Volume 42, Issue 49 - December 9, 2011

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D E C E M B E R 0 9 2 0 1 1 V O L U M E 4 2 I S S U E 4 9 O U R C O M M U N I T Y, O U R S T O R I E S S I N C E 1 9 6 9 W A S H I N G T O N B L A D E .


Barney, speaking frankly

Retiring congressman on state of LGBT movement, coming out in 1987 and his future plans
By LOU CHIBBARO JR. lchibbaro@washblade.com
Gay U.S. Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.), who announced last week that he wont run for re-election next year, said the LGBT community has seen an enormous amount of progress during his more than 30 years in Congress and would achieve close to full equality in 12 years. I think we are on the verge of a very complete victory within a dozen years or so, he told the Washington Blade in an interview in his ofce on Tuesday. That is, I think the country is supportive. It gets better generationally, he said. I dont think people will be allowed to marry in every state, unfortunately, 10 years from now. I think people in those states where a majority of people live will be allowed to marry and will have full federal rights. Frank said he became the rst member of Congress to voluntarily disclose he was gay in 1987, six years after taking ofce in 1981, after he determined staying in the closet was too constraining on his personal life. I got there and I thought, OK, well I can be privately out but publicly closeted, he said. But it didnt work. I found it very hard to have a satisfying, healthy emotional and physical life. Frank said that during the years he withheld disclosing his sexual orientation, both as a congressman and a member of the Massachusetts State Legislature, he promised himself that he would never hold back on his strong political support for LGBT rights in an effort to conceal his status as a gay person. I remember my thought process was, well I cant be honest about being gay. I wouldnt win. But it would be despicable for me as a gay man to be any less than fully supportive, he said.

Retiring Rep. BARNEY FRANK spoke to the Blade this week about a wide range of topics, including the state of the LGBT movement and his future plans.

Intl Fight
Secy of State Hillary Clinton calls for nations to respect LGBT rights as human rights. PAGE 12

Skipping the Md. marriage ght

Freedom to Marry spurns state, uncertain supporters can defeat referendum
By LOU CHIBBARO JR. lchibbaro@washblade.com
The head of the national advocacy group Freedom to Marry startled leaders of Marylands campaign to pass a same-sex marriage bill in 2012 when he implied this week that organizers werent doing the work needed to defeat an expected voter referendum to overturn such a bill. Evan Wolfson, executive director of Freedom to Marry, told the Washington Blade on Monday that his group chose not to join a coalition of local, state and national groups called Marylanders for Marriage Equality. The coalition is leading efforts to lobby the Maryland Legislature to approve a same-sex marriage bill when it convenes in Annapolis in January. We are deeply committed, as we have been for years, to ending exclusion from marriage in Maryland and throughout the country, Wolfson told the Blade in an email. But he added, In Maryland, because of the likelihood that marriage legislation can be forced onto the ballot, the key question is not just passing a bill in the legislature, but defending it against an attack campaign via ballot measure, he said. Freedom to Marry has made it clear to members of the coalition and to lawmakers that our goal is to win, not simply to pass a bill, if there is not sufcient groundwork and investment in a campaign to win at the ballot, he said. We have continued to press for clarity and progress on benchmarks for success, and have urged elected ofcials, national organizations, and advocates on the ground to show the plan, investment, and activities needed now

Media Matters
The seasons best DVDs, books and other gifts for the pop culture fan in your life. PAGE 25

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D ECEMB ER 09, 2011 03

washingtonblade.com 04 DECEMBER 09, 2011 LOCAL NEWS

Howard County passes trans rights bill

The Howard County Council voted 4 to 1 Monday night to pass legislation that prohibits discrimination based on gender identity and expression in the areas of employment, housing, public accommodations, nancing, and health and social services. The Councils action makes Howard the third jurisdiction in Maryland to approve a transgender non-discrimination bill. Montgomery County and Baltimore City have similar laws on the books. The Howard County measure, which is expected to take effect in 60 days, means that about one-third of the states residents are covered by nondiscrimination protections based on gender identity and expression. The vote on the bill was divided along partisan lines, with all four Democrats on the Council voting for the bill and the sole Republican, District 5 Council member Greg Fox, voting against it. This is a very happy day here in Howard County, said Heath Goisovich, an ofcial with Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians & Gays [PFLAG] of Howard County, one of two groups that initiated the legislation. The other group, Gender Rights Maryland, which advocates for transgender rights throughout the state, said approval of the Howard County non-discrimination measure would boost efforts to persuade the Maryland Legislature to pass a gender identity and expression non-discrimination bill next year. Now, after much hard work, we have expanded protections in Howard and done so with a broad coalition of support, said Sharon Brackett, board chair for Gender Rights Maryland. As a resident of Howard County I could not be prouder of my Council for taking this issue on. The bill now goes to the desk of Howard County Executive Ken Ulman, who is expected to sign it. It takes effect 61 days after the signing under the countys legislative procedures.

AAFSW President PATRICIA LINDERMAN presented NAM ANANDAROOPA NGUYEN (left) with the Secretary of State Award for Outstanding Volunteerism Abroad in a ceremony at the State Department.

Gay man honored for promoting Pride in India

The gay partner of a Foreign Service worker was honored on Tuesday with the Secretary of State Award for Outstanding Volunteerism Abroad. The Associates of the American Foreign Service Worldwide, an organization that represents Foreign Service spouses, employees and retirees, held its annual volunteer awards program in the Benjamin Franklin Diplomatic Room of the State Department. Among the recipients of the award was Nam Anandaroopa Nguyen, honored for his efforts in promoting Pride and empowering the LGBT community in Chennai, India. Nguyen is credited with organizing Chennais rst LGBT Pride, now in its third year, as well as organizing a number of other programs for the LGBT community of Chennai.



D.C. Log Cabin club calls on Thomas to resign

The gay GOP group Log Cabin Republicans of Washington is calling on D.C. Council member Harry Thomas (D-Ward 5) to resign from ofce following a Dec. 2 FBI raid on Thomas house as part of a federal investigation into allegations of misuse of city funds. Through his lawyer, Thomas has denied any criminal wrongdoing and said he expects to be proven innocent of any charges that may be led against him. The citys attorney general, Irvin Nathan, led a civil suit against Thomas in June demanding that he return to the city $300,000 in public funds that Nathan claimed Thomas allegedly funneled through intermediaries into organizations under his control. Without admitting to any wrongdoing, Thomas agreed to reimburse the $300,000 to the city. But the United States Attorneys ofce opened its own investigation into Thomas handling of city funds and last Fridays FBI raid on his home is said to have been a result of the federal probe. Thomas has yet to be charged in the investigation. Mr. Thomas has used his ofce to enrich himself at taxpayer expense, said Robert Turner, president of the D.C. Log Cabin group. It is revolting on many levels. We applaud the few members of the Council who have called on Thomas to resign, Turner said in a statement. But there are eight still who sit in silence. They need to stand up for real ethics reform. And that can only begin with the resignation of Harry Thomas. Gay D.C. Council member David Catania (I-At-Large) is among the Council members who have called for Thomas resignation.

About 150 people, including Mayor VINCENT GRAY, commemorated World AIDS Day in Dupont Circle last week.

Mayor joins D.C. World AIDS Day vigil

Prominent city ofcials, including Mayor Vincent Gray, Dr. Gregory Pappas, head of the citys AIDS administration, and Jeffrey Richardson, director of the Mayors Ofce of LGBT Affairs, were among participants in D.C.s annual World AIDS Day commemoration held Dec. 1 in Dupont Circle. Don Blanchon, executive director of Whitman-Walker Health, which sponsored the event, told the gathering that continued scientic advances in the treatment of HIV and encouraging signs that HIV prevention efforts in D.C. are curtailing new infections are signs of optimism for the city and the country. However, nothing nothing can and will ever erase the tremendous pain and suffering that HIV/AIDS has caused in the last three decades, he said. There are very few among us who do not know someone whos courageously living with HIV and ghting every day. And there are very few among us who do not know at least one if not more family members, friends, colleagues who have lost their life to HIV. As about 150 people participating in the event held lit candles, Blanchon added, Every day that were in this battle we need to remember their face, their touch, their smile, their sense of humor, and how they affected our lives. Tonight is the time for all of us to remember those people who were so dear to us who are not here.


Witeck named Arlington Human Rights Award winner

Veteran LGBT rights advocate Bob Witeck, CEO and co-founder of the D.C. public relations rm Witeck-Combs Communications, has been named a recipient of Arlington Countys annual Human Rights Award. Witeck and two others along with a community organization that were selected as this years winners of the James B. Hunter Human Rights Award represent the very best in Arlington, said Raul Torres, executive director of the Arlington Human Rights Commission. Through their work, they help to ensure that Arlington remains true to its vision of being a community in which each individual is important, Torres said. Witeck, a longtime Arlington resident, is recognized, among other things, as an advocate for LGBT civil rights, particularly among corporate America, a statement from the Human Rights Commission says. Witecks rm has been credited with helping some of the nations most prominent corporations reach out to the LGBT community. He was scheduled to accept the award at a ceremony Thursday night, Dec. 8, at the Arlington County Central Library.




DECEM BER 09, 2011 05

washingtonblade.com 10 DECEMBER 09, 2011 NATIONAL NEWS

ODonnell to marry girlfriend over holidays

NEW YORK Talk show host Rosie ODonnell plans to marry her girlfriend of 4 months during the holidays. ODonnell said in an October interview my gaydar was way off, when she met her future wife Michelle Rounds this summer at a Starbucks. The two went public in September. Rosie was married from 2004-2007 to television executive Kelli Carpenter, whom she met in 1997. Carpenter and ODonnell have four children together.

Raleigh Council condemns anti-gay ballot measure

RALEIGH The Raleigh City Council joined outgoing mayor Charles Meeker in strongly condemning the impending 2012 ballot measure seeking to ban marriage rights for same-sex couples in North Carolina. Speaking at a Unity Day forum at the Raleigh Convention Center, Meeker derided the proposal as discriminatory in nature, trying to put one group down and somehow [guring] thats going to help the rest of us. But it never helps our community when a group is put down. The statement came just before a Tuesday 6-2 vote by the Raleigh City Council approving a resolution recommended by its Human Rights Commission opposing the ballot measure.

Court ruling in trans case hailed as hugely important

Ga. ofcial sued after being red for intent to transition
By CHRIS JOHNSON cjohnson@washblade.com
LGBT advocates are hailing a federal appellate court ruling as a signicant win for transgender rights and a means to provide recourse to others who face discrimination in the workplace on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. On Tuesday, the U.S. Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a lower court decision that the Georgia Legislature had unlawfully discriminated against Vandy Beth Glenn for ring her as bill proofreader in 2007 after she informed supervisors she intended to transition from male to female. An individual cannot be punished because of his or her perceived gendernonconformity, the court decision states. Because these protections are afforded to everyone, they cannot be denied to a transgender individual. Judge Rosemary Barkett, writing for the unanimous three-judge panel, which included Judge William Pryor and Senior Judge Phyllis Kravitch, determined the General Assemblys Legislative Counsel, Sewell Brumby, violated Glenns rights under the Equal Protection Clause. Lambda Legal had led the case, known as Glenn v. Brumby, on behalf of Glenn in July 2008. In 2010, a district court had ruled previously in Glenns favor. The court ruled in favor of Glenn even though no federal law is in place that specically protects transgender people against discrimination in the workplace. LGBT advocates see the ruling as signicant because it could help make the case to bar discrimination against trans people in other situations. Nan Hunter, a lesbian law professor at Georgetown University, said the decision advances other court rulings that have determined discrimination based on gender non-conformity amounts to sex discrimination by applying the potential protections to more people. It makes it extend beyond the more narrow denition of gender identity, Hunter said. I think it applies more broadly than to persons who have undergone surgery or hormonal treatment. Thats my sense of how the decision can be used. It is not explicit in the decision but the court used gender nonconformity, and the phrase gender-based behavioral norms, and I think thats a very important development. Hunter said the ruling could also have an impact on gay, lesbian and bisexual people seeking recourse if theyve experienced discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation although the decision makes no explicit reference to these individuals. Theres no category of persons who can be excluded from protection based on that principle, Hunter said. So, if you had a case in which the trigger for discrimination based on gender non-comformity was sexual orientation rather than a transgender status, then, yes, I think this case could be applied, and should be applied. The ruling in favor of transgender protections in the workplace is also notable because the Eleventh Circuit is known for its conservative opinions. One of the judges, Pryor, was appointed by President George W. Bush and among the judicial nominees that Senate Democrats attempted to libuster and progressive groups railed against because they said he was unt to serve on the bench. Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality, called the decision hugely important because of the level of the Eleventh Circuit and the background of the judges who issued the ruling. Its the highest court thats decided something like this, its a conservative circuit and its going to be a message to employment attorneys to tell their clients that you cant discriminate against trans people just because theyre trans people, Keisling said. Additionally, Hunter said the ruling could have also political implications that could enable Congress, state and local governments and the White House to move forward with LGBT nondiscrimination protections. Advocates have been pushing passage of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act in Congress, which would prohibit job bias against LGBT people in the public and private workforce. At the same time, President Obama is facing calls to issue an executive order barring federal dollars from going to contractors that dont have nondiscrimination protections for LGBT workers. If we want to clarify and elaborate on how gender identity discrimination should be prohibited, were not taking any controversial step here, Hunter said. Were just sort of lling in the details. That, I think, will make the achievement of explicit gender identity protection more likely.

Ind., Missouri towns pass pro-LGBT ordinances

EVANSVILLE, Ind. Joining Howard County Maryland on Monday, Evansville, Ind. and college town Columbia, Mo., both passed ordinances barring bias in employment, housing and public accommodations that include gender identity. The Evansville ordinance, which passed by a unanimous vote, includes language barring discrimination against both gender identity and sexual orientation, as well as age. Columbia, which already barred discrimination based on sexual orientation, added gender identity protections to its non-discrimination law. The Columbia City Council took an important step forward tonight moving us closer to a society that judges people by the content of their character, Rep. Stephen Webber told Missouri LGBT newspaper, Vital Voice. This is a major victory for our city, one that hopefully the rest of the state and country emulates. Columbia joins the municipalities of Saint Louis City, Kansas City, University City, Olivette and Clayton in barring gender identity discrimination.

Gay Laugh-In star Alan Sues dead at 85

WEST HOLLYWOOD, Calif. The over-the-top star of Laugh-In and Peter Pan peanut-butter commercials died Monday at 85 while at his West Hollywood home, according to the L.A. Times. Alan Sues was joined by lesbian comedian Lily Tomlin in the long-running sketch comedy show cast. Sues played over-the-top campy and effeminate characters like Big Al the sportscaster and Uncle Al, the perpetually hung-over childrens show host. Sues only came out later in life, despite his amboyant persona on television. Sues had a long career on both stage and television. The comedian recently completed recording a soon-to-be released audio book of anecdotes from his long career.

Maine advocates collect signatures for initiative

AUGUSTA, Maine Advocates for extending marriage rights to same-sex couples in Maine delivered to the state more than 100,000 signatures in support of a 2012 ballot initiative. An initiative needs only 35,000 to qualify. Not only were we incredibly successful at gathering signatures at the polls today, but volunteers all over the state met voters who have changed their minds on this issue in the last two years, EqualityMaine executive director Betsy Smith, said in a statement. The successful signature drive may see a 2012 initiative to legalize same-sex marriage on Maines ballot.


