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Internal Mark Assessment System

In the current scenario, evaluating internal grade of students in the campus is time consuming as well as requires more human effort. Proposed system is an application program that provides a comprehensive solution to manage and enhance the internal mark evaluation. Our project INTERNAL MARK ASSESSMENT SYSTEM is developed based on information collected from the various departments of Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha.

This project mainly includes the maintains of admission details and internal details of each student in the department. Internal grade are evaluated from the grade obtained by the students for internal exams, seminars, assignment and attendance.

It is data base project. The proposed system is developed in visual Basic 6.0. SQL Server is the back end.

Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System


The project entitled INTERNAL MARK ASSESSMENT SYSTEM computerize the internal grade calculation of various departments in Nirmala College. Nirmala College is a first grade college, which entered into 59th year of its glorious service to the cause of higher education . In 1955,the college was raised to First Grade by B.A.,B.Sc and B.Com Courses. Post Graduate courses were introduced in 1965 and now there are 13 graduate courses and 8 Post Graduate courses are available and research facilities are available in 5 courses.

Nirmala College is one of the foremost colleges in Kerala with over 1500 faculty members. The college is affiliated to Mahatma Gandhi University , Kottayam.

Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System

System analysis is the process of gathering and interpreting facts , diagnosing problems and using the facts to improve the system . Analysis is a detailed study of various operation performed by a system and their relationship within and outside of the system . This involves gathering information and using structured tools for analysis.


In the various departments the admission details of student s are kept as manual records . So it is very difficult to maintain the data , a number of registers are needed there is a chance of loss of data . At the same time does not provide security of data . If we want to get the details of a particular student we have to search the entire record . Personal details as well as academic details are stored separately in different registers, so if a person wants to know the details , he has to refer a number of registers sometimes there is a chance of data inconsistency ,and data redundancy.Computerization reduces the communication gap because anything is programmed as per schedule and omission of information is not possible at all.


The existing system has some limitations that said as follows: At present keeping records is manual. Large no of records is required Lacks of security Calculation takes more time Chance for getting error is more


The different problems that can be arising in the system can be overcome by the computerization of the system . Although correct solution cannot be achieved, to

some extent the computerization gives solution to most of the problems.

Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System

It hence can be said to provide the following advantages: User Friendly Interfaces: The system provides friendly graphical user interfaces with efficient help and tips, which makes addition of records easier. Several validation routines are also provided which ensure error free addition of records. Moreover large quantity of data can be easily inserted with less time consumption Easier Access to Information: it is easier to access information from the available set of records. The records need not be manually located; the records searched for can be retrieved depending on the speed of the computer installed. Hence searches can be easily done with the highest precision of accuracy. Speed: The most important advantage of the computerized system is the speed with operations can be performed. The speed difference between computer and men are enormous. Generation of Reports: It ensures timely and accurate report generation with the help of an excellent reporting system. Such a reporting system automatically links all necessary information and generates clear and unambiguous. Avoidance of Redundancy: It ensures that records are redundant that is avoiding duplication of records .In our system no two students can have the same register number. Consistency : The major problem that can be overcome is the problem of consistency . It ensures that changes made are available to all. Security: It provides security by means of passwords.


Taking into account the shortcoming of the existing system, a new computerized system was proposed with Visual Basic 6.0 as front and SQL server as backend . High speed and ease of use are the main features of the proposed system. The proposed system allows acceptance of details of each student and to store it in a database. It prevents unauthorized access. By using the system we can record the course details, batch details, subject details, internal mark details, attendance details.Using the system we can easily search the details of particular student. We are providing the help facility for accessing in a user-friendly manner.

Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System

Its make possible by just clicking on the required buttons that are displayed on the screen . Separate forms have been designed for each of these options presented on the screen . These are specific and easy to understand.


To reduce the paper work To reduce complexity error Maintain security Avoid redundancy Giving accurate information User friendly Automatic updating , searching of records are made possible Enables to view large volume of data in short time


1. CPU 2. Memory 3. Cache : PENTIUM DUAL CORE processer : 1 GB : 2 MB

4. Floppy Disk : 1.44MB 5. Hard Disk 6. Speed 7. Display 8. Key Board 9. Mouse 10. Printer : 80 GB : 2.2GHZ : 15 Monitor : Standard 108 Keys Enhanced Keyboard : MS Serial Mouse : 2008 Series Laser

1. Operating System 2. Front End 3. Back End 4. Method of connecting : Windows XP : Visual Basic 6.0 : SQL Server : ADODC

Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System

Visual Basic 6.0

VB is Visual Design Environment, designing from that makes up user interface ,adding codes to the forms and objects such as buttons, textboxes, labels and required support code in adding modules. It is a higher performance, highly integrated development environment that allows creating, building and debugging window applications faster and easier than ever before. It is a graphical user interface. Online help is also available. VB has became a popular environment due to the following features : Visual Basic application is event driven, which means that the user is in control of the application. Visual Basic application is a complete windows application development system. Visual Basic supports the basic principle of object- oriented design. Compartmentalize different aspects of the application as objects and develop and test them independently.

