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company name |ocat|on contact no1 contact no2

qlobol looovosootce solotloos vlsokbopotoom 8912555175

essel coosoltoots vlsokbopotoom 94925J5212
A c N coosoltloq vlsokbopotoom 891J24J095
Mofol moooqemeot coosoltoots vlsokbopotoom 8916690J14
tlse o sbloe coosoltoocy setvlces vlsokbopotoom 8912522578
sozoloe lofotecb vlsokbopotoom 891J07775J
spooJtoo moopowet solotloos vlsokbopotoom 98661J1776
bpo ooe coosoltloq vlsokbopotoom 8916661115
qeolos coosoltoots llmlteJ vlsokbopotoom 891645J698
olfo tecbolcol setvlces vlsokbopotoom 8912744022
oext coosoltoocy vlsokbopotoom 8916670766
vltbol setvlces vlsokbopotoom 955255-19
24/7 coteet plocemeots vlsokbopotoom 9848245685
oJoyoo setvlces wotooqol 9295658777, 9849319991
cteJeoce moooqemeot coosoltoots 8912522578
compos coteet vljoywoJo 9849566864
oxcess2 soccess vljoywoJo
121 solotloos secooJetoboJ 4064604447
westlo coteet ploooet pvtltJ vljoywoJo 8663255568 9J96999971
tecboosoft solotloos vlsokbopotoom 9246670657
toby lofo moooqemeot setvlces vlsokbopotoom 8I7904754I
sltlol eotetptlses vlsokbopotoom 8912759145
sotqe solotloos vlsokbopotoom 8916451128
totwlk oqeocy vljoywoJo 9966128464
somo tecbooloqy vljoywoJo 9J912J4279
oolvetsol plocemeots vljoywoJo 924849JJ7J tojolopotlklsboteyoboocom
cp plocememeots vljoywoJo 8712261117
riqht woy consu/tinq vijoywodo 998900957
ouqust consu/toncy visokhopotnom 99l281940 891588909
jo//y qemini monpower so/utions visokhopotnom 89127l817
s s ossociotes visokhopotnom 8915548428
devi job services
united se//inq devices 9989829429
rpo hire vitoq 8912721629
/ucky job consu/toncy vijoyowodo 9394807512 9032076383
l woys consu/tinq services vijoyowodo 9298157029 0866-6666483
empowers consu/toncy vijoywodo 9866882929
Pokotj consu/toncy vijoywodo
johns educotiono/ services vijoywodo +,
osm tech inc vijoyowodo 8666647867 8I43I43I53
innovoture techno/oqies connoor 98881000 obi/oshpQinnovoturecoin
sbobeeo zomoo sbobeeolltbomboyotq
oltoo tecboo setvlces vljoywoJo 910867-12 919677-11
bo/oji consu/toncy visokhopotnom 8lll5
Jteom loJlo vljoywoJo 891664J725
kronti consu/toncy visokhopotnom 9421ll555 mJktootllofoqmollcom
act|mus b|osc|ences pvt Ltd v|sakhapatnam 8916672000 nagendranathQact|musb|ocom
cambr|dge systems pvt Ltd v|sakhapatnam 089127SS414]08912749334
phoen|x |t so|ut|ons v|sakhapatnam 8912S00000(|t) sravanlm[phoenlxln
nunet techno|g|es(|t) v|sakhapatnam 8912S290S2 8912S36838
sree [aln lnfoLech vlsakhapaLnam 8912733103 8913234244
ezb [obs consulLancy nellore 919896L+11
!obshore Guntur 9.19974E+11
kvamsidhar_in Unicode Enterprises Pvt. Lt COMP 3-102/4, Unicode Elite Apartment, Ba
ssv techno/oqies visokhopotnom 90l2478781
vlshwanadha buslness school vlsakhapaLnam 8912339009 8912339008
nlrmal hosplLal vlsakhapaLnam 9108734934 ra[nlkanLhasurl[redlffmallcom
dredglng corpof lndla vlsakhapaLnam 8912871230 8912871278
ssv tecbooloqles vlsokbopotoom 90J2478781
cambr|dge systems pvt Ltd v|sakhapatnam 089127SS414]08912749334
Lhe park vlsakhapaLnam vlsakhapaLanam 8913033678 8912734488
welcome hoLel grand bay lLc group vlsakhapaLnam 8912360101
