAEP pre-investiture celebration.
Jamaica Bulacito

Pahalipay alang kay PAEP

Pascual visits UP Mindanao

New UP Pres. spearheads unveiling of Dorm Annex, Oblation Circle, Dr. Rascos new book Cultural performances and BS Biologys cheerdance greeted the new UP President Pre-investiture celebration marks Pascuals goal of making UP a GREAT university
As part of the assumption into office of newly-elected University of the Philippines President Alfredo E. Pascual, a pre-investiture celebration entitled Pahalipay alang kay PAEP was held at UP Mindanao. A day in the life of a UP President visiting UP Mindanao began with the Dorm Annex Buildings ribboncutting. The ribbon was cut by Chancellor Gilda Rivero, President Pascual, Faculty Regent Ida Dalmacio and Alumni Regent Gladys Tiongco. After the ribbon was cut, President Pascual and the faculty quickly toured the dormitory. After departing from the building, the group proceeded to the CSM Fermentation and Analytical laboratory where President Pascual was able to see the Biotech facilities and the laboratories. Soon after the CSM visit was done, President Pascual and the party went to the Oblation Plaza for the groundbreaking activity. A ribboncutting ceremony was also held at the steps of the Oblation Plaza. A time capsule was eventually buried near the second path walk as part of the activity. As part of the time capsulelaying ceremony, a message was given by UP Alumni Association-Davao President Dr. Doris Tagle-Villareal. At the third pathwalk, Chancellor Rivero spearheaded the wine-breaking ceremony. It was believed that the ceremony was done to bring luck. Soon, the pathwalk was saturated with wine. Lastly, shiny 25-centavo coins were tossed into the air by alumni officers at the fourth pathwalk. The activity that lasted for more than 30 minutes was followed by the launching of The Nypa Palm: Natures Gift from the Age of the Dinosaurs, a book written by Prof. Eufemio Rasco Jr. that took place at the Lorenzo Hall. The book launch didnt take a lot of time for the author only gave a few words to introduce his book. A book signing then followed while copies of the book were also available for purchase. The cultural program, hosted by Prof. Shiela Grace B. Europa, was the highlight of the pre-investiture celebration. The Atrium was filled with a sea of faces excited to finally get to meet President Pascual in the flesh! The program commenced with the singing of the national anthem which was lead by UPMins very own Koro Katingugan. Chancellor Riveros opening remarks followed. A cultural dance performance by the Dance Ensemble, a song number by Dr. Larry N. Digal, a poetry reading by College of Humanities and Social Sciences professors (and also Palanca awardees) Timothy R. Montes, Jhoanna Lynn Cruz-Daliling, and Ricardo De Ungria, and a musical presentation by the CHSS Male band kept everyone and the guest of honor entertained throughout the whole activity. In between of these performances, primemover Mr. Sebastian L. Angliongto rendered a message for PAEP, his experiences with him, and about how he was determined to give his support for President Pascual when he was still considered for the position. Before the cultural program concluded successfully, the guest of honor himself ultimately spoke in front of his audience to give his response regarding the activities that were prepared for him. It was easily noticeable with his speech how pleased he was with the whole program. He also shared his plans and goals as president which also satisfied the audience, including the students present. The program finally ended with a performance by the BS Biology cheerdancers, the Dula Cheerdance hall-of-famers, and the community singing of the UP Naming Mahal where the almost unanimous raising of fists in the air signified a smooth, successful event. Everybody, including President Pascual, enjoyed the not-so-typical Friday with successful and enriching activities. Its evident that in the end, everybody wins.
Kikko Kalabud

Pres. Pascual together with Mr. Sebastian Anglionto and Faculty Regent Ida Dalmacio during the groundbreaking activity at the Oblation Plaza // The President together with Chancellor Gilda Rivero and Prof. Eufemio Rasco during the book launching // Giving his gratitude to the UP Mindanao community
Jamaica Bulacito (1,2,3)




Latest UPCAT batch tops most populated since 1908

At least 70,000 high school seniors took the exam; most number of takers since foundation 1,128 took the exam at UP Mindanao Key reason of most students was UPs success in maintaining its status as one of the most attractive destination for to-be college students

Darwin Philip Teh, who attained a University-predicted Grade (UPG) of 2.104 during the 2010 UPCAT, delivers his speech to the UPMin community during the University Convocation on June 7. Teh, who is from the BA Communication Arts program, is the first student from the same program and from the College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS) to lead the incoming batch of freshmen.
Sam Sanchez

Updates on GPH-MILF Peace Talks

Beating 2009s population, the latest set of senior high school students who took the University of the Philippines College Admission Test (UPCAT) on August 6 and 7 this year, ranks first as the batch with the largest number of examinees ever since the universitys first operation in 1908. Roughly, about 60,000 students are annually expected to take this exam, but this years population reached up to at least 70,000. On 2009, the UPCAT takers batch for Academic Year 2010-2012 only amounted to 65,000 examinees. Meanwhile, in an interview wherein he was asked what could have caused the rise in number of UPCAT takers this year, UP Admissions Director Prof. Gerald Franco hypothesized that perhaps it was because of UPs success in maintaining its status as one of the most attractive destination for to-be college students. It [UPCAT], might not even be the most difficult entrance examination at all, but to think that we only accept less than 20% of the total population who take the test, we can say that it is the most competitive one, he went on. UP bases a students qualification for admission not only by considering his/her UPCAT performance but also his general weighted average, which is a combination of both her high school grades and his/her UPCAT scores. Aside from this, socio-economic and geographical reasons are also considered for admittance. Furthermore, there are 75 UPCAT testing centres across the country 20 of them are found in Mindanao; 3 are located in Region 11, including the UP Mindanao campus itself. A total of 1,128 high school students went to UPMin as their testing centre. Only few of this population was composed of non-Davao examinees. University Registrar Prof. Karen Cayamanda noted that if ever there were really non-Davao students who took UPCAT in UPMin, they were most likely students from other regions or places who were late, or were not able to take the test in their respective schedules. Kung may mga outside-Davao students mang nahalo sa population na ito, eh kakaunti lang. Marami na rin naman kasing mga testing centres na approved by the UP system all over the country so hindi na nila talagang kinailangan pang sadyain pa ang university, she added.
Safora Korina Alaman

