Geotech Report

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The Kelana 1aya Line is a medium-capacity rail transport system and one oI the
three rail transit lines in the Kuala Lumpur Rail Transit System operated by RapidKL
Rail network. The other rail transit is the Ampang Line & Monorail Line.
The Kelana Jaya Line was Iormerly known as PUTRA LRT ("PUTRA" stands Ior
Profek Usahasama Transit Ringan Automatik Sdn Bhd the company which developed
and operated it). Following a restructuring oI ownership and management the line is
currently owned by Syarikat Prasarana Negara Berhad (SPNB) and operated by Rapid
The Iirst operation oI Kelana Jaya Line commenced on September 1 1998 between
Subang Depot to Pasar Seni and phase two between Pasar Seni to Terminal Putra in
June 1999.
In 2002 the system carried its 150 millionth passenger with an average oI 160000
passengers riding the system daily at that time. Today it carries over 190000
passengers a day and over 350000 a day during national events.
The line will undergo a 17 km extension with construction expected to commence in
early-2010 through 2012. With a total oI 13 new stations to the line the new terminus
will be relocated to Putra Heights Irom the existing Kelana Jaya station.
The Kelana Jaya Line consists oI a single line Irom Kelana Jaya to Gombak that
primarily serves the Petaling Jaya region to the south; southwest and central Kuala
Lumpur and Kuala Lumpur City Centre to the centre; and various low density
residential areas Iurther north in Kuala Lumpur. At 29 km in length this line is the
third longest Iully automated driverless metro system in the world aIter the SkyTrain
in Greater Vancouver Canada (68.7 km) and the Lille Metro VAL in Lille France
(32 km).
Kelana Jaya Line's stations are given in a north-south direction consists primarily oI
elevated stops and a handIul oI underground and at-grade stations. OI a total oI 24
stations 16 are elevated and 5 stops between Pasar Seni and Ampang Park are
underground. The only at-grade station is Sri Rampai.
The stations like those oI the Ampang Line are styled in several types oI
architectural designs. Elevated stations in most parts were constructed in Iour major
styles with distinctive rooI designs Ior speciIic portions oI the line. The KL Sentral
station added later Ieatures a design more consistent with the Stesen Sentral station
building. Underground stations however tend to Ieature unique concourse layout and
vestibules and Ieature Iloor-to-ceiling platIorm screen doors to prevent platIorm-to-
track intrusions. 13 stations (including two terminal stations and the Iive subway
stations) utillise a single island platIorm while 11 others utilize two side platIorms.
Stations with island platIorms allow easy interchange between north-bound and south-
bound trains without requiring one to walk down/up to the concourse level.

urrent line of Kelana 1aya path

Line Extension Proposal
On 29 August 2006 Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister Mohd Najib Abdul Razak
announced that the western end oI the Kelana Jaya Line would be extended to the
suburbs oI Subang Jaya such as UEP Subang Jaya (USJ) and Putra Heights which are
located to the south-west oI Kuala Lumpur. The extension will be part oI a RM10
billion plan to expand Kuala Lumpur's public transport network.
The expansion plan will also see the Ampang Line extended to the suburbs oI
Puchong and the south-west oI Kuala Lumpur The plan also involved the construction
oI an entirely new line tentatively called the Kota Damansara-Cheras Line running
Irom Kota Damansara in the western portion oI the city to Cheras which lies to the
south-east oI Kuala Lumpur.
As oI August 2008 Syarikat Prasarana Negara was reportedly running land and
engineering studies Ior the proposed extension.
In September 2009 Syarikat Prasarana Negara began displaying the alignment oI the
proposed extensions (Kelana Jaya and Ampang Line) to the public over a 3-month
period Ior Ieedback. The Kelana Jaya extension will see 13 new stations over a length
oI 17 km Irom Kelana Jaya to Putra Heights. Construction is expected to commence
in early-2010.
On November 2010 Prasarana announced that it has awarded RM1.7 billion Ior Iirst
phase oI the project. The winners include Trans Resource Corp Bhd Ior the Kelana
Jaya line extension portion. UEM Builders Bhd and Intria Bina Sdn Bhd were
appointed as subcontractors Ior the Iabrication and supply oI segmental box girder
jobs Ior the Kelana Jaya line.
Construction works on the Kelana Jaya Line and the Ampang Line Extension project
are targeted to escalate at the end oI March with commencement oI structural works
subject to approval Irom state government and local authorities.