avanLhl lnsLL Cf enggand Lech vlsakhapaLnam 891222382 891222433/09866664636
hlndusLan shlpyard lLd vlsakhapaLnam 8912377404 8912377437
avanLhl lnsLL Cf enggand Lech vlsakhapaLnam 891222382 891222433/09866664636
[aya Lechnologles LhlrupaLl 8374089888
ctvj lovestmeots coosoltoots 9849768J90
glLam lnsLlLuLe of lnLernaLlonal blz vlsakhapaLnam 8912790303 8912840403
innovoture techno/oqies tirupothi 98881000 abllashp[lnnovaLurecoln
nlce consulLanL fbd 9716066668
astha consu|tant group fbd do not ca||]fos
qoto job coosoltoocy vljoywoJo
sLep ahead consulLanLs fbd do noL call/ noL lnLeresLed
mlracle sofLware sysLems lndl a pvL LLdvlsakhapaLnam 8916620130 8916620131
o||y gem|n| manpower so|ut|ons v|sakhapatnam 8912738176
easLern power dlsLrlbuLlon 9493792200 9493792134
dredglng corporaLlon of lndla vlzag 8912871230 yasalle[a[dclgovln
worldwlde dlamond manufaLurers vlskahapaLnam 8912387362 8912387307
ambedkar lnssL Cf mgL SLudles vlsakhapaLnam 8912783946
empowers consu/toncy vijoywodo 9866882929
synchoserve q/obo/ so/utions visokhopotnom 9949294488{vitoq) 04040l20l20{hydrbod ofc)
surya Lechnologles secundrabad 4027714474 40227714468
unlLed selllng devlces vlsakhapaLnam 9989829429
evergreen manpower consulLanLs fbd do noL call on Lhls no/ sLrlcLly noL
o/ton techno services vijoywodo 91087+12 91977+11
sri soi tejoswi p/ocements vijoyowodo 9000492626 9959286969(mr. b b john)
adrolL lnfogen vlsakhapaLnam 9703723434
consulLlng l1(
surya Lechnologles secundrabad chleLyanusha88[gmallcom
re/iob/e humon resorce consu/tonts visokhopotnom 918450502 08912510892
q/obo/ trends hr tirupoti
uench foundaLlon vl[aywada
act|mus b|osc|ences pvt Ltd v|sakhapatnam 8916672000 nagendranathQact|musb|ocom
dolphln group of hoLels vlsakhapaLnam 8912367000
02088 secunderaabd 9705154800 4023384292
excel placemenL servlces secunderabad 9399397000 406666III0
specLraforce Lech lLd secunderaabd 9966075389 40230I26000
status fo||ow up contact person
Jot cl bk teqloool ofce molo offlce mombol
osloq competltot setvlce
oot lotetesteJ/competltot setvlces
exlstloq oset
mt bolojl
seot tbe ptoposol coll bock oo 9 sep
ppsl 5eot fot Jb of ooJbto oJ vljoywoJo bv to be clJ by 6 sep 19 mtsotyo
coll bock ot J40 7 sep oot lotetesteJ/sblfteJ to otbet seqmeot mt pottobbl tom
oot lotetesteJ
cbooJtoosbos clleot
wlll cl tbe clleot mt lpbol
clJ oo 12tb octoot lotetesteJ
cl oo 16 sep motoloq msoolto
clJ tbe clleot oo 15 sep wlll tevett lo fotote
clJ tbe clleot oo 19 sep ot lotJ os of ow wll cl bk lotet
bv to be clJ oftet 6 sep 15 mobesb
c/d on 21 sep nt interested os of nw prokoshovvoru19Qqmoi/com
c/d the c/ient on 29 sep wi/ c/ bck oqoin ms 5ushmo
c/d on lrd oct token my no wi/ c/ bck ms Prosonno
c/d the c/ient on 2 sep not interested mr roju
c/d the c/ient on 2l sep wi/ c/ bck in the ofternoon mr r k murthy
c/d on 2lsep intrstd in jobpostinq wi/ c/ bck on mndoy c/d the c/ient on 2th sep wi/ c/ bk oqoin 2morow shivo
c/d on 24 sep wi/ c/ bck oqoin on Mondoy need int/ dotobose dont c/ on mob No
wi/ c/ on Mondoy
wi/ c/ on Mondoy
c/d on wednesdoy 5th october the concerned person is out osreepothiQmpowersin mr suresh