GPH offers a three-for-one solution to MILF

The Government of the Philippines (GPH) proposes a three part deal to resolve the conflicts between them and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), as announced by Professor Miriam Coronel-Ferrer during the forum on Updates on The GPH-MILF Peace Talks held on September 7, 2011 at the Lorenzo Hall, which was spearheaded by the Department of Social Sciences and the UP Mindanao-SSN-HiPec Tripartite Partnership. Prof. Ferrer, the sole woman in the GPH negotiation panel and a professor of Political Science at the University of the Philippines Diliman, discussed the governments proposals to the MILF in the peace process which is to concentrate on: (1) the socio-economic component that primarily aims massive economic development through partnership on socio-economic projects in the conflict-torn areas in Mindanao and massive social services, of which the MILF has already rejected; (2) peace accord; (3) the acknowledgement of cultural space of the Bangsamoro which aims to reconstruct the historical accounts on the Moro people and provide a better view of the Bangsamoro struggle especially in the academic milieu. She marked these proposals as a three-forone solution. Professor Myfel Paluga of the Department of Social Sciences, belonging to the panel of reactors, described the third proposal as a nave attempt of acknowledging the cultural space of the Bangsamoro through mere reconstruction of the historical accounts. He cited two contradicting theories pertaining to the first people to arrive in Mindanao, whether is it the Lumads or the Muslims. Hence, protruding a di-deklaradong tunggalian ng mga narratibo (undeclared contradiction/ competition of narratives). He suggested academic institutions should pay attention to such instances through debates and further studying. In this manner would be able to provide more substantial information about the Bangsamoro struggle and the people. Miss Megumi Kagawa, a research fellow from the Hiroshima University, also belonged to the panel of reactors. She suggested that the government should focus on the socio-political conflicts firsthand as a means to achieve peace. The forum was emceed by Professor Dennis Coronel.
Marianne May Loquias

OSR and KASAMA sa UP hold 3rd Mindanao-wide Student Congress

The Office of the Student Regent, in coordination with the Katipunan ng mga Sangguniang Magaaral sa UP (KASAMA sa UP), spearheaded the 3rd Mindanao-wide Student Congress held last September 10-11 at the Lorenzo Hall. This years theme was UP Strikes Back: Critical, Constructive and Collective Engagement of the Youth in Nation Building. The Student Congress was instituted for student leaders and other university sectors to converge and discuss local and system-wide issues and to come up with resolutions. Student Regent Krissy Conti was present as well as KASAMA sa UP National Executive Council officers Angeli Cando (UP Visayas), the national chairperson, and Krista Melgarejo (UP Mindanao), the vice chairperson for Mindanao. In attendance were delegations from the student council, publication, organizations and individuals in UP Mindanao. Also present were student representatives from the UP Manila School of Health Sciences in Koronadal, a first in Student Congress History. On the first day, the program opened with a briefing of the national situation given by former Bayan Muna representative Joel Virador. The following issues were discussed: landlessness, labor, human rights, situation of social services, the national budget for 2012, and the peace talks of the Government of the Philippines (GPH) with the National Democratic Front (NDF) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF). Mr. Jopriz Bueno of the Educators Forum for Development (EFD) gave input on the Philippine education system and how it continues to manifest in our educational institutions. The longstanding issue of UP students detained for being accused of joining the NPA also resurfaced. Mrs. Ching Montajes was present in order to deliver a short speech to the delegates. Mrs. Montajes talked about her daughter, Maricon Montajes, a Davao City resident and Film student from UP Diliman, who is a political detainee currently detained in Batangas Provincial Jail. The OSR and KASAMA sa UP, along with other organizations have been campaigning for the release of Maricon and all political prisoners. The Task Force Freedom Alliance was established last April 2011 during the KASAMA sa UP National Council Meeting at UP Mindanao. For the workshop period, delegates were split up into five groups to participate in different classroom discussions about sectoral issues. The documentary Ka Bel served as the closing of the congress first day, which tells the story of former Anakpawis representative Crispin Ka Bel Beltran and showed how his life was dedicated in serving the people.

SR Conti then gave a presentation on the current situation on the issues inside the University on the second day. According to her data, this year, UP and other state colleges and universities will be experiencing another round of slashes in their budgets for 2012. Afterwards, the delegates proceeded with the drafting of resolutions and the plenary session. The body was able to adopt 12 resolutions addressing local and national issues such as joining the nation-wide action against budget cuts in education and social services.
KASAMA sa UP / Krista Melgarejo





We traded in the the the

shabby for the shiny, good for the better.

old for the new,

And in this case,

bigger is definitely better.





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Today After Time Immemorial

Darylle Rubino (Anthologized)

Under The Storm, An Anthology of Contemporary Philippine Poetry

Edited by: Khavn de la Cruz and Joel M. Toledo

To jog around the neighborhood on two pairs of rubber soles is to believe that man is not a machine. In the same manner, heroes come on bicycles with better ideas on conservation of the world and of the whole human race. To entertain the thought is the closest thing to a virtue but no one wants to be saint. The innocent prefers diabetes pressured in 233 ml cans. Sugar is the enemy as well as insomnia over flat screen TVs and joysticks, and also trauma and over fatigue. To think them as gifts from a God who gives everything from doing nothing at all can be the best truth in history if such a god exists. After waking up you realize that life had become costly instead of air and a glass of water. The crease on the bed you paid for asks, How was it? When again? What for? The freshly sunlit window pane of your apartment does not change the scene outside: still the amalgam of multi-cultured pedestrians with genes from all kinds of fathers around the seven continents and everything in between. The hypertension you got from the fried chicken this morning is the precursor of cholesterol in thick crust pizza for dinner. Holding back from a big chunk of fat, coke and a cake is a torture for the pagans of the only religion in the world: indulgence. And the Bible said, God is love. The universities do not believe that the world needs a poem to have peace. Who does? Poetry is still not a profession in the Philippines. Inside the earth in earth is fire, inside humans is flesh and inside flesh is desire. Weed is still not a crime in Amsterdam. The TV is god, Sleep is heaven, getting drunk is the best hell ever av ever discovered aside from fire. When time said, Let there be life and along came death. Drink eight glasses of water every day to stay sane.


You have remained untouched at the side of the desk where last night we made love over papers and poetry and pens that worked and did not work when held over blank sheets-their nakedness turned us on, and you pushed me to push the pen further while the cigar smoke rose higher and higher like the dancing of a ballerina swirling and twirling simultaneously with the curves of ink that I wrote upon the nude surfaces that invited words to glide and skate smoothly and mark forever on their bodies. But all that is left of last night is a dried kiss mark of our last kiss imprinted on the rim of the cup where you drugged me; your taste no longer lingering, now fading; the drug dissolving into the waking call of the morning.

Sans the Headboard

Captain Sprak

Our house is a wasteland, our bedroom, a waste lands wasted land, a repository of things forgotten and loved, collecting dust. A trove of old receipts, faded pages, and rat-chewed books, A curtainless kingdom of dust, and wood, and sheets, and pillows A wooden table on my right is piled high with skyscraper-ing books, and a mountain of clothes, and a tribe of pens. A mess, a wooden, musty, dusty square mess.Tsk tsk tsk. A bed on its left where we sleep, where I read, where I write, and where I live is covered with flowers stripes. Childish scribbles populate the walls like graffiti, the crayons marking the brown wooden walls, the pens forever etching my emptiness on the self-same walls that have been witnesses to nightmares and talks and plans and truths and lies that fester, making the wood rot faster I have lived here all my life, in this musty, dusty square mess and I think that I have become a musty, dusty mess myself.

