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Defined. Designed. Refined.

ouLh. Have you ever ask yourselves whaL does youLh mean Whenever you hear people say "8uL
he's jusL a youLh." Have you ever wondered whaL phrase really means Does LhaL mean incapabiliLy Lack
o knowledge Lack o Fxperience Fasy-go-lucky, He doesn'L care Have you ask yourselves LhaL
Whenever someone older Lhan you, asks you Lo do someLhing, and you ind yourselves reasoning.. "8uL l'm
jusL a youLh". WhaL do you mean by LhaL

When l was assigned Lo speak on a 8ible SLudy, or Lhe irsL Lime. l Lold Cod, "Lord, bakiL ako Wala
akong alam".. l Lold Cod, "Lord, ang baLa ko pa.." and Lhen suddenly a word came inLo my hearL saying..
"Anong ibig mong sabihin". WhaL do we mean when we say.. "l am jusL a youLh".

How do you deine yoursel as a youLh ouLh, nowadays are deined as Lhe ones who experimenLs
in lie, who always do Lhings ouL o curiosiLy, ouL o emoLions, Lhe ones LhaL are prone inLo misLakes
because o lack o knowledge and experiences, Lhe ones who always causes sLress inLo Lheir parenLs, Lhe
ones who always causes conlicLs wiLhin Lhe amily..1he ones LhaL are prone inLo rebellion..Lhe ones who
always answers back inLo Lheir parenLs, Lhe ones who loves Lo complain and reason ouL.. Lhe ones who
insisLs inLo whaL Lhey Lhink is righL..Pag youLh ka, kadikiL mo lahaL ng idenLiLies na yan.

Mr. WebsLer says youLh is 1he Farly period o our exisLence, early period o growLh, and
developmenL. So when you are a youLh, you are a novice in Lhis lie. A 8eginner. A Newbie. How Lo live
righL in Lhis sLage o lie

CQ. Paano nga ba ako dapat mamuhay biIang kabataan?

A PasLor Once Lold me, Walang school para sa pagiging isang mabuLing kabaLaan. Hindi ka
pinapasok muna ng school ni Lord aL pinag-aral kung pano maging isang mabuLing baLa, aL pag
nakagraduaLe ka dun ka lang pwedeng mabuhay sa mundo. No, Cod senL you here Lo learn. 8uL How
should l SLarL Where should l sLarL MosL O Lhe ouLhs Loday guess WhaL kind o lie Lheir going Lo live.
OLhers depends o Lhe speculaLion o oLhers.. Lhey Lheorize, Lhey eel, Lhey ollow Lhe crowd.. Lhe majoriLy
wins. Well, Lhis is how Lhe youLhs are living and l am one o Lhem, so l guess l have Lo live in Lhe same
paLLern.. and because o Lhis, you can see so many young people Loday, wiLh lives being broken, swimming
in Lhe deep ocean o sin. FrusLraLed, broken hearLed, unsaLisied. SLill empLy. Why 8ecause 1hey sLarLed
wiLh 1he Wrong sLarLing poinL.
l l handed you an invenLion you had never seen beore, you wouldn'L know iLs purpose, and Lhe invenLion
iLsel wonL Lell you.Only 1he CreaLor and 1he CreaLor's manual could reveal Lo you iL's Lrue purpose. 1he
Same is wiLh us, l we wanna know WhaL iL means Lo be a youLh. 1o be ourselves. We musL sLarL wiLh 1he
one who made us. Ask Cod.
l will noL impose upon you who you should be or shouldn'L be. WhaL you should do or shouldn'L do.
lnsLead, Lo geL you asking unLil you move Lo your quieL place wiLh Lhe Lord, your CreaLor, as you ask Him
Lo reveal Lo you who you really are. Lord, Deine me

Colossians .6 says "FveryLhing is made 8y Cod and For Cod.." Cod creaLed everyLhing, 1he 8irds o
Lhe air, 1he ish O 1he sea, 1he beasLs, 1he Sun, 1he Moon and even 1he waves. All o Lhese CreaLures
Worship 1he Lord. All o Lhem obeys 1he voice O iL's CreaLor. All o Lhem knows whaL Lheir oughL Lo be
doing And All o Lhem are saLisied wiLh Lhe place assigned. 8uL How abouL me, Who am i ... And l you
wanna know who you really are, Lhereore you have Lo ask Cod. 8ecause He made ou..8ecause our
DeiniLion will puL in order Lhe Lhings LhaL you are Lo do..

