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e-GP Pakistan

24th November, 2011

Sequence of Presentation
1. Status of e-GP in Pakistan
2. Action Plan for Developing e-GP 3. Key Issues and Constraints 4. Measures to Resolve Constraints 5. Timeline for e-GP Sys. Implementation 6. Areas Requiring MDBs Assistance

Electronic Government Directorate

Status of e-GP in Pakistan

1. Pakistans Central Procurement Authority (PPRA) functioning since 2002 2. Authority is independent under Cabinet Division 3. Posts tenders, evaluations, awards and act on defaults 4. Other functions: Frame Proc. Policies and Guidance to Public Sector Proc. Reviews, Proc. Audit Capacity Building / Training (NIP) 5. Info on PPRAs portal ( includes: Proc. Rules, News, online tenders uploading, details of trainings Posting of Proc. Plans, Contracts > 50 Mill. Grievance Redressal, Black listed firms Registration of Proc. Agencies & Suppliers 6. I.T. setup of PPRA is modest

Status of e-GP in Pakistan (Contd.)

7. Pakistans Proc. Law provides for full decentralized procurement 8. Proc. framework requires disclosure of bid evaluations as mandatory (partial imp.) 9. Provinces have their own Proc. Rules 10. Deptts. process proc. as per notified manual procedures

11. Grievances of bidders not handled online

12. Standardized tender docs prepared (awaits implementation)

Status of e-GP in Pakistan (Contd.)

15. E-Government Directorate (EGD) (Tech. Arm of GOP) under MOIT provides IT support to Federal Ministries 16. EGD Develops appl. for the Fed. Gov. and Showcases to Prov. for replication 17. ERP developed for Ministries includes: Internal Communication HRM Project Management Procurement and Inventories Budget and Accounts

18. EGD e-GP consultancy for PPRA

Status of e-GP in Pakistan (Contd.)

Procurement and Inventories Module The Module covers the following: o E-Tendering o E-Purchasing o E-Contract Management Possesses capability to electronically processes: - the existing manual proc. procedures

Pakistan E-GP Strategy

Copied from Strategic E-Govt. Procurement at MDB-EGP website & adapted to Pakistan

Action Plan for Developing e-GP

Phased Implementation
E-Tendering System
Phase 0 Information Service Procuring Agency Registration Tender Advertisement Document Downloads Preparation of SBD and Contract Forms Procedure for Online Tendering and E-Purchasing Development e-GP Portal Supplier Registration Suppliers Catalogue Purchasing Portal Capacity Building(Suppliers/Proc. Deptts) Online bid submission & evaluation

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4 Phase 5

Basic E-Tendering

Action Plan for developing e-GP

Phase 6
Online quotations, Integration with Budget, Catalogues Shopping, E-Purchasing, Reverse Auctions etc.

Plan to extend Proc. System up to here

E-Contract Management
Phase 7 - System already developed by EGD -To be integrated with e-GP - Provides for:
Processing of Approvals, Awards, Interim Payments, Inventories, Overall Performance, Final Payments

Integration with Provinces

Phase 8 - All 7 Phases to be implemented in interested Provinces - To have well integrated proc. systems in country

Key Issues and Constraints

1. Limited knowledge about
i. ii. Governments Procurement Framework and ICT in Government

2. Weak IT capacity of PPRA and Suppliers 3. Manual system requires direct communication between Proc. Agency and Suppliers 4. No proper system to generate procurement statistics 5. Limited access to tender docs (online) 6. No facility is available for online tenders submission and their onward processing 7. No central registration of suppliers 8. Absence of GOPs infrastructure for online fund transfer and payment clearance

Proposed Measures to Resolve Constraints

1. Political will in transparent procurement system already there. Even bureaucratic will work 2. Revise Procurement Procedures to legitimize e-GP System Not much issue (Less Regulation) 3. Develop an e-GP System to allow for decentralized procurement 4. Business Model : PPP with overall monitoring of Government 5. Extensive training for Proc. Agencies and Suppliers 6. Development of GOPs Central Infrastructure for: online fund transfer and payment clearance

Timeline for e-GP Implementation

S. N. 1. Phase Phase 0 Title Information Service Tender Advertisement Tender Docs Downloads SBDs and Contract Forms 2a 2b. 3. 4. 5. Phase-1 Phase-2 Phase 3 Phase-4 Phase 5
Pilot Few

Start Date

End Date

Already in Process Already in Process Already in Process Already in Process Critical Activity Within 6 months after Step 2a Started One year after 2a - Do - 15 Months after 2a - Do - Do -

Development of e-GP system Make Provisions in Proc. Law for Online Proc. System Suppliers Registration Catalogue Purchasing Capacity Building of Suppliers & Proc. Departments Online Bid Submission Bid Processing/Evaluation Bid Evaluation Result

Timeline for e-GP Implementation

S. No. 6.

Phase Phase 6
(Full replication Phase for all Federal Deptts.)

Title Online Bid Submission Online Bid Processing/ Evaluation Result of Online Bid Evaluation

Start Date End Date 21 months after 2a - Do - Do -

7. 8. 9.

Phase 7 Phase 8 Phase 9

E-Purchasing E-Contract Management integration Integration with Provinces

30 months after 2a - Do 4-5 Years after 2a

Areas Requiring MDBs Assistance

1. Development of integrated Federal e-Procurement System through PPP or in-house 2. Development of Institutional Arrangements and Rules and Procedures to: implement the Federal e-Procurement System 3. Tech. assistance in development of: GOPs central infrastructure for online fund transfer and payment clearance

Thank You !

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