Send us a copy of your literary piece to emailhimati@gmail.com and your submission might be featured in the next issue.





Kumusta, Bt: Updates on the Talong field

Whats happening on the Talong Field?
From March to July this year, our scandalous talong field has been under a more conservative regime. Instead of using the Bt technology, existing farming methods are being tested: organic, synthetic, both, and no method at all. The objective of the study is to improve the quality and quantity of eggplant harvests by evaluating and modifying the procedures. The targeted purpose of these methods is to control the infestation of the Eggplant Fruit and Shoot Borer (EFSB) and to decrease yield loss for the greater interest of farmers and consumers alike. The EFSB, eggplant fruit and shoot borer (Leucinodes orbonalis) is the most widespread and devastating eggplant pest in the South and Southeast Asia. Its larvae feed inside the eggplant shoot and fruits, and retards the vegetative growth of the plants which decreases the marketability and edibility of the fruit. Loss due to EFSB range from 20% up to as high as 92%. That is surely a great loss especially to its peso value! Davao City ranks 13th as the largest producers of eggplants in the Philippines; however its farmers have the least information about different pest management techniques. The different methods are: The organic method, which uses Organic Chili Spray similar to the one currently being used by farmers. The synthetic method, which is use of pesticide. Farmers had been using pesticides that should not be used for EFSB, while others even use Category 1 pestictides that have very high toxicity. The pesticides used in the field are those less poisonous and can be used for commercial purposes. The use of both organic treatment and the pesticide. Natural cultivation, no use of sprays. According to the data revealed by the Bureau of Agricultural Statistics in 2010, the eggplant hectares in the Philippines totaled to 21,170. With 200,942 metric tons eggplants produced, value at PhP3.13 billion, the Philippines now ranks 2nd as the largest producer in Southeast Asia and 9th in the World. Imagine how great it is if we can lessen the EFSB infestation in our country. We could have been the largest producer of eggplant worldwide or lessen the areas for the eggplants and plant other agricultural products in them. More harvests, A much healthier economy for us. Will Bt Talong return to UP? Hopefully, YES! For the sake of our academic freedom, says Prof. Verna Marie Hearne. Bt talong surely will. When approval pushes through, we can probably start replanting in the next month. UP has been in the process of re-application. We are currently in the process of fulfilling the requirements, including thorough and proper distribution of the Public Information Sheet that caught us away on a technical last year and led to the uprooting of our Bt eggplants. The City Council has already stated that it is beyond their jurisdiction to decide on this issue, and now national government agencies are in charge, including the DOST and DAR. As a public institution, we have the responsibility to make studies and produce data for the advancement of all. If we will not be given with this kind of right, then how can we follow our directive as a profitable institution of our country?
Alexander Ken Libranza

Results have come out and they show that not one in all four methods show effective resistance to the infestation. About 50% of the yield is damaged and are not marketable. Analysis of the data revealed that the method which showed most yield losses is the Organic Chili spray treatment (54.12%), followed by the natural treatment (52.39%), then the use of both pesticides and chili spray, and finally the pesticide treatment (47.82%). The study shows that there are no effective methods for controlling EFSB currently in use. The use of the bacteria Trichogramma spp, an organic method, is said to be very effective because they eat the EFSB), but no study has yet proven its effectivity. The use of the Bt technology is still put on hold and prohibited for use in either study of farming. Why talong? That is indeed a very intriguing question. It could be okra, cabbage, onion, garlic and others of the same kind. But why choose talong? Eggplant or Solanum melongena, is a vegetable of great interest to farmers, consumers and researchers alike because of its role in our household meals and our countrys agriculture. Reports show that Asia has been the largest producer of eggplants (20.6M mt) worldwide.

Sir Rasco moves to PhilRice

Some need closure for their MST 4 or 5. Freshmen wonder who he is. Others miss him, or jump for joy because he will no longer be here. We are all asking: Where is Dr. Rasco?


Philippine Rural Reconstruction Management

What are the reasons of his transfer? Dr. Rasco never really planned to transfer because he was rooted in his work here in UP Mindanao. However, he realized that he can help more people if he accepted the offer at the Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice). Will he return to UP Mindanao? He has every intention to return to UP Mindanao. In fact, he comes back from Los Baos almost every month to check up on his thesis students and, of course, the talong field. He is very attached to UP Mindanao. How is he now? What about his job in PhilRice? He is happy, for one thing, because he has been closer to his family. His cat now has an extended family, with the two newcomers, Whitney and Garfield. He is positive about his new job as the Executive Director of PhilRice and hopefully, in his leadership, we can have a better

technologies and policies on farming, selling and consuming rice. Although the Philippines has allotted a sizable percentage of its arable land for growing rice to sustain the countrys staple food demand, we have had to import rice for years. Through his direction, things will hopefully change for the better. Dr. Rascos Legacy in UP Mindanao: Hailed as the Godfather of Biotechnology, Dr. Rasco will surely be remembered in UP Mindanao forever. His name will always be inseparable with his Bt eggplant. However, his greatest legacy will be the students that he had inspired. He has been a profound and extensive researcher and is currently conducting a research in nipa as a viable source of biofuel that he plans to pursue in cooperation with PhilRice.

He is labeled as the dream adviser for Biology thesis students because of the research opportunities of his branch of Biology, and his complete attentiveness to his students throughout their thesis. He was also the teacher who formulated the STS course in UP Mindanao. Also, his research on the Bt eggplant is still going and going strong as they believe that it is a frontier for our economy and food supply.
Alexander Ken Libranza

For more details about the Bt eggplant project and Sir Rasco, check out the Food Frenzy issue at scribd.com/himati or head to your nearest college library.





Beauty and Brains such a commendable regard, isnt it? Well, these two are the basic constituents that create the image of a genuine Isko and Iska. The Search for the Ultimate Isko and Iska is a pageant unique to the whole UP system which aims to showcase the best Iskolars from the whole freshmen population the pair that would truly depict the essence of being an Iskolar ng Bayan. At the onset of the 21st century, Mr. Dennis Sumaylo together with Ms. Megan Patricia Sta. Inez prides of the BA Communication Arts program, pioneered a new generation of Iskolars when they became title-holders of the contest.

Now, 11 years later, Mr. Max Echevarria and Ms. Klimpol Maganaka of BS Biology continues the legend of the title as they were crowned Ultimate Isko and Iska last August 4, and ever since they have been the talk of the town. We happen to have the chance to arrange an exclusive interview with them. So for all you fans out there, heres an account of our little chitchat with the hottest UPMin loveteam, KliMax.