DECEM BER 09, 2011 11

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washingtonblade.com 12 DECEMBER 09, 2011 NATIONAL NEWS

Obama, Clinton push international LGBT rights

Administration issues new strategy, as Secy of State speaks out
By CHRIS JOHNSON cjohnson@washblade.com
The Obama administration on Tuesday made public a sweeping plan to confront anti-LGBT abuses overseas as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton delivered a highprole speech on protecting human rights that made extensive references to LGBT rights abuses. On Tuesday, President Obama issued whats being called the rst-ever U.S. government strategy to address LGBT human rights overseas in the form of a memo to the heads of government departments and agencies. In the memo, Obama writes that the ght to end discrimination against LGBT people is a global challenge and central to the United States commitment to promoting human rights. I am deeply concerned by the violence and discrimination targeting LGBT persons around the world whether it is passing laws that criminalize LGBT status, beating citizens simply for joining peaceful LGBT pride celebrations, or killing men, women, and children for their perceived sexual orientation, Obama said. The memo articulates six points in the new strategy to combat LGBT human rights abuses. U.S. agencies overseas are directed to strengthen efforts to combat the criminalization by foreign governments of LGBT status or conduct in addition to expanding efforts to combat discrimination overseas on this basis. The Departments of State and Homeland Security are directed to ensure LGBT people seeking asylum in the United States have equal access to protection and assistance. Additionally, the Departments of State, Justice and Homeland Security are to ensure appropriate training is in place for government personnel to help LGBT refugees and asylum seekers. U.S. foreign aid agencies are directed to engage regularly with governments, citizens, civil society and the private sector to foster an awareness of LGBT human rights. The State Department is to lead a standing group geared toward ensuring swift response to serious incidents threatening the human rights of LGBT people overseas. U.S. agencies overseas are directed to work with international organizations to counter anti-LGBT discrimination and increase the number of countries willing to defend LGBT issues. U.S. agencies engaged abroad are required to prepare a report for the State Department within 180 days on their progress on these initiatives. The

Gay people are born into and belong to every society in the world, said Secretary of State HILLARY CLINTON. They are all ages, all races, all faiths; they are doctors and teachers, farmers and bankers, soldiers and athletes; and whether we know it, or whether we acknowledge it, they are our family, our friends, and our neighbors.

department will then compile a larger report for the president. Joe Solmonese, president of the Human Rights Campaign, praised the Obama administration for the new guidance in a statement. As Americans, we understand that no one should be made a criminal or subject to violence or even death because of who they are, no matter where they live, Solmonese said. Todays actions by President Obama make clear that the United States will not turn a blind eye when governments commit or allow abuses to the human rights of LGBT people. Victoria Neilson, legal director for Immigration Equality, praised the added protections for LGBT people seeking asylum in the United States. Immigration Equality hears from more than 1,000 LGBT people a year who are eeing persecution, Neilson said. Many face daunting challenges in escaping their home country, let alone reaching the shores of the United States. By instructing foreign service ofcers to offer all available assistance to those who seek their help, the White House is extending a helping hand to some of the worlds most vulnerable individuals. On the same day the memo was issued, Clinton spoke extensively about the need to incorporate LGBT people in human rights protections during remarks at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. The speech was in recognition of Human Rights Day, which recognizes the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on Dec. 10, 1948 by the U.N. General Assembly. More than 1,000 diplomats and experts were in attendance. Today, I want to talk about the work we have left to do to protect one group

of people whose human rights are still denied in too many parts of the world today, Clinton said. In many ways, they are an invisible minority. They are arrested, beaten, terrorized, even executed. Many are treated with contempt and violence by their fellow citizens while authorities empowered to protect them look the other way or too often, even join in the abuse. They are denied opportunities to work and learn, driven from their homes and countries and forced to suppress or deny who they are to protect themselves from harm. I am talking about gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people: human beings born free and given, bestowed equality and dignity who have a right to claim that, which is now one of the remaining human rights challenges of our time. Clinton acknowledged that her own countrys record on human rights for gay people is far from perfect. She noted that being gay was still a crime in many parts of the country until 2003, when the Supreme Court struck down state sodomy laws in Lawrence v. Texas. Many LGBT Americans have endured violence and harassment in their own lives, and for some, including many young people, bullying and exclusion are daily experiences, Clinton said. So we, like all nations, have more work to do to protect human rights at home. But the secretary also rejected the idea that homosexuality is a Western creation and people outside of Western countries therefore have grounds to reject LGBT people. Well, in reality, gay people are born into and belong to every society in the world, Clinton said. They are all ages, all races, all faiths; they are doctors and teachers, farmers and bankers, soldiers and athletes; and whether we know it, or whether we acknowledge it, they are our

family, our friends, and our neighbors. Clinton said those who rst crafted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights may not in 1948 have realized the document applied to LGBT people, but said many of the countries involved in its crafting have come to the realization that as Clinton has articulated before gay rights are human rights, and human rights are gay rights. It is a violation of human rights when people are beaten or killed because of their sexual orientation, or because they do not conform to cultural norms about how men and women should look or behave, Clinton said. It is a violation of human rights when governments declare it illegal to be gay, or allow those who harm gay people to go unpunished. It is a violation of human rights when lesbian or transgendered women are subjected to socalled corrective rape, or forcibly subjected to hormone treatments, or when people are murdered after public calls for violence toward gays, or when they are forced to ee their nations and seek asylum in other lands to save their lives. Clinton also announced the creation of a Global Equality Fund that will support the work of civil society organizations working on LGBT human rights issues around the world. The secretary said the U.S. government has already committed more than $3 million to start this fund. During a conference call with reporters after the speech, a senior State Department ofcial, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights & Labor made grants to organizations in the past, but the Global Equality Fund will make permanent, or bolster the efforts to support civil society organizations around


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washingtonblade.com 14 DECEMBER 09, 2011 NATIONAL NEWS

Quinn: More work on LGBT issues needed in N.Y.

NYC Council speaker calls lack of trans protections not acceptable
By CHRIS JOHNSON cjohnson@washblade.comm
Editors note: Visit washingtonblade.com to watch a video of this interview.

HOUSTON For lesbian New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, the passage of a same-sex marriage law in New York was a big win, but she acknowledges that more work on LGBT issues is needed. It passed in a pretty low time in our economy and a tough time for the city and state, and what Ive noticed is wherever I go in the city even still people are happy, Quinn told the Washington Blade. You go to senior centers, theyre still congratulating me. Its really created, I think, a lot of joy and a stronger sense of community in the city. Quinn made the remarks during the 27th International Gay & Lesbian Leadership Conference sponsored by the Gay & Lesbian Leadership Institute after a panel session titled Victory in New York: A Model for Success, in which participants discussed the strategy that led to the enactment of same-sex marriage in New York. Despite that victory, one key piece of pro-LGBT state legislation that still hasnt passed in New York is GENDA, or the Gender Employment Non-Discrimination Act, which would institute nondiscrimination protections for transgender people in the private workforce. Quinn noted that New York City has transgender protections, but called the lack of statutory protections at the state

New York City Council Speaker CHRISTINE QUINN (center) declined to say whether she would run for mayor in 2013.

level simply not acceptable. So I think we can be simultaneously happy, proud of ourselves, but not satised because we have more work to do, and GENDA is top of that list, Quinn said. Quinn added shes optimistic that transgender employment protections will pass very soon in the New York Legislature because Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) credited with leading the marriage ght in New York supports the measure. Other advancements Quinn is seeking on LGBT issues include a reduction in hate crimes, additional funding for LGBT organizations and effective

implementation of the Dignity for All Schools Act, a law that bars bullying in schools, including on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. Asked about President Obamas lack of support for marriage equality, Quinn said shes unhappy with anyone who doesnt support marriage rights for gay couples, but commends those who say they could evolve on the issue which Obama has done. I applaud people who are open to discussing, thinking and evolving, and the president is certainly in that category, but I want him to fully get there, Quinn said. Quinn, whos expected to run for mayor

of New York City in 2013, declined to say whether she would pursue the ofce. Pressed further on the implications of having an openly lesbian mayor of the nations largest city, Quinn said an openly LGBT person winning elected ofce anywhere is a step forward. I think anytime somebody whos openly LGBT gets elected to ofce whatever ofce that is, whatever city, state, town thats in it is helpful to moving LGBT issues forward, and all civil and human rights issues forward, Quinn said. What city it is, what position it is doesnt matter. Anytime it happens, its a step forward for everybody.

Still no answer on ENDA executive order

Carney says hell look into why it hasnt been issued
By CHRIS JOHNSON cjohnson@washblade.com
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney declined to provide an immediate answer this week as to why President Obama hasnt taken administrative action to institute non-discrimination protections for LGBT people in the workplace. In response to a question from the Washington Blade, Carney said he could look into the issue of what might be preventing President Obama from issuing an executive order prohibiting federal dollars from going to companies that dont have non-discrimination protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity. I dont have anything new for you on that, so I dont have probably an answer that will move that story along for you, Carney said. But if you want to ask me, I can look into it for you. Carney has been asked about such a directive before and what Obama is doing to provide LGBT workers with nondiscrimination protections, but the White House hasnt said whether the president would issue the executive order. In response to a request to follow up on Carneys comments, Shin Inouye, a White House spokesperson, said later Monday via e-mail, We have no updates for you. Obama supports legislation known as the Employment Non-Discrimation Act, which would prohibit job bias against LGBT workers in most situations in the private and public workforce. But the legislation is unlikely to pass as long as Republicans remain in control of the House. The executive order has been seen as interim alternative to the passage of ENDA as well as an alternate way to protect LGBT workers against discrimination in the workplace. The executive order would provide recourse through the Department of Labor while ENDA would provide recourse through the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. A transcript of the exchange between the Blade and Carney follows: Washington Blade: I want to follow up on what I asked you about earlier on the lack of federal non-discrimination protections for LGBT people in the workplace. The president supports legislation known as the Employment Non-Discrimination Act that would address this issue, but he can also take administration action. He can issue an executive order saying federal dollars wont go to contractors that dont have their own non-discrimination protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity. If the president supports legislation to address this issue, whats stopping him from issuing an executive order that would move toward the same goal? Jay Carney: Chris, I dont have anything new for you on that, so I dont have probably an answer that will move that story along for you. But if you want to ask me, I can look into it for you.


DECEMBER 09, 2011 15

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washingtonblade.com 16 D E C E MB E R 09, 2011 NATIONAL NEWS

Obama, Clinton address intl LGBT concerns


the world. The ofcial said organizations seeking to conduct work in the 80 countries where same-sex relations are criminalized would be priority areas for grant money under the fund.

Advocates hailed Clinton for her speech and called it a strong signal the United States is actively pushing for an end to LGBT rights abuses overseas. According to HRC, Solmonese met with Clinton in Geneva prior to her speech. Mark Bromley, chair of the Council for Global Equality, was also in attendance

and said Clinton gave a remarkable speech that received a standing ovation. For us, I think the real question was to set the proper tone to be respectful and to recognize that this is a difcult conversation for many conservative countries, but to also to be very rm in stating unequivocally that this is a human


rights priority and a U.S. foreign policy priority, Bromley said. Bromley added Clinton struck an appropriate balance by saying she delivered her address with respect, understanding, and humility while maintaining the importance of LGBT rights as a priority. Justin Nelson, president of the National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, was also a witness to Clintons remarks and called them monumental and historic. Its such a strong statement that LGBT rights are human rights and human rights are LGBT rights, and thats American foreign policy, Nelson said. It sends a very strong message that people all over the world know that they have ally in America. Bromley said representatives from some countries didnt stand after the remarks despite the ovation, but he couldnt identify who they were or the countries from which they hailed. With most countries represented at some level, and 80 countries that continue to criminalize consensual samesex relations, there were some that, obviously, would have a difcult time fully understanding the speech, Bromley said. But at the same time, I think, the vast majority of the audience really reacted enthusiastically and understood it to be a balanced, respectful but rm statement of U.S. foreign policy. The senior State Department ofcial said 95 percent of the audience was standing after Clintons remarks and there was a sustained standing ovation. I think part of that is attributable to the fact that she came not to wag a nger, but to really invite a conversation, the ofcial said. I think the audience felt the spirit of respect, and also the spirit of hopefulness that she brought to the speech. In the aftermath of the speech, questions linger about whether the Obama administration can truly be supportive LGBT rights abroad when neither Obama nor Clinton have yet to express support for marriage rights for gay couples at home. Asked if by advocating for LGBT rights abroad overseas the Obama administration is now in favor of marriage equality, the senior State Department ofcial responded, I think the secretary and the president have both spoken about their personal views on marriage. I think that one of things that comes up a lot in the international context is that as in America and elsewhere there is an ongoing debate about gay marriage. But whatever our position on gay marriage, I think one of the things that many of us have been nding an agreement on is the fact that no matter what you think about that question, we can all agree that people ought not be killed or imprisoned for who are they are and who they love.

GreatMinds-Blade.indd 1

7/11/11 1:08 PM

washingtonblade.com NATIONAL NEWS DECEMBER 09, 2011 17

Cain drops out of presidential race

Gay groups on right and left say he had to go
By CHRIS JOHNSON cjohnson@washblade.com
Faced with accusations of an extramarital affair and a past of sexual misconduct, Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain announced Saturday he is suspending his campaign for the White House as LGBT groups on the right and left say he needed to move aside. The former Godfathers Pizza CEO made the announcement at his Atlanta campaign headquarters amid media reports that was reassessing whether to stay in the race. As of today, with a lot of prayer and soulsearching, I am suspending my presidential campaign, Cain said. I am suspending my presidential campaign because of the continued distraction, the continued hurt caused on me and my family. Cain said becoming president for him was Plan A, and under Plan B, he will continue to be a voice for the people and articulate policy ideas on his new website, TheCainSolutions.com. According to Slate political correspondent John Dickerson, by suspending his presidential bid as opposed to ending it, Cain is eligible for federal matching funds for his campaign. The pizza magnate exited the race after Ginger White, an Atlanta businesswoman, announced in a TV interview this week that she had engaged in a 13-year affair with Cain. In October, Politico reported that at least two women had accused him of sexual misconduct while head of the National Restaurant Association in 1990s. Cain has denied any wrongdoing. For a time in October, Cain had enjoyed front-runner status in the GOP presidential race, but he fell to the bottom of the pack after the initial reporting of allegations of sexual misconduct. Now former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich has claimed the title of front-runner, although former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney remains the best funded Republican in the race. Cain was best known in this campaign for what he called his 9-9-9 plan for tax reform, which would replace the current tax code with a 9 percent personal income tax, a 9 percent business transactions tax, and a 9 percent federal sales tax. Gay Republican groups had praised Cains ability to initiate discussion on tax reform with his plan, but shared the sentiment that the time was now for him to move aside. Christian Berle, deputy executive director for National Log Cabin Republicans, said Cains decision to leave the race enables Republicans to nd the best candidate to beat President Obama. Herman Cains decision to step aside allows the primary process to move forward and enables the Republican eld to continue its focus on the issues voters care about jobs and the economy, Berle said. A Republican in the White House is going to get our economy and our nation moving in the right direction. On LGBT issues, Cain was initially distinct among other Republican candidates because he declined to support a Federal Marriage Amendment that would ban samesex marriage throughout the country and said the matter should be left to the states. He also said he has no problem with open gays in the military and wouldnt seek to reinstate Dont Ask, Dont Tell. But Cain apparently later shifted his position on the Federal Marriage Amendment when he said marriage should be protected at the federal level also and he would back legislation dening it as one man, one woman. In a January radio interview, Cain
HERMAN CAIN suspended his presidential campaign last week after a series of scandals.

also said hed veto the Employment Non-Discrimination Act. The candidate also came under re in October for saying that he believes homosexuality is a choice and science hasnt proven otherwise. Fred Sainz, vice president of communications for the Human Rights Campaign, said Cains exit from the race is appropriate for someone who chose to side with anti-gay forces. Often confused on his own positions, Cain eventually chose to side with antiLGBT forces, Sainz said. The fact his run ends because of his own moral failings is ironic but unfortunately altogether too common among this eld of Republican presidential candidates.

