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OOPS (Short Answer type Questions)

1. What is Object Oriented? 2. Difference between Object Oriented and Procedure Oriented. 3. What is Object? 4. What is Class? 5. What is data abstraction? 6. What is encapsulation? 7. What is data hiding? 8. What is polymorphism? 9. What is inheritance? 10. What is dynamic binding? 11. What is modularity? 12. What is message passing? 13. Advantages of object oriented over procedure oriented.
14. Why C++ is called an object oriented language?

15. C++ is invented by whom and where? 16. What are various data types? 17. Difference between int and long int. 18. What are enumerated data types? 19. What is redirection? Explain. 20. What is type conversion? 21. What is type casting? 22. What are various types of expression? What are bitwise expressions? 23. What is the structure of a C++ program?
24. What are various header file? Why header files are used?

25. Is extension of a header file essential while including a header file in a program? 26. What are keywords? 27. What are identifiers and constants? 28. What are user defined data types? 29. What are symbolic constants? 30. What are derived data types? 31. What are the disadvantages of array? 32. What are reference variables? 33. What is scope resolution operator? 34. What is dynamic memory allocation?
35. What do you mean by this operator?

36. What are memory management operators? 37. What are manipulators? 38. Difference between implicit and explicit conversions. 39. Operator precedence in C++.
40. Name the various control structures used in C++.

41. Difference between while and do-while. 42. What is function prototyping?
43. Difference between call by value and call by reference.

44. What are pointers? What type of values do they store? 45. What is Inline function? 46. What are macros? 47. Difference between an Inline function and a normal function. 48. Difference between macro and an Inline function. 49. What is recursion? What are the benefits of using recursion? 50. What is function overloading?

51. What is function overriding? 52. What is friend function? 53. What is friend class? 54. What are static data members? 55. What is static function? 56. What are virtual functions? 57. What are pure virtual functions? 58. Difference between structure and class. 59. What are various visibility labels or access specifies? 60. What are the two ways to defining a member function of a class? 61. Deference between private and protected. 62. Difference between public and protected. 63. What is abstract class? 64. What is concrete class? 65. What is container class? 66. What are constructors? 67. What are various types of constructors? 68. What are destructors? What role do they play? 69. What is operator overloading? 70. Name the operator those cannot be overloaded. 71. What are the two ways for operator overloading? 72. Can we change fundamental meaning of operator using operator overloading? 73. What are various types of inheritance? 74. What do you mean by public, private and protected derivation of a class?
75. State the types of inheritance where ambiguity can occur.

76. What is multipath ambiguity? Ways to resolve it.

77. What is virtual base class?

78. What will be the sequence on execution of constructors and destructors in the hierarchy of inheritance? 79. What are various types of polymorphism? 80. What is run time polymorphism? 81. How runtime polymorphism can be achieved? 82. What do you mean by pointer to base class? Can we access members of derived class using pointer to base class. 83. What are pure virtual functions? Why they are used? 84. What is exception handling? 85. What are the various blocks of an exception handling program? 86. What are generic functions? 87. Advantages of generic functions over function overloading. 88. Can generic function be overloaded? if yes in what way both types of functions will be executed? 89. What is generic class? 90. What are C++ streams? What are classes for those streams? 91. What is put() function? 92. What is get() function? 93. What is fill() function? 94. What setf() function? 95. What are various methods for opening a file in file handling? 96. What are various modes in which a file can be opened? 97. What are tellg() and tellp()? 98. What are seekg() and and seekp()?

99. Difference between get() and getline(). 100. How errors can be handled during file handling?

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