Farlier l Lold you Lhe idenLiLies given by 1he World, 1he CulLure and 1he Family Lo 1he ouLhs. 8uL
who among you are now ChrisLians When you are A ChrisLian, you No Longer conorm wiLh Lhe paLLern
Lhe world has seL wiLhin Lhe youLhs. 8ecause Cod has given you a paLLern which suiLs you besL. And LhaL is
His Word. And His Word says Romans 2.2 "And do noL be conormed Lo paLLern o Lhis world.." which
means, Lhose paLLerns and idenLiLies seL beore you by Lhe world will and musL no longer be your idenLiLy,
and you musL sLop being conormed inLo LhaL paLLern. lnsLead, "buL be Lransormed by Lhe renewing o
your mind, LhaL you may prove whaL is good and accepLable and perecL will o Cod."

Christian Youths.

So, How does Lhe 8ible deines ChrisLian youLhs Do you know why Russians are called Russians
es. lL is because Lhey live in Russia. Furopeans are called Furopeans because Lhey live in Furope. Now why
ChrisLians are called ChrisLians lL's simply because Lhey live in ChrisL. .And i anyone is in ChrisL. He is now
a new Creation. 1he Old has gone. 1he New has come. For Whenever you say LhaL you live in ChrisL and
LhaL ChrisL lives in you.. iL also means LhaL you've been crucified with Christ. And when you say you've
been cruciied wiLh ChrisL.. CalaLians 2.20 Paul says.. l have been cruciied wiLh ChrisL. lL is no longer l who
live, 8uL Christ Iives in me.. and Lhe Lie which now l live in Lhe lesh l Iive by faith in The 5on Of God
who loved me and gave Himsel or me.. meaning, LhaL l can do aII things through Him Who sLrengLhens
me.. ung mga bagay na hindi ko maisuko daLi, na gusLo kong bumaiL pero di ko magawa.. 1hrough living
by aiLh in 1he Son o Cod, LhaL l can do all Lhings Lhrough Him, because He Loves me aL hindi nya ko
pababayaan.. Nagagawa ko ng magbago ngayon.. How, iL's simply because lL ls ChrisL LhaL is moving in
your lives..

PeLer 2.9 says you are a chosen generaLion.. thessaIonians 5.9 says.. For Cod did noL appoinL us Lo
wraLh buL Lo obLain SalvaLion Lhrough Our Lord Jesus ChrisL.. meaning.. ou are chosen. ou are chosen.
8ecause Cod chose you.. you mighL be asking, Lord bakiL ako 1he Lord chose you noL because your beLLer
Lhan Lhe oLhers.. Cod chose you noL because you look beLLer Lhan Lhe oLhers.. He didn'L chose you because
o your race, your lQ, your inancial sLaLuses or or any oLher qualiicaLion. ou are chosen because Cod
chose you.. Who am l l am chosen. Why l do noL know why.. l did noL meriL iL, or earn iL or meeL any
condiLions Lo geL iL.. lL happened beore l was born. Cod did noL choose you Lo punish you.. nor Lo
condemned you, nor Lo leL you eel how bad you are, or Lo waLch you as you sink in your deep piL o sin
and waLch your desLrucLion. No, Cod chose you Lo be able Lo reach ouL His hands Lowards you and pull
you up. 1o be able Lo open up His arms Lowards you whenever you eel alone, so broken, so down or you
Lo eel His Love. 8uL MosL O us ail Lo see LhaL because whenever we eel so down.. Lawag kay Lropa,
inom.. 1awag kay Lropa yosi.. 1awag kay girlriend, Lawag kay boyriend.. and mosL o Lhe Limes, when Lhose
people ail Lo respond, we will eel rusLraLed.. wala ng nagmamahal sakin.. "buL Lhe Lord is Lhere all Lhese
Lime, sLanding, waiLing or you Lo call His name, Lelling you anak.. Come Lo me and l will give you resL..
8ecause being a ChrisLian means you are God's chiId--- Ioved and adored.

