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Bangladesh eGP (

A Challenging Journey Towards Effective Procurement
Amulya K. Debnath Director General, Central Procurement Technical Unit (CPTU)

----------------------------------------------For Asia & the Pacific Regional Conference on eGP for effective Public Procurement, Bali, Indonesia, November 22-24, 2011

Presentation Outlines
Good governance & Pub-proc reform.. Journey towards eGP & eGP readiness.. Implementation: Go-no-Go.Piloting Challenges: Past, Present & Future

Governance issue: Proc. Reform

Dev-Prog. Imple & Corruption.CPAR WTO/UNCAC/Parish Decla../Accra Agenda.... Proc. Reform: PPA/PPR/STDs/web site Human Capital Development: Training Communication and Campaign

All these provides a strong platform to start eGP Journey

Journey Towards eGP:

Readiness Study
ICT Policy: Act/Rules, ISP policy Policy eGP Policy: eGP vision, guidelines, PPP, Security framework: Security policy/ privacy Regulatory framework: Cyber laws Networks: Backbones, Distr. net, Infrastructure LAN, WAN, Wireless net... Access: PC, internet, connectivity.. ICT hardware: Data centre, payment gateway, PKI.

Journey Towards eGP:

Readiness Study
Political: Leadership, vision, support

Human: IT education., training facilities, IT staff

Citizen with emali & internet usage


Usage by Business---supplier, contractors Usage by government (Portal,eSrvice, eProjects)

Proc. Reform & e-GP Journey.

2002-2007 : Public Procurement Reform Project (PPRP) 1999-2002 : Country Procurement Assessment Report 2007-2013 : Undergoing PPRP II 2002 : Established Nodal Procurement Agency- CPTU 2003 : Issued Public Procurement Regulations (PPR 2003) 2005 : Developed CPTUs website ( 2006 : Passed Public Procurement Act- PPA 2006 2008 : Issued Public Procurement Rules- PPR 2008 2004-2006 : Developed Critical Mass of 25 National Trainers 2004-2010 : Institutionalizing capacity development; developed procurement faculty at ESCB, trained ~ 3,300 public officials (continuing), proc. accreditation of CIPS, UK (with BRACU) 2009-2010 : Piloting Proc. Performance Monitoring (PROMIS) 2010 : Initiating Electronic Gov. Procurement (e-GP) 2011 : Operation

Bangladesh e-GP Route

e-GP system develpment & implementation in 2009-11 e-GP operation & maintenance

Public Procurement Reform 2003

e-GP readiness assessment in 2006

e-GP infrastructure development in 2008-09

eGP Implementation
Review for Go-no-Go: Go!!!

First pilotingthen rolling

eTendering to 4 PEs17308 eCMS to 4

Bangladesh e-GP: Rolling out


All PEs
4 Procuring Agencies (308 PEs) 4 Procuring Agencies (17PEs)



4 Procuring Agencies (4 PEs)

Agencies & PEs

Honorable Prime Minister opens e-GP Portal of Bangladesh in a grand ceremony.


Bangladesh e-GP System

eTendering Workflow Managemen t
Procurement Management Information System (PROMIS)

System and Security Administrati on

E-GP System

E-Payment system

Centralize d stakehold er Access Dashboard s

E-Contract Management System


eGP Implementation:

Development issues/challenges
eGP system is not an off-the-self ready-made product, it needs to be developed based on procurement methods, level of bureaucracy, procurement culture. Requirement of complying with the legal instrument (PPA and PPR..), resulted extensive requirements of the

understanding of the Acts and Rules by the developers (SRS)

Requirements are not always correctly understood and

requires a lot of reworks or revisit the source codes for fixes.

eGP Implementation:

Development issues/challenges
Thorough need for detection of bugs and fixing or debugging
need for thorough checking of program logic.

Several unnoticed bugs warrant for more insight thinking on the program logic and lead to change for better resultsCRs Huge review requirements calls for time, human resources

and patience.
Some bugs require fixing in the production environment which may lead to loss of confidence among the user and create mistrust.

eGP Implementation:
Implementation issues/Challenges
Ensuring password security in the operation is of high need but careless users sometimes operate carelessly threatening the security. Workflow management knowledge and skills of PEs and users skills to operate users functionalities is of prime importance but weaknesses are observed. Tremendous need of eGP training for the users calls for human and monetary resources.

Difficulties in customizing manual STDs incorporating the eGP need: development of eSTD

Thank You


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