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washingtonblade.com 18 DECEMBER 09, 2011 COVER STORY: NATIONAL NEWS

Rep. Frank talks retirement and future plans


In a wide-ranging discussion of his views on how the LGBT movement should push for civil rights legislation in Congress and through the states, Frank expressed in the blunt way he has been known to do that LGBT activists should use the most effective means of moving their agenda, even if that sometimes means making compromises. He described as political suicide the call by some LGBT activists and bloggers for withholding support for President Barack Obama on grounds that Obama and his Democratic allies in Congress didnt push harder for more LGBT legislative advances, including the passage of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, or ENDA, which remains stalled in Congress. Frank said he has seen important advances in the support for transgender rights in Congress and several states, including Massachusetts, which just passed a transgender non-discrimination bill that includes protections in employment, housing, credit and adds transgender protections to the states hate crimes law. But Frank noted that the bill passed after transgender leaders and their supporters in the legislature agreed to a compromise that eliminated public accommodations protections from the bill. Lawmakers supportive of the bill said they would add public accommodations protections to the law as soon they can line up the votes in the legislature needed to do so. Frank dismissed as ridiculous the attacks by some LGBT activists who called the compromise unacceptable and an outrage against the transgender community. That is an example of their political stupidity, he said, noting that the compromise bill provides employment and housing protections that otherwise would not have passed if advocates held out for an all-or-nothing bill. Frank described as reasonable a proposal by LGBT advocates that President Obama issue an executive order requiring companies that receive federal contracts in the defense and other industries to provide non-discrimination protections for their LGBT employees. I think thats a reasonable thing to keep pushing for, he said. There are limits to what you can do. You dont want the president to overreach from what could be required in legislation. I think thats worth pushing for if its carefully done. A partial transcript of the Blades interview with Rep. Frank follows. The interview was conducted on Dec. 6, 2011, in Franks Capitol Hill ofce. Visit washingtonblade. com to read the full interview. Washington Blade: To what degree have you seen support for LGBT equality increase in the U.S. Congress since you took ofce as a congressman in 1981? Rep. Barney Frank: Oh, enormously. When I rst got here, the rst vote we had was in 1981 when the House as it

was able to do then by a one-house vote overturned the D.C. Councils repeal of the [citys] sodomy law. It was a heavy vote against us. And weve just made very great progress since then. Its to the point where now and its unfortunate that its gotten very partisan. The country has gotten much better in its view on LGBT rights. The Democrats have gotten better equal to or ahead of the country. But the Republicans have gotten much worse. So its now one of the major partisan issues. Its unfortunate how terrible the Republicans have become. You saw that in Dont Ask, Dont Tell, for instance, in the House. But in general the expectation is the Democrats in the House will be supportive on most issues, and I think that reects the country. Blade: What prompted you to come out as gay in 1987? Frank: First, my personal life. Ive known Ive been gay since I was 13. I lived a very repressed life until then. And then, because I had emotional and physical needs that needed an outlet, I got here and I thought, OK, well I can be privately out but publicly closeted. But it didnt work. I just found it very hard to have a satisfying, healthy emotional and physical life. So it was primarily my personal life. But it was also the secondary factor that I thought it would be helpful in ghting prejudice. One of the things I realized about talking a lot about gay rights and increasingly by then people knew I was gay. I wasnt out publicly. I realized they did not understand what it was like, what we went through, what the pain was. But thats because they didnt know anybody. Its hard to sympathize with people when you dont know who they are. You dont see what it is. Blade: Unlike other gay public ofcials who were in the closet, you didnt seem to hold back in your public support for gay rights. Frank: It was quite the opposite. I decided to run for ofce in 1972 to run for the state legislature in Massachusetts. And I remember my thought process was, well I cant be honest about being gay. I wouldnt win. But it would be despicable for me as a gay man to be any less than fully supportive ... There were then two gay groups, a mens group and a womens group. And they wrote to everybody who was running for the state legislature in 1972. It was just a couple of years after Stonewall. And for the rst time you had organized gay political activity. And they said, Would you introduce legislation to provide legal equality for gay people, which was the term we used then. And I said yes. I was the only one who said yes. So thats how I became the prime sponsor of the legislation. I was the only one. But I was glad to take on the role. So, yeah, I clearly decided I would not in any way retreat. And I remember the rst time I testied on gay rights. I was 32, unmarried. And I thought, well, what are they going to think? And my answer was, oh, the

hell with what they think. I was prepared to sacrice enough not to come out. But I was not prepared to degrade myself by pretending to be anything less than supportive of who I was. Blade: When you came out in Congress did you sense you were being held back from advancing because of a socalled glass ceiling due to your sexual orientation? Frank: I think there was one at rst. I think, now, yes and no. Certainly it didnt interfere with my being the chair of a very powerful committee and being, frankly, because of the circumstances, one of the major leaders. In fact I said that on the oor. I remember saying when we were talking about the hate crimes bill, Im a big shot now but I used to be 15 and I remember what it was like. If I were running for a leadership position it might be a problem in the House. Some of the Democrats come from the few areas left where theyre afraid. But now we have almost all the Democrats on board. We have a handful that arent. So no. And the other I assumed it would have been a bar to [running for] the Senate. But in 2004, when we thought John Kerry might get elected president, we had a mock election for the Senate in Massachusetts. Five of us were running Congressman Markey, Congressman Lynch, myself, then Congressman Meehan and Martha Coakley, now the attorney general. And we were running and Ive had people who worked in the other camps say I would have won that race. So if Kerry had been elected president I believe I would have been elected to the Senate in 2004. So I mean other than the presidency and the vice presidency I think theres probably not one. Blade: Where does the LGBT movement stand now in its ability to advance legislation? Frank: Weve gotten better. I think theres two good examples of great victories. They didnt involve demonstrations, they didnt involve marches. They involved some discretion and some compromising. Deferring to [New York Governor] Andrew Cuomos leadership politically in the battle for [same-sex] marriage in New York, and he told them how to do it. And then accepting the exclusion of public accommodations from the trans [non-discrimination bill, which passed in November 2011] in Massachusetts. Blade: The trans bill in Massachusetts became an issue to some Frank: An issue to whom? Blade: Some of the more outspoken trans activists, who say they are outraged because it includes employment, housing and other protections but not public accommodations protections. Frank: No, I would say ridiculous trans activists who are outraged, who would

prefer there be no rights for employment than this. That is an example of their political stupidity. They may be very bright about other things. I dont see how anybody can see that as a rational argument right now, nor, by the way, do I think it represents ve percent of our community. I dont even think it represents a majority of the transgender people. How can it possibly be and by the way, these people dont know history, because I will tell you that Martin Luther King and the other civil rights leaders would not for a second have hesitated to accept that deal. They were constantly moving toward making things better but those are both examples, I think, of the political maturity of our community of knowing how to go about it. And I think as a result we are on the verge well, by the way, we did the same thing with Dont Ask, Dont Tell. We didnt abolish Dont Ask, Dont Tell. We didnt ban statutorily discrimination against us in the military. We banned the requirement that we discriminate. And there was some, Oh, gee, how do you know they maybe will not do it fairly? I think we are on the verge of a very complete victory within a dozen years or so. That is, I think the country is supportive. It gets better generationally. I dont think people will be allowed to marry in every state, unfortunately, 10 years from now. I think people in those states where a majority of people live will be allowed to marry and will have full federal rights. Blade: Are you concerned about the provision of DOMA if its repealed that says the states dont have to recognize same-sex marriages from other states Frank: That doesnt mean anything. Ive said this all along. That doesnt mean anything at all. The court will disregard that. Quite frankly people dont understand that. Thats a matter of interpreting the Full Faith and Credit Clause of the Constitution. The Supreme Court will tell Congress, Mind your own business. It has nothing to do with you. That is totally meaningless, that section. It doesnt mean a thing. Congress cannot affect by statute a constitutional interpretation. By the way, the Constitution always was that states did not have to recognize that. When the Supreme Court threw out the law against inter marriage racially it wasnt based on one state having to recognize another states marriage. The assumption was in 1967 that Virginia, which is where the case was brought, didnt have to recognize a marriage in Europe. So everybody agreed an African American and a white person can get married in New York and Virginia can disregard it. It was thrown out on constitutional segregation grounds. So in the rst place, thats been the Constitution anyway. Secondly, if it was, Congress would have nothing to do with it. Its an entirely meaningless provision.


DECEMBER 09, 2011 19

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washingtonblade.com 20 DECEMBE R 09, 2011 C OV ER S TORY: LOCAL NEWS

Freedom to Marry spurns Md. marriage ght


to build public support and succeed at the ballot, not just the legislature, he told the Blade in his email message about the Maryland marriage campaign. Spokespersons for two of the lead coalition partners of Marylanders for Marriage Equality Fred Sainz of the Human Rights Campaign and Lisa Polyak of Equality Maryland responded cautiously to Wolfsons comments, saying the coalition is actively engaged in laying the groundwork and mapping strategy for ghting a possible marriage referendum. Other sources familiar with the coalitions member groups, who spoke on condition that they not be identied, said at least some of the coalitions representatives took offense at Wolfsons remarks. They said he appeared to be drawing conclusions about the coalitions capabilities and setting criteria for it to obtain help from Freedom to Marry without knowing the full details of the coalitions activities since it formed in July. In addition to HRC and Equality Maryland, other members of Marylanders for Marriage Equality include the NAACP of Baltimore, the ACLU of Maryland, the Service Employees International Union of Maryland, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, Progressive Maryland, the National Black Justice Coalition, Catholics for Equality, Maryland Faith for Equality, Maryland NOW, the Family Equality Council, and Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG). With the help of all of our coalition partners we believe that both a legislative ght as well as a referendum is very winnable in Maryland, said HRC spokesperson Fred Sainz. In fact, our recent polling shows that 51 percent of Marylanders would support it, he said in referring to the same-sex marriage bill. Another HRC spokesperson, Kevin Nix, released to the Blade the results of a poll that HRC commissioned from the polling rm Garin Hart Yang, which shows 51 percent of those polled would vote in support of same-sex marriage in a possible Maryland referendum. The poll showed 44 percent would vote against same-sex marriage in such a referendum, while 5 percent were undecided or had no opinion. Nix said the poll was conducted Oct. 20-23 of this year. We believe that the numbers will continue to grow and the enthusiasm for marriage equality will only become greater should there be the need for a referendum, Sainz said. Lisa Polyak, board chair for Equality Maryland, acknowledged that the makeup of the Maryland Legislature will be the same in January as it was in March of this year, when it failed to pass a same-sex marriage bill due to lack of support in the House of Delegates. The State Senate passed the measure in what observers called an historic development.

EVAN WOLFSON, executive director of Freedom to Marry, angered some marriage rights advocates after his organization chose not to join a coalition of groups working for a same-sex marriage law in Maryland.

But Polyak said the difference going forward is that Maryland Gov. Martin OMalley, a Democrat, has agreed to introduce the bill this time around and serve as its chief sponsor in the legislatures 2012 session, providing an important boost for its chances of passing. At Equality Maryland, were following the governors lead and we intend to show that his condence and the ability of Maryland to pass this legislation are well founded, she said. We are going to work and work and work to not just pass the bill through the legislature but to deal with anything that comes after it to make sure that we achieve the goal of legal equality for our families through civil marriage. Asked if she believes the coalition is prepared to ght a ballot referendum, Polyak said, Yes, we feel that we are and will be prepared if that becomes a reality. Maryland State Sen. Rich Madaleno (D-Montgomery County), whos gay, said he, too, believes the coalition is quickly building an infrastructure needed to fend off a referendum. However, he said a referendum is not an absolute certainty. Under Marylands referendum law, organizers of a referendum must obtain

about 52,000 petition signatures in a period of less than three months. In past referendum battles, those opposing a referendum have challenged the validity of many of the signatures in efforts that have sometimes succeeded in preventing a referendum from reaching the ballot. Melissa Goemann, legislative director of the ACLU of Maryland, said her organization and the coalition as a whole are denitely working on a plan to deal with a referendum over the marriage bill. She said ACLU of Maryland has hired a eld director to work full-time on the marriage bill. We are very enthusiastic, she said. Others familiar with the Maryland coalition acknowledge that ghting a voter referendum will be a daunting task if recent history is a predictor of the outcome. Since 2004, opponents of same-sex marriage have succeeded in persuading voters in 29 states to approve ballot measures banning same-sex marriage in those states constitutions. In 2006, same-sex marriage supporters in Arizona succeeded in defeating a ballot measure seeking to put in place a draconian

constitutional amendment that would have banned same-sex marriage in the state as well as civil unions and domestic partnership rights for same-sex couples. The defeat marked the rst and only time a state ballot measure calling for banning same-sex marriage had been beaten back. But a short time later, Arizona voters passed a less restrictive ballot measure that bans same-sex marriage while allowing civil unions or domestic partnerships. The National Organization for Marriage, the group leading efforts to oppose samesex marriage in the United States, boasts that opponents of same-sex marriage have a perfect record of 29-0 in the ght against same-sex marriage. Despite these odds, marriage equality advocates, including Wolfson, have said in the recent past that efforts to pass same-sex marriage bills in state legislatures or through the courts should continue. In discussing the approval in 2008 by California voters of Proposition 8, which overturned that states same-sex marriage law, Wolfson said the debate over Prop 8 played an important role in educating the American public about the importance of marriage equality. Although Prop 8 was a defeat for LGBT equality in the short term, Wolfson has said it opened the way for conversations about marriage equality among the American people that would lead to the changing of hearts and minds of the public in the near future. Some of the participants of Marylanders for Marriage Equality, speaking on condition that they not be identied, said the same principles should apply to Maryland. They said Wolfson should not impose a benchmark on the Maryland effort that calls for a guarantee that a referendum will be defeated before Freedom to Marry or other national organizations will lend their support. Wolfson responded to these concerns in a follow-up email on Tuesday reiterating his belief that some benet can be achieved even if a state marriage referendum loses. But he said such a benet can only come about if supporters of marriage equality wage an effective and well thought-out campaign. [W]hen we engage in these campaigns against ballot attacks, we should ght so as to at least lose forward, i.e., gain ground and set the stage for the next ght, via public education and enlisting support, even if we cant prevail on the enemys timeframe by election day, he said. So it is true that I believe in the value, indeed the necessity, of persuasion, he added, which he described as lesson number two. Lesson 1 was win, he said. In Maryland, we have the opportunity to actually win and hold marriage, if we do what is needed not just to advance a bill but to mount a sustained and sufcient campaign to defend marriage at the ballot, Wolfson said. Benchmarks for achieving and holding the win are what Freedom to Marry has called for.


DECEMB ER 09, 2011 21

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washingtonblade.com 22 DECEMBER 09, 2011 INSIDE LGBT WASHINGTON

ADDRESS PO Box 53352 Washington DC 20009 PHONE 202-747-2077 E-MAIL news@washblade.com INTERNET www.washingtonblade.com PUBLISHED BY Brown Naff Pitts Omnimedia, Inc. PUBLISHER LYNNE J. BROWN lbrown@washblade.com ext. 8075 EDITORIAL EDITOR KEVIN NAFF knaff@washblade.com ext. 8088 FEATURES & MULTIMEDIA EDITOR JOEY DIGUGLIELMO joeyd@washblade.com ext. 8081 SR. NEWS REPORTER LOU CHIBBARO JR. lchibbaro@washblade.com ext. 8079 NEWS REPORTER CHRIS JOHNSON cjohnson@washblade.com ext. 8083 EDITORIAL INTERN JULIETTE EBNER PHOTO EDITOR MICHAEL KEY mkey@washblade.com CREATIVE CREATIVE DIRECTOR JAMES M NEAL jneal@washblade.com ext. 8074 SENIOR GRAPHIC DESIGNER RICHARD W.C. SKIPPON rskippon@washblade.com MANAGER, DIGITAL INITIATIVES PHIL REESE preese@washblade.com ext. 8078 SALES & ADMINISTRATION SR. ACCT. EXECUTIVE BRIAN PITTS bpitts@washblade.com ext. 8089 ACCT. EXECUTIVE JERYL PARADE jparade@washblade.com ext. 8072 ACCT. EXECUTIVE DAN HAZARD dhazard@washblade.com ext. 8077 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING/ADMINISTRATION PHILLIP G. ROCKSTROH prockstroh@washblade.com ext. 8092 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING L. DOMINIC WATKINS dwatkins@washblade.com ext. 8076
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A tribute to my friend Barney Frank

Gay lawmaker deserves praise for intellect, wit, LGBT advocacy

Peter Rosenstein is a D.C.-based LGBT rights and Democratic Party activist. He writes regularly for the Blade.

