EX. SAULO 1o Sec. AyB, Ingles.

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Coiiesponuiente al mes ue
BlClFHBRF eactivos
Piofesoi Soulo Zuiqo Soso Acieitos
Asignatuia lenquo extronjero l Taieas
uiauo Seccion A Conuucta
Alumno Calificacion

I. Look at the family tree. Then fill in the blanks with the correct family word.

Ex: Miranda is Jenny`s mother

1 Margaret is Rachel and Giorgio`s
2 Oliver and Juan are
3 Rachel is Oliver`s
4 Margaret is Jenny`s
5 Tomas is Marco`s
6 Juan is Marco`s
7 Juan is Margaret`s
8 Giorgio is Juan`s
9 Sally and Jenny are Oliver`s
10 Margaret and Carlos are Marco and Juan`s
11 Oliver, Jenny, Sally, Marco, and Juan are Rachel and Giorgio`s

II. Put the apostrophe (`) in the correct place.

Ex: Emma`s parents are in Spain

12 Charles is Sandras brother
13 The girls Iathers are at work
14 Ron Weasleys hair is red
15 My grandparents house is new
16 Mr Smiths class is in room 201
17 Katie is Rebeccas sister
18 Her childrens eyes are brown

III. Circle the correct form of ,;0.

19 My sister has / have a boyIriend
20 Hermione doesnt have / dont have short hair
21 I doesnt have / dont have any brothers
22 They doesnt have / dont have any children
23 You has / have blue eyes
24 We doesnt have / dont have any homework
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CB. LEB0, Bu0.
25 They has / have gray hair

IV. Complete the questions with do and does.

26 your Iather have any cousins?
27 they have any money?
28 How many aunts they have?
29 How many DVDs you have?
30 Brian have a girlIriend?

V. rite each phrase from the box in the correct column. (31 - 38).

I like I love I`m not into I`m crazy about
I hate I preIer I don`t like I can`t stand

VI. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

39 Caroline (ove all kinds oI music
40 I (not e hip-hop
41 My parents (e The Beatles
42 He (not e classical music
43 My mother (hate rap music
44 We (prefer pop and rock music

VII. Complete the sentence using the correct object pronouns. (1 point each)

45 They`re a boy band I don`t like
46 You`re very nice I really like
47 He`s a great rapper I`m really into
48 She`s really cool! I`m crazy about
49 We`re good students Our teachers like
50 Teacher Saulo is ugly! I dont like

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