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Unit 1 - Introduction

Personal Information When you meet people for the first time, what do you usually tell them about yourself? What do people want to know about you? Your name is probably the first thing you will tell them. Besides your name, you may also give information about your occupation, address, place of origin, and sometimes hobbies and interests. You give personal information when you tell people about yourself. Items of personal information include in the cluster below:


Address Family


Personal Information




Place of Birth


Exercise 1 Identifying item of personal information in dialogs Below are the examples of two dialogs in which people ask for and give personal information. Read the conversation below and underline the item of personal information in the dialogs. Situation I: Mr. Wijaksono is meeting a visitor from Australia at Soekarno- Hatta Airport
Unit 1 - Introduction 1

Mr. Wijaksono: Excuse me, are you Mr. White from The University of Queensland? Mr. White: Mr. White: Yes, thats right How do you do? Mr. Wijaksono: Im Wijaksono from Soedirman University Mr. Wijaksono: Pleased to meet you. Welcome to Jakarta Mr. White Situation II: Ailsa Wilson is a new student at Indonesia University of Education (UPI) Bandung. She wants to make as many friends as possible. She introduces herself to Suci. Ailsa: Suci: Ailsa: Suci: Ailsa: Suci: Ailsa: Suci: Ailsa: Suci: Ailsa: Suci: Ailsa: Hi! My names Ailsa Wilson Hello. Im Suci Nice to meet you Suci. Same here, just call me Uci. Are you from Australia, Ailsa? Yes, from Brisbane. Oh, thats in Queensland, right? Thats right. You are a student here? Yeah! Im studying Sudanese music. What do you call it? Kara.? Karawitan. How do you like it? Oh, its great. And what about you? Whats your major? I study Biology. Hey, thats interesting

Expressions used in giving personal information You have looked at dialogs in which people ask for and give personal information. Did you notice that they use different expressions? Lets take a closer look at some of those expressions. Mentioning your name: I am Bambang Wijaksono
Unit 1 - Introduction 2

My name is Bambang Wijaksono My friends call me Bambang Call me Bambang Referring to your occupation: I am a student at Indonesia University of Education I am a lecturer I work as an English teacher at Elementary School Talking about place of origin: Im from Brisbane I come from Brisbane Mentioning your address: I live in Purwakarta I live at Jl. Veteran No. 8 Purwakarta My Address is Jl. Budi Raya XVII, Cimahi Utara, 40513, West Java, Indonesia Now look at examples of how people give personal information. 1. My name is Hayani Wulandari. My friends call me Wulan. Originally, I am from Bandung. But now I live in Purwakarta. My Address in at Jalan Mawar no. 39 Purwakarta. 2. May I introduce myself? My name is Suprih Widodo. I am from Lembang, Bandung. I am a computer engineer and I work at Microsoft Indonesia. On Saturdays, I usually go fitness. 3. Hello, Im Hafiziani Eka Putri. My friends call me Eka. I live on Jalan Dago in Bandung. Just in case you want to call me, my phone number is 9236705. Im a math lecturer at Indonesia University of Education. Every morning I go to college on my motorbike. I like sports very much. On Sundays I usually go jogging with my husband. Exercise 2 Compiling personal data Now, compile data about what each person in the passage told you; then write the information in the grid below. Not all of the personal items can be filled in. one is done for you.

Unit 1 - Introduction

Personal Information Items Name Nickname Place of origin Occupation Address Phone Number Hobby Hayani Suprih Hafiziani

Talking about yourself In the passage below, see if you can understand the personal information given by Suci Utami Putri. She has won the first prize in a fashion design contest. Suci is now being interviewed by a womens magazine. Here is what she tells the reporter. My full name is Suci Utami Putri, but most people call me Uci. I come form a family of four. I have an older brother. My parents are from Jakarta, but my brother and I were born in Bandung. Both my parents are artists. My brother is an art director for an advertising company. Art seems to run in the family. I myself studied fine arts, and now work as a fashion designer in this boutique. I have been with this boutique for almost five years now. I love my job very much because I can be creative in designing new styles of dresses. I draw the design myself. I even chose the fabrics, patterns, and colors for the clothing. My boss likes my work. Someday I hope to have my own boutique. I work long hours, but in my leisure time, I like to visit textile museums. I like reading books, especially about traditional batik patters and designs. Sometimes I go to concerts or eat out with my boyfriend, Asep. We plan to get married next year. Exercise 3 Identifying true and false statements

Unit 1 - Introduction

To check your comprehension of the reading passage, read the statements below. Then write T in the blank if the statement is true according to the passage, or F if the statements is false. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Suci is a fashion model She works for a womens magazine Sucis parents come from West Java Suci is also from West Java Her brother works for an advertising company 6. Suci designs dresses 7. Her boss appreciates what she is doing 8. Suci owns the boutique 9. One of her hobbies is listening to music 10. Suci is still single Exercise 4 Talking about yourself Imagine that you have won a contest held by a popular magazine. The reporter of the magazine is now interviewing you. What would you like to tell him or her? To help you remember what information you can give, consider the items below. Your name Where you come from Your address What you do Your hobbies Other things you want to tell ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

Expression used in asking for personal information. You have just given information about yourself, and your friends know your name, where you live, may be even your phone number. But you yourself may also want to know more about them. What is that you want to know? Do you know how to ask the right questions? The following questions are usually used by people to ask for personal information: Name: What is your name? May I know your name? Could you tell me your name?