I may be using the word friend a little loosely here but like many of my generation thats how I see Barney Frank. He is also my hero. I met Barney after he was elected to Congress through a mutual friend and I invited him to a dinner party at my home. We are both Jewish boys who grew up in the Northeast, were closeted until later in our lives, and had a hard time coming out. We are both interested in politics and activism. That is where the comparisons end. Barney is brilliant and I am not. Like many brilliant people Barney often nds it difcult to make small talk and always wants to talk policy. Big issues from world peace to nance to the LGBT movement intrigue Barney. As a member of Congress he has a platform and seven years after he was elected he took advantage of that platform to speak out for our community. Many younger people dont realize how difcult it was to come out, never mind on a national stage, in 1987. It was much harder than chaining yourself to the White House fence or coming to a national march and it had much more impact for the LGBT community at the time. Barney made a huge statement. You could be out and proud and a member of Congress. There were other members of Congress we knew were gay and some of us were friends with them, but Barney was the rst one out of the closet. I remember how proud I was the rst time I saw Barney debating Phyllis Schlay of the Eagle Forum. She was one of the most virulently anti-gay spokespersons at the time even after we found out she had a gay son. But now there was one of us with the stature and ability to respond to her bigotry. Barney balanced his work as a leader in the LGBT movement with all his other responsibilities as a member of Congress. He made his mark at home and won the

Rep. BARNEY FRANK came out at a time when the LGBT community had few visible role models.


respect of members who didnt agree with all his stands. Some questioned his irreverence as he was always ready with a quip and tart response to some bigoted or stupid remark. The high regard in which he is held, along with his longevity, led him to the chairmanship of the Financial Services Committee. I remember thinking how apt it was that those titans of industry and banking would be kneeling in front of him. He ensured that people with HIV/AIDS were protected in the workplace when that was difcult to do. When on occasion he stood up and made impassioned personal speeches on the oor of the House telling other members about what it meant to be gay he brought many of us to tears. Barney understands the system. He knows how to count votes and analyze policy, and he never suffered fools gladly. Some have called him a bully and said he ran roughshod over staff. Well, I worked for a member of Congress, Bella S. Abzug (D-N.Y.), who was accused of the same behavior. But both Barney and Bella were passionate about getting things done and not wasting time on those who

either couldnt or didnt want to understand what they already knew. It may not always be easy to work with or for people like that, but it is so rewarding when you work for someone who shares your passion and works longer and harder than anyone else to get things done. So if at times Barney doesnt show the kind of deference to others that they may like and angers them, in the end he still gets things done and gets them done right. Barney has never wavered in the ght for LGBT rights. He has always believed in moving us forward even if it meant taking incremental steps, because he knew that is better than not moving forward at all. His work over more than 30 years has teed us up for continued progress. My hope is that in the next stage of Barneys career he continues to be a leader in the movement for all peoples rights and continues to lead the LGBT community forward. He will surely be missed in Congress when he retires next year but he will continue to be a hero as he pushes back against anyone who stands in the way of our ght for full civil and human rights.

2011 Brown Naff Pitts Omnimedia, Inc.

washingtonblade.com VIEWPOINT DECEMBER 09, 2011 23

Constitutional foundation laid for trans equality

Ga. case should boost efforts to bar discrimination in Maryland
On Dec. 6, 2011, a three-judge panel of the Eleventh Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals issued a decision in the case of Glenn v. Brumby, a case involving a transgender woman who was red from her Georgia state government job after disclosing her intention to transition from male to female. Her boss justied the ring by stating, Its unsettling to think of someone dressed in womens clothing with male sex organs inside that clothing and further concluded that a male in womens clothing is unnatural. The trial court granted relief to Glenn on the basis of sex discrimination under the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. There was no reason to think, prior to the opinion being issued, that this decision would be a favorable one. The 11th Circuit is arguably the most conservative in the nation, and one of the three judges on the panel hearing the Glenn case was William H. Pryor, Jr., formerly the attorney general of Alabama. While in that position, Pryor had submitted an amicus brief in support of the State of Texas in Lawrence v. Texas,

An individual cannot be punished because of his or her perceived gender non-conformity. Because these protections are afforded to everyone, they cannot be denied to a transgender individual.
in which the Supreme Court eventually outlawed anti-sodomy and other anti-gay laws. So Judge Pryor was certainly no friend to the LGBT community. The Dec. 6 opinion, written by Judge Rosemary Barkett, a 1993 Clinton appointee, not only afrmed the trial judges ruling in favor of Glenn, but did so in broad and sweeping fashion. The court began by noting that, [a] person is dened as transgender precisely because of the perception that his or her behavior transgresses gender stereotypes. There is thus a congruence between discriminating against transgender and transsexual individuals and discrimination on the basis of genderbased behavioral norms. After surveying a series of other federal court decisions that support this proposition, the Court in Glenn reached its conclusion: An individual cannot be punished because of his or her perceived gender nonconformity. Because these protections are afforded to everyone, they cannot be denied to a transgender individual. The nature of the discrimination is the same; it may differ in degree but not in kind, and discrimination on this basis is a form of sex-based discrimination that is subject to heightened scrutiny under the Equal Protection Clause. Ever since the Supreme Court began to apply heightened scrutiny to sex-based classications, its consistent purpose has been to eliminate discrimination on the basis of gender stereotypes. These are sweeping words, clearly and concisely bringing the transgender community under the umbrella of basic equal protection principles. In addition, the decision effectively undermines the bathroom panic argument of the opposition, stating that such fears hypothesized or invented post hoc in response to litigation are not genuine justications. Although the decision is clearly a positive and welcome one, its critical to recognize its limitations. As it is not a ruling based on Title 7 of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, it only applies in cases against government action equal protection applies against

the government, not against private actors such as businesses. However, Title 7 is frequently referenced in the opinion, which should ease the way forward on the next Title 7 case. There have also already been suggestions that state and local transgender protection laws are now either unnecessary or even illegal. Were scratching our heads about that last one. The fact is that, as welcome as the Glenn decision is, it sets a oor for basic equal protection coverage, not a ceiling, and even then, it only applies against government discrimination. In order to protect against private acts of discrimination, state and federal statutes banning such acts are necessary, and such statutes certainly may provide more protections than does the constitutional principle of equal protection, lling in the details, so to speak. In Maryland, we are poised to pursue such a statute at the state level, and the ringing endorsement of transgender equality under the Constitution set forth in the Glenn decision can only help speed the process of passing a fully inclusive law to protect transgender individuals from discrimination.

Dana Beyer, a retired physician and surgeon, is a trans advocate and executive director of Gender Rights Maryland. Jonathan Shurberg, a board member of Gender Rights Maryland and chair of its legislative committee, is a lawyer in private practice in Silver Spring. Reach them via genderrightsmaryland.org.


Passion of Harvey Milk, integrity of MLK

Barney Frank is a one-of-a-kind force who will be missed in Congress
Barney Frank (D-Mass.), the longest serving openly gay member of Congress, who announced on Nov. 28 that he is retiring from Congress in 2012. Frank, who was rst elected to Congress in 1980, has the passion of Harvey Milk, the integrity of Martin Luther King, Jr., the wit of Jon Stewart and the legislative smarts of Ted Kennedy. Ive never met Frank, but like many people, Ill miss Franks presence on Capitol Hill. His legislative acumen on issues ranging from civil rights to nance will be sorely missed. In his 30 years in Congress, Frank has worked tirelessly on civil rights from supporting reparations for JapaneseAmericans who were unjustly interred during World War II to working for affordable housing for elderly and disabled people to championing LGBT rights. Many of us, including, I suspect, a number of the folks in Congress, are clueless about how our nancial system works. Frank is known (even by his opponents) as being a nancial maven. A former chair of the House Financial Services Committee, Frank co-wrote with former Sen. Christopher Dodd, the Dodd-Frank bill that overhauled our nancial regulations. Hes the smartest guy in the room, Steve Bartlett, head of the Financial Services Roundtable told The New York Times. In a debate, you want to be on the same side as Barney, and if youre not on the same side, you should re-evaluate being in the debate at all. Frank is many things besides being gay a graduate of Harvard Law School, a legislator, and a bit of a (lovable) curmudgeon. You gotta love a guy who says that hell enjoy it when he quits Congress and I dont even have to pretend to try to be nice to people I dont like. But Franks openness about his sexuality has particular meaning for LGBT people. Before he became the rst member of Congress to voluntarily come out in 1987, I hadnt heard of any federally elected ofcial who was openly gay without shame. Frank demonstrated that being LGBT need not impede your career. Some thought that discussing his sexual orientation might hinder his ability to push legislation or advance to the position of committee chair, the Blades Lou Chibbaro Jr. wrote in an e-mail. He showed his constituents in Massachusetts and the national media that being openly gay wouldnt hold him back from being a key player in the U.S. House of Representatives and chair of one of the most important House committees. I have no illusion that Frank is cuddly. Hes been known to make reporters tremble. As a journalist, Id feel the need to be well-armed before interviewing him. Yet as Frank asked an interviewer, Do you think reporters worry about whether people cry after what they write about them? Frank, unlike many politicians, is respected by many reporters. As a LGBT scribe, he wins my heart for not ducking questions from the mainstream or gay press. As an elected ofcial, Barney Frank has always been accessible for interviews with the Blade and with me as a reporter for the Blade, Chibbaro wrote. In addition to being accessible ... he also has a sense of humor and a frank tell it like it is manner of letting you know what he thinks about the important issues. Thank you, Mr. Frank! Enjoy your postcongressional life. We cant wait to see what youll do next.

Kathi Wolfe is a writer, poet and regular contributor to the Blade. She can be reached through this publication.

As quixotic as it may sound, I believe that government can do much good from protecting our civil rights to providing a much-needed social safety net to vulnerable people. Yet, few politicians move me in the way that certain rock stars, comedians, poets or civil rights leaders move me. Most politicos, including those who have honorably served our country, seem muted, aloof, a bit slow on the uptake without their handlers humorless. Except for Rep.

24 DECEMBER 09, 2011



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washingtonblade.com HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE

Editors note: Part three of our annual holiday gift guide gives you a heads up on the hottest new music, books, DVD and Blu-ray releases and more.


Deluxe album re-issues and dvd box sets make some of the best and easiest gifts
An y po p c u ltu re l ov e r e n j oy s se e in g th e n e w C D a n d i Tu n e s rei ss u e s , DV D box s e t s, c off e e ta bl e bo o k s a n d c ol l e c t i b l e s. It wo u ld be im poss i b l e t o l i st th e m a ll, bu t h e re a re a f e w su re- fire re c o m m e n d a t i on s for t h o s e wh o fee l , a h e m, th a t its m o re bless e d t o gi ve th a n re c e iv e . Love, $17.98) and Britney (Britney Spears Live: the Femme Fatale Tour, $24.98 on Blu-ray or $14.98 on DVD). Complete seasons of TV shows continue to be hot sellers. The Bionic Woman Season 3 was released in October marking the nal installment of that campy 70s hit. Its listed for $39.98 or wait for the inevitable complete series packaging. And Lucille Balls post-I Love Lucy comedy classics get their much-deserved full season releases. And Balls previous series The Lucy Show is out this month with an Ofcial Fifth Season. Its listed for $39.98 but look for discounts. Also out this month is RuPauls Drag Race: Season 3 on DVD for $29.99. Seasons one and two are also available. And all 22 episodes of the second

Its a great season for collecting concert tours on DVD. Lady Gaga Presents the Monster Ball Tour at Madison Square Garden is out on DVD and Blu-ray ($19.99 and $38.99 respectively) from Interscope. Also look for live concert DVDs from Adele (Live at the Royal Albert Hall, $14.99), Beyonce (Live at Roseland, 21.98), Cyndi Lauper (To Memphis With

career is still getting the royal treatment after years of sub-par public domain releases that were hack jobs at best. Heres Lucy season four (Balls third series) was out in March and features all 24 episodes from the 1971-72 season. Look for season ve (the shows penultimate season) in February. A 2004 four-disc best of set was loaded with extras and is a nice intro to the series, but for true Lucy fans, its great to see these old school

season of Hot in Cleveland (Valerie Bertinelli, Betty White, et. al.) dropped in late November. $29.99.

Supremes fans will be in heaven this Christmas Universals Hip-O Records has a few treasures up its sleeve. Its

washingtonblade.com 2 6 DE C E MB E R 0 9 , 2011 HO LIDAY GIFT GUIDE


Make Room For All Your Treasures This Holiday Season


continuing its album-by-album reissues of the famed trios Motown catalog with More Hits By the Supremes which features a bounty of outtakes, b-sides and live cuts as well as the entire album in both mono and stereo mixes ($33.58). If you dont need everything but still want more than a single greatest hits release (and the Supremes, trust me, have been anthologized to death!), a good starter kit is the 50th Anniversary: Singles Collection 1961-1969, a threedisc set that features every single, every b-side and a series of hits the group recorded in other languages. Its $52.49 and while, yes, theres a lot of duplication between this and the fabulous 2000 eponymous box set, completists will savor having both. Broadways Carols for a Cure is out again this year in Vol. 13. Its a Broadway Cares AIDS benet album and features selections from cast members of Wicked, Priscilla Queen of the Desert, Avenue Q and more. Queens rst ve albums are out in a lavish 10-disc set from Hollywood Records for $49.99. Its a tting tribute to the gayhelmed rock supergroup. In addition to her Monster Ball tour DVD, Gaga is also out with two new releases a Born This Way remix album and a seasonal EP A Very Gaga Holiday which features White Christmas, Orange Colored Sky

and The Edge of Glory. Theres also a lavish Gaga coffee table book out, Lady Gaga x Terry Richardson (Grand Central Publishing, $50). And if you want a little retro feel, bi organist Cameron Carpenters new single Sleigh Ride (check it out on iTunes) sounds a little like your grandmothers old Wurlitzer Christmas albums but with a 21st century twist. Carpenter is donating all proceeds from the single to The American Boychoir School, his alma mater in Princeton, N.J.

The new novel Benedetto Casanova imagines the life of a gay brother to the legendary Giacomo Casanova of yore. By Martin Weber. Its a $19.69 paperback. Gay photographer Scott Paseld is out with Gay in America, a lavish coffee table book that features photos of gay men from all over the country. Its listed at $45 but look for discounts. Activist Dan Choi is on the cover. Author Paula Bresnan Gibson is out with a book on the history of the Gay Mens Chorus of Washington called Voices from a Chorus. Its $24.95. Lesbian writer Beth Neff is out with Getting Somewhere, a young adult novel that tells of four girls whove gotten into trouble and are offered a chance to pay for their crimes working on a farm instead of at a detention center. Its publisher recommends


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washingtonblade.com 28 DECEMBER 09, 2011 HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE


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it for fans of The Bell Jar, The Virgin Suicides and Girl, Interrupted. $17.99 (Penguin Young Readers Group). And for those who dont mind paying a little more for keepsake erotica, gay German publisher Bruno Gmuender is out with its usual array of new coffee table collectible books such as Naked by Dylan Rosser ($59.99), Heroes with Hardons the Big Book of Class Comics by Patrick Fillion ($43.99), a deluxe comic book called Still Side by Side by Mioki ($33.99) and the mammoth Jim French Diaries: the Creator of Colt Studio by Jim French, a 336-page behemoth of Colt men that retails for $122.99 and would make a perfect naughty gift. Visit brunogmuender.com for details. Want more book ideas? Look for the Nov. 29 installment of The Best LGBT Books of 2011 at bandofthebes.typepad. com which surveyed 90 authors for their favorite queer books of the year. Its a great jumping off list for those (like us!) who only had time to scratch the surface.

gowns from two great Hitchcock lms. One doll features her ice blue To Catch a Thief gown; the newest one shows her as Lisa Freemont in the iconic black-andwhite gown she wears in Rear Window. (Rear Window Grace Kelly doll, $34.95, barbiecollector.com). And if you really want to go all out, consider treating someone on your list to a custom-designed home theater system from the local Ultramarine Group (ultramarineAV.com) which can design a lavish sound-and-video experience for a variety of budgets. Consultations are free. If you want an unusual gift, consider purchasing a photo from the Blades archives. There are hundreds to choose from covering 40 years of local gay history. Visit washingtonblade.com for details.