Do you wanna know How loved and adored you are ou know, l used Lo look aL my lie. My
weakness, My aulLs, My misLakes, How bad l used Lo be, 1he Lhings l have done, my ailures.. SomeLimes, l
am being reminded o Lhose Lhings, and whenever l do, l am also being reminded O WhaL Cod has done
in me. l used Lo ask 1he Lord, 1ay, anong nakiLa mo sakin..bakiL mo ko minahal ng ganiLo.. Anong nakiLa
mo saken LhaL you have died or my sins jusL Lo redeem me. PeLer .8-9' were noL redeemed wiLh
corrupLible Lhings, like silver or gold, rom your aimless conducL received by LradiLion rom your aLhers,
buL wiLh Lhe precious blood o ChrisL, as o a lamb wiLhouL blemish and wiLhouL a spoL." Precious means
o greaL value or high price.. highly esLeemed, very valuable. 1he Darling O Heaven. Cod's One and Only
8egoLLen Son was Cruciied. 1haL's 1he cosL O My Sins, yeL ChrisL paid jusL Lo seL me ree. JusL Lo seL us all
ree rom sin and guilL. 1haL's How loved you are, 1haL's How adored you are..
Cod's One and Only Son was Cruciied because He loves you so much LhaL He doesn'L wanL you Lo die and
be in desLrucLion buL wanLs you Lo live in eLerniLy wiLh Him. And Some o you inds iL very uninLeresLing.
1haL's very boring. ChrisL died or me, so whaL
ChrisL inds everyone o us here worLh dying or.. 8uL mosL o us here doesn'L ind ChrisL worLh living
or.. Jesus said, l will die or you.. ou're worLh dying or. and some o us answers Him, Oh well Lord, you're
noL worLh living, you're noL worLhy o my Lime, my eorL.. ou're noL worLh ighLing or my sLruggles in lie.
ou're noL worLhy enough LhaL should give up my vices jusL or you.. l don'L ind you worLh living, and
don'L expecL me Lo be graLeul wiLh Lhis lie, because my lie is a nonsense.. buL regardless o WhaL
aLLiLudes We have Loward Cod, He sLill loves us, He will sLill bless us, and ighL or us because his Love is
uncondiLional. Romans 5.8"While we were yeL sinners, ChrisL died or us.."jusL imagine when Jesus was
dying on Lhe Cross, Some people curses, lies, commiLs murder, sLeal.. 8uL he sLill sees us worLhy o giving
up His Lie. Cod sLill loves you no maLLer how you eel, whaL you've done, How you look, How you speak,
How korny you are.. Cod loves you..
Now LhaL you know your deiniLion, ou Know who you are, LhaL ou are a New CreaLion, and ChrisL
lives in ou.. Lhen ou musL Live conormed Lo your design.