Proposed Extension Project

$o what`s The Fuss with the extension project?
A group oI residents Irom Putra Heights and Subang Alam are demanding that
Syarikat Prasarana Berhad (Prasarana) give them some assurance that the proposed
light rail transit (LRT) track alignment near their residential area is saIe.
At a press conIerence in the Parliament lobby today the residents` Task Force For
LRT Kelana Jaya Line Station 11 and 12 claimed that an independent geologist had
advised against the construction oI the track in the area.
The group said the Iindings oI the report done by Geological Disaster Programme
Co-ordinator in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia ProI Dr Tajul Anuar Jamaluddin
revealed that the uneven slopes and Iormer quarry around the proposed sites Ior the
eleventh and twelIth stations to the Kelana Jaya LRT lines posed a risk to users
The group is also urging the Selangor state government to conduct an independent
study on the hill slopes and quarry. The other residents have submitted a Merdeka
Centre survey report to the Mentri Besar but have not received a response.

They anticipate that the Menteri Besar will reconsider the Shah Alam City Council`s
proposal Ior an alternative route which is 2.1km longer and will cost an additional
RM500 million.

nalysis- Why is it dangerous?
Based on the research done regarding the proposed Putra Heights and Taman Subang
Alam LRT stations it can be concluded that it poses a saIety hazard to users oI the
track and the resident around that area and also the goverment.

a) $lopes and geographical condition
UKM geologist Tajul Anuar Jamaluddin warned that uneven slopes around the
proposed sites Ior eleventh and twelIth stations on the proposed Kelana Jaya line LRT
extension pose a saIety hazard to users oI the track. The sags and crests oI the land
constitute a diIIerential settlement and hence it will be hard to estimate the length oI
Ioundational pillars needed Ior the track. It will pose a great danger because the LRT
carriage is sensitive to slight changes in the track added with the vibration oI the
trains` movements. Also the location oI the alignment also runs near a Iormer quarry
site which is now Iilled with water. The quarry wall is sharp and the residents` houses
are built right next to it. Hence iI the quarry wall crumbles it may damage the homes
around the area and also cause harm to the people leaving around the area. And also
to be noted is that the quarry cannot even sustain the houses not to mention LRT
stations. The site also exhibits properties oI an unstable ground in trees being
uprooted soil Iissures and water seepage Irom the earth. This proposed track can also
pose a threat to the users oI the track as the existence on the site oI the proposed
stations oI a type oI soil which cracks and hill slopes that might not be sustainable in
the a long-run. It`s not only about inserting pillars into the ground. The sub surIaces
oI some crests might be too soIt to sustain the weight oI a running LRT car. The
pillars will subside. Based on this we can know that the track is not durable. There
are possibilities that the track may collapse due to the soil properties oI that area. This
may cause great danger Ior the users oI the track. In the worst case scenario iI the
track was to give a way when there is an lrt passing by this may lead to Iatality.

b) Type of soil the LRT is built on
The soil around the proposed area is mainly made up oI clay and is similar to
the type Iound in Bukit Antarabangsa which experienced massive landslides in 2008
and 1999. A nearby hill is also made up oI the same soil which makes it all the more
dangerous. Even the granite Iound in the area was cracked which would make putting
down rails an expensive and dangerous process. The nearby man-made lake is also a
danger zone. The whole area will probably collapse in because oI the weak soil iI the
water is drained without extra caution. Also inadequate saIety measures may cause a
rush oI water to Ilow down to nearby schools which are built on lower ground than
the surrounding areas.
c) aintenance cost
It is said that the cost oI building the track would be phenomenal. Even iI the
developers succeeded in extending the LRT line it would require constant and
detailed maintenance and runs the risk oI possible collapse within 20 or 30 years.

d) Noise pollution towards residents
Furthermore the plans indicate that the tracks are going to be some seven meters
away Irom a row oI houses. This implies that some Iamilies are expected to put up
with nearly 300 trains passing by daily just a stone`s throw away Irom their homes.
This will cause sound pollution Ior the people living around that area. The screeching
sound the train makes when it turns at the corner will be too loud and may cause
discomIort Ior people staying nearby that area.