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Mattel is continuing with its Grace Kelly Barbie collectors dolls. Those with deeper pockets can get the Romance Doll or another that features the late princess in her wedding gown. But gay fans are probably more interested in two dolls that nd the movie star-era leading A D V E R T I lady G two O O her classic Edith Head S I N in P R of F



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ISSUE DATE: 12.02.11



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A R T S A N D E N T E R TA I N M E N T W A S H I N G T O N B L A D E . C O M V O L U M E 4 2 I S S U E 4 9 D E C E M B E R 0 9 2 0 1 1 P A G E 3 1

Broadway star joins Gay Mens Chorus for annual holiday extravaganza
Its that time of the year again and the Gay Mens Chorus is ringing in the holidays and the opening of its 2011-2012 season with its annual holiday concert. This years version is being dubbed Red & Greene and features special guest Ellen Greene, Broadways original Audrey from Little Shop of Horrors. Theres nothing like a Jew who loves Christmas, by the way, Greene says. Ive been known to have three Christmas trees one for children in the front, one for the middle room where the piano was and then one in the back. Greene will be joined by pianist Christian Klikovits and Grammy Award-winning cellist Stephen Erdody. The three were in town last weekend for a dinner with the Choruss board, managing director David Jobin and a couple rehearsals with artistic director Jeff Buhrman and the whole chorus. David Jobin is such a spectacular producer, Greene says. Weve been treated so

well, everybodys been lovely to us this is my Christmas present. The show will include the full chorus singing holiday standards, including Angels We Have Heard on High and smaller ensembles having fun dancing and singing in full costumes. Christmas represents to me, theater, people, artists, and I mean artists across the board if you think, if you dream, if you create, youre an artist so Christmas represented coming together as a family, Greene says. Anything that involves music and coming together feels holy and special and magical. Greene plans two dedications during the engagement Winter Song for those whove died, and Universal Child for same-sex marriage rights and anti-bullying. My show is so depressing, that the reason I have to talk in between is I can make everyone laugh so I can sing another song, she says. This isnt Greenes rst time singing with a chorus. Growing up, her whole family sang, earning them the nickname, the singing Greenes and she always had a big solo on holidays. I was singing with the cantor and I got a 104 fever because I had tremendous stage fright I dont know why I picked this career, Greene says. My father he says, Let her sing. As soon as I sang, my temperature went down.



By JOEY DiGUGLIELMO joeyd@washblade.com

Stephen Gregory Smith met his partner in college in the bathroom. No, it wasnt that kind of encounter. They were both students at Shenandoah Conservatory in Winchester, Va., and crossed paths there on their way to a Pippin audition. He was there shirtless in a pair of tights and an overcoat trying to look sexy for the role of Louis and I swear to God, I almost fell over, Smith recalls with a laugh. They didnt start dating immediately his partner Matt Conner was in another relationship at the time but they became friends and eventually became more. Theyve been together 13 years and are both active at Signature Theatre where theyre appearing in its current Hairspray production. Smith plays Corny Collins in the show, a Broadway hit (and later a lm adaptation) based on the original lm by John Waters. Its really amazing, Smith says. Ive always loved Hairspray though it was never my favorite John Waters lm because it was so mainstream. I tended to like his naughtier ones better but what I love and notice about the book is so much of it keeps elements from the original lm. Theres a lot of alliteration and it almost sounds like this demented sort of Shakespeare prose for Baltimore and its just wonderful. Smith, a 33-year-old Connellsville, Pa., native, splits his time acting, writing, teaching and bartending. He and Conner are regulars in the unofcial Signature players fold. Smith was just in The Boy Detective Fails and will be in the upcoming Brother Russia next. He teaches drama and dance to students in Fairfax County in an after-school program. So whats it like being in an all-consuming production during the holidays? Any time left to bake and send cards? I really wouldnt know what to do with myself if I werent in a show around the holidays, he says. I just schedule around it. Yes, its the main thing in my life right now, and it really is an ass kicker of a show but we still get our shopping done. Smith and Conner live together in Arlingtons Shirlington area with their 9-year-old dog, Buddha. Smith enjoys reading, writing, meteorology, storm chasing and collecting cheesy horror lms on VHS in his free time. For more information and show times on Hairspray, which runs through Jan. 29, visit signature-theatre.org.


HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN OUT AND WHO WAS THE HARDEST PERSON TO TELL? Since my freshman year of college, and probably my Mother was hardest. WHOS YOUR LGBT HERO? Sam Harris

Following My Compass in the Dark IF SCIENCE DISCOVERED A WAY TO CHANGE SEXUAL ORIENTATION, WHAT WOULD YOU DO? Nothing. I love who I am. WHAT DO YOU BELIEVE IN BEYOND THE PHYSICAL WORLD? Life never dies; because life is energy it just transfers. WHATS YOUR ADVICE FOR LGBT MOVEMENT LEADERS? Speak out louder the movement is way too quiet. WHAT WOULD YOU WALK ACROSS HOT COALS FOR? Matt, Buddha, my family or friends. WHAT LGBT STEREOTYPE ANNOYS YOU MOST? All of them. WHATS YOUR FAVORITE LGBT MOVIE? Beautiful Thing WHATS THE MOST OVERRATED SOCIAL CUSTOM? Checking In everywhere you go on FB or Twitter. I dont need to know when you are picking up your dry cleaning, thanks. WHAT TROPHY OR PRIZE DO YOU MOST COVET? Nobel Peace Prize WHAT DO YOU WISH YOUD KNOWN AT 18? Nothing more than I did then. The journey is life. WHY WASHINGTON? Because I love it here. The city is gorgeous, yet not too tall and overwhelming. I tend to feel like an ant in cities where you are surrounded by skyscrapers. Here, I feel more grounded. And also, the theatre in this town is incredible. The quality and talent level is incredible, and the community is like a giant family.

WHATS WASHINGTONS BEST NIGHTSPOT, PAST OR PRESENT? I really do miss Tracks, but always love a Monday at JR.s. Also, Club Blue at Signature Theatre on Friday nights. Great music, and the entire cast usually stays and dances. So much fun! DESCRIBE YOUR DREAM WEDDING. My dream wedding would have me and Matt surrounded by family and friends in a nation where it was totally accepted. With lots of monetary gifts, of course. WHAT NON-LGBT ISSUE ARE YOU MOST PASSIONATE ABOUT? Animal welfare. And as a weather geek, I get really mad when people dont know the difference between watch and warning. So, I guess also weather preparedness. WHAT HISTORICAL OUTCOME WOULD YOU CHANGE? I just wish It Gets Better was around before all of those recent LGBT suicides. WHATS BEEN THE MOST MEMORABLE POP CULTURE MOMENT OF YOUR LIFETIME? Meeting most of the original cast of 1968s Night of the Living Dead. ON WHAT DO YOU INSIST? Relaxation

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WHAT WAS YOUR LAST FACEBOOK POST OR TWEET? Cant remember ever being in previews that were so well attended and so responsive! Hairspray is killin it! IF YOUR LIFE WERE A BOOK, WHAT WOULD THE TITLE BE?


DECEMBER 09, 2011 33

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washingtonblade.com 34 DECEMBER 09, 2011 OUT & ABOUT



Pink Martini to play Strathmore

Pink Martini is performing at the Music Center at Strathmore (5301 Tuckerman Lane) in North Bethesda on Monday at 8 p.m. The show will feature songs from the groups 2010 holiday album, Joy to the World, as well as selections from their other albums. Also, with the absence of the bands regular singer, China Forbes, who is recovering from throat surgery, special guest star Saori Yuki will be joining the group. Tickets range from $55 to $125 and can be purchased online at ticketmaster.com.

Gay ensemble plans Prism concert


Gay dancer Singh at Artisphere

Dakshina/Daniel Phoenix Singh Dance Company will be at Artisphere (1101 Wilson Blvd.) in Arlington this weekend with performances at 8 p.m. on Friday and Saturday and a matinee performance on Sunday at 3 p.m. for families. One of the routines, featuring Singh, is Since Youve Asked, a male/male duet with poetry by Leonard Cohen and music by Jacques Brel. The performance will end with Voy Y Vengo by Ludovic Jolivet, featuring the dancers using ofce chairs as props to explore the cycles of life. Tickets are $25 for the Friday and Saturday performance and $12 for adults and $8 for kids for the Sunday matinee. All performances are followed by a bhangra dance party. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit artisphere.com.

The D.C. Different Drummers is having its annual holiday concert Sunday at 3 p.m. at the auditorium at Columbia Heights Education Campus (3101 16th St., N.W.) with a nontraditional performance planned. Dubbed Prism, this years concert will showcase the participating groups D.C. Swing!, the Capitol Pride Symphonic Band and other small ensembles in rotating sets throughout the show with continuous music as one groups set ows into the next. Tickets are $21 and can be purchased online. For more information on the group and to purchase tickets, visit dcdd.org.

Sedaris show gets D.C. revival

Joe Brack once again stars in The Santaland Diaries by NPR humorist, David Sedaris at The Shop at Fort Fringe (607 New York Ave., N.W.) running through Dec. 24. Diaries, adapted for the stage by Joe Mantello, is based on the true stories of Sedaris experience as an elf in Macys Santaland, delving deep behind the scenes. Tickets are $20 and can be purchased online at cityartisticpartnerships.org.


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washingtonblade.com THEATER DECEMBER 09, 2011 35

Love, passion, and the perils of courtship perfect for the holidays!
Photo: Kate Cook & Michael Brusasco. Courtesy of Utah Shakespeare Festival, photo by Karl Hugh.

Pride and Prejudice




Hung star shines in one-woman Studio comedy show


Breaking all the rules

paced 90 minutes. There is no set. Other than a rolling ladder and a rolling stool, the stage is empty. Dressed in a white wife beater and black pants, the 40-ish blond actress seamlessly changes from person to person. Not a lot of actors can inhabit more than a dozen characters of varied gender, ethnic background and class with Weedmans same dazzling incisiveness. Whether its a tweaked-out inmate, abusive TV commercial director or the wise senior volunteer named Irene, shes dead-on. Toward the beginning of the play when the volunteers share their reason for being there, the Weedman character says she wants to get outside of herself, to think of something other than her weight. Then she lets slip out that she also thought, perhaps, inside jail she might stand a chance at being the prettiest girl in the room. Shes then quick to add that shes straight almost entirely so. Though she does TV and increasingly more feature lms, Weedman continues to make time for solo performances. Mined from her life, the plays sometimes contain gay and lesbian characters. In interviews Weedman references gay friends and jokes about how casting agents typically see her as the lesbian sidekick. She has an LGBT following. Hers is a self-deprecating, smart, outrageous and occasionally silly humor. She simultaneously nds a lot of madness and some meaning in her life. Just when her onstage self becomes discouraged by the prisoners self-defeating behavior and afraid that shes been a totally ineffective volunteer, a prisoner sincerely thanks Weedman for making all those weekly visits. Its an extremely poignant moment. And then its back to more laughs.
BUST Through Dec 18 The Studio Theatre 1501 14th Street, NW $35-$60 202-332-3300 studiotheatre.org


$10 & $15 tickets for age 30 & under call for info

If youre not yet familiar with comedic actress/writer/playwright Lauren Weedman, you need to be. Best known for her stint as a correspondent on The Daily Show and playing Horny Patty on HBOs Hung, Weedman is hilarious. In her mostly autobiographical, onewoman show Bust now at the Studio Theatre Weedman revisits her reallife experience as a volunteer in a Los Angeles womens jail. Playing all the parts (inmates, guards, friends, other volunteers, a Manhattan magazine editor and herself), Weedman wittily juxtaposes her time navigating the labyrinth-like, ridiculously bureaucratic correctional system with her equally surreal life as a working actress in L.A. The way Weedman portrays herself (manic, insecure, largely self-absorbed but coming from a good place), she couldnt be less suited to volunteer for an inmate buddy program called Beyond Bars. After arriving late and disrupting orientation, she goes on to break every one of the groups rules. In her rst meeting with the prisoners shes come to help, she reveals her home address, details of her sex life and makes promises she cant possibly keep (all big no-nos). Shes fairly neurotic, entirely without lter and boy oh boy, is it funny. Not surprisingly, Busts authority gures particularly dislike her. The earnest orientation leader assumes (not wholly unwarrantedly) that Weedman is high on cocaine and during the initial jailhouse tour, a seasoned Chicano guard informs her that all those incessant wisecracks will get her killed. She spends a lot of time apologizing all over the place for whats just popped out of her mouth. Ably directed by Allison Narver, its a fast-

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washingtonblade.com 36 DECEMBER 09, 2011 THE GUIDE TO ARTS & CULTURE


Billy Elliot the Musical, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. kennedy-center.org. A Christmas Carol: A Ghost Story, Olney Theatre Center. 301-924-3400. olneytheatre.org.


Handels Messiah, NSO, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. kennedy-center.org.

Festive Baroque (Music in Mind), Clarice Smith. 301-405-ARTS. claricesmithcenter.umd.edu. The Banjo in the Civil War: Second Sunday Series, Fairfax Commission on the Arts, Fairfax Museum & Visitor Center. 703-385-8414. fairfaxva.gov. Messiah Sing-Along, Prince Georges Publick Playhouse. 301-277-1710. arts.pgparks.com. Handels Messiah, Schlesinger. 703-442-9404. newdominion.org.

Off the Walls Holiday Art Sale, Corcoran Gallery of Art. 202-639-1700. corcoran.org. RO ME O & J UL IE T: S Y N E T IC T HE AT E R T H R U F RI , DE C 2 3 CRYS TAL CI T Y T HE AT R E Love, passion and timelessness are all made stunningly physical in this rendition of Shakespeares great romantic tragedy. Set within the gears of a giant clock, Synetics adaptation explores the untimely nature of one of literatures greatest love stories. RAMS E Y L E W I S : S U N GOD D E S S T OU R F RI , DE C 9 S T RAT H MO R E The jazzman extraordinaire, winner of three Grammys and seven gold records, revisits his classic 70s album The Sun Goddess (and a few other funky favorites) with his electric band-- guitarist Henry Johnson, keyboard player Michael Logan, drummer Charles Heath and bassist Joshua Ramos. NS O P O P S : T HE P E R F E C T GIF T - T HE CA N A DIA N TEN ORS T H R U S UN, DE C 1 1 KE NNE DY CE N T E R Celebrate the holidays with the NSO Pops and the Canadian Tenors, four gifted young men with diverse vocal styles, undeniable charm, and international solo success. T H E J O Y O F C HR IS T M A S S AT, DE C 10 & S U N , D E C 1 1 WAS H I N G T O N N AT ION A L C AT HE D R A L Celebrate the season by enjoying Christmas in the magnicent setting of Washington National Cathedral. Sing along with old favorites such as Joy to the World and Angels We Have Heard on High, be inspired by glorious choral gems such as Once in Royal Davids City and Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day, and top it all off by singing Handels beloved Hallelujah Chorus along with the 140 beautiful voices of the Choral Society.
The Guide to Arts & Culture is provided by CultureCapital, a program of the Cultural Alliance of Greater Washington. For more events visit culturecapital.com. Photo provided Synetic Theater.

MON, DEC 12 Planes, Trains and Automobiles: Stories about what happens on the way,
SpeakeasyDC, Town Danceboutique. 202-234-8696. speakeasydc.com.