Meet KliMax
When you got into UP, did it ever cross your mind that youd have this privilege of being a contestant to the Ultimate Isko and Iska Pageant? Klimpol: No, it didnt. When I got into UP, I was thinking that Im only here to study. Max: No, it never crossed my mind that I would have the privilege of representing BS Biology in any competition. What was in my head was that I really wanted to know more about my friends and classmates. Have you ever tried joining pageants before? Klimpol: I did not try to join any pageant before. I was just forced to do it and it happened to me for about three times already. Max: Nope, I have never tried joining pageants before. I could still remember that I was really tense on the first days of practice. For you, what is the significance of the wear your course costume? Who made yours? Were you satisfied with it? Klimpol: For me, the wear your course costume is a representation of your well-being. The way one carries it symbolizes his/her inner self. It shows to the people who we really are. Mine was made by my upperclassmens friends. Yes, I was satisfied with it in the sense that it really symbolized each of the Biology students who are like eagles that explore and unmask the beauty of life. Max: For me the wear your course costume represents what our course is all about. The flora and fauna-themed outfits depict the broad scope of biology. I was really amazed at the design of the costume and Im really glad that my upperclassmen acquired it just for us. For you, what is the relevance of the theme? If given the chance, would you prefer another theme? If so, what would be that? Klimpol: Iskolar ng Bayan: Paano Ka Naiiba? speaks of our own distinct and unique characters that are sown deep within ourselves. What counts most is our response towards our country. We must not forget the essence of being called an Iskolar ng Bayan and most of all, our sense of nationalism. Max: The theme was really appropriate for us because we regard ourselves as the Iskolars ng Bayan. The event shows the world what we can do and why we are chosen to be in the University of the Philippines. What some of the preparations that you did for the pageant? Klimpol: The preparations I did were practicing all night long, socializing with my colleagues in the pageant and most of all, asking Gods guidance through prayers. If you would have the chance of changing something in your performance that night, what would that be? Why/ why not? Klimpol: I wouldnt change a single part in my performance that night because I did my best and I know that it was all by Gods grace. Max: I believe that the events that occurred on the night were destined to happen and nothing should be changed. Although we werent able to perform what we practiced, I think it was all for the best since it could have injured us. What was the worst negative feedback that was thrown at you? How were you able to handle that? Klimpol: I havent heard of any negative feedback that was thrown at me. But just a mere intuition: She doesnt deserve to be the ultimate Iska. I was able to handle it by Gods daily provisions in my life. Max: The previous Iskos and Iskas told me that I couldnt walk well and that I didnt show much confidence during the practices. The negative feedbacks really helped me perform better and I am really thankful for it. Was there ever a time when you thought of just backing out and walking away? Why/ why not? Klimpol: Yes, about a couple of times but then God was telling me that I shouldnt because He has appointed me in the pageant and He told me to represent His Son, Jesus Christ well. Max: Yes, indeed. But my family and friends showed much support so I didnt want to let them down by backing out from the competition. For you, what image should and Isko/ka display? Why do you say so? Klimpol: An Isko/ka is exquisite inside and out, excelling in many ways not only in academics but also his/her socialization towards other people because for me, the most important part of a person is his/her inner beauty and also the fullness of his/ her heart. Max: The Isko and Iska should display an image of confidence but is never boastful. He or she should be a person who can take the charge but can give way to those more deserving. Why do you think you won? Klimpol: I could simply answer this question in one line, I won because I started and ended the pageant by FAITH. Max: I really dont know. Hahaha, but I think we really improved during the course of practices. I also think that spending a lot of time with each really helped develop our chemistry and lessened our inhibition towards each other. How does it feel that apparently, you have quite a number of admirers already? Max: Hahahaha, really? Can you cite a few examples? Kidding. To me having admirers is another thing I would thank God for. I just feel really humbled by this news. As an Ultimate Isko/ka, how would you use your victory to encourage students into enrolling here at UP? Klimpol: I would set-up seminars and outdoor activities or programs in partnership with the different organizations of UP Mindanao to voice out to the students the misconceptions regarding what UP is. Though we have this so-called, academic freedom or freedom per s, I would make it clear that we are not all atheist, activist and we observe proper etiquette. In this way, the students will have an idea in changing their general thoughts towards UP. Max: Maybe my victory would make me more noticeable in a crowd thus Ill try my best to be an example for the future enrollees. Also when enrollees would find out about this event, I think they would be challenged to join and commit themselves to UP. If ever you didnt make it as champs, who would be that couple whom you think wouldve won? Why? Klimpol: Each couple deserves to win for we are all victorious. Max: If Klimpol and I didnt make it, I cant really tell who would have won because we all had an equal chance at winning and it was anyones game. Any advice for the future Isko/ka? Klimpol: For the future Isko/ka, dont take the pageant as a real contest. Take it as a friendly competition and enjoy every single part of it. Dont think that the other contestants are your competitors but rather, as your friends. Your real opponent is the previous you, not them. You should put in mind that you can do it! You should never give up and never back down! Trust yourself! Winning isnt everything. Just do your best and God will surely do the rest. Have fun! And God bless you always! Max: To the future Isko/ka, I would encourage you to grab the opportunity immediately because your friends and upperclassmen believe in you and you shouldnt disappoint them. Also try to spend time with your partner because it really helps in developing each others confidence. Feeling uyab dayun, hahaha! Just for the record, what is the weirdest talent or mannerism that you have? Max: The weirdest thing I can think of is that I can scratch my nose continuously using my upper lip.
Jean Kirvy Waga

The Ultimate Isko & Iska Timeline

2000 Dennis John Sumaylo and Megan Patricia Sta. Inez (BA Communication Arts) 2001 Lance Conception and Frida Kho (BA Communication Arts) 2002 Kristone Baltazar and Vanessa Yee (BS Computer Science) 2003 Raphael Funa and Glory Rose Dy (BA Architecture) 2004 Gustl Magbanua and Joan Ravelo (BA Communication Arts) 2005 Dominic Jude Arguillas and Shany Lou Solatorio (BA Anthropology) 2006 Mich Lourence Jubelag and Kimberly Dy (BA Architecture) 2007 Marcius Isip and Angelie Gingco (BS Food Technology) 2008 Due to some disciplinary issues, the Freshmen Night was suspended on this year. 2009 Marvin Doods De Castro (BA Anthropology) and Melona Mascarinas (BA English) 2010 Aladin Humilde and Guia Hidalgo (BA Communication Arts) 2011 Max Echevarria and Klimpol Maganaka (BS Biology)