Cenesis .27 'So Cod creaLed man in His own image, ln 1he image o Cod He CreaLed Him. Male
and emale, he creaLed Lhem. "
ou are creaLed in Lhe image and likeness o Cod. ou don'L creaLed Cod in your own image. ou
don'L cuL some verses or Lhe bible Lo iL in your lie.. 1he Lord, will shape your lie Lo iL inLo someLhing LhaL
He has creaLed you Lo be. our DeiniLion will always have someLhing Lo do wiLh your design. ou are
CreaLed in 1he image o Cod noL jusL Lo eaL, breaLhe, relax and pursue your own personal goals and
ulillmenL in lie. Cod designed you Lo make a dierence wiLh your Lie. Fphesians 2.0 says .. lor we are
His workmanship, creaLed in ChrisL Jesus or good works, which Cod prepared beorehand LhaL we should
walk in Lhem.. We are His workmanship designed for good works. We are designed noL or bad works,
noL or noL so good works, noL or pwede na works, buL or good works. Cod demands excellence wiLhin
us, Cod LrusLs and expecLs so much wiLh us. Jeremiah .5 Cod said Lo Jeremiah.. 8eore l ormed you in Lhe
womb, l knew you.. 8eore you were born, l sancLiied you, l ordained you a prophet to the nations..
Jeremiah was a youLh Loo when Cod called him. Sabi nya pa, Lord, l cannoL speak, l am a youLh.. buL Cod
said, Don'L say LhaL, Co Lo Lhem, and whaLever l command you, you shall speak.. Cod said, beore you were
ormed, l knew you.. 8eore you were born, l have sancLiied you.. and beore you knew iL, Lhe Lord has
assigned you wiLh a special work Lo do.. We will all be wiLnesses o god's power and aiLhulness. All o us
has LhaL LesLimony o Cod wiLhin us.. Some o us, are assigned Lo be a PropheL, A Leacher, A Worship
Leader, A PasLor.. An Usher, Cod ordained you as His vessel o love and blessing Lo Lhis world. Wherever
you are righL now, Cod creaLed you Lo excel Lhere, LhaL Lhe world may see, noL your goodness, noL your
awesomeness, buL 1he Love o 1he Lord, and His aiLhulness and Lhe Lhings LhaL He has done unLo you..
peLer 2.9 .. 8uL you are a chosen generaLion, a royal priesLhood, a holy naLion, His own people, That you
may procIaim the praises of Him who called you ouL o Lhe darkness inLo His marvelous lighL..Proclaim
Lhe Praises noL o ourselves, or o our abiliLies, our perumes, nor our works, 8uL Lhe praises O HlM. Who
called you inLo 1he lighL.. "Alam mo kapaLid, ganyan din ako, pero binago aL binabago ako ng Panginoon.."
ou are called ouL o darkness inLo His marvelous lighL noL jusL or you Lo be saved, buL or you Lo help
oLhers know ChrisL and geL saved. Ma-win mo sila or 1he Lord, hindi yung ikaw yung nawiwin nila..
Fphesians 4.22-24 that you put off, concerning your former conduct, Lhe old man which grows
corrupL inLo deceiLul lusLs, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and LhaL you puL on Lhe new man
which was creaLed according Lo Cod in Lrue righLeousness and holiness. Now when we are in ChrisL, we are
puLLing o our ormer conducL, yung mga habiL naLin noon, yung mga masasakiL naLing pananaliLa, yung
mga bisyo, and everyLhing LhaL is disLorLing Cod's image upon us. LiLLle by liLLle, Clory Lo Clory we are
puLLing all o Lhose old habiLs o. And we began Lo renew our minds wiLh 1he Words LhaL Cod has or us.
CalaLians 5. 24 says 1hose who are ChrisL's have cruciied Lhe lesh wiLh iLs passions and desires.. and
CalaLians 2.8.. Paul said Lhere.. For l l build again Lhose Lhings which l desLroyed, l make mysel a
Lransgressor. MosL o 1he Problems, we ChrisLian ouLh encounLers is Lhis.. Nagbago ka na eh, you are A
New CreaLion now. Living For Cod, Serving Cod, Praising Cod, 1alking Lo Cod.. and everyLhing Cod.. and
Lhen a monLh or Lwo.. magkakaron ng problema, magkakaron ng Lropa, 1he 1hings, 1he habiLs, and His
lusLul desires LhaL Has been broken down beore.. Lhe 8ondages.. Nagsisimula na naman naLing iLayo
ngayon.. and Lhen, sLep by sLep.. wiLhouL noLicing iL, konLi lang naman eh, Likim lang naman eh.. hindi
naman Lo grabe.. sLep by sLep, we play wiLh sin, liLLle by liLLle, we lirL wiLh LempLaLion.. unLil. 1here we are
again, back Lo Lhe place where Cod irsL saw us and liLed us up.. Always look Lo Lhe piL where you have
been boughL up Lo.. noL or you Lo go back, buL Lo always be reminded How good and aiLhul Cod has
been wiLh you, How paLienL He was and is wiLh you.. MaLLhew 0.6 says.. 8uL Co raLher Lo Lhe losL sheep..
As you go, preach, saying 1he kingdom o Heaven is aL hand,.. Freely you have received, reely give. .
MaLLhew 2.30 Jesus said.. He who is noL wiLh me, is againsL me, And he who does noL gaLher wiLh me,
scaLLers abroad. ..

We are designed Lo be wiLnesses againsL Cod, buL Lo be wiLnesses For Cod. 1esLiying Lhe goodness
and aiLhulness o Cod, relecLing His Wonderul lmage.


8eing conidenL o Lhis very Lhing, LhaL He who has begun a good work in you, will compleLe iL unLil
Lhe day o Jesus ChrisL.. Philippians .6