American Ballet Theatre: The Nutcracker, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. kennedy-center.org. Arlen & Berlin, In Series, Atlas. 202-204-7760. inseries.org. Project 2011: Face To Face, Artisphere. 703-875-1100. artisphere.com. The Golden Dragon, The Studio Theatre. 202-332-3300. studiotheatre.org.

Jack Kennedy: Elusive Hero by Chris Matthews, National Archives. 202-357-5000. archives.gov.


DEC 9 - DEC 10
La vida en los Esclavos Unidos, GALA Hispanic Theatre. 202-234-7174. galatheatre.org.

FIELDWORK for Mixed Disciplines - Fall Showing, Dance Place. 202-269-1600. danceplace.org. The White House: The Presidents Home in Photographs and History, National Archives. 202-357-5000. archives.gov. The Big Idea: Exploring the Edge of Existence, National Geographic. 202-857-7700. nglive.org/dc. The Capital Hearings, An A Cappella Holiday, Strathmore. 301-581-5100. strathmore.org.


DEC 10 - DEC 11

Dan Tepfer, Strathmore. 301-581-5100. strathmore.org.

Classical Repertory Dance Theatre Fall Concert, Joy of Motion Dance Center, The Jack Guidone Theater. 202-520-3692. joyofmotion.org.

The Washington Ballet: The Nutcracker, Warner Theatre. 202-397-7328. washingtonballet.org. A Christmas Carol, Fords Theatre. 202-347-4833. fords.org. The Madman and The Nun, Ambassador Theater, Mead Theatre Lab at Flashpoint. 202-315-1305. aticc.org. The Sound of Music, Olney Theatre Center. 301-924-3400. olneytheatre.org. Pride and Prejudice, Round House Theatre Bethesda. 240-644-1100. roundhousetheatre.org. Bust, The Studio Theatre. 202-332-3300. studiotheatre.org. An Irish Carol, Keegan Theatre, Church Street Theater. 703-892-0202. keegantheatre.com.

DEC 9 - DEC 11

Eureka Dance Festival, Dance Place. 202-269-1600. danceplace.org.

DEC 10 - DEC 11

National Philharmonic: Handels Messiah, Strathmore. 301-581-5100. nationalphilharmonic.org. The Joy of Christmas, Cathedral Choral Society, WNC. 202-537-6200. cathedralchoralsociety.org.


The Embassy Series: Matei Varga, Piano, Romanian Ambassadors Residence. 202-625-2361. embassyseries.org.

Your link to the arts in Metro DC is one click away!


Corcoran Gallery of Art. 30 Americans, Claire Healy & Sean Cordeiro: Are We There Yet? 202-639-1700. corcoran.org. National Archives. Whats Cooking Uncle Sam? 202-357-5000. archives.gov. National Gallery of Art. From Impressionism to Modernism: The Chester Dale Collection, Warhol: Headlines, The Invention of Glory: Afonso V and the Pastrana Tapestries, Harry Callahan at 100, Antico: The Golden Age of Renaissance Bronzes, In the Tower: Mel Bochner, A New Look: Samuel F.B. Morses Gallery of the Louvre. 202-737-4215. nga.gov.

NPRs A Jazz Piano Christmas, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. kennedy-center.org. Searching for the Real Messiah, Kennedy Center. 202-467-4600. kennedy-center.org. Julie and Julia, National Archives. 202-357-5000. archives.gov. Caroling in the Rotunda: The Mandoleers, National Gallery of Art. 202-737-4215. nga.gov.


Christmas with the Camerata, Washington Mens Camerata, Bradley Hills Presbyterian Church. 202-364-1064. camerata.com.
Blade ad_4.75x2.6875.indd 2 8/26/11 10:06 AM


DECEMBER 09, 2011 37

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washingtonblade.com 38 DECEMBER 09, 2011

E-mail calendar items to calendars@washblade.com two weeks prior to your event. Space is limited so priority is given to LGBT-specic events or those with LGBT participants. Recurring events must be re-submitted each time.

at 2 p.m. Tickets are $15 and can be purchased online at kennedy-center.org. Town (2009 8th St., N.W.) presents Ice tonight featuring DJ Hector Fonseca spinning and performances by The Dance Camp. Theres a $8 cover from 10 to 11 p.m. and $12 after 11. All attendees must be 21 or older. The D.C. Rollergirls has a double header today at the D.C. Armory (2001 E. Capitol St., S.E.) with the Cherry Blossom Bombshells taking on the D.C. DemonCats in the rst bout at 4 p.m. followed by the Majority Whips taking on the Scare Force One. Tickets are $12 for adults, $6 for kids ages 6 to 11 and free for those under 6. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit dcrollergirls.com. S.h.e. productions presents ReHab, a monthly alternative dance party, featuring DJ Katrina tonight at Grand Central Disco and Sapphos (1001 N. Charles St.) in Baltimore. Doors open at 9 p.m. and there is a $5 cover for this 21-and-older event. Mixtape D.C. is tonight at the Black Cat (1811 14th St., N.W.), a dance party for queer music lovers and their pals that features DJs Shea Van Horn and Matt Bailer playing an eclectic mix of electro, alt-pop, indie rock, house, disco, new wave and anything else danceable. There is a $10 cover for this event. Doors open at 9:30 p.m. Black Cat (1811 14th St., N.W.) hosts Rock-n-Shop, a rock-and-roll garage sale with music by DJ Baby Alcatraz featuring everying from T-shirts to records and more. Doors open at 8 p.m. This is a free event. Nellies (900 U St., N.W.) presents Drag Brunch hosted by Shi-Queeta Lee today at 11 a.m. with a $20 brunch buffet, then stick around and watch the Washington Redskins take on the New England Patriots or the Baltimore Ravens take on the Indiannapolis Colts today at 1 p.m. National Symphony Orchestra Pops presents The Perfect Gift with the Canadian Tenors tonight at 7 p.m. at the Kennedy Center (2700 F St., N.W.) Tickets range from $20 to $85 and can be purchased online at kennedy-center.org. Busboys & Poets presents Monday night open mic poetry hosted by poet-in-residence

The D.C. Center (1318 U St., N.W.) is having an opening for the exhibit Juxtapositions featuring photographs by queer artist P.B. Groszmann conveying the diversity of the LGBT experience tonight from 6 to 8 p.m. The exhibit will be on display through Jan. 2. For more information, visit thedccenter.org. Siren returns after ve months with a special holiday edition tonight at Green Lantern (1335 Green Court, N.W.) featuring DJs Majr, Madscience, Jeffrex and Donna. with an open rail vodka bar from 10 to 11 p.m. and $16 Smirnoff allyou-can-drink-all-night bracelets available until midnight. Theres a $6 cover for this 21-and-older event. The American Ballet Theatre performs The Nutcracker today at the Kennedy Center (2700 F St., N.W.) at 1:30 p.m. Tickets range from $45 to $150 and can be purchased online at kennedy-center.org. The Creative Alliance presents Victoria Vox and ellen cherrys tonight at the Patterson (3134 Eastern Ave.) in Baltimore at 8 p.m. Vox and cherrys play traditional holiday songs as well as originals. Tickets are $11 for members and $16 for general admission. To purchase tickets, visit creativealliance.org. The Fridge (516 8th St., S.E.) is having an opening reception for a new exhibit, Part and Parcel tonight from 8 to 11 p.m. featuring works by Frank Adams, Chris Chen, Stephanie Kwak and more. Large works are on display with smaller pieces next to them wrapped in brown paper. Patrons will have the chance to purchase the larger work or take a chance on the smaller one. All wrapped works will remain covered until after they are purchased. For more information, visit thefridgedc.com. The Kennedy Center (2700 F St., N.W.) presents Yvonne Caruthers giving a comprehensive history of Messiah performances throughout the years in Searching for the Real Messiah today


DAN TEPFER plays the Mansion at Strathmore on Thursday.


Beny Blaq tonight at 8 p.m. in the Robeson room of its Shirlington location (4251 South Campbell Ave., Arlington). The list to perform is announced at 8 p.m. Wristbands are $4 and will be on sale starting at 10 a.m. in the Global Exchange store until sold out. D.C.s Gay Flag Football League presents Mens Speed Dating tonight from 7 to 10 p.m. at Nellies (900 U St., N.W.). Theres a $15 cover with $3 drink specials. Check in begins at 6 p.m. The Kennedy Center (2700 F St., N.W.) presents the opening of its production of Billy Elliot: The Musical directed by Stephen Daldry and featuring music by Elton John, tonight at 7:30 p.m. Tickets range from $25 to $150 and can be purchased online at kennedy-center.org. Busboys & Poets hosts a community meeting with Southern Poverty Law Center and Truth Wins Out to end exgay conversion therapy today at 6 p.m. in the Langston room of its 14th and V streets location (2021 14th Street, N.W.). Experts will be present to speak about the practice of conversion therapy and how to protect LGBT rights. RSVP is appreciated, but not required. Call 855-841-8356 or e-mail ashley @splcenter.org for more information. D.C. Bi Women will have its monthly dinner at Dupont Italian Kitchen (1637 17th St., N.W.) tonight from 7 to 9 p.m.



Rainbow Response is holding its monthly meeting tonight at the D.C. Center (1318 U St., N.W.) from 7 to 8 p.m. Cobalt (1639 R St., N.W.) is having its annual employee show tonight at 8 p.m. when the staff will act and sing on stage to show appreciation during the holiday season and there will be an open bar after the show. Anti-Defamation Leagues Young Professionals Division presents Taking on Bullying in the Paul Porter Room at Arnold & Porter, LLP (555 12th St., N.W.). This event will feature a keynote address from Russlynn Ali, Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights in the U.S. Department Education as well as testimonials from David Aponte, a student activist and former victim of bullying and more. RSVP is required as space is limited. For more information or to RSVP, e-mail sdornstreich@adl.org.




Jazz pianist and Yamaha artist Dan Tepfer plays the Mansion at Strathmore (10701 Rockville Pike) in North Bethesda tonight at 7:30 p.m., premiering new works with his performance of Goldberg Variations/Variations, his solo album using Johann Sebastian Bachs masterpiece, the Goldberg Variations. Tickets are $20 and can be purchased online at strathmore.org.

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washingtonblade.com MUSIC DECEMBER 09, 2011 39

MCC bids Hughes farewell

Gay church choir joined by Gay Mens Chorus, Oleta Adams for Christmas show
By JOEY DiGUGLIELMO joeyd@washblade.com
Metropolitan Community Church of Washington (MCC-D.C.) pulled out all the stops for its Christmas concert this year but even with another diva in the house guest singer Oleta Adams it was still Shirli Hughes night, as it should have been. Hughes, the churchs minister of music (and a lesbian), has resigned and Saturday nights concert was her swan song after a decade running the churchs music program. It felt as though she decided to go out with a bang the concert was held at the Lincoln Theater (usually all MCC concerts are held at the church) and there were two big guests: Adams and a healthy fraction of the Gay Mens Chorus of Washington which has its own holiday show next weekend (visit gmcw.org for details). That Adams sang beautifully was almost a given. She owned the stage during a three-song mini-set late in the second half during which she accompanied herself on electric piano with her hit Get Here and an exquisite cover of Amy Grants Marys Song (Breath of Heaven) thats also on Adams Christmas album. Initially I thought she sounded too muscular for the tender lullaby but she settled into a moving rendition of the song marked by dead-on phrasing and vocal nuance. And, of course, I know rehearsal time is often either highly limited or non-existent when you bring in a big-name artist, but it was almost tragic to hear the canned backing vocals on her opening number Hark the Herald Angels Sing considering the bounty of choral talent that was sitting back stage. Thankfully she joined them on closing song Joy to the World (mostly the Three Dog Night version but not entirely), which gave the concert a less compartmentalized feel among its participants which, prior to that, had been totally insular (the MCC choir didnt sing a note with the GMCW; theyre much different outts, of course, but some sort of collaboration would have been refreshing). The concert, playing to a packed house, was designed to give the church a chance to show off its abundance of talent. Several soloists especially Marcia Newbill, Gbenimah Slopadoe, Jeffrey Herrell and Yartumo Gborkorquellie have procaliber voices and could be on Broadway or in Los Angeles recording studios if they wished. Equally good, Natalie Carters


Help expose the lies behind conversion therapy and help other LGBT people who have undergone or are considering therapy to cure themselves.

Lesbian soprano SHIRLI HUGHES gave her nal appearance at Metropolitan Community Church of Washington last weekend. Shes stepped down as minister of music after a decade directing the churchs music program. MCC is the regions largest mostly gay church.

warm, silky solo on My Sweet Lawd was understated yet powerful. And old MCC standbys Lisa Carrol, Tanya Harper and Michelle Lanchester (Hughes partner) were each in ne voice. Carrol, who possesses a lovely alto timbre, has excelled under Hughes guidance and has found new range in her interpretive abilities. And Lanchester, a soul growler who can ad lib with all the passion and re of any big-name gospel act, sounded better than ever last night. She has, at times, been hampered by muddy acoustics and ill-tempered mics in the MCC sanctuary but last night the balance was perfect. There were some howling mics here and there, sadly, but they were mostly worked out by the time she came on. Hughes opened the second half with two solos Ave Maria and O Holy Night, both of which shes performed previously at the church. The latter, especially, was lovely and allowed her to show off her interpretive nesse and range to their fullest. They also exemplied, by contrast, what makes Hughes such a rare talent she can kick back and throw down with the most sanctifying gospel grooves but on her solo selections she proves shes got great classical sensibilities as well and is undeniably a trained singer. Its quite rare to nd a musician, whether he or she is singing or directing (or accompanying as Hughes also does), who can pull off both extremes so successfully. Though mercurial at times, she leaves enormous shoes for the church to ll. Music can totally make or break a worship service. The Gay Mens Chorus sounded lovely as usual their harmonies, tighter and more rened (but also more staid) than MCCs are undeniably great. Their overall pitch is as precise as a tuning fork. They continue to excel under Jeff Burhmans sturdy leadership. Only a medley of Hanukkah songs the Chorus performed felt out of place, since MCC is a Christian church.

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The idea that ones sexual orientation can be changed through therapy is a dangerous lie, and has been discredited by medical and counseling organizations. Please join the Southern Poverty Law Center and Truth Wins Out to learn from experts about this fraudulent practice, share stories about conversion therapy, and understand how we can protect LGBT rights.

RSVP appreciated but not required. 855.841.8356 ashley@splcenter.org


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12:13:14 PM

washingtonblade.com 40 DECEMBER 09, 2011 FITNESS

Blue Christmas?
The holidays are a bleak time for many but here are some tips that might help
sometimes produce positive effects. Pretending to be happy can sometimes cause happiness to rub off on you. Make your bed and do the dishes. Dont let things pile up until they become daunting. Your physical environment affects your mental state of mind. Surround yourself with upbeat and positive people ad nauseum they are sure to rub off on you. There are people who can be disgustingly chipper around the holidays and they can balance out our misery. Sitting on Santas lap may be just what the doctor ordered. Dont drink excessively keep alcohol in moderation. Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant and will interrupt sleep patterns. And it may make you do something foolish at the ofce holiday party. Eat healthy. Overdoing fatty foods and innocuous sweets can lead to feelings of guilt and pack on the holiday ve. Have a healthy snack before the next party you go to, so you dont overindulge. Get to the gym. Now is not the time to let your exercise program go by the wayside. We know exercise equals stress release and those endorphins work. Dont over schedule. Three parties in one night is enough to stress anyone out. Decide which party is most important to you and spend the most time there. Avoid overspending. This may not stress you out this month, but next months bill will. Pamper yourself. Take time to take those hot baths, get a massage or take your spouse to a nice restaurant. While holidays are indeed a time for giving, its just as important to give to yourself. Ask for help. You dont have to go it alone. Others likely share your struggles. Talk to your friends, spouse, clergy, etc. and express that this is often a difcult time of year. Talking about your emotions may make you feel better. Dont ignore the elephant in the room. Sleep well. Get as much sleep as you can or at least maintain your current sleep schedule. And when in doubt, fake it until you make it. I dont want to sound trite, but often your state of mind or attitude can affect your mood. If I decide Im going to have a miserable month of December, I will. On the contrary and not to oversimplify, if I decide to do what I can to enjoy the holidays, I may actually have a good time. Now is not the time to re-invent the wheel, but a time to stay close to routine and not make dramatic shifts in your schedule and to surround yourself with positive upbeat people. If youre accustomed to being the holiday Scrooge, you can make this year different.