Fresh On the Fun Lane

Getting into college is quite a pressure for every student. Considering the fact that we are enrolled in a prestigious university, towering paper works and brain-bleeding examinations are naturally anticipated by UP students.
But hey, we arent a bunch of nerdy geeks with thickframed eyeglasses and awkwardly gigantic backpacks, you know! We are students; freshmen students. And in us still lays that tinge of high school life hangover. In the more or less two months of being together, we find that learning has its own fun side. Be it in the classrooms, dormitory lobby, atrium, alley, or downtown, each others goofiness usually triggers a riot. I have this girl bloc mate; shes actually the oldest among us. Nevertheless, she is also the funniest and the silliest. She has this habit of frequently giving off a loud belch. At first I kind of thought that it was somewhat ill-mannered. However, I learned that such a medical condition is actually reflexive. There was even this one time wherein we were having an intimate and very serious discussion in one of our GE subjects, then all of a sudden she bursted a deafening burp! The whole class shockingly turned to her, and with an indifferent voice, she uttered, Oh, sorry. I do that a lot. Its my alternative for farting. The teacher stared at her with bulging eyes for around five seconds then eventually replied, God bless you. During our course acquaintance party, this girl was being her wacky self again. That day, she was wearing a sleeveless blouse paired with a denim city shorts. We were all complimenting her for her revealing outfit and she was in turn, very flattered. She told us all, Im so proud of my armpits today! I actually shaved my bush off the other night so that I can wear this thing with poise! she flashed a confident grin towards us and slowly, she flapped her arms in full exaggeration, as if she was flying! Our upperclassmen were certainly staggered to see her doing so, and we all laughed hysterically. One Friday night, the BACA freshmen decided to go downtown and have some bonding trip together. We had our dinner, a definitely fun-filled dinner, at one of the prominent fast foods here in Davao. One of our block mates ordered a spicy grilled chicken while miss funny girl here, preferred a regular one. However, when the orders were finally delivered, there seemed to be an interchange of meals and apparently, she had to eat the spicy chicken! She was practically crying already while chewing her food, and rice grains were falling off her mouth. Yet she still managed to complain at that very situation, Huhu, this isnt what I ordered, huhu, its so freakin spicy!! she cried. We didnt know how to react then whether wed pity her for such inconvenience, or laugh at her roughly warped face. Good news is, through the aid of at least twelve glasses of water, she was able to finish her meal. Hooray! Girls seem to be in dominion of madness. Another block mate of mine on the other hand, has this unique talent of impersonating boys quite professionally. During a role play in one of our GE courses, she portrayed the guy part. Showing how sweet of a partner she was, she slowly wrapped her arms around her darling and said, Oh babe! I love you babe even when youre stupid sometimes babe. Your beauty is ok already babe! She purposely exaggerated her pronunciation of the word babe thus it sounded like babe-uhhh instead. She even banged the board to accentuate passion. Gosh, it was madly gross! In vernacular terminology, it was certainly what we can consider as ngilngig. Nonetheless, she delivered a remarkable performance. Our classmates were howling like crazy and even our teacher himself couldnt breathe because he was too overjoyed with her craziness. This girl made the class even more hyped up just recently. It was a Wednesday morning and we were all waiting for our professor at the Interactive Learning Center. Just then, she realized that she was hungry so she went out for a while to grab some flakes and sandwich spread. After several minutes, she returned back to the room wearing that frowny face of hers. We asked her what was wrong and in an extremely devastated tone, she exclaimed URGHHH!! Someone stole my Finnetti sandwich spread! What the heck?! I used up my entire savings last month to acquire that very expensive spread and yet someone would just steal it like that? Curse that person! I wasnt even able to enjoy it fully yet! we somehow pitied her for that unfortunate loss but at the same time we couldnt contain our laughters since she was throwing tantrums like a little girl. Coincidentally, she was assigned to report a topic regarding the rationality of man. So when it was her turn to explain, she was like See?! We are all rational beings so I cant seem to understand the point why someone rational would choose to steal someone elses freakin Finetti sandwich spread! the audience couldnt help but laugh at such statement and we all applauded. After all, she was right. But wait, dont think that boys have not any humorous nature; they indeed do! It was a Monday night and everybody was out in the dormitory lobby to attend the Waste Segregation orientation. One boy block mate of ours, however, encountered this somewhat embarrassing incident. He was taking a half bath then and when he returned to his room to get himself some pants, he realized that his cabinet was locked and he couldnt find his keys anywhere! He panicked, eventually; and since all students were required to attend the activity, he was left with no choice. He picked up a malong, covered up his lower proximities, and rushed towards the lobby. Everyone was shocked to see his bagong-tuli sort of get up. Then one curious girl asked, Are you wearing boxer shorts? he then replied defensively, Of course. My cabinet was locked and keys were missing in action so I had no choice but to cover myself up with this. Ohhh, really. The crowd uttered

in unison. As the orientation was ongoing, one girl found herself disturbed with that guys appearance. You couldnt blame her for that; he was spreading his legs quite too widely and he even had the courage to raise his left leg. He seemed to be saying, Come baby, come to me! for Christs sake. Whether unintentionally or done in purpose, a person could really peep through that space between his legs. Turned out that girl was a keenobserver, so she realized that the guy wasnt wearing any boxers at all. However, hoping she was wrong, she tried to verify it. Minutes later, she saw something bulky between his legs; as if in an erectile position. Therefore, a conclusion was made: he had no boxer shorts. It was yet again a funny moment in a ngilngig way. In our batch, and our course, we have a lot of bisexual block mates. I personally think that having one as a friend is cute. They are so high-spirited and just so jubilant. Needless to say, they possess a feminine heart. One friend of ours, known for his cheerfulness, surprised us when we saw him crying just a few days ago. He was sitting in one corner of the dormitory lobby while sobbing his heart out. After a while, he ran towards his room; exhibiting a dramatic exit. Concerned colleagues as we were, I and another girl friend of mine took the risk of entering the premises of the boys. The girl even climbed up the deck and really comforted him. I on the other hand just stood down there, watching them (I didnt exactly know what to do when I learned about the reason why he was crying). Around a minute after we were in his room, someone from the outside shouted, Oy! Mag random bed check daw! Panulod na mo! for a moment there, we froze in shock. I and my girl friend looked at each other with extremely nervous expressions. Without another word, I ran out of the room. I arrived the lobby faster than Mercury could cross a meter! I was panting really hard when one of our block mates asked me, What happened to you? I told her, We were in his room for around a minute cause we were supposed to comfort him with his problem when suddenly some boy announced that the resident assistant would hold a random bed check Gashung, maayo wala mo nasakpan! Haha! she teased me. Just then, my girl friend arrived, also out of breath. I realized that I actually left her in the room, so apologized. Its okay, gosh I really panicked! I didnt know how to go down from the upper deck of the bed. His feet were blocking the ladder so, guess what, I jumped! I actually jumped! Cant believe I just did that. Hahaha. It was one heck of an adrenaline rush! she said, then laughed at herself. Oh, there are in fact a lot more fun experiences to share. But unfortunately, these are just the ones that I vividly remember. The first year in college marks the beginning of a persons gradual maturity. There are times when get too carried away with frolic and stuff yet we shouldnt forget that we must already learn to take things seriously. Im a transferee student, and I must say that having the opportunity to become a freshman twice is actually more like a blessing. Now, I get to appreciate the fun side of learning. Surely there are loads of funny moments that await our college life. After all, we are still fresh on the fun lane.
Jean Kirvy Waga

