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Launched ln 2003 lLz Cash Card LLd ls lndlas flrsL ever MulLl urpose repald

Cash Card company and Lhe leader ln Lhls secLor lnLroduced by Lhe hlghly
dlverslfled Lssel Croup a buslness conglomeraLe havlng buslnesses ln Medla
and LnLerLalnmenL (Zee neLwork) 1ourlsm and AmusemenL (Lssel world
WaLer klngdom) ackaglng (Lssel ropack) ubllshlng(unA) and SaLelllLe
enLerLalnmenL (ulsh 1v)lLzCash ls anoLher successful venLure LhaL has lnnovaLed
Lhe enLlre paradlgm of paymenL soluLlons across Lhe web and Lhe moblle

lLzCash ls anoLher successful venLure LhaL has lnnovaLed Lhe enLlre paradlgm of
paymenL soluLlons across Lhe web and Lhe moblle lLzCash Card offers a porLfollo
of cusLomlzed ecommerce m commerce soluLlons ln Lhe 828 82C space

ItzCash Card Ieatures Advantage to the Ind|an Consumers

1he card comes ln Lhe form of a scraLch card wlLh a unlque 12 dlglL
accounL number and a 4 dlglL password necessary for onllne and on
moblle LransacLlons
Safe and conven|ent lL ls Lhe smarLesL opLlon avallable Lo any lndlan
consumer who would llke Lo LransacL onllne or onmoblle
lLs unlque use Lhrow" makes lL a safe paymenL soluLlon LhaL enables
hosL of appllcaLlons such as onllne Lraln alrllne LlckeL booklngs energy
Lelephone blll paymenL onllne shopplng moblle prepald Lopups and
posLpald blll paymenLs
Many of Lhese appllcaLlons are now posslble on Lhe moblle vla SMS
Avallable ln a range of denomlnaLlons from 8s 100 Lo 8s 10000/ Lhe
card allows Lhe consumer Lo be ln charge of whaL Lhey spend ln facL lL
unlquely enables Lhe consumer Lo process mlcro paymenLs of 8s 10/
1here are no hldden cosLs Lhe consumer can uLlllze Lhe full value of Lhe
lLzCash ls a bearer producL and ls Lransferrable
lL guaranLees paymenL wlLhouL fear of chargebacks and reversals (Lhe
resLrlcLlve lmpedlmenL ln Lhe adopLlon of Lhe web and moblle as channels
of paymenLs) All LransacLlons are conflrmed ln real Llme!

ItzCash _ D|str|but|on Network
- Avallable Lhrough an exLenslve panlndla neLwork spannlng approx
100000 ouLleLs called lLzCash olnL" across approx 600 1ler l ll Lowns
ln Lhe counLry lL ls Lhe mosL convenlenLly avallable producL for consumers
across all SocloLconomlc classlflcaLlon
- AddlLlonally Lhere are approx 3000 lLzCash franchlsees branded as
lLzCash world"

ItzCash Card App||cat|ons

lLzCash currenLly has Lleups wlLh more Lhan 3000 merchanLs and Lhls
number ls consLanLly lncreaslng 1hese Lleups across servlce secLors
faclllLaLe Lhe mulLluLlllLy aspecL of lLzCash 1he franchlsed ouLleLs lLzCash
olnL lLzCash World caLer Lo Lhe dlsLrlbuLlon of lLzCash cards across Lhe

CurrenL AppllcaLlons
- ulsh 1v
- Shopplng
- 1ravel 8ooklng (Alr/8all/8oad)0
- Moblle 1opups
- uLlllLy 8lll aymenL
- LnLerLalnmenL 8ooklng
- 8ook / Magazlne SubscrlpLlons
- Camlng
- AsLrologlcal 8eadlng
- uonaLlons CharlLy
- lnsurance
- MaLrlmonlal
- LducaLlon

ItzCash M||estones of ach|evements

23 mllllon acLlve card users and lncreaslng
rocesses beLween 30000 30000 LransacLlons dally
rocesses more Lhan 8s 300 lac 8s 300 lac + worLh LransacLlons per
rocess more Lhan 23 Llmes blll paymenLs of 8ellance Lnergy ln Mumbal
compared Lo all ueblL/CredlL cards puL LogeLher
Pave won Lwo presLlglous awards for lnnovaLlve use of Lechnology"

1o sum up lLzCash Card a mulLluLlllLy prepald card deems Lo brlng a revoluLlon
and change ln Lhe llves of people by enabllng Lhem Lo pay Lhelr uLlllLy bllls do
onllne shopplng book Lravel LlckeLs play onllne games wlLhouL any hassles and
Lhus wlll be a smarL opLlon as a poLenLlal Lool of paymenL ln Lhe comlng fuLure

1o know more abouL lLzCash card one can log on Lo wwwlLzcashcardcom or
call Lhe cusLomer care on 02226181212 or SMS l1ZPLLyour query 1C

lLzCash ls a producL of Lhe fuLure a revoluLlon ln paymenL soluLlons for Lhe
common man

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