The Catholic Kings

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Catholic kings reign:
beginning of the Modern Age in the Spanish Monarchy. Creation of the authoritarian monarchy . The territorial unification of the Spanish crowns. The colonization of America and the overseas expansion The religious unification.

Common background between Castile and Aragon

Social crisis Suffered from political instability Political crisis Religious crisis

2. The dinastic unin

Enrique Blanca de Navarra Juana de Portugal Juana La Beltraneja - Alfonso, Enriques stepbrother died - Isabel, Enriques stepsister reclaimed the rights of his brother Alfonso - Isabel and Enrique reach and agreement in the Toros de Guisando - She was the heir - Freedom to chose her husband but Enrique should supervise that union Isabel Fernando in secret Enrique was angry an put Juana as heir. In 1474 Enrique died and Isabel was proclaimed as queen of Castille Portugal union between Castille and Aragon. -Alfonso Juanas uncle tried to married her but the Pope was against this union -Alfonso entered in Catille with his trops Isabel developed the Alcaovas agreement - Portugal had the monopoly of the africa

Atlantica and Bojador Cabe - Juana as a nun 1479 Fernandos father died, he started to be the king of Aragon. -The union of Isabel and Fernando meant the dinastic union but not the political union of Castille and Aragon. - Tanto monta monta tanto

Domestic policy
Territorial union conquer of Granada annexation of Portugal. incorporation of Navarra Spanish inquisition Religious uniformism

The expansion of the Kingdom: Fernando dedicated him-self to this poliocy Common for both kingdoms but separation between the insterests of Castile and Aragon. Aragon kept its expansion line in the Mediterranean. Caused confrontation with France

Castile kept alliances with England, Burgundy, and the Papacy.

Centrated in the Atlantic

One of the main objectives of the kingdom was to expand Chistianity and to stop the Turkish advance.

Peace with Portugal


Alcovas (1479): Portuguese achieved control over the African Coast

Tordesillas (1494): which gave them control of what we know today as Brazil

The Marriage policy

The Catholic Kings negociated a series of marriages for their children. 2 objectives:

1. Ensure the permanence of the inheritance of the Crowns in the family. 2. To establish a network of alliances with states willing to isolation of France. The administration of the Colonies 1. August 3rd, 1492, Colon departed from the Palos habour. 2. October 12 th, they arrieved to Guanahani Island, later named San Salvador, then Cuba and Spanish.

Beginning of the colonization of the West Indies Colon came back Treat of Tordesillas 1494 In India traditional administrative systems from Castilian Kingdom were established.


Desire to make the monarchy the most important. Against nobility:

- Santa Hermandad 1476. - Royal patrimony - Lost of political power.

Against church:

- Ecclesiastic reform. Against Courts:

- Corregidores.

The role of the church in the XVth century. The religious policy gave rise to two facts:

1. expulsion of Jews 2. oppression on Muslims. The inquisition became independent from the Holy See, and transformed into secular court. Main tool to achieve religious unity. The expulsion of the Jews began in 1482 in Andalusia, it was approved by the Catholic Kings in 1492.

Conquest of nasrid kingdom of Granada after the problem of succesion of the kingdom of castilla conquest of the kingdom of Granada. 1492 Catholic kings entered Granada. Castilians In this war took part Aragonese Reason: desire of the Catholic kings for recovering the Castilian lands that were in possesion of the Muslisms started the

unify territories and the religions of the peninsula Firstly After conquest of the western part conquest of the oriental part conquest of Ronda, Granada and Malaga Finally the capitulations were created

Boabdil deliver Granada 1501 presence of the Muslims wasnt allowed

convert to Christianity ( Moorish or new Christianity) Consequences of this war:

1. Appearance of an structured army. 2. Provision of large resources. 3. Award of certain sections of the nobility, by dividing the territories of Granada. 4. Incorporation of Granada into Castile. The annexation to the kingdom of Navarre XV century governing the kings: Catalina de Foix

Juan de Albrecht and After Blanca and

Juan II de Aragon

when Blanca died demanded the throne instead of giving to the heir: CARLOS - CIVIL WAR CIVIL WAR: Agromonteses(Juan II Aragon and France) 2 groups Beamonteses( prince Carlos Castile) Fernando the Catholic couldnt allow French people. 1512 Navarre be absorbed by the

Fernando asked for permission negative response: Fernando order the duke of Alba the occupation of Navarre Joined to the Catholic monarchy---- Pamplona fell down

1513: Fernando the Catholic

king of Navarre.

1515: annexation of the kingdom of Navarre to Castile. Navarre preserved his own juridical classification (institutions)

5. Economy and Society

Society: Nobility conserved their power.

Bourgeoisie XV century began to develop. Many farmers situation of servitude.

Economy: Based on: agriculture, livestock and the export of raw materials Law on Defense of the Caadas (1489) privileges to the Mesta Foreign trade Athlantic one Commerce: Export trade Consulates because of the expulsion of the jews. Social peace problem of Payeses de remensa arbitral judgement of Guadalupe (1468) Economic loss

6. Conquest of the Canary islands (1402-1496)

seorial conquest two different periods realenga conquest Seorial conquest: o two different conquest: Betancuriana and Seorial castellana Islands: Island: -Lanzarote - La Gomera -Fuerteventura Around 1450s, increased the occupation of the castilian kings in the Canary islands, through capitulations with the nobles. obtained the right of conquest the other three islands. Realenga conquest(1478-1496): -by the Catholic kings -Tratado de Alcaovas-Toledo(1479): shared the influential areas in the Atlantic (Canary island to Castile) -Islands: Gran Canaria, La Palma and Tenerife - Important resistance of the aboriginal people. Canary islands role decisive for the route of the New World

7. The rapprochement to Portugal

through the marriage policy

The institutions in the Reign of the Catholic Kings

No territorial and institutional union of the crowns. CASTILIAN INSTITUTIONS: the councils: polisidonial system. Territorial and thematic ones the Cortes de Castilla: not usually convene the Chancilleras and Audiencias: judicial functions the Santa Hermandad: protect the trade and combat the banditry the military orders: religious and military institutions the Corregidor: representant of the Crown in the cities the Inquisition : fight against the heresy and protect the catholic orthodoxy ARAGON`S INSTITUTIONS: each of the components (Aragon, Mallorca, Valencia and Catalua) had their own institutons. Fernando II boosted Virrey Council of Aragon System of insaculacin

8. Last years of the Catholic Kings and Succesion

Isabel I died in 1504. In her testament: -Juana I, queen of Castile -Fernando II, regent of Castile However, conflicts between Felipe I El hermoso (The Handsome) and his father-in-law, Fernando II. Finally, Fernando II had to leave Castile (Concordia de Villaffila) and Felipe I was proclaimed king og Castile. Death of Felipe I in 1506. Fernando II was the regent of Castile again. The Fernando IIs return was characterized by: -Incorporation of Navarra (1512) -Focus on the Italian matters -Neglect of the govern in the Cardinal Cisneros Crown of Aragon: -Conquest of Oran and the submission of the kingdom of Algiers. Fernando II died in 1516. His heir: Juana I of Castile. Regent : Carlos of Ghent Charles V: KING OF BOTH CROWNS & HOLY ROMAN EMPEROR

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