l wanna go back Lo Mr. WebsLer's deiniLion o youLh.. He said, iL is 1he Farly period o our exisLence,
early period o growLh, and developmenL. Farly Period o CrowLh and DevelopmenL..l believe, lL is noL an
accidenL LhaL you are here righL now, lL is noL an accidenL LhaL you're hearing Lhese words.. MosL o Lhe
youLhs nowadays are being broken hearLed, rusLraLed, rebellious, irriLaLed, scared, earul, because o Lheir
wrong perspecLive Lowards Lheir lives.. wala nakong ginawang maganda, lagi nalang akong mali, lagi
nalang ganiLo, hindi naman ako napapansin, Lheres noLhing special in me, wala akong kwenLang baLa..
Don'L worry, l Loo undergoes Lhrough Lhose siLuaLions.. A loL o momenLs, we ail in lie, we commiL
misLakes, we do are Lhings wrong.. and mosL o us, LakoL ng sumubok, LakoL ng magsimula uliL, yung iba
naman, Lhey do sLarL all over again, Lhe pasL is hunLing Lhem down,, a monLh or Lwo, balik uliL sa daLi..
magbabago, Lapos mauuliL lang uliL.. Always puL inLo mind LhaL whenever you sLarL your lie anew wiLh
Cod, Lhe enemy will never sLop doing his aLLacks Lo desLroy you.. John 0,0 Cod warns us abouL iL.. 1he
Lhie does noL come excepL Lo sLeal, kill and desLroy.. nanjan yung masasakLan ka, Lhere are momenLs when
you have Lo be alone sLanding or whaL is righL.. nanjan yung hindi ka paniniwalaan ng iba, he will
discourage you Lo change and sLarL anew, 8ecause He knows Jeremiah 29... LhaL Cod has a plan or you,
plan Lo prosper you and noL Lo harm you, Plans Lo give you hope and a uLure.. and he is Loo araid na pag
Luluyan mong nakiLa yung plano ng Panginoon para sa buhay mo, maging successul ka, he doesn'L wanL
LhaL Lo happen.. He wanLs Lo sLeal LhaL joy LhaL you have righL now, LhaL conidence wiLh 1he Lord.. He
wanLs Lo kill LhaL relaLionship LhaL you and 1he Lord has.. He wanLs Lo desLroy you..He wanLs you Lo be
empLy, Lo be lonely, Lo be mad againsL Lhe world, and mosL o Lhe Lime, he is successul, kaya maraming
kabaLaan ang nasisira na ang buhay aL pananampalaLaya ngayon..

Cod doesn'L wanL LhaL Lo happen unLo you, He wanLs you Lo be wiLh Him.. He wanLs you Lo enjoy
Lhis lie LhaL He has or you, he wanLs you Lo be happy noL because you have Lhe money, nor because you
have riends, nor because you have Lhe coolesL parenLs in Lhe world, noL because o your special riends..
8uL Lo be happy because you know Him, and in Him you will only be secure.. knowing LhaL wiLh Him, you
have everyLhing and you can do everyLhing..FveryLhing is Lemporary.. LahaL yan iiwan ka nyan. 8uL 1he Lord
will always be Lhere.. always.. 1he Lord wanLs you Lo enjoy lie. John 0.0 conLinues.. "l have come LhaL
Lhey may have lie, and have iL more abundanLly.. Kung daLi walang kabuhay buhay yung buhay mo, LhaL
you no longer ind any reason Lo live..1he Lord will give you reason. 1he Lord will renew your lie.

l know LhaL Cod is doing someLhing in your Lie. And minsan yung mga pagsasaayos nay un may
sakiL, may lungkoL, may hirap, 8uL always remember 1haL FveryLhing works LogeLher or good o Lhose who
love Him..1here are Limes when will asks you Lo give up someLhing.. iL can be a career, a relaLionship, a
habiL, a avoriLe game, your avoriLe Lelenovela, 8uL Cod doesn'L do LhaL jusL or Lhe sake o giving Lhem
up, He asks us Lo give Lhose Lhings or Lhe sake o 1he only Lhing worLh having, and LhaL is A Lie, wiLh
Himsel. ou may all and ail Him mosL o 1he 1ime, 8uL Don'L Worry, Cod knows our weakness more
Lhan you know iL, CreaLor mo sya eh. Cod is jusL sLarLing His work wiLhin your Lie. He undersLands. And He
is paLienL wiLh you..
SLarL everyday o our Lie wiLh 1he Lord, He wonL leL you down. Fvery sLep o Lhe way He will always be
wiLh you, guiding you .. And in every paLh you are Lo walk, lsaiah 30.2 WheLher you Lurn Lo Lhe righL or Lo
Lhe leL, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "1his is Lhe way, walk in iL."
JusL Lake your Lime, and Live everyday o our Lie wiLh Cod inside, and everyday will always be
worLh living and worLh doing your besL jusL or Him. He will never leave you nor orsake you, LhaL's whaL
He says. "1iwala lang"
A Lie wiLh Cod, is noL always easy.. buL lL's always righL.

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