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W 1he Pundred ?ear War
W 1he Commerclal AcLlvlLy
W 8ourgeolsle
W Pumanlsm
Jat was appen|ng |n te Iber|an en|nsu|a?
8lvalry beLween CasLllla and Aragn
2 unLll Lhe marrlage of lernando of Aragn and lsabel of CasLllla
3 1he klng Lnrlque (lsabels broLher) dled
4 lsabel lnherlLed Lhe crown of CasLllla and lernando Lhe crown of Aragn
3 ln 492 lasL sLronghold of Lhe Moors ln Lhe lberlan enlnsula
6 lernando lmposed a unlLy of Lhe CaLhollc falLh
7 8eorganlzaLlon and resLrucLured of Lhe munlclpallLles
8 CasLllla and Aragon was noL unlLed under one crown ln reallLy lL was a mere personal unlon
9 1he Lwo crowns remalned lndependenL unLll Lhe accesslon of Carlos l when Lhe crown of
CasLllla and Aragon geL LogeLher ln a slngle soverelgn
Jo was te one wo found by cance Amer|ca dur|ng te Cato||c k|ng per|od
1PL 8lC 18l
W WaLch vldeo
1res vla[es
W AfLer hls lasL Lrlp he goL lll 1he day before hls deaLh he made hls wlll where ls clLed as
admlral vlceroy and governor of lndles dlscovered and undlscovered
W Pe dled on May 20 306 ln valladolld
Jat was |n Amer|ca before Co|umbus?
W 1here were many dlfferenL naLlve Amerlcan Lrlbes and Lhose wlLh slmllar
characLerlsLlcs formed a maln Lrlbe or naLlon
W Lach had lLs own language rellglon and cusLoms
W lor Lhe mosL parL Lhe Lrlbes llved peaceably bellevlng LhaL naLure was sacred and was
Lo be shared
W MosL of Lhem conLalned fundamenLal concepLlons of naLure socleLy and how people
oughL Lo relaLe Lo Lhe world and Lo one anoLher
W 1he mosL lmporLanL and known clvlllzaLlons are AzLec lnca Maya 1olLec
lrom 300 8C Lo 900 AC 1hey were dlvlded ln Lwo perlods reClasslc Classlcal
2 1he AsLronomy and arlLhmeLlc was very advanced 1hey were able Lo measure Lhe orblLs of
celesLlal bodles
3 8y 730 problem arose and Lhe collapse was underway
lrom 800 Lo 00 AC 1helr caplLal was 1ula
2 1hey were greaL hunLers 1helr agrlculLure meLhod was Lerraces
3 olyLhelsm rellglon
4 ArL plcLographlc Calendar accordlng Lo sLars
3 MaLhemaLlc sysLem was very
lrom xlllLh Lo xvlLh cenLury CaplLal was 1enochLlLlan
2 ArL was an expresslon of rellglon and warfare
3 1wo unlque calendar sysLem a complex maLhemaLlcal sysLem and lnLrlgulng from of
4 olyLhelsm rellglon Lconomy
based on commerce
lrom Lhe xlllLh Lo Lhe xvlLh cenLury AC Cuzco was Lhe mosL lmporLanL clLy
2 ulcLaLorlal and LoLallLarlan governmenL
3 olyLhelsm rellglon and belleved ln relncarnaLlon
4 AgrlculLure based on Lerraces
WhaL was Lhe lmpacL of Amerlca ln Spanlsh Monarchy?
new [ewelry preclous meLals gold and sllver 1hls faclllLaLed Lhe developmenL of Lrade
2 new crops poLaLoes cacao Lobacco
3 1hey followed Lhe mercanLlllsL ldeas
4 xvlLh cenLury was produced Lhe rlce 8evoluLlon lnflacLlon
Jat was te|r d|scovery on te Amer|cas?
ulscovered of new sea rouLes
2 ulscovered of new lands and culLure
3 lmposed of CaLhollc 8ellglon
Jat was te |mpact of Span|s Monarcy |n Amer|ca?
SocleLy MulLlraclal World (Crlollos MesLlzos and MulaLos)
2 1he economlcal organlzaLlon 1he house of engagemenL conLrolled Lhe Lrade wlLh Amerlca
3 1hey broughL
W new crops ollves and sugar cane
W CaLLle horses caws
W ManufacLure slaves
4 1he governmenL and Lhe admlnlsLraLlon ln Lhe colonlal emplre
W vlceroyalLy (vlrrelnaLos)
W Covernors or Ceneral CapLalncy (Cobernaclones o CaplLanlas Cenerales)
W CorreglmlenLos
W CourL (Audlenclas)
3 1he dlsappearance of Lhe old recolomblan culLures
ow d|d te wars of |ndependence started?
Spanlsh 8ourbons had Lhe admlnlsLraLlve conLrol 1he Spanlshborn replaced Lhe crlollos"
2 1he lnfluence of Lhe lllusLraLlon ldeas
3 uSA lndependence and lrench revoluLlon
4 Lack of resources Lo malnLaln Lhe emplre
W Slnce Lhe napoleons lnvaslon un 808 Lhe Crlollos formed [unLas LhaL advocaLed
W 1he lndependence movemenL lnsplred many leaders Lo sLarL such as Slmn 8ollvar
(venezuela) !ose de San MarLln (ArgenLlna) and 8ernardo CPlgglng (Chlle)
W llsL lndependence counLry PalLl 804
W 1he nexL lndependence counLry was venezuela and araguay
W 1he laLesL counLrles LhaL galned
Lhelr lndependence from Spaln
were uerLo 8lco and Cuba
WhaL are Lhe relaLlonshlps beLween LaLln Amerlca and Spaln currenLly?
W SLarLed Lhe Plspanlc CulLural lnsLlLuLe Lo promoLe culLural relaLlons and cooperaLlon
W CreaLlon of LaLlnoamerlcan ro[ecL based on hlsLorlcal Lles modern values and
W CreaLlon of Lhe lberoamerlcan Ceneral SecreLarlanL belng headed by Lnrlque lgleslas
W Slgned of 1reaLles of lrlendshlp and CooperaLlon
W 1ransformaLlon was reflecLed by Lhe boom and Lhe rapld lncrease of lmmlgranLs 8oLh
aspecLs would become reallLles Lo conslderer ln lLs pollcy of cooperaLlon
LAkL kkIt CLN1Dk
W Spanlsh lnLernaLlonal CooperaLlon Agency" LhaL faced a profound reform lmplles
managemenL auLonomy and lmproves Lhelr capaclLy
W lour maln llnes of acLlon
1he soclal coheslon
2 CapaclLy bulldlng and democraLlc governance
3 lmprovlng socloeconomlc fabrlc
4 SupporL for lndlgenous peoples
W ln concluslon Lhe encounLer of Amerlca had lLs poslLlve and negaLlve aspecLs
W 1he poslLlve aspecLs were LhaL besldes Lhe Spanlsh Monarchy enrlched durlng LhaL
Llme also lL conLrlbuLed Lo Lhe developmenL of Lhe new conLlnenL lL was conflrmed
LhaL Lhe world was round and Lhere was a huge developmenL of sclence and culLure
W 1he negaLlve aspecLs were LhaL for a perlod of Llme naLlve Amerlcans were very
oppressed and even some Lrlbes dlsappeared unLll democracy came and began Lo
supporL Lhe Lrlbes and Lhelr culLure

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