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Cooper, Jeremy Comp 102 102 Larry Neuburger December 12, 2011 Final Exam Essay This semester we learned a great deal about the proper way to write a paper. From the correct way to insert the title, where and how to indent each paragraph, and the right way to use an in text citation. We were shown how to use different research methods in order to find information on the topics that we were writing about each week. Whether it was short one paragraph essays to multiple page essays, the information taught to us this semester was very helpful in every paper that we were assigned. We were also shown how to add pictures to our writings, and how to properly cite the pictures that we used in our papers. I found the use of pictures in our papers to be a helpful tool in my papers to be able to better illustrate the topic in which I was writing about. One thing I learned about my writing this semester was that I am a very visual writer. By saying this what I am trying to say is that when I am writing about a topic I try to find and read as much of the research about it that I can so I can attempt to put myself into the place of a person, or the person that I am writing about. In doing this, for me, it gives me a better understanding of the topic or persons that I am writing about. This also lets the reader grasp a sense of the emotion that I have gotten from the topic in which I am writing. For example, we did a paper about The Holocaust which can be a very emotional topic for some


people. I believe that applying emotion about the paper gives the reader a better look into what they are reading. It also lets the person reading the paper kind of see what the author of the paper was feeling while they were writing the paper. While writing my research paper about The Holocaust I was quite frankly overwhelmed with many emotions. While I was saddened for everyone who subjected to the many torture techniques, I was also extremely angered at the ones that were doing the torturing. My experience while writing this paper while was very emotional, it was also very educational. By saying that I not only mean educational about the topic, but also how to write a correct paper using the MLA format. For example, how to create a cover page, where and how to indent each heading and sub-heading, and the correct way to cite each of my many citations, both in the paper and at the end of the paper on my works cited page. The use of technology in class this semester proved very useful to me. The use of the computer and internet in class made it very helpful to be able to work on all of the papers we were assigned in this class. It also made it easiser to be able to do research for out papers in class, mainly because many of the students in the class were writing their papers pretty much the same way and the use of the internet made it easy to share research with one another. Another means of technology that we used this semester was the use of Tweeter. By using this form of social networking we were about to include students in on conversations that normally had not gotten involved. I found this to be a very good way of including the entire class in on the discussion topic


I can honestly say that the one thing that would have enhanced my learning experience this semester would have been if I had been here more. This semester proved to be very trying to me at this. I missed several days in many of my classes this semester, most of which were because of work. I know that is just an excuse but that what it was. I do understand how ever that had I not missed as many days as I have that my grade, in all of my classes, would have been better. I do take a lot of information with me from this class. I took Comp I and Comp II 13 years ago and honestly was not able to get anything out of the class. After taking it here at OTC I can say that I learned a lot about the writing process. I do not know if it was the school the technology of the instructor, but I do know that the classes here have been very helpful and beneficial to my future.

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