The Social Everglades

No one knows how bad it is to be smart. You choose to live with your books every day. You study, not just only to put things in your mind, but also to entertain yourself. It is like your books are your life, and you cannot even live without them. A day without opening a book becomes a day of boredom and confusion. Do you know what its like to be a freak, a nerd? Of course you dont. Most of you had never been there. It hurts that people have their life, a life, and yours is spent lying in your bed studying while your parents want you to go out and have fun. It was never my parents fault I was made like this. It was my choice. I chose to be nerd. Im happy having a life like this, having my whole life revolve around my books and computers, and even better, now we have e-books. Books in a computer. Now I can access any books I want to read around the world in any language I want to. I feel great, powerful and safe in this world, this world I have built for myself. Yet, had the possibility occurred to you of a love story of a nerdy-school boy falling in love with the hottest, smartest, most beautiful and perfect chick in the campus? Yes, that was me and that was my story. My love story was a very common one. But. Yet. I still enjoyed playing that song I wish I sang to her. It was the most perfect song I had heard all these years. With the perfect melody and words, it fits every detail of hers and mine. It was as if the world was only revolving between the two of us. It gave me the thought of her and her perfect smile and the blink of her eyes that made her one of a kind. I keep noticing how graceful she walks and how she wave her hands around her friends and even how her hair moves as she moves. Being part of the nerdy-club made me an outcast in my social life. Well, as if I had one. The society for me is like a big mathematical puzzle filled with emotional equations and society problems. And the thought of having it mixed up with my personal life right now makes me explode with numbers and countless mathematical possibilities with calculated risks and theories of what would come up. Yet it dawned on me and I never really understood the origin and the probable cause of all of the things that they were doing. Spending money just to meet up with friends and again spend money to eat in fast-food chains when they can meet up with their so called friends at home and eat cooked food with even greater nutritional value. I may be an outcast, but I had also made my observations and made some concluding factors out of it. I was thinking that these people just have to go out and meet up with people at someplace to do something because (a) they were bored of their life at home, with the same scenery wherever they look and they tend to look for places new to them for adventure; (b) they wanted to be in in the society; (c) they lack interest in life and so they look for it in others; (d) they find less love at home and so they look for it outside it, and; (e) they are self-contained and so they want others to play a role in their life. Most of the people with society life tend to look at life as a bit of adventure day by day. They dont want to be stuck in a time loop, doing all of the things you do the same each day. They want some new and fresh and bold and profound every single day. And so they look for adventure not just only to provide them the life they were looking for, that they wanted and expected but cant find, to make them feel alive from all of the uninteresting pressures that push on them that kills a little piece of themselves everyday. Because we wanted each day of our life not to fall in the same story as the others, and because we want to escape the life that we dont want to have but do, we tend to make things up just to cope.


1. Angay bang i-legalize ang habal-habal ug ngano? 2. Sa imong pag-ambit, angay bang tugtan ang curfew sa Atrium? 3. Isambit ang imong gibati mahitungod sa Kalimudan. 2006-57201; BA Communication Arts
1. For me, oo kay kung dili man gud i-legalize ang habal-habal, wala guy governing body. Ang uban man gud drivers nagapangabuso ug pasahe. So, ang estudyante kay dili jud sila kabalo kung pila ba jud ang tama nga ihatag. Siguro, okay lang, pero dapat siguro pud maghatag sila ug considerations sa mga activites pero para man pud na sa safety sa mga estudyante. Layo siya pero medyo mahal-mahal pud ang food medyo COMMERCIALIZED na kaayo. Pero, okay man pud siya, dako ug naa pud siyay official nga tambayanan sa mga estudyante. Dili, naa may jeep. Ang safety man gud na mahatag sa UP ikot is much better than habalhabal. Wala may specific standard sa fare compared sa ikot or jeep. Dili. Dili gyud. In terms of safety sa estudyante, mas-safe jud ta if naa ta sa Atrium compared kung magbutang sila ug limit sa time, unya ang mga estudyante, asa sila mag-practice or mag-meeting. Di jud ko ganahan sa Kalimudan. Layo kaayo siya, unya wala siyay covered walk na pwede baktasun sa mga estudyante if ga-ulan. Unya, mahal didto ug ang quality pud sa pagkaon, and ang environment dili conducive as tambayan sa mga estudyante. Dili kay delikado man gud siya. Pero, naa man guy other means of transportation. Dili kay there are times na kailangan jud magpractice ang mga students. Murag gamay lang ang pagpilian sa food tapos balik-balik pa siya. Murag dli pud siya satisfactory for me. Sugot ko kay more convenient siya compared sa jeep. Maghulat pa kag mga pasahero. Basta, ang habal-habal, biskan asa man ka muadto, musulod man pud. Yep. And, dili man pud dapat pwede sugtan ang mga estudyante na mag-stay diri pag late hours para pud sa ilahang safety. I rarely visit that place. I cant say more about that. Hindi kasi ang mahal nilang sumingil ng pamasahe kahit isang tao ka lang. Reasonable ang sidecar kahit 20 pesos ang singil kasi personalized siya. Hindi kasi open naman yan, diba? Easy access naman din sa students, ganun. Its a nice place kaso ang layo niya. Sa pagtan-aw nato dinha, kana man gud ang source of income sa mga katauhan diri lalo na sa UP. Okay lang man siya na i-legalize pero dapat naay regulations sa ilaha. Dapat naa silay mga permit para ma-check ba kung naga-uyon sila sa batas ang ilahang pagpadagan sa ilang sakyanan. Dapat man pud siguro na mag-adjust ang gobyerno na unta i-legalize pero naay tama na pag-regulate sa ana. Para sa akuha, dili kay naga-tuo ko ang mga UP students kay thinking individuals na. Para sa asa ang curfew? Di man na tama, wala siyay material na basehan na kinahanglan ang curfew. Kaya gastay ang mga UP students pag gabii na kay wala may silay lahi nga place para magtapok ang mga organizations kung i-implement na nila ang curfew dapat mangita ug paraan ang administration na naay isa ka venue para sa mga student organizations para maka-practice ug maka-meet na parehas pud sa Atrium na conducive. Manifestation siya sa commercialization sa UP. Kay kung mangutana ta sa mga tenants dinha, mahal jud daw ang renta ug hantod karon ang uban dira wala pa naka-bawi. Dili panahon ang pagpatindog sa kalimudan sa kagamay sa popyulasyon sa UP, dili pud siya maka-gain ug profit. Sa idea palang ng profit, kana jud ang dapat batukan kay mahal ang presyo sa mga pagkaon dira sa sulod ug dili nato masisi nato ang mga estudyante nganong dira pa gud sa gawas mukaon kay masbarato man. Pobre man gud ang mga taga-UP kaya dili napapanahon ang pagtindog sa Kalimudan.