SQL server
Microsoft SQL server 2000 is a set of components that work together to meet the data storage and analysis needs of the largest Web sites and enterprise data processing systems. The topics in SQL Server Architecture describe how the various components work together to manage data effectively.

Features of SQL Server 2000

Enterprise-Level Database Features: The SQL Server 2000 relational database engine supports the features

required to support demanding data processing environments. The database engine protects data integrity while minimizing the over head of managing thousands of users concurrently modifying the database.SQL Server 2000 distributed queries have been plugged into the .net allow you to reference data from multiple sources as if it were a part of a SQL Server 2000 database while at the same time, the distributed transaction support protects the integrity of any updates of the distribute data. Replication allows you to also maintain multiple copies of data, while ensuring that the separate copies remain synchronized. You can replicate a set of data to multiple, mobile, disconnected

Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System

users, have them work autonomously, and then merge their modifications back to the publisher. Internet Integration: The SQL Server 2000 database engine includes integrated XML support. It also has the scalability, availability, and security features required to operate as the data storage component of the largest Web sites. The SQL Server 2000 programming model is integrated with the windows DNA architecture for developing Web applications and SQL Server 2000 support features such as English Query and the Microsoft Search Service to incorporate user-friendly queries and powerful search capabilities in Web applications. Data Warehousing: SQL Server 2000 includes tools for extracting and analyzing summary data for online analytical processing. SQL Server also includes tools for visually designing databases and analyzing data using English-based questions.


Feasibility study is a system proposal according to its workability , impact on the organization , ability to meet user needs and efficient use of resources. Feasibility study identifies, describes and evaluates the candidate system and selects the best system for the job. An important outcome of the preliminary investigations is determining whether the system requested is feasible or not.

3.4.1 Economic Feasibility

Economic feasibility evaluates whether the system benefits greater than the cost. The proposed system is cost effective one since the benefit of the software outweighs the cost incurred in installing it . It can be developed under optimal

expenses with the available hardware and software. The computerized system provides easy and faster information retrieval and saves a lot of time and manpower.

3.4.2 Technical Feasibility

Technical feasibility involves financial considerations to accommodate technical enhancement. the proposed system requires a computer and printer for its functioning. The features of the proposed system like good response time , accuracy

Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System and volume of feasible.

data handling capacity etc suggest that the system is technically

3.5 DATAFLOW DIAGRAMS(DFD) The data flow diagrams were first developed by Larry Constantine as a way of expressing system requirements in a graphical form :this led to a modular design. A DFD, also known as Bubble Chart , has the purpose of clarifying system requirements and identifying major transformation that will become programs in system design. A DFD consists of a sequence of bubbles joined by lines . The bubbles represent data transformation and the line represent the data flow in system.

DFD Symbols

In the DFD, there are four types of symbols:

Represents data source or destination

Represents flow of data

Represents a process that transforms the data

Represents the data storage

Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System

Several rules are used in drawing DFDs. 1. Process should be named and numbered .Each should be representativeof the process 2. The direction if flow is from top to bottom and from left to right. 3. When a process is exploded into lower level details,they are numbered. 4. The names of data stores,sources,and destinations should be written in capital letters

Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System



Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System



Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System



Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System



Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System



Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System



Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System



Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System


Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System


Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System



Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System


Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System


Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System



Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System


Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System


Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System


The system design specification includes input design specification and output design specification.


Input design is the process of converting user-originated inputs to a computer based formats. Input data are collected and organized into groups of similar data. Once identified, appropriate data are selected for processsing the input forms are designed using GU controls. So error may be avoided .The inputs are: LOGIN FORM: This form is used by the administrator, head of the department, teacher to login to the system using user-id and password. Thus it provides security to the system. it also has the provision to change the password of the user who has currently logged in. COURSE MANAGEMENT: This form allows adding ,editing or deleting courses in the system. It stores the basic information like course-id, course name, course description of each course. Courseid is auto generated number. BATCH MANAGEMENT: This form allows adding , editing or deleting batches from the courses. It stores the information like batch-id course-id batch name number of semester /year. Batch-id is an auto generated number . TEACHER MANAGEMENT: This form allows adding ,editing or deleting teachers from each course. It stores the information like teacher id, name, date of birth, sex, phone number. Teacher id is an auto generated number. SUBJECT MANAGEMENT: This form is used to add, edit or delete subjects from the batches of course . It stores the information like subject id ,subject name , maximum point and maximum grade for each subject .

Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System STUDENT MANAGEMENT:


This form is used t add ,edit or delete students from each course .It stores the information like register number , student name, course id ,batch id, sex, data of birth, address, phone number and e-mail id. ATTENDANCE MANAGEMENT This form is to add, edit or delete attendance details from each course .It stores the information like register number, number of working days ,number of present days and attendance grade. GRADE DETAILS: This form allows calculating internal grade of students .It stores the information like seminar point, seminar grade, assignment point ,assignment grade, theory point theory grade, total grade and total point.


The output design phase is another very important one. The outputs are mainly used to communicate with user, processing the input data given by the user etc. It is documented in each stage of the project to ensure error free output. Output screens are designed in very simple and understandable format .The main outputs are COURSE REPORT: This report displays t he details of the courses within the organization .The course id course name and description for that course are displayed. BATCH REPORT: This report is displays the details of batches within each course. It displays the batch id, batch name, number of semester and the course name. SUBJECT REPORT: This report is displays the details of all subjects in each course within the organization. It displays the subject id, subject name, maximum point , maximum grade,batch name and course name.

Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System TEACHER REPORT:


This report is displays the details of all teachersin each department within the organization . It displays the teacher id, name, date of birth, address, phone number and course name. STUDENT REPORT: This report is displays the details of all students within each department . It displays the register number, name, date of birth , address, phone number, e-mail and course name. ATTENDANCE REPORT: This report is displays the attendance details of all students in each department. It displays the details such as attendance id , register number, semester number,attendance point and attendance grade. GRADE REPORT: This report is displays the grade details of all students. It displays the information like register number, seminar point, seminar grade, assignment point ,assignment grade, theory point, theory grade , attendance grade, total grade and total point.

Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System



1. Table name : LOGIN_TB Primary key: USERNAME FIELD NAME USERNAME PASSWORD DATATYPE varchar varchar SIZE 10 10 DESCRIPTION Username Password

2. Table name : COURSE_TB Primary key: COURSEID


DATATYPE int varchar varchar



30 50

Name of course Description of course

Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System


3. Table name : BATCH_TB Primary key: BATCHID Foreign key: COURSEID


DATATYPE int int int int


DESCRIPTION Batch id Name of batch Semester number Course id


Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System


5. Table name : TEACHER_TB Primary key: TEACHERID Foreign key:COURSEID,DESGNAME FIELDNAME TEACHERID FNAME LNAME DOB SEX ADDRESS PHNO COURSEID DESGNAME DATATYPE int varchar varchar datetime char varchar integer int varchar 30 1 150 30 30 30 SIZE DESCRIPTION Id of teacher First name of teacher Last name of teacher Date of birth of teacher Gender of teacher Address of teacher Phone number of teacher Course id Designation name

6. Table name : SUBJECT_TB Primary key: SUBID Foreign KEY:BATCHID,COURSEID FIELDNAME SUBID SUBNAME MAXPOINT MAXGRADE SEMNO BATCHID COURSEID DATATYPE int varchar int char int int int 1 30 SIZE DESCRIPTION Subject id Subject name Maximum point Maximum grade Semester no Batch id Course id

Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System


7. Table name : ALLOCATION_TB Primary key: ALLOCID Foreign key:SUBID,TEACHERID FIELDNAME ALLOCID TEACHERID SUBID DATATYPE int int int SIZE DESCRIPTION Allocation id Teacher id Subject id

8. Table name : STUDENT_TB Primary key: REGNO Foreign KEY:COURSEID,BATCHID FIELDNAME REGNO FNAME LNAME DOB SEX ADDRESS PHNO EMAIL COURSEID BATCHID DOJ DATATYPE int varchar varchar datetime char varchar integer varchar int int datetime 1 150 30 35 30 30 SIZE DESCRIPTION Register number of student First name of student Last name of student Date of birth of student Gender of student Address of student Phone number of student Email id of student Course id Batch id Date of joining

Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System


9. Table name : ATTENDANCE_TB Primary key: ATTID Foreign key:REGNO FIELDNAME ATTID REGNO TOTDAYS PREDAYS PERCENT GRADE DATATYPE int int int int float char 1 SIZE DESCRIPTION Attendance id Register number of student Total number of working days Total number of present days Percentage of present days Grade for attendance

10. Table name : GRADE_TB

Primary key: MID Foreign key:REGNO,COURSEID,SUBID FIELDNAME MID COURSEID REGNO SUBID SEMPT ASGPT SEMGRADE ASGRADE INTMRKPT INTMRKGRADE TOTAL DATATYPE int int int int float float char Char float char float 1 1 1 SIZE DESCRIPTION Mark id Course id Register number of student Subject id Seminar point Assignment point Seminar grade Assignment grade Internal mark point Internal mark grade Total point

Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System



Process design refers to the design of the important process in the system ranging from the functional description of each task. To the entire system being considered as a process, INTERNAL MARK ASSESSMENT SYSTEM has been divided into several modules. Each module is bound to have its own specific functions .Each of these modules can described below: ADMIN MODULE: This module mainly deals with course management, batch management and subject management. STAFF MODULE: This module mainly deals with Teacher management, Designation management and Allocation management. STUDENT MODULE: This module mainly deals with Student management, Attendance management and Grade management. REPORT MODULE: This report generation feature of the system is one of the prime attractions of the proposed system. Reports are generated based on data collected from the above

operations and they are design to satisfy the decision-making requirements of the users.

Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System



The testing phase is an important part of software development. It is the processes of finding errors and missing operations and also a complete verifications to determine whether the objectives are requirements are satisfied. Software testing is carried out in three steps . The first step includes unit testing where in each module is tested to provide its correctness, to determine any missing operations and to verify whether the objectives have been met. Errors are noted down and corrected immediately. Unit testing is the important and major part of the project. So errors are rectified easily in particular modules and program quality is increased. In this project, entire system is divided into several modules . Second step include integration testing .If we need not be the case that software whose modules when run individually and showing perfect result with also show perfect result as whole .The individual modules are clipped under this major module and tested again and verified the results. A module can have inadvertent, adverse effect on any other on the global data structure causing serious problems. The final step involves validation and testing which determines whether the software function as the user expected. Artificial Data: Artificial data are usually created for running the first test. The data should contain all possible combinations formats and values . Artificial data should include deliberate mistakes, such as numbers occurring on an alphabet-input field where a program expects a name. The mistake takes us to check the system editing , errors and corrections procedures. Live Data: Once the system performance flawlessly on artificial data, we switch to live data or real data taken from the organization .A system is generally tested in a Department of Computer Science Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System


hierarchical , starting at the bottom and working up . First each program is tested . Next a series of modules are tested ,and then each individual program with all its modules , finally the entire system consisting of series of program is tested . In this way, problems at the modules level can be corrected before programs are tested and problems at programs level can be corrected before the entire system is used. Levels in testing 1) Unit testing 2) Integration testing UNIT TESTING: It is the process of taking each program modules and runs in isolation from the rest of the modules, by using prepared inputs and comparing the results with the results predicted by the specifications and design of modules .This enables the tester to detect errors in coding and logic that are contained within that module one. INTEGRATION TESTING: Integration testing is a systematic technique for constructing tests to uncover errors associated within the interfaces .In this testing , all the modules are combined , and then the entire program is tested as a whole . SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION: System implementation is the process of bringing the developed system and turning it over to user. It can be the most crucial stage in achieving a successful new system and in giving the users confidence that the new system will work and be effective . Implementation plan For successful implementations of the system, implementation plan is necessary. Its major elements include test plan, training plans, an equipment installation plan and a conversion plan The test plan provides for the preparations of the test ad for testing the system in a planned, structured manner. Training plan is necessary to ensure that all people who are associated with the computer related information system have the necessary knowledge and skills .The important activities are preparations ,equipment installation and hardware software checkout.

Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System


Conversion is the process if initiating and performing all the physical operations that result directly in the turnover of the new system to the user. There are two parts of conversion .The conversion plan is implemented throughout the development phase into the operational phase. The conversion plan includes procedural conversion, program conversion and the file conversion. The changeover plan also specifies the method of change from old to new system. Choices of changeover methods include parallel operations, immediate replacement and physical changeover.

Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System



The security features are considered while developing the system, so as to avoid the errors and omission that may lead to serious problems .The system may have to face the unwanted events called threats .Computer systems is secure against a particular threat if counter measures have been taken to reduce an acceptability low level amount of loss that the treat may be expected to cause over given period of time .A computer should be protected from the following three problems 1. Loss of availability 2. Loss of integrity 3. Loss of confidentiality These problems may adversely affect the ability of computer system to carry out its intended task .Threat to a computer system is any event that a adversely affect the one or more assets or resources ,which make up the system. An event can be any of the following. 1. Interruption of communication 2. Destruction of hardware 3. Modification of software 4. Removal of programs 5. Disclosure of information There are many methods for handling a threat 1. Avoid it by altering the design 2. Threat retention 3. Treat reduction i.e., the frequency of occurrence of a threat is reduced There are many possible threats to the security and integrity of any system where more than one user is associated with the system. Software integrity has become increasingly important. The attribute measures a systems ability to withstand attacks, both accidental and intentional on its security .Attacks can be made on all the three components of software: programs data and documents.

Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System


In this project the data security , data validation checking methods are applied using a password authentication . All the data, which is entered by the staff and administrator, will be validated . Users should enter their user name and password forthe requesting access. The system is also secured in such a way that even the slightest deviation in inputing the data will invoke error messages and provide necessary guidelines regarding the input. The result attained where fully satisfactory forms the customer point of view.

Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System


The maintenance is important phase of any system. Maintenance of the system should be done accurately and with specific care proper running of the system. Maintenance involves the software industry captive, typing up the system resources. It means restoring something to its original conditions .Maintenance involves a wide range of activities including correcting , coding and design errors , updating documentation and test data and upgrading user support .Maintenance is continued till the product is reengineered or deployed to another platform. Maintenance is also done based on fixing the problems reported, changing the interface with other software or hardware enhancing the software. Any system developed should be secured and protected against possible hazards. The system should be maintained and upgraded according to the technological advancements. It ensures the data integrity, data control and security .The system must be protected from fire and other natural calamities. The backup copies of data must be maintained daily so that to prevent the loss of data due to various reasons .Security measures are provided to prevent unauthorized access of the database at various levels. Software maintenance is divided into the following three categories Corrective maintenance Adaptive maintenance Perfective maintenance Corrective maintenance has to do with the removal of residual errors present in the product when it is delivered as well as errors introduced into the software during its maintenance. Adaptive maintenance modifies the software to keep it up to date with its operative environment .It may be needed because of changes in the user requirements, changes in target platforms, or changes in external interfaces. Perfective maintenance involves changing the software to improve some of its qualities.The request to perfective maintenance may come directly from the software engineer, in order to improve the status of the product on the market, or they may come.

Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System


The project has been developed for the successful management of the activities at Nirmala College Muvattupuzha.In this various information of each student mainly internal grade details has been maintained efficiently. The system has been thoroughly tested with sample of data and the performance of the system proved to be efficient and extremely user-friendly. The system is flexible and changes if any can be made without much difficulty. Every step has been taken to make the working of the project comfortable as possible for the users .Also reports have been created and can be called according to the requirements. The Major Advantages Are: Easy retrieval of data available in database Quick implementation of results Very user friendly Does not require large amount of memory Very less manual work is needed Very cost effective

Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System



The system titled INTERNAL MARK ASSESSMENT SYSTEM has been developed to computerize all the functional activities of Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha. It makes comprehensive coverage of the most of the activities undertaken in this section. Proper consideration has been given for enhancements in future throughput the development of the software .But the system can be extended, as the software is constantly evolving and always has a scope for future enhancement. The current system was mainly designed to support the management of the organization. In the future the system can be enhanced to include details of students who are failed. Present system has not included such a provision. All the functions have been done carefully and successfully in the software, and if any development is necessary in future. it can be done without affecting the design by adding additional modules to the system.

Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System


Elias M.Awad, SYSTEM ANALYSIS & DESIGN, Galgotia Second Edition-2005. Peter Norton, GUIDE TO VISUAL BASIC 6 , Techmedia,2005. Henry Korth, DATABASE DESIGN CONCEPT , MCGRA W-HILL-5th ,Edition 2005. Roger.S.Pressman, SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, MCGRAW-HILL_6th ,Edition 2005. Steven Holzner,VISUAL BASIC 6 PROGRAMMING BLACK BOOK Dreamtech-New Edition,2008. Publications-

Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System




Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System CHANGE PASSWORD


Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System



Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System



Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System



Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System



Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System



Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System



Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System



Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System



Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System



Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System



Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System BATCH REPORT


Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System SUBJECT REPORT


Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System TEACHER REPORT


Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System STUDENT REPORT


Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System ATTENDANCE REPORT


Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System



Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Internal Mark Assessment System



Department of Computer Science

Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

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