Homework 5

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1. (recall) Which are needed to fight infection? a. b. c. 2. white blood cells and red blood cells platelets and lymphatic fluid red blood cells and proteins d. e white blood cells and proteins red blood cells and platelets

(comprehension) An antibody is able to attach to a specific antigen because: a. b. c. d. e. it's a large polysaccharide with many antigen attachment sites it's made of the same monomers it's folding pattern compliments the shape of the antigen it can form an covalent bond with the antigen it can form an ionic bond with the antigen

(comprehension) In the following table, write YES if the blood transfusion would be successful. Write NO if the blood transfusion would harm the recipient. Donor Blood Type 3. 4. 5. AAB + ORecipient Blood Type A+ AB BSuccessful (Yes or No) YES NO YES

(recall) Fill in the blanks. 6._Inferior vena cava______________ A drop of blood is in the liver capillaries. What blood vessel will return this blood to the right atrium? drop of blood is in the left ventricle. What heart valve did it just pass through?

7._Mitral (bicuspid) valve___

8._Pulmonary vein__________________

A drop of blood is returning to the heart from the lungs. Which blood vessel will it pass through? A drop of blood is releasing oxygen and picking up CO2. What type of blood vessel does this occur in? A drop of blood is in the pulmonary artery. Is it oxygenated or deoxygenated?


10. _Deoxygenated_____________________

(comprehension) Fill-in the blanks with the letter of the correct choice: A. INCREASES B. DECREASES C. STAYS THE SAME

11. _C___ 12. _B___ 13. _A___ 14. _B___ 15.

When only the nonspecific defenses are activated, the number of memory cells ____. When a macrophage encounters a foreign organism, the number of foreign organisms ___. When interferons are released into the blood stream, the number of NK cells ____. When regulatory T cells are functioning, the strength of the immune response ____.

(1 point) (comprehension) Number the steps for the control of blood sugar in the correct order (from 1 to 6). __3__ __6__ __2__ __1__ __4__ __5__ insulin released from pancreas blood sugar levels return to normal blood sugar levels increase candy bar eaten insulin receptors activated in liver liver absorbs sugar from blood stream


(2 points) (comprehension) Using your knowledge of cell recognition and the immune system, explain why the body rejects organ transplants. As part of your explanation, use all of the following terms: MHC protein, antigen, antibodies, specific defenses, and any others that are relevant.

The body rejects organ transplants because the cells of the transplanted organ display MHC proteins that the recipient's immune system detects as foreign antigens. The recipients body produces antibodies from B cells, a specific defense, and attacks the cell of the newly transplanted organ. Individuals that receive organ transplants take immunosuppressive drug to rejection.

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