Nadunggan sa HIMATI
Kinsa manang nagpauso ug UP and others? Dili nako gets.


HIMATI index

2011-36968; BS Agribusiness Economics

1. For me, dili kay dili man gud siya totally safe transportation compared sa others and wala silay tariff. Dili kay naa may mga ambitious nga mga projects na ginahatag ang mga teachers mao dapat nila ihatag ang atrium for free. Nganong mahal kayo ang baligya sa Kalimudan unya walay lami? Unya, layo pa kaayo, pag-adto nimo sa Kalimudan, gutom nasad ka kay naconsume ang imong pagkaon sa pag-travel. Kung i-legalize siya, so ma-fix nama-fix ang price, mas-safe na siya for students ug masconvenient na siya. Dili. Murag property man gud na sa estudyante kay murag tambayan man na kay wala na silay uban nga maadtuhan. Healthy foods, clean service, ganahan ko sa ilahang service, ganahan ko sa ilang food. Ang lain lang kay ang budget gud sa estudyante murag makulang gud. Ang Kalimudan kay murag mahal kaayo siya unya ang taste sa ilahang pagkaon murag dili swak sa estudyante. Okay lang sa akuha kay murag dili man gud pirme ang jeep diri-ah. Ganahan pud ko sa habal-habal kay paspas mudagan unya ang jeep kay maghulathulat pa ka. Dili kay easy man gud siya nga lugar, murag accessible siya para sa estudyante. Kay kung naa man sila sa uban nga lugar, masdelikado pa. Dapat kay barato ang mga baligya, dapat naa pa silay daghan ibaligya. For me, yes, its okay because its not safe. For me, dili dapat kay dapat free ang students na mag-go there anytime siyempre kung naay mga groupworks. Ug, whats the use of the Atrium if dili siya pwede gamiton anytime? Walay lami ilang sud-an and balik-balik ra ang sud-an. Tapos, mahal. Oo. Pero dapat naa niy balaod para maka-ensure ta sa pag-operate nila. And musugot pud ko para ma-fix jud ning mga pasahe nila para dili jud ta basta-basta matikas-tikasan lang. Okay lang kay dili man pud ko gatambay-tambay didto-a. Ang Kalimudan lami sa sinudanan, sug-on kadugayan. Dili siya safe ug naay mga drivers na harsh magdrive. Ug naa pay uban nga taas musingil. Feeling ko, yes para sa kaligtasan ng mga tao. Seriously, parang wala siyang kwenta. Sayang ang paggawa nila kay walay lami ang pagkaon. Ngano pa man ko mag-adto didto na naa may dira masmura ug pagkaon? Dili kay delikado siya nga transportation. Dili kay ang uban nga estudyante kay mugamit jud siya sa mga lahi-lahi nga practices ug meetings. Layo kaayo unya mahal kaayo unya walay tarong na limpyo. Para sa ako, dili kay kung i-legalize siya, masmudaghan ang habal-habal drivers then, taas ang probability na mas-mudaghan ang manakay ug habal unya mas-mudaghan ang ma-aksidente. If musakay gud kag habal-habal, pray unceasingly kay mura jud siyag rocket mudagan. Para sa akuha, dapat naay curfew kay kung wala siyay curfew kay mysterious things would happen. I cant say it. Actually, dili man ko gakaon sa Kalimudan, first week lang jud ko nagakaon diri kay ana man si Maam Bambi na dili daw mi mukaon sa Ate Lings ug Ate Malou. Pero tong gakaon pako sa Kalimudan, okay lang man pero gamay ra jud ang serve. Dili jud ka mabusog.

Ari oh #adorablelittlegirlwhotakesourorderwheneverweeatatatemalou Kalimudan ta bay kay walay tao. Pakshet jud nang wala ga-flush sa CR sa Dorm ba! Hubagang Oble uy. Grabe man yang mga upclass oi. Hindi man kami bulok. UP man kami! Fake gud ang siomai sa Kalimudan! Math 11, why you no like me? Gwapuha niya oi. Nganong professor man gud siya? Excited na kaayo ko mahimong upclass! Maka HI FRESHIES na jud ko. Atik? Ashtray pala ang tawag diyan? Akala ko may fountain diyan dati! Unta magka-uniform na ang UP kay nahurot na akong sanina! Mag-Diliman ka next year? Sabay ta bi! (Feel free to sing along) Ang daming cute boys dito sa amin, ngunit bakit tila walang natira? Gumaganda sila. PUTA!!!! NAKATAMAK KOG TAE!!! #hkc Saan ang rallies? Bakit walang nagra-rally dito sa school? B-L-O-C-K ba ang bloc? Its not that I dont like you pero youre not UP material. Sukad pa tong UPCAT pa kog sigeg ingon ug makapasa unta ko. Shet. Bakit kaya sila nagpi-PDA dito? Mahal na ba ang per night sa lodge?





2009-54792; BS Agribusiness Economics


2009-03312; BA Communication Arts






2007-57317; BA Anthropology

2011-52247; BS Computer Science

1. 2. 3.



2011-37654; BA Anthropology
1. 2. 1.

2005-66909; BA English



2011-37373; BS Applied Mathematics


3. 1.

2011-53945 BA English

2. 3.

2. 3. 1.

2011-70336; BS Architecture
1. 2. 3.

2007-37740; BS Food Technology

2011-20654; BS Biology
1. 2. 3.


2011-57252; BS Food Technology

1. Okay lang man kasi masmura siya. Pero kung i-legalize nila dapat meron silang helmet, ganyan. Tapos ang bayad sa estudyante, siguro dapat ibawas. Much better na walay curfew kay unsahon na lang nato ang mga estudyante na naa pay himuon kung lampas pa sa curfew? Unsahon na nila ang dapat nila practisun sa mga presentations kung may curfew? Magpuliki-puliki na sila sa pagpangita kung asa sila magpractice. Layo siya ug boring kay paulit-ulit ang ulam. May aircon pero walang silbi tapos mahal ang bilihin! Oo pero dapat ipa-register sa nila ug taman ang ilang habal-habal. Dili, para ma-maximize jud ng mga estudyante ang ilang ginabayaran nga Energy Fee ug maluoy pud ta sa mga dormers na dili na makasulod sa Dorm kung curfew hours na. Mahal siya. Dili siya affordable ug walay lami ang pagkaon.