Unit 1 - Introduction

Are you Mrs. Utami? Address: Where do you live? Whats your address? Do you live in Jalan Veteran? Whereabouts in Purwakarta do you live? Occupation: Whats your job? What do you do? Whats your present occupation? What kind of work are you in? Are you a teacher? Hobbies: What are your hobbies? How do you spend your leisure time? Are you interested in Sports? What do you do for fun? Place of origin: Where are you from? Where do you come from? Where were you born? Do you come from West Java?

Exercise 4 Asking for personal information Now, pretend you are the reporter from the womens magazine. What questions would you ask Suci? Read her answers and fill in the blank spaces with you questions. You can ask for information not given below. Reporter: Suci: Reporter: Suci: Reporter: Suci: Reporter: Suci: Reporter: Suci: Good afterneoon, Im .(Your (Name of magazine). Are you Suci? Yes, but please call me Uci. ? Suci Utami Putri ? I was born in Bandung, but my parents are from Jakarta ? Im a fashion designer for Elsa boutique. ? Well, sometimes I go to textile museums to find inspiration, or read books about traditional batik patterns and designs.



Unit 1 - Introduction

Reporter: Suci: Reporter: Suci:

? Thank you for your time Uci. Youre welcome. Bye.

Exercise 5 Exchanging personal information Now that you know how to ask for and give personal information, dont you want to get better acquainted with your friends? Choose one person that you want to know better, and exchange information with him or her. Grammar Focus: Verbs When we give personal information in English, we usually use complete sentences. A complete sentence has a verb. Look at the examples below: My name is Suci Utami Putri. My friends call me Uci Farid is a geologist. He works for Geolabs I live in Bandung. My address in on Jalan Dipatiukur No. 35 Ailsa and Nazwa are students. They go to UPI Im an English Teacher. I have my own English Course.

Exercise 6 Using verbs in context Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses Im Farid Hardigaluh. I ______ (come) from Bandung, West Java. I ______ (work) for Geolabs, a Geology Laboratory in Bandung. I ______ (be) thirty six years old. My wife, Fifin, ______ (be) from Cirebon, West Java. She ______ (be) an education consultant. We ______ (have) a daughter, Bianca Fidelia. We ______ (call) her Bian. She ______(be) in the fifth grade of elementary school. She ______(like) to sing, and she ______(say) she ______(want) to become a singer one day. We ______(live) at Jalan Setra no V, Bandung. My wife and I ______(go) to the office by bus. Bian ______(walk) to school, because it ______(be) nearby. On Sundays we usually ______(stay) home and ______(watch) television. On Saturdays we ______(like) to go to bookstore. The three of us ______(be) avid readers.
Unit 1 - Introduction 7

Asking and answering Yes/No questions When you want to ask Yes/No questions with be, you should put the forms of the verb be (e.g. am, is, are) in front of the subject. Short answers can be used in answering the questions; sometimes other information is added. Examples: Are Ailsa and Suci students? Yes, they are. Is Suprih an engineer? No, He is a Lecturer Is cooking your hobby? Yes it is, but I like reading too. Is your address in Jalan Budi no 17? No, it isnt. I live at Jalan Dipatiukur no. 35 Are you a singer? No, Im an actress Is Lulu an Artist? She is, and a very good one. She is. A very good one. Exercise 7 Matching questions with answers See how good you are with short answers. Match each question with its appropriate answer by drawing a line. An example is given. 1. Is your phone number 92367045? 2. Are Laela and Nafisah Sundanese? 3. Is your hobby swimming too? 4. Were you born in Yogyakarta 5. Is your office at Jalan Veteran 6. Are they musicians? 7. Is Prima a Karate expert?
Unit 1 - Introduction

a. Yes, it is. Im crazy about it b. No, I wasnt. My brother was born there c. Yes they are, they perform at Hilton Hotel d. Yes, thats the right number e. No, Im not. But I often go there f. Yes but we call her Eka g. Oh, yes. She is a black belt

8. Are you all English teachers? 9. Is her name Hafiziani? 10. Are you from Purwakarta?

h. No they arent. they come from Central of Java i. No, it isnt. its on Jalan Setiabudhi. j. No, some of us teach Japanese.

Unit 1 - Introduction

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