World Streets Weekly Edition of 12 December 2011

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World Streets This Week 12 December 2011

New post on World Streets

Combating the Myth That Complete Streets Are Too Expensive

by Eric Britton, editor
Tanya Snyder from Streetsblog DC takes a good look at this often-advanced view that, good as they may be for a wide range of reasons, the fact is that we just can't afford complete streets. One more great reason not to change, eh?

Read more of this post Eric Britton, editor | 10 December 2011 at 16:14 | Categories: Safe Streets, Safety, shared space, Street sharing, StreetsBlog | URL:

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World Streets This Week 12 December 2011

New post on World Streets

Safe Streets 2012 Challenge: Lets take a step back to get some context
by Eric Britton, editor

Joel Crawford of Carfree Cities writes: "Cities in the modern era have been overrun by cars and trucks. Streets have been stolen from human uses by invasive street users. Not only is this method unlikely to be sustained into the future, it also robs society of some of its most important public spaces. Carfree cities are a delightful solution to many different problems at once." With that, let's have a look at his short film that bangs these points home. Occupy All Streets: The Role of Carfree Cities in a More Sustainable World from J.H. Crawford on Vimeo. Read more of this post Eric Britton, editor | 9 December 2011 at 09:32 | Categories: Car-free, quality of life, Safe Streets, shared space, Street | URL:

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World Streets This Week 12 December 2011

New post on World Streets

Safe Streets 2012 Challenge: Is there only one way to skin this cat?
by Eric Britton, editor
Traffic in Frenetic HCMC, Vietnam from Rob Whitworth on Vimeo.

Read more of this post Eric Britton, editor | 8 December 2011 at 09:20 | Categories: Safe Streets, Safety | URL:

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World Streets This Week 12 December 2011

New post on World Streets

The Safe Streets Challenge: 2012 2015

by Eric Britton, editor

After considerable and at times quite contentious discussions over the last months with colleagues around the world through various discussion fora, social media, programs, conferences and personal visits, we have decided to make one of the principal themes of our work here at World Streets for the coming year that of Safe Streets. Read more of this post Eric Britton, editor | 6 December 2011 at 13:37 | Categories: democracy, Facebook, Safe Streets, Safety, shared space, Street Code | URL:

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World Streets This Week 12 December 2011

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