2011-52514; BA Communication Arts





2009-07395; BS Food Technology

1. 2.







Things we miss: the old UPMin

only every other week. These teachers vary from in-demand seniors with their doctorates always leaving for conventions and seminars, to those who But lets take the time to go back in time. Heres the UPMin we all grew oddly declare holidays fond of, the UPMin that hid away in the boondocks, the UPMin that this years and sick days freshmen have no idea about. We present a memoir, a chronicle, a homage to the so often you place that seemed wild and insufferable at first but gradually became a home. start to wonder Here are the things we miss: the old UP Mindanao. about getting a refund for your tuition. These Class cards. They always look shiny and hopeful when are the classes you first get them, devoid of ugly attendance marks you should probably never expect to return your class cards, which be left stashed in a pigeon and recitation deductions, but that only lasts so long. hole or on a shelf under voluminous blue books Class cards used to play a big role in enrollment and that get cleaned away before the next semester end-of-semester results, as much as in everyday starts. These are the classes that tempt you to class life. As with all things, class cards were used forget about school the whole day. But persevere. by teachers to add another dimension to the word Because they can also be the key to an easy 1.0 torture. These are the teachers with their respective or a painfully unexpected 5.0. class card horrors:
The whole school is has been getting a complete face lift, from infrastructures to teachers to courses. Theres a shift in the atmosphere, big and little changes leading up to what seems to be a completely different campus. But these changes are done with good intention, and from where we stand now, it is easy to see a state-of-the-art, dynamic university a few years ahead, ready to rival any school here in Mindanao, and even the other UP constituents we look up to, like Diliman and Los Banos. Its an exciting time to be part of the school, when its shaping up so well and we get to be a part of whats going to make it great: we are going to be part of the legacy of UP Mindanao of generations to come. Revamped landscapes. Sleek, modern buildings. Paved roads. Are we really talking about UPMin here?

semester might validate this theory. Aside from that which is plastered into the buildings, there was simply no concrete in sight. The Abortion Road, which is now called Kalimudan Road, was given its nickname because if a woman with child tried to pass through it, they would inevitably meet with a horrible accident. Its steep incline, combined with the jutting rocks and slippery mud (there was almost always mud), constituted disaster. Or at least, discomfort. The Kanluran (CSM) Road, now the Maguindanao Road, was Gods challenge in life to all UPMin students, but more significantly to CSM students. To say it was rocky is an understatement. It was like a built-in mini mountain terrain. In the earliest years it had boulders as big as those at the foot of the sculptures at CSM. We can make fun and boast of it now, but that road was truly an added burden. A trip across it was a very bumpy, tiring obstacle course. Trying to speed through it when you are late is pathetic. Walking on it is like taking a hike in between classes. And in strong incessant rain, the road so resembles a river that one would peek out the jeeps window to check if the vehicle was floating yet. Ate Marichu. Once upon a time, in front of the EBL dorm, was Mar & Ger Eatery run by Ate Marichu. It used to be the biggest canteen UP had. Sure, the food never changes, it is much too hot and packed at lunch time, and the drinking water was repeatedly proven to be the home of E. coli bacteria. But since it was biggest, and therefore most identifiable, and nearest to the dormitory, where almost everyone tries to live in for a while, it is usually the first place every student remembers eating at and frequented. Its musty and dusty interiors and questionable food will always have a spot in a students memory, even if not on the school grounds. But Mar & Ger Eatery is still open for business a little outside the UP entrance. French and Bahasa Indonesia. One of the funnyand by funny I actually mean sadthings about UPMin is how it says Language Elective on our prospectus when we dont get to elect a language at all. Japanese is fun, no doubt, but you cant really say the same for its strange grammar and multiple writing systems. However, way back in the day, there used to be more candidates for Language Elective. There used to be French and Bahasa Indonesia taught at UPMin as well. Dean Marcy used to teach French, but as one is dean, one gets busy, of course. To teach Bahasa Indonesia, UP hired someone from the Indonesian consulate. That went well until they asked for a raise and a service to and from the consulate in Ecoland, which obviously does not fly well with a state university. So, hello Japanese. Or should I say konnichiwa?
Kit Iris Frias

The Deadly Weapon. Teachers in this category wield class cards like weapons. They use it for attendance, convenient for marking A for absent and T for tardy, stammer and blushinducing recitations, reports that never seem to end despite how many bucketfuls of sweat you seem to have produced, to reveal your completely embarrassing complete name for the whole class to snicker at, and a lot more. These teachers carry class cards to every class, strapped up in signature extra thick rubber bands. They shuffle these cards while you pray for a miracle, that the card with your name on it has been magically misplaced for the day, and they randomly pick the next unlucky contestant. They are usually dubbed horror teachers, but are also usually the teachers who show you what a real UP class should be like, in the end, give you grades you truly deserve. The Stunner. These mild, funny teachers who seem to be too easily bullied or befriended seem to hide secret longings to make students suffer. Once to thrice a semester, they whip out those class cards that we never really expect to see again and use them to make insufferable groupings, conduct merciless recitations, and the like. They are also usually the teachers that give low grades in the end. So bewarebeneath that easy-going personality lies harsh scores and big piles of readings. The MIAs. We dont know why they bother to use class cards. We dont even know why they bother coming to class. You eagerly give them your class card on the first day, but have classes practically

The Main Library. Smack dab in the intersection of the University Avenue, Kalimudan Road and the dirt road to HKC is the old address of the now-gone Main Library. They say the building that housed it used to be a convenience store for the military troops before UP came along. It wasnt given much attention by most students; they passed by it on the way to class, borrowed some books that were either too heavy or due too soon to enjoy. It was small, old and not very well-lighted. The most noticeable decorations it had include a replica of the Mindanao archipelago that looked a lot like a coffee table, the investiture gowns of UPMins two chancellors, posters that listed the presidents of the UP system and the decree by for the institution of the University. But inside, it was very silent, cool, and actually conducive for learning and reviewing. Its most common customers are probably the Anthropology students, because they have most reason to use its extensive Filipiniana section. It also held the old LEMITO off to the side, an annoying, cramped place to have to walk to just to watch a movie especially when it suddenly rains. If its location as the most perfect way to Oble is any indication, it was also one of the Universitys provided means to valuable information. The (Old) Kanluran Road and Abortion Road. Older students suspect that part of the difficulty in attracting high school graduates to enroll in UP is the terrible condition of its thoroughfares. Entrance examinees usually get turned off by the jungle roads of UP Mindanao. The sudden inflow of a bigger and wealthier population into the university since this

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