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PouI's Sforfed OnIine Cruise 8ookingl

Dau|'s 1rave| and 1ours started on||ne cru|se book|ng serv|ce as a part of |ts effort to
|aunch |ts serv|ces on||ne Cne can now go the|r webs|te wwwdpau|scom and book
cru|se on||ne
uaul's 1ravel and 1ours a premler Lour operaLor of lndla launched lLs on||ne cru|se book|ng
servlce 1hls servlce ls avallable Lhrough lLs Lravel porLal wwwdpaulscom 1he MarkeLlng
head of upaul's asserL hls happlness aL Lhls new servlce launch Crulse onllne booklng ls a
new addlLlon Lo our webslLe almed aL provldlng lnformaLlon and cholces abouL crulses from
all over Lhe world Lo cusLomers 1he ldea ls Lo help our cusLomers Lo make a well lnformed
cholce and lead Lhem Lo book onllne" AL Lhe momenL Lhe u aul's has only launched a
Superstar V|rgo cru|se whlch operaLes from Slngapore and ls a Lwo nlghL programme
SupersLar vlrgo ls a luxury crulsellner under Lhe flagshlp of Star Cru|ses
Check ouL Lhe followlng llnk for furLher lnformaLlon hLLp//dpaulscom/crulse/
very soon we are golng Lo launch many more addlLlonal crulses and rlghL now we are ln Lhe
sLage of uploadlng Lhe crulse lnformaLlon onllne" beamed Lhe MarkeLlng head 1he SupersLar
vlrgo Crulse can be booked now ln few easy and hassle free sLeps onllne 1he repuLed 1ravel
Agency ls booklng Lhe crulses from a very long Llme and has carved a nlche for lLself ln Lhe
dynamlc Lravel and Lourlsm markeL uaul's ls also Lhe referred Sa|es Agent (SA) of SLar
Crulses We are maklng efforLs Lo provlde dlfferenL servlces onllne on our webslLe we
already have packages slghLseelng Lours and alrporL Lransfers now Lhe crulse ls anoLher
addlLlon Lo our onllne servlces" sald Lhe MarkeLlng Pead of upaul's
About D au|'s
u auls ls a premler Lravel agency of lndla whlch ls repuLed for lLs hlgh cusLomer saLlsfacLlon
and good quallLy Lravel packages 1he organlzaLlon was seL up ln 1992 and slnce Lhen lL has
made enormous sLrldes ln lndlan Lravel markeL and ls one of Lhe LrusLed and repuLed brand ln
lndla uauls offer varlous Lravel servlces llke hoLel booklngs fllghL reservaLlons Lravel
packages slghLseelng Lours crulses vlsa servlces forelgn exchange and many more
uaul's has made successful foray lnLo onllne Lravel webslLe segmenL and keeplng wlLh lLs
repuLaLlon for easy user frlendly servlces has made mosL of lLs servlces onllne
wwwdpaulscom ls Lhelr offlclal webslLe where you wlll geL ample lnformaLlon abouL varlous
aLLracLlve Lravel packages slghLseelng Lours alrporL Lransfers crulses and many more
Manuj Mishra,
D.Paul's Travel and Tours Ltd.
B-36, Shivalik, Malviya Nagar
New Delhi -110017
Mobile: - +91 9211787134
Email: -
Website: -

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