e) Threats of cancerous sickness
Beyond noise pollution It is Iound through records and interviews with the
Subang Jaya Medical Centre Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (HUKM) and
Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) that residents close to the LRT were 45-60 more
likely to develop cancer this is based on the results oI the number oI people diagnosed
with cancer in Kelana Jaya beIore and aIter an LRT line was built near to them. It
poses such a high health hazard that the electromagnetic discharge Irom the rails
would beat that oI a transmission tower.
f) The station in built on TNB`s Right Of Way
The station to be built is situated on Tenaga Nasional Berhad`s (TNB) Right oI Way
(ROW). It is very dangerous to occupy land under TNB`s high voltage tension cables.
This is because oI the very high transmission voltages even a close approach can be
hazardous since the high voltage may spark across a signiIicant air gap. Besides that
hazards due to lightning strike on a very high voltage can cause the electrical
breakdown oI such insulators causing them to act as conductors. These transIerred
potentials are dangerous to people livestock and electronic apparatus. Lightning
strikes also start Iires and explosions which result in Iatalities injuries and property

g) Preserving a good image for alaysia
Last but not least iI this proposed Putra Heights and Taman Subang Alam LRT
stations are built and collapse it will also cause the government a bad name and the
credibility oI the government will be questioned. As we know disaster stricken
projects in the past such as the Bukit Antarabangsa and Pantai Remis landslides
MRR2 (Middle Ring Road 2) Ilyover cracks the collapse oI the Highland Towers
Taman Hillview and the Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin Stadium rooI were all
government approved.


The report titled 'Proposed Putra Heights LRT stations a great danger says
UKM geologist 'by Leven Woon in Komunitikini on 28 March 2011 has been
brought to the attention oI The Institution oI Engineers Malaysia (IEM).
IEM notes that the issues oI public saIety mentioned in the article pertain
to the work oI Engineers and concern engineering practice. The institution has been
clariIied on the technical aspects oI these issues in order that the public may be
correctly inIormed to make reasoned decisions.
'The highs and lows oI a terrain that cause diIIerential settlement can be either
natural or have been re-proIiled by human activities like earthworks cutting and
Iilling. There is no technical diIIiculty in building a Ioundation within the requisite
saIety standards to support any structure to be built on it. ProIessional Engineers
would carry out investigation to characterize the subsurIace conditions prior to
selecting the appropriate Ioundation system and to determine the appropriate Iounding
materials. There is absolutely no technical diIIiculty in determining the length oI the
Ioundation piles should the necessary engineering processes be carried out properly.
The report state that the subsurIace oI some crest might be too soIt to sustain the
weights oI a running LRT causes the pillar to subside is actually based on
presumption that the Ioundation is not Iounded on competent and stable Iounding
materials. II the Ioundation is appropriately designed and Iounded the subsidence oI
pillar would be within the tolerable limits oI a saIe track design and shall not pose
any technical concern.
The stability oI ground supporting any structure shall be careIully assessed and the
necessary stabilization works shall be determined. Long term sustainability oI any
structure does not just depend on good engineering design alone but on other Iactors
such as proper maintenance usage and other causes. - Ir. ProI. Dr. Lee Teang Shui
(Honorary Secretary)
IEM show public that Putra Heights LRT Stations can be saIely built and
The Subang Jaya Municipal Council (MPSJ) has yet to give its Iull approval Ior
Syarikat Prasarana Negara Bhd to start "physical work" on 20 stations along the
proposed 17km Kelana Jaya-Putra Heights and 17.7km Ampang-Putra Heights line.
Syarikat Prasarana Berhad had already begun preliminary work at the site included
backIiling and compaction digging a trial hole and laying ducts along the three sites.

Residents oI Section 27 Alam Megah and Putra Heights in Shah Alam have been up
in arms against the proposed stations which they claim are not viable and also too
near to their houses.
Following that Shah Alam City Council (MBSA) proposed an alternative route
which runs along Persiaran Klang about 2km away Irom the original sites. This
proposal is yet to be taken up by Prasarana.

Sri Muda assemblyman Suhaimi ShaIiei who attended the residents` protest said
ridership oI the two stations will increase by three-Iold iI it is realigned according to
MBSA`s proposed route.
'It will be closer to Hicom industrial areas where many workers rely on public
transportation he said.
He said the residents are placing their last ounce oI hope on LRT extension
constructor Prasarana Berhad to respond to the geological report.
'We have tried all means (to object the route) in the past two years I hope Prasarana
and MB Khalid (Selangor ChieI Minister Khalid Ibrahim) can reconsider the
alternative route he said.
The alternative route was vetoed in a State Economic Council (MTES) meeting last
month with 50 percent oI the council members agreeing to the original route and 46
percent oI them against.
Hence Prasarana claims Khalid has given it a green light to maintain the original

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