c/d on 1uesdoy 27 sep snt the bosic propso/ c/d oqoin on 27t ms Priti/ to/k to ms koqhe
c/d on Mondoy 2 sep wi/ c/ bk oqoin 2morow mrninq ch_enochQyohoocom mr vinod
c/d on lridoy l0 sep prospect/sent the bosic times propsoo/ wi/ revert me bck on Mondoy mrobhi/osh nithi
clJ oo 5tb oct sot tbe ptpsol 4 sms stvce eotllet cl bck oftet 11mt kolyoo
c/d the c/ient on 2 sep sent the proposo/ for combo2 wi/ revert bk in the neqotiotion ph Needs hr doto mr durqoprosod
clJ oo 5tb oct oot lotetsesteJ wll cl bck lo fotote lf oeeJ setvlce Jteom loJlo ls o pott of loJlo toJoy qtoop mt tovlklsbote / ms 5tovoo
sent the proposo/ fr combo pockoqe c/d the c/ients on 5th oct nt intrsted wi/ c/ bck i mr rovi kishore
c|d on 12th october w|| c| back aga|n tomorrow morn|ng ms Sandhya
|t (prakashQcamsys|ndcom) c|d the c||ent on 11th oct sent the bas|c propsa| mr prakash
sent the bas|c proposa| c|don 18th oct us|ng compet|tor servms Sravan|
sent the bas|c propsa| to the c||ent c|d th c||ent not |nterested ms ran|tha
cld Lhe cllenL on 11Lh ocL noL lnLeresLed ms 8upa
cld Lhe cllenL on 23rd sep wll cl bck 2morow plLched fr hlrexsmr roshan kumar dlrecLor
chandranshus c||ent MlLesh aggarwal P8
19423 Visakhapatnam Vamsidhar K
nt intrsted os of nw wi/ c/ bck in future ms kovitho l1 softwore
cld Lhe cllenL on 18Lh ocL senL Lhe proosal for campus dlrecL se nallneekanLhLv[gmallcom mr nallneekanLh
cld Lhe cllenL on 12Lh ocL no unreachable senL Lhe proposal Lhru mall
cld Lhe cllenL on 12 Lh ocL wll cl back agaln afLer 1 hr
clJ tbe clleot oo 14tb oct wll cl bck oqolo ms kovltbo
|t (prakashQcamsys|ndcom) c|d the c||ent on 17th oct us|ng compet|tor servmr prakash
cld Lhe cllenL on 14Lh declslons are Laken aL Lhe corporLe dlrechrdvlz [LheparkhoLelscom mr mlLhun(kolkaLas no03
cld Lhe cllenL on 13Lh ocL prospecL wll cl back on my no oLhe hv Lalked Lo hr coordlnaLor ms SamlsLha hr coordlnaLo
educaLlon(senL Lhe proposal for campus dlrecL servlce on 13Lh prlnclpalaleL[yahoocom mr ra[a rao
shlpplng(cld Lo Lhe cllenL glven Lhe alLrnaLe no wll bck agaln on Lhe alL no)
educaLlon(cld Lhe cllenL on 13Lh wll cl back agaln on Monday)
cld on 17Lh ocL wll back agaln ln Lhe evenlng lnLeresLed ln Lhe evenlng mr s k 8a[
clJ tbe clleot oo 19tb oct oot lotetesteJ oeeJ motketloq execs mt toj teJJy
cld Lhe cllenL on 17Lh ocL senL Lhe propsal fr campus dlrecL ssaLyakr[gmallcom mr saLya kumar
c/d on 17th oct wi/ c/ bock ofter 4 oc/ock mrobhi/osh nithi
cld on 17Lh ocL wll cl back agaln ln Lhe evenlng mr a[ay
do not ca| fos
clJ oo 17tb octoot lotetesteJ lo tbe stvlce oo tepotemeot oot lotstJ os of oowcootoct lo fotote mtktlsboo mottby
cld Lhe cllenL on 1uesday 18Lh ocL wll cl back Lomorrow mornl [avala[mlraclesofLcom cld he cllenL on 12Lh ocL wl
c|d on 27th oct w|| c| back |n the beg|nn|ng of an 2012 w||| need the serv|ce dur|ng that t|me ms rasanna
cld on 18Lh ocL wll cl back agaln afLer 23 days senL Lhe Llmes propsal
exporLlmporL(cld Lhe cllenL on 18Lh wll cl back agaln afLer 23 days ms Archana
cld on 18Lh ocL wll cl back agaln afLer 330 mr leela