Kevin M. Norris is a health and tness columnist for the Blade and owner of Mind our Own Body, LLC. Personal Training. Reach him at kevinmnorris@aol.com.





I fancy myself an authority on feeling blue around the holidays. This time of year conjures up mixed and complex emotions for me. And feeling blue just seems like something I am obliged to. While not a very uplifting topic, I decided to put a positive spin on the time of year I struggle with most as Im sure Im not alone. Lets all get happy together. Days are longer and seasonal affective disorder seems to be the cause du jour. Many of us, myself included, are light sensitive and are easily affected by its absence. Couple this with one of the most stressful times of the year and you inevitably can have a recipe for feeling down or stressed. Does it have to be this way? Can you snap yourself out of it and simply decide to rise to the occasion and have yourself a merry time? For me, its not a matter of snapping out of it as I live with bipolar disease and those who suffer from similar diseases often have pronounced difculties during this time of year. Theres no magic bullet to allay these feelings. Im not a medical doctor nor claim to be, so as always, I encourage anyone feeling depressed or anxious or dramatically out of sorts to seek sound medical advice and talk about what youre feeling. And while for me theres no substitute for the medications I take for my bipolar disease or for the talk therapy I engage in once a week, there are some additional things I can do that can add to my overall state of being. I can make a difference in my own happiness. I came up with a list of what may seem like simple tasks, but together have a positive and uplifting effect on my psyche and generally give me a better sense of well being. I would love to hear from readers as to what little tricks you use to keep yourself in good holiday cheer and help alleviate anxiety and stress during the holidays. Act as if you are happy. Feeling generally follows action so doing things you do when you are at peace can


DECEMBER 09, 2011 41

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washingtonblade.com 42 DECEMBER 09, 2011 PHOTOS BY MICHAEL KEY

Whitman-Walker Health held the annual World AIDS Day candlelight vigil at Dupont Circle. Speakers at the vigil included Whitman-Walker executive director Don Blanchon and D.C. Mayor Vince Gray.

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DECEMBER 09, 2011 43




americas gay news source.

A rally against transgender violence at the Rosedale McDonalds on Monday night featured Poliss mother, grandmother and a crowd of 300, singing We Shall Overcome. Chrissy, no doubt afraid, stayed home. Her mother, Renee Carr, told the Washington Blade, a gay newspaper, that she supported her daughter 100 percent and added: I even carried her pocketbook on the way to the bus stop as a kid. Maureen Dowd New York Times Opinion Page April 26, 2011

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Just being reported in the Washington Blade a very good gay newspaper out of DC : Senator John Ensign (R) Nevada indicates he is considering a vote to repeal... Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC November 18, 2010






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washingtonblade.com 44 DECEMBER 09, 2011 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT

Greene considering holiday album for future release


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Greene started her career as a nightclub singer in New York at Reno Sweeney, which is where she got all her shows. Her rst starring role was in the Broadway bomb, Rachael Lily Rosenbloom (And Dont You Ever Forget It) in 1973. Dead? Hollywood? Dead? My whole life Ive dreamed Id nally get there. You mean I nally get there, its dead? Take away my dreams, you take away my mind, she recited from the play that closed before it even opened. Buhrman says the Chorus members are thrilled to have Greene join them. We had the opportunity to rehearse with her last weekend and shes just a wonderfully talented performer, he says. Greene and the Chorus will each perform their own selections but will also collaborate on three songs Klikovits arranged specically for the occasion. About 225 men will be in the Chorus, a record for the group. There will be no second-half skit as in previous years, but there will be several theatrical elements including a pageant of showboys, dancing nuns and more. Buhrman says Greene was on the Choruss wish list of celebrity guests. We contacted her management team and made it happen, he says. Its been a big year of collaboration for the Chorus. For its 30th anniversary concert earlier this year, another Broadway vet joined them Jennifer Holliday. Greene was performing in Central Park during the 1977 New York City blackout. I was on stage, about to sing my big number and it went absolutely dark in the park all of a sudden, I just started to sing and the pianist started following

me. And I said, If you just do what you always do, walk straight, you will not fall off the platform, Greene says. They nished the show with car headlights lighting the stage. Greene is also active politically, working with various groups including GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network) and more. While working on the show Pushing Daises, Bruce Cohen asked Greene to go to New Hampshire to campaign for Hillary Clinton with the Lucky Charms. She couldnt be busier she actually found my address and wrote me a letter, Greene says. I made [Klikovits] open the letter because I was shaking. Coming up, Greene is thinking of releasing a holiday album, rereleasing In Her Eyes, an album she made with Klikovits, and possibly a never-beforereleased album. The Chorus will be giving four performances starting at 8 p.m. on Dec. 16. There will be two performances on Dec. 17 at 3 and 8 p.m. and a nal performance on Dec. 18 at 3 p.m. Tickets range from $25 to $50 and can be purchased online at gmcw.org. Im very excited to see all the dancing and singing and silliness I know theyre going to take care of the fun part, Greene says. Im excited to meet 225 men, I mean, its me and all those men, whats bad about those odds?
RED & GREENE Gay Mens Chorus of Washington With special guest Ellen Greene Lisner Auditorium 730 21st Street, NW Dec. 16 at 8 p.m. Dec. 17 at 3 and 8 p.m. Dec. 18 at 3 p.m. $20-$50 gmcw.org

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New book shares Chorus history


The holiday concert isnt the only news about the Gay Mens Chorus. Paula Bresnan Gibson has written a book, Voices from a Chorus, all about the group and its history. REVIEW AD FOR COPY AND DESIGN ACCURACY. Revisions must be submitted within 24 hours of the date of proof. Proof will be considered final and will be submitted for publication if revision is not submitted within 24 hours of the date of proof. Revisions will not be accepted after 12:01 pm wednesday, the week of publication.Brown naff pitts The book is told through the perspective of a woman who served on the NS omnimedia llc (dba the washington blade) is not responsible for the content and/or design of your ad. Advertiser is responsible for any legal liability arising out of or relating to the advertisement, and/or any material to which users GN Choruss board of directors. It includes many interviews, including one with the can link through the advertisement. Advertiser represents that its advertisement will not violate any criminal laws or EVISIONS any rgihts of third parties, including, but not limited to, such violations as infringement or misapporpriation of any rst openly gay Episcopalian bishop Gene Robinson, a longtime supporter of the copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, music, image, or other proprietary or propety right, false advertising, unfair /LOGO REVISIONS competition, defamation, invasion of privacy or rights of celebrity, violation of anti-discrimination law or regulation, or any other right of any person or entity. Advertiser agrees to idemnify brown naff pitts omnimedia llc (dba the ADVERTISER SIGNATURE Chorus and recipient of its highest award. SIONS washington blade) and to hold brown naff pitts omnimedia llc (dba the washington blade) harmless from any and all By signing this proof you are agreeing to your contract obligations with the liability, loss, damages, claims, or causes of action, including reasonable legal fees and expenses that may be incurred washington blade newspaper. This includes but is The interviews show how men have overcome challenges such as dealing with not limited to placement, by brown naff pitts omnimedia llc, arising out of or related to advertisers breach of any of the foregoing representations payment and insertion schedule. and warranties. their sexual orientation, their families, friends, living with HIV/AIDS and more just by participating in the Chorus. SpeCiAlizinG in new rooFS Gibson is scheduled to make appearances at American University on Feb. 10, Proud Bookstore in Rehoboth Beach on Feb. 11 and Day of the Book Festival in AnD rooF repAir: contact us Kensington on April 22. Copper Tin SlaTe Shingle MeMbrane for your The book is available for purchase online at voicesfromachorus.com and in local bookstores, Politics & Prose, Kramerbooks, Trohv Home & Gift and Kensington FREE 202-569-1080 Row Bookshop. INSPECTION tom@rthomasdanielroofing.com The Blade wrote an extensive story of the Choruss history upon its 30th today! anniversary in June. Search for Men, music and message at washblade.com for rthomasdanielroofing.com that piece.


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DECEMBER 09, 2011 45

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Up above my head
Winter weather can wreak havoc on homeowners; protect your roof with these proactive steps
The memories of the blizzards of early 2010 still are fresh for many D.C. homeowners. Internal damage to homes from roof problems, including downspouts and gutters, was significant. Snow and ice volumes were overwhelming and while the severity of the weather was unusual in this area, it does serve as a reminder to be prepared. Following is a homeowners checklist for your roof so snow can still be pretty for you in the upcoming winter season. Gutters and downspouts should be cleared of all debris, including leaves, tree branches, dirt and mud, acorns and other nuts that fall from trees. This will enable melting snow and ice to flow more freely and help prevent ice dams from leaking water into your house. Also gutters filled with water in non-winter months because they are hung improperly or filled with debris are a warning sign of future roof failure. Roof flashing is found on the roof around the perimeter of your home as well as vents, pipes, chimneys and skylights. High winds, heavy winter rains and ice and snow can cause flashing to loosen, rip and tear. If flashing is not inspected before the rough winter months, you could have a costly problem on your hands.

Being proactive can save you big bucks when it comes to weatherizing your roof.

Stains and signs of leaks on ceilings and interior walls could be roof leaks. Take time to have all roof leaks repaired before the weather becomes severe. Accumulated snow and melting ice on your roof can greatly increase the danger to your home from untreated roof leaks. Leaks are nearly impossible to locate when the roof is covered with ice and snow. The roof deck itself (the main roof surface) should be checked for any signs of deterioration, tears and holes. Joints should be checked for signs of splits or thin areas of roof membrane and deteriorated caulking or loose metalwork. All loose debris should be removed

from the roof surface itself to avoid future problems. All penetrations on the roof (including those from satellite dishes, heat and air conditioning units and other structures) should be inspected. Any point of possible water or air infiltration needs to be checked and restored to a properly sealed condition to avoid contamination. There are numerous areas on and around the roof, including the parapet or wall cap, behind the gutters and under the roof edges, where openings could allow birds, squirrels and other furry creatures into the attic space. Animal droppings in the attic or crawl space are clear signs of a problem. All these areas should

be inspected and repaired as necessary. Being proactive to prevent potential problems and not reactive after problems have already occurred is a good way to protect your home and avoid higher future costs. A final word: Stay off your roof in the winter. You, your loved ones and neighbors should practice safety first and call roofing professionals to deal with your roofing problems.
Tom Daniel of R. Thomas Daniel Roofing is the third generation of a family thats provided roofing services to Capitol Hill for 90 years. The firm is the roofer recommended by Capitol Hill Village and Dupont Circle Village. Daniel is a Hill resident and can be reached at 202-569-1080 or tom@rthomasdanielroofing.com or visit rthomasdanielroofing.com.

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DECEMBER 09, 2011 47

Dupont Circle Office 202-387-6180

NeW liStiNg! adamS morgaN opeN SuNday 1-4pm 1710 1/2 summit pl. nw $529,000 QUIET CITY OASIS: Top floor 2 bedroom, 2.5 bathroom, twolevel condo with garage parking. This award-winning six unit condo building is located just a few blocks from the heart of Adams Morgan on its own quiet non-throughway street, just off the Rock Creek Parkway and near the National Zoo. dAVId CoRson (202) 674-1671 dAVId.CoRson@CbmoVe.Com

foggy bottom/west end 2527 K st. nw $950,000 Spacious & townhouse condo in quiet courtyard featuring 4BR + den. 10ft. ceilings, wood floors, 2 fireplace, large living/dining area, garage + tandem parking, garden patio & private terrace, skylights, laundry room & more.. Walk to Gtown, West End, GWU Metro and Whole Foods/Trader Joes. dwIgHt moRtensen 202-361-4400 dAVId bedIZ 202-352-8456 www.dwIgHtAnddAVId.Com

UndeR ContRACt! sHAw 1512 1st St. NW $499,900

Gorgeous renovation with all the bells and whistles. Exposed brick, solid hardwood floors, tray ceilings, recessed lights, granite/stainless kitchen, back patio AND PARKING TOO! Two full baths, plus half bath on 1st floor and patio too. More info and photos at DwightandDavid.com.
dwIgHt moRtensen 202-361-4400 dAVId bedIZ 202-352-8456 www.dwIgHtAnddAVId.Com CApItol HIll 818 K st. nw $399,999 This Capitol Hill Victorian, located on a high demand street, 9 blocks to red line metro and Harris Teeter, 2 blocks to H Street Corridor offers Corian kitchen counters, large rear yard/ patio, new kitchen cabinets, replacement windows, a super large mast bedroom, separate dining room, working fireplace. This home offers great investment potential. J.t. powell 202-465-2357 www.Jtpowell.Com

UndeR ContRACt! tHomAs CIRCle/logAn 1133 14th St. NW #409 $329,900 Superb location at the Alta on thomas Circle - Washingtons first LEED certified condominium! Perfect for 1st time buyer! Huge studio 5 years young, tons of light, s/s appl/granite/maple cabinets & xtra storage. Shows like a model! Fab building - steps to downtown, metRo, Logan/Dupont Circles, restaurants, shopping & pet friendly. Walk score of 94! Spacious rooftop terrace for all to enjoy with killer views! AmAZIng!! JoHn lUmsden 202-288-3185 www.fInedCpRopeRtIes.Com JblUmsden@Aol.Com

new lIstIng! sw wAteRfRont 1362 4th St. SW $355,000 Award winning mid-century architecture available at RIVeR pARK. This townhouse is just 2 blocks from metRo and new sAfewAy. Area undergoing tremendous redevelopment! 3 BR, 1.5 BA, hdwd flrs thruout, den/family room, tons of storage, floor to ceiling windows in LR, private rear terrace. Pets welcomed residents, too!. Convenience & Location a 10+ !! A VeRy speCIAl offeRIng! oppoRtUnIty KnoCKs!! JoHn lUmsden 202-288-3185 www.fInedCpRopeRtIes.Com JblUmsden@Aol.Com U stReet 929 florida Ave. nw #12 $367,500

nw/ConVentIon CenteR 1106 5th st. nw $2,000,000 4 unit Victorian, updated, 3 units rented, parking great condition, located so close to metro and center city services. RENTS: Unit #4: 1575, #3: 1999, #2: 1999, #1: Owner Occupied. Unit #1 and pkg only to be delivered vacant. Motivated seller will consider all offers. J.t. powell 202-465-2357 www.Jtpowell.Com

AdAms moRgAn / moUnt pleAsAnt 1661 Crescent pl. nw #500 $390,000

Spacious and light-filled 1 Bed + Den, 1 Bath coop w/ Parking. Building (and unit) rich in history and convenience. More info and pics at www.1661Crescent.com.
denny HoRneR 703-629-8455 www.dennyHoRneR.Com

Great open layout in this 1 Bed + Den, 1.5 Bath home. Amazing location, yet quiet unit that includes parking. More info and pics at www. Floridian12.com.

sold! dUpont/logAn

The current inventory of homes for sale is at an all time low. My buyer clients tell me they want to live in our neighborhood. Please call me to sell your home for the best price in todays market!
J JAmes bRAeU 202-215-2240 www.JAmesbRAeU.Com

wesley HeIgHts 4501 dexter St. NW $1,595,000 This beautifully preserved 4BR, 3.5 BA brick Colonial in Wesley Heights is perfectly positioned offering a beautiful southern exposure with loads of sunlight and charm. Embassy sized rooms throughout, gourmet French Country kitchen, beautiful pewter rivited hardwood floors, leaded glass French Doors, fireplace, sunroom, fully finished basement, private gardens w/flagstone patio and terrace. bRAd deel 202-577-5833 bdeel@CbmoVe.Com

denny HoRneR 703-629-8455 www.dennyHoRneR.Com

48 DECEMBER 09, 2011




Ashton Judiciary Square

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Featuring panoramic views of the US Capitol, the Washington Monument, and the DC skyline as well as offering a premier social lounge, high-tech video conferencing room and 24-hour concierge. Each home offers spacious living areas complete with window walls with solar blinds, beautiful floating hardwood floors and designer accent walls. Custom kitchens with granite counters, stainless steel appliances, stone backsplash and much more. 2 bedrooms starting at $4600.


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DE C E M B E R 09, 2011 49 IndividualssCouplessSex

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HIV Diagnosis & Treatment, Family Medicine will be considered final and will be submitted for publication if revision Psychologist 24 hours of proof. Proof Licensed is not submitted within the date of proof. Revisions will not be accepted after 12:01 pm wednesday, the week of publication.Brown naff pitts REVISIONS omnimedia not design of your ad. Sylvia R. Medley, M.D., M.P.H. llc (dba the washington blade) is of orresponsible for the content and/or Counseling,Advertiser is responsible for any legal liability arising out relating to the Interactive advertisement, and/or any material to which users REDESIGN can link through Internal Medicine, HIV, Womens Health & Weight the advertisement. Advertiser represents that its advertisement will not violate any criminal laws or Psychotherapy and TEXT REVISIONS any rgihts of third parties, including, but not limited to, such violations as infringement or misapporpriation of any copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, music, image, or other proprietary or propety right, false advertising, unfair Somatic Experiencing Management IMAGE/LOGO REVISIONS competition, defamation, invasion of privacy or rights of celebrity, violation of anti-discrimination law or regulation, or right of person or Advertiser agrees to idemnify brown omnimedia NO REVISIONS J. Fagan, D.O. any otherblade) andany hold brownentity.pitts omnimedia llc (dba the washingtonnaff pittsharmless fromllc (dba the www.LGBTC.com Matthew washington to naff blade) any and all
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5 0 DECEMBER 09, 2011

N. ARLINgTON - DC STRESSING YOU OUT? Stop in to decompress & refresh yourself with a massage. SunTues & Thurs. Gary 301-7041158. mymassagebygary.com. ITALIAN JOCK gIVES full body massage. Masculine, muscular, VGL masseur, offers, full-body, Swedish, sports, deep tissue massage on a table, including stretching, shower available. See my photos on www.massagem4m.com/ jockguy. Located downtown, parking available. Credit Cards Accepted. Brian 312-961-7724. PAMPER YOURSELF with a 60 or 90 min. massage. With 11 years experience let me tailor a session right for you. Ben 202.277.7097. www.benmassagedc.com. ENJOY WONDERFUL MASSAgE! Experienced hands willing & able to help you get rid of stress, fatigue, toxins & waste products. DC/VA. Appts. 703402-6698. HONEST MASSAgE IN Georgetown. 301-801-6072. http://www. m a s s e u r f i n d e r. c o m / m e m b e r s / maxgeorgetown.shtml.

SUPERIOR COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA PROBATE DIVISION DOCKET # 2011 FEP 139 DATE OF DEATH: AUgUST 30, 2009 gERTRUDE V BROWN NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF FOREIgN PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE AND NOTICE TO CREDITOR Russell H. Henson, Jr. whose address is 1607 White Oak Vista Dr., Silver Spring, MD 20904 was appointed personal representative of the estate of Gertrude V. Brown, deceased, by the Orphans Court for Montgomery County, State of Maryland, on 06/16/2010. Service of process may be made upon Peter D. Randolph, Esq. 209 Bates St., NW, Washington, DC 20001 whose designation as District of Columbia agent has been filed with the Register of Wills, D.C. The decedent owned District of Columbia personal property. Claims against the decedent may be presented to the undersigned and filed with the Register of Wills for the District of Columbia, 515 5th Street, NW, 3rd Floor, Washington, DC 20001 within 6 months from the date of first publication of this notice.

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ITS ALL ABOUT CHANGE! Lesbian Group, 30-65. Relationships, Careers, Retirement, Interpersonal Skills, Assertiveness. Tuesday evenings in Northwest DC. Call 301-942-3237. GRACE RIDDELL, LICSW. GRiddell@ lgbtc.com. LGBTC.com. LgBTQ AFFIRMINg THERAPY at Dupont Circle Individuals, couples, families, adolescents. Over 15 years serving the community. Mike Giordano, LICSW. 202/460-6384 mike. giordano.msw@gmail.com. www. WhatIHearYouSaying.com. CHANgES ARE EASIER WITH HELP. Small, private practice group of experienced, caring therapists. Safe, confidential setting. Offices in Woodley Park & Takoma Park near Metro. Licensed professionals. Insurance reimbursable. Washington Therapy Guild. Call 202-483-2660. www. therapyguild.net. FULL SERVICE LAW FIRM Representing the GLBT community for over 30 years. Family adoptions, estate planning, immigration, employment. (301) 8912200. Silber, Perlman, Sigman & Tilev, P.A. www.SP-Law. com.

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BARTENDERS WITH THAT PERSONAL TOUCH Bartenders & wait staff ready to assist you with your next private affair. Contact us at 202-390-4018, for more information. Our 20th year! SEASON gREETINgS & HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Whether you are planning a luncheon, an intimate dinner, a holiday brunch, or a barbecue we have your back! We bring to the table far more than spectacular food with impeccable service. We provide an elegant presentation of culinary delights that will have your guests talking about your event long after its over. Contact Ms. Wanda today about pricing & services. (301) 653-1190 or wharris94@comcast.net

DENTAL FRONT DESK CoordinatorDupont. Full time position. Will train right candidate. Energetic, detail oriented, multi-tasker. Computer knowledge a must. Eaglesoft Software, dental insurance, scheduling skills a bonus. Email resume to jennifernorrisdmd@gmail.com. LOCKER ROOM ATTENDANTS NEEDED! The Crew Club, a gay mens naturist gym & sauna, is now hiring Locker Room Attendants. We all scrub toilets & do heavy cleaning. You must be physically able to handle the work & have a great attitude doing it. No drunks/druggies need apply. Please call Richard at (202) 319-1333. from 9-5pm, to schedule an interview.

NATIONWIDE INSURANCE gAY Owned Insurance Agency, we are on your side for Auto, Home, & Life insurance. David Cropper Agency. Call today 877-822-9495 or email cropped@ nationwide.com.

FAST CASH!!! WANTED Cars & Trucks. Don t throw your money away, call me! I will buy your vehicle. Call Marty Salins, at Auto Plaza, in Rockville, (301) 3401390. MAZDAS & MITSUBISHIS Call me for an appointment to view/drive. We guarantee our prices are lowest or we pay you 150% of the difference. Jake Spencer, 410-266 5700. spencerj@ fitzmall.com.


COUNSELINg FOR gAY MEN. Individual/couple counseling with volunteer peer counselor. Gay Mens Counseling Community. 202-265-6495. gaymenscounseling.org. No fees, ISSUE DATE: 11.04.11 donation requested. BOOKKEEPINg, ACCOUNTINg & TAX preparation for individuals & businesses offered by full-service firm. 25 years experience. Reasonable rates. Call 202-390-4018 or email PJSumm@ aol.com.

YOURE WORKINg THAT BODY HARD. Come to a professional massage therapist offering $10 OFF (mention this ad) for the best deep tissue massage available. Stretching, Swedish & Sports massage. Dupont. Marcio (202) 2719440. www.MarcioMassage.com. INDULgE YOURSELF WITH RELAXING, DEEP TISSUE MASSAGE! Feel the stress leave your body. CMT w/ 15 yrs exp. Located in Logan/Dupont Circle. www.DCMassageTherapist.com David (202) 213-9646. Lic #MT410.

PORSCHE OF ARLINgTON 2010 Porsche Panamera S #LO62567. $84,955 PROOF #1 SALES REPRESENTATIVE:plus tax and tags. Sale ends PHIL ROCKSTROH (prockstroh@w 12/30/2011. Plus processing fee of $399 and freight. 3100 Jefferson Davis REVIEW be submitted within VA. of the date of proof. A MINDFULNESS-BASED MENTAL AD FOR COPY AND DESIGN ACCURACY. Revisions must Hwy, Arlington 24 hours1-877-567-5878. Proof will be considered final and will be submitted for publication if revision is not submitted within 24 hours of the date HEALTH PRACTICE specializing PORSCHEOFARLINGTON.COM of proof. Revisions will not be accepted after 12:01 pm wednesday, the week of publication.Brown naff pitts omnimedia REVISIONS in a holistic approach to anxiety,the washington blade) is not responsible for the content and/or design of your ad. Advertiser is responsible EMPLOYMENT LAW ATTORNEY llc (dba for any legal liability Wrongful of orDischarge, advertisement, and/or any material to which users can link through arising out relating to the Sexual REDESIGN depression, careers, && relationships. SHIATSU BY DAVID David Kupferschmid the advertisement. Advertiser represents that its advertisement will not violate any criminal laws or any rgihts of third Harassment, Contract Review, 20 years experience helping people TEXT parties, but not limited to, such violations as infringement or misapporpriation of any copyright, patent, Licensed Shiatsu & Massage TherapistREVISIONS& overcome impediments including,secret, music, image, Law Office of Carlor propety right, false advertising, unfair competition, identify trademark, Whistleblowers. The or other proprietary IMAGE/LOGOfulfilling life, satisfying careers, trade of(202) 531-2777,celebrity, violation of anti-discrimination law or regulation, or any other right REVISIONS www.davidshiatsu.abmp.com. 240-491defamation, invasion privacy or rights of www.carlroller. Roller to a of any person or entity. idemnify brown naff pitts omnimedia washington blade) and ADV 7829. david.shiatsu@yahoo.com. Same NO REVISIONS ADOPT AN ADORABLE & healthy relationships. Jonathanbrowncom. Advertiser agrees to the washington blade) harmless from llc (dba the liability,PUPPY OR to hold naff pitts omnimedia llc (dba any and all loss, damages, By sign day appointments, 7:00 am - 9:00 pm DOG that may be incurred by brown naff pitts Kirkendall MA LPC, 202.550.3589, www.or causes of action, including reasonable legal fees and expenses All-breed, non-profit rescue. 100% claims, washin omnimedia llc, arising out of or related to advertisers breach of any of the foregoing representations and warranties. payme Silver Spring, MD & Northwest, DC. volunteer run. Donations welcome & dclpc.com. needed. www.aforeverhome.org.



POWER CLEANERS, LLC. Experienced, dependable service seven days a week. Gay owned & operated. Call Matt for free estimates at 202-352-0739. or visit www.powercleaningdc.com. HOME / OFFICE CLEANING HANDYGUY Super clean, neat, responsible & experienced guy available to help with chores at home or ofce. Weekly or occasionally at reasonable rates. 202-491-6933.

DECEMBER 09, 2011 51

HISTORIC MT. RAINIER $339,995 - 5 Bedrooms! 2 Bathrooms! Large addition features Master Suite! Exceptional Value! Awesome Yard! http://mrhouseforsale.homestead. com. LARRY PERRIN,Realtor (R) LJPerrin@aol.com. (301) 983-0601.

GEORGETOWN MOVING STORAGE CO. - Excellent Local Movers - Licensed, Insured, BBB A+ Get Free Estimates (202)536-3868. www.GeorgetownMoving.com JOHN HENRY MOVERS Since 1990, the areas favorite gay owned crew. Expert packing, pianos. Experienced, equipped & punctual as hell. Cheapskates love us! 703-597-5561 GULLIVERS MOVERS SWIFT & gentle relocations. Packing, pianos, antiques. Local & long distance 202-483-9579. www.gulliversmovers.com. We Recycle & Donate. Call Anthony 202 635-7860. GREAT SCOTT MOVING INC. Local & Long Distance, Pianos! Call us For a Great Move at a Great Price (301) 6992066. Highly rated in Consumer Check Book, Better Business Bureau, Yelp & Angies List. TWO GUYS & A TRUCK Moving. Professional Movers. Mention this ad for 10% OFF our regular rates. 202.223.8838. www.2gt.com/dcwashington-movers.htm.

GIL PAINTING COMPANY INC. 18 Years Of Experience! Bonded, Licensed & Insured. Interior/Exterior Painting. Plaster & Dry Wall. Power Washing. Carpentry. Roong & Remodeling. www.Gilpainting. Com. Walter (301) 370-9940 Gilpainting@Comcast.Net. COLLEGE PARK - $239,000 Walk NW DC. BEAUTIFULLY renovated brick house on quiet street. 3BR, two 2 BA, modern kitchen, replace, hardwood oors, central air, washer/dryer, alarm system, exposed brickface, backyard w/deck, cable access, downtown street parking near Logan Circle & Convention Center. 1 blocks from Metro. NO SMOKERS & No PETS. Available immediately. $2,400/mo + util. To view call 202-9866288 or email ElizaF1633@Yahoo.com. to GreenLine METRO Station & UMD Shuttle ! Beautiful Brick Split Foyer! 4 Big Bedrooms! 2 Full Baths! Lovely Basement Party Room! Same Neighborhood - $199,995 2 Levels! 2 Big Bedrooms! 2 Full Baths! Full BasementParty Room! LARRY PERRIN, Realtor (R) LJPerrin@aol.com

DC HOME IMPROVEMENT. Kitchen, bath, basement, remodeling, electrical, plumbing, ooring, painting. All your home improvement needs. BBB. Free estimate. Call 202-528-5006. www. dchome-improvement.com. PATRICK MCNULTY HOME IMPROVEMENT - Bathrooms, Kitchens, Basements, Porches, Garages, Countertops. Licensed, Bonded & Insured. Cost Conscious, Reliable Project Management. 25 Years Exp. www. patrickmcnultyhomeimprovement. com Call for estimate 301-943-8186.




COLUMBIA HEIGHTS 3Br, 2.5 Ba, + 1Br 1Ba In-Law Suite, 2 Car Parking, Stainless Steel Appl. Granite Countertops, 2 Decks, Gas Fireplace, Alarm System. $719,000. Open House Sun 12/11, 1-4PM. 1344 Otis Pl NW. Demetrios Bizbikis. Weichert Realtors. 240-476-4336.

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PJ MCTAVISH & CO. Roong Repairs, New Roof, Gutter Cleaning. Licensed Bonded Insured. See our display ad in this issue. 301-476-8551.


TOO NEAT GUYS INC. Residential & commercial cleaning in DC & Northern VA. Over 12 years experience, gay owned, licensed, bonded & insured (703) 622-5983. FERNANDOS CLEANING: RESIDENTIAL & Commercial Cleaning, Reasonable Rates, Free Estimates, Routine, 1-Time, Move-In/Move-Out. (202) 234-7050, 202-486-6183. MAID TO CLEAN. Rated #1 in Metro DC. Gay owned. Serving DC/VA/ MD. DC 202-270-2967, VA (703) 2990101. MD (301) 656-7171. Visit www. maidtoclean.com HOME CLEANING, DEEP down, one time or weekly, bi-weekly. Move-in/ move-outs. Fully licensed & insured, outstanding references. By Rent-AHand. Free Estimates. Call Now! (202) 251-1044. www.MyRentAHand.com.




CAPITOL HILL (2-1/2 blocks eastern mkt) small bright furn/unfurn BR share w/ 3 gay friendly men, $675+utilities. Avail Dec 1. Pete 202-544-5688.

MT. PLEASANT LOVELY 3 BR, 1 bath house with garage on quiet street abutting Rock Creek Park. $2,500 per month. Small pets OK. 202-365-5555.

2630 ADAMS MILL ROAD Unit #1. Great location in Mount Pleasant minutes to everything. 2 BR/2 BH unit. Shows like new. $374,000. Gladys Swann. Licensed in MD & DC. Classic Realty. 4200 Evergreen Ln. #331 Annandale, VA 22003. Ofce: 703637-1400. Cell: 301-385-