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Holiday Greetings and a

Very Merry Christmas from the Balogs

Usually I start these in chronological order, but I thought Id change it up a bit and give Pickle AKA Nickolasthe first go. the world and is always willing to get to the meat of an object to see how it works. His teen years are proving to be different than Ashleigh and Johndid we expect anything less? Where Ashleigh just complied to get by and John waged war over every little detail, James chooses to use his aggression passively. Fortunately for us, God keeps us on top of it. Mostly for Nicks sake, I thinkto keep their best friend relationship intact during these growing years.

Nickolas11years old.
What can be said about the Pickle? He is generous and loving. He has a servants heart and he uses it to the fullest. That being said, he is not an angel and

John 16(almost 17)years old

John was blessed with acceptance into the Texas Challenge Academy this past summer. He has been working diligently and his hard work has paid off! He has earned quite a few extra H.S. credits and passed his G.E.D. and A.S.V.B. tests the first time around! This is such an accomplishment for him because he has struggled with school and dyslexia his whole life. In addition to the great academic work, he has lost over 20lbs. This is fantastic because of 1 John the diabetes, hypertension, and sleep apnea hopefully these will improve. He graduates the program on the 17th of December and comes home. He will continue to work on his high school credits and work until
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2 Nick and James

sometimes he struggles with watching his siblings grow up , change and even leave the house. He is adjusting despite sometimes pouting and feeling blue. His turn for teen-hood is just around the corner. He loves to cook and craft and this season has thoroughly enjoyed making Christmas decorations and gifts for the neighbors.

James 13years old

James is definitely a teen! He still loves his computers and computer programming; he loves building his robots and other Lego creations. He and Nickolas are working on various projects together ranging from video scripts to video game design to DND. He loves to contemplate

he turns 18 and applies to a branch of the military. We are very proud of him and full of joy as his potential is making itself known to him.

Steven over 40
ChappyAKA Stevenhas about 2.5years left in the military and is working toward plans for retirement. What do these plans include? A coffee shop / brew supplyGarryOwen Brewing/GarryOwen Espresso Pub. We are excited and hope that we can have it open by April/May of this next year. His brewing acuity is growing with every batch of beer he makes. He, along with a few other guys at the hospital, are starting a post brew club. The first meeting is at our house. Because of all the activity at our house the second half of the year, we havent ridden our Harleys much, but look forward to it this next year.

Ashleigh18years old

Darcien not quite 40

3 Ashleigh

I guess I can include Ashleigh since she was home for half the year (LOL Just kidding, Ash!) Ashleigh turned 18 this past summer and moved back up to WA where her boyfriend, Huxley, lives. She has been living with his family because she was without personal transportation. However, she came home at Thanksgiving and picked up her car. So now, she is actively looking for a place of her own. She is also getting ready to start school again. At this time she is aiming for her AA in Liberal Arts and is working on her third manuscript.

After taking a sabbatical this spring, I reopened my sewing shop to wild success! Which had to be put on hold for a good chunk of November and part of December. But I will open again in January with renewed vision.
4 Chappy and Darc

I got to spend a good deal of time with my mom in NY and I helped Ash to get her car to WA. Loved it all!

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