c/d on 18th oct wi/ c/ bock tomorrow send the proposo/ fo wi sreepothiQmpowersin mr suresh
c/d on19th oct c/d bck oqoin/ not interested/ mr prodip kumor nomo business dev Officer ond finonce direc mr mohesh /mr bo/oji
cld on 19Lh ocL wll cl back agaln afLer lunch ms Anusha
cld Lhe cllenL senL Lhe proposal for flexlhlre package/ do noL need Lhe servlce as of now slvakrlshnap[dragongpco
neqotiotion phose sent the proposo/ for hirexsit south db/ c directors nome is vedprokosh vedprokosh
c/d on 19 oct sent ther bosic propso/ its in neqotiotion phose btsstplocemeotscom mr rom prosod
senL Lhe proposal for consulLanLs combo/ cld on 19Lh ocLln Lhe negoLlaLlon phase mr pranlLh
senL Lhe proposal for [ob falr ln hyderaabd
c/d the c/ient on 21st oct wi/ c/ bock on Mondoy ms vijoyo
sent the proposo/ for ondhro nd south dbc/d on l0 sep/ c/d on 21st oct wi/ revert bk in future if need service
senL Lhe propsal for hlrexs non lL souLh reglon on 24Lh ocL uenchfoundaLlon[gmallcom mr ramesh
c|d the c||ent on 21th oct sent the proposa| for w|z obs and h|rexs south] c|d aga|n on 27th oct w|| c| back mr nagendranath hr mana
cld Lhe cllenL on 27Lh ocL wll cl back aagln afLer 3 0clock hrvlzag[dolphlonhoLelsc
cld Lhe cllenL dlscuss Lhe hlrexs card raLe 13000 for l mnLh lLs ln Lhe negoLlaLlon phase mspavanl
exlsLlng user of Lhe servlce
ms SaghufLa yasmln
Managing Director 9.1949E+11 granduer74@Construction Oct-11 10/2/2011 10/2/2010
[yoLsana mam
mr shlva
mr krlshna mohan hrmanager Lo be called ln Lhls regard
0 0 1 1 WizJobs --- 1 10/2/2011 10/2/2010
company name |ocat|on contact no1 contact no2
surya Lechnolgles secunderabad 4027714474 4027714468
ema contact peon
cld anusha on 3rd ocLonber noL aL all lnLersLed anusha
||nks for |eads
company name |ocat|on contact no1 contact no2
Mvn SofLware vLLLd LlrupaLhl 910877L+12 9963361328
1urnlng olnL Pr soluLlons vl[aywada 9883133003
ezb [obs consulLancy nellore 919896L+11
ema contact peon de|gnat|on
cld Lhe cllenL on 3rd ocLober wll cl bk me lf he needs semr nlrmal P8LxLCu1lvL
cld Lhe cllenL on 23rd sep wll cl bk afLer 230 ms CeeLa mahLo Leam lead
cld Lhe cllenL on 23rd sep wll cl bck 2morow plLched frmr roshan kumar dlrecLor
company name |ocat|on contact no1 contact no2 status
9909182280 cld noL lnLeresLed
9978399621 cld noL lnLeresLed
7922147393 cld noL plcklng phone
7922346980 lncorrecL no
7922382463 lncorrecL no
7922406333 lncorrecL no
7922447874 lncorecL no
7922476388 lncorrecL no
7922732720 unreachable
7923890033 plcked Lhe phone wll cl bck agaln
7922747119 plcked Lhe phone Lhe concerned person ls noL here
7921349344 lncorrecL no
7922901818 rlnglng no response
7922884793 lncorrecL no
bombay hoslery 7922161929 Lhe concerned person ls noL here wll hlm bck on 3Lh ocLober
7922113148 noL lnLeresLed ln Lhe servlce
9924049132 cld Lhe cllenL noL lnLeresLed
9988792377 cld Lhe cllenL phone swlLched off
9924470367 cld Lhe cllenL phone swlLched off
9923616141 cld Lhe cllenL phone rlnglng no response
9923003603 cld Lhe cllenL no does noL exlsL
9898034033 no noL reachable
9824377873 no swlLched off
srl ram prlnLlng 9898347742 cld Lhe cllenL noL lnLrsLed
9898686423 cld Lhe cllenL noL lnLeresLed
9823383381 cld Lhe cllenL noL lnLeresLed
bharaL peLrol corp 9416013330 cld Lhee cllenL busy wll cl bck agaln
ocean packaglng 1493412818 no noL reachable
narmada udyog vL LLd 1493221023 noL reachable
o||ow up contact person
mr ra[u
mr sanLosh
mr saLya prakash
company name |ocat|on contact no1 contact no2
gu[araL 9824377873
kumar MeLal 8olllngs 8ewarl 1274233888
paramounL sLeel works sonepaL 1302212263 9896111026(concnd no)
kP 8ubber lndusLrles 8allabgarh 1292240712
gandhlnagar 9998434047
gandhlnagar 9904319832
bharaL peLroleum sonepaL 9416013330
beLa conveyors lndla pvL LLd(b delhl ncr 11232600282
innovoture techno/oqies tirupothi 98881000 obi/oshpQinnovotureco
bombay hoslery 7922161929
nuneL Lechnolgles vlsakhapaLnam 8912329032 8912336838
phoenlx lL soluLlons vlsakhapaLnam 8912300000
cambrldge sysLems pvL LLd vlsakhapaLnam 08912733414/08912749334
adrolL lnfogen vlsakhapaLnam 9703723434
adrolL lnfogen vlsakhapaLnam 9703723434
tatu fo||ow up contact peron
cld on no phone busy wll cl bck agaln
lnvalld no
lnvalld no/ no noL ln use
Lhe concerned person ls nL here wll cl bck on alLrnLe no mr panka[ gupLa
no does noL exlsL
no does noL exlsL
noL lnLeresLed
cld Lhe cllenL no requlremenL mr gopal/ ms ushpa
c/d on lridoy 07 oct the persn is unovoi/ob/e wi/ c/ him 2morow mrobhi/osh nithi
Lhe concerned person ls noL here wll cl hlm bck affLer 4 oclock mr ra[u
lL cld Lhe cllenL on 10Lh ocL wll cl bck agaln Lhe concerned person ls unavallable
lL cld Lhe cllenL Lhe concerned person ls unavallable wll cl bck on Monday
lL (prakash[camsyslndcom) cld Lhe cllenL on lrlday senL Lhe baslc propsal wll cl hlm bckmr prakash
consulLlng l1 cld Lhe cllenL on 7Lh ocL phone swlLched off
consulLlng l1 cld Lhe cllenL on 7Lh ocL phone swlLched off
company name |ocat|on contact no1 contact no2
innovoture techno/oqies tirupothi 98881000 obi/oshpQinnovoturec
oltoo tecboo setvlces vljoywoJo 910867-12 919677-11
empowers consu/toncy vijoywodo
jo//y qemini monpower so/utions visokhopotnom 89127l817
acLlmus blosclences pvL LLd vlsakhapaLnam 8916672000 nagendranaLh[acLlmusbl
cambrldge sysLems pvL LLd vlsakhapaLnam 08912733414/08912749334
phoenlx lL soluLlons vlsakhapaLnam 8912300000
nuneL Lechnolgles vlsakhapaLnam 8912329032 8912336838
mlracle sofLware sysLems lndl a pvL vlsakhapaLnam 8916620130 8916620131
tatu fo||ow up contact peron
c/d on 10th octwi/ him ofter l oc/ock mrobhi/osh nithi
Jltectots oome ls veJptokosb veJptokosb
c/d on wednesdoy 5th october the concerned person is out of sto sreepothiQmpowersin mr suresh
c/d on 10th oct wi/ c/ bck ofter l week the concerned person is unovoi/ob/e ms Prosonno
cld on 11Lh ocL wll cl bck afLer 2 days Lhe concerned person ls unavallable ms Sandhya
lL (prakash[camsyslndcom) cld Lhe cllenL on lrlday senL Lhe baslc propsal wll cl hlm bcmr prakash
lL cld Lhe cllenL on 10Lh ocL Lhe concerned person ls unavallable wll cl bck Lomorrow
lL cld Lhe cllenL on 10Lh ocL wll cl bck agaln Lhe concerned person ls unavallable

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