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Eric Wood

Mr. Neuburger
English 102-102
December 12, 2011
ReIlective Essay
English 102 provided many lessons that will be remembered as I move on through my
college years. While every assignment aided a diIIerent writing skill, each built toward making
the class stronger at writing. Whether it was working on word count restraints, a huge research
paper, or using technology, many lessons were taught to the class. While I may not have liked
every assignment, the knowledge I gained is undeniable. The experience began in mid-August.
The English 102 experience Ilexed its technological muscles right away in August. We
were introduced to blogging and used it as a tool to get to know one another. I began to like the
class right away because oI this use. In today`s day in age, technology should be embraced. This
is why the idea oI a website that stored all oI the class work in one spot was advantageous. Not
only did we have a class blog, but personal blogs were also made. I really liked this idea as it
gave me one page where all oI my hard work is stored.
Following this introduction, the class got to know an assignment type that grew near and
dear to my heart. This awesome assignment became known as the one paragraph essay. These
one paragraph essays limited the writer`s word count to where every word counted. The whole
idea oI a one paragraph essay is to Iorce the writer to stick to the thesis and explain the
reasoning. I really liked these assignments mainly because I preIer shorter assignments to the
long drawn out ones. However, this is not the only reason. One paragraph essays really allow the
writer to showcase their vocabulary and skill as a writer. When the writer is Iorced to introduce
the work, establish a thesis, and give two concrete examples to support this thesis, it really
showcases word choice. In addition, to my liking Ior this reason, I also liked how it laid the
tracks into more use oI technology.
AIter reading a story called Harrison Bergeron about a Iictional society, our class
participated in a discussion about the story`s main points. These were not done vocally however,
but implemented the use oI a well-known social networking site. Twitter may be taking over the
world, and made a brieI appearance into English 102. We used Twitter to discuss some oI the
Iiner points in this controversial story. I liked the use oI Twitter in the class atmosphere Ior a
couple reasons. First oI all, it allowed everybody to voice their opinion in a more subtle way than
stating allowed. Secondly, it embraced one oI the most popular sites on the Web, and
implemented it to be conducive to the class environment. This method seemed to be more useIul
than when we discussed On Dumpster Diving earlier in small groups. Overall, this act aided to
Iurther knowledge about the story which helped in writing the Iinal one paragraph essay.
Following these one paragraph essays, we jumped into the worst oI all assignments. The
daunting task oI writing a research paper became our next priority. This paper was to be upwards
oI ten pages and implement pictures, sources, and knowledge about the topic. The topic assigned
to the class was the Holocaust. This introduced a long set oI assignments to help Iurther
knowledge about the subject. From watching interviews to watching a movie, our class collected
vast amounts oI knowledge on the Holocaust. This is where my biggest gripe comes Irom. I am
not sure oI the exact amount oI time spent, but it had to be about halI oI the entire semester was
spent on this in one way or another. While I am not denying the importance oI the Holocaust and
the need Ior knowledge on it, I Ieel as though it may have been too much. While seeing what
happened through visual evidence and hearing opinions on it may have helped support the cause,
the overall length oI the process seemed lengthy. Research papers are indeed meant to be long
and rigorous projects, but we may have been allotted too much time. While having plenty oI time
to work on it helped me out as a busy student in everyday liIe, I would have preIerred a couple
more weeks oI other assignments.
Following the research paper, we dove into our Iinal project oI the semester. This project
involved the use oI technology to tell a story. This assignment was a great end to the semester in
my opinion. While the technology may have been Irustrating to Iigure out at times, it all worked
out in the end. This assignment may not have seemed to have place in an English class, but I beg
to diIIer. While there is no visual prooI oI writing done on the part oI the student, the vocal story
showed the eIIort done in writing. Even my little Iour minute video required approximately Iour
hours oI work in gathering material alone. Each step required time as I gathered pictures, placed
them in order, and recorded voice to go along with these pictures. Overall I liked this assignment
as it made me do what an author should do which is to tell a story.
At the end oI the day, the class was broken down into three eras. We began with the one
paragraph essay era, moved in to the Holocaust era, and ended with the digital story era. Each era
helped Iurther my knowledge and gain skill as a writer. In the one paragraph essay era, I learned
the importance oI word choice and sticking to the point oI the story. In the research paper, I
learned oI the importance oI citations and knowledge on research topics. In the digital story, I
learned how to tell a story and use technology to aid this story. This class has done well in
enhancing my knowledge in these phases. I would have preIerred a Iew mid-sized assignments,
but that would be tough to do in addition to what was already on our plate. II my biggest
complaint Ior this class is having too much time to work on a project, then I Ieel as though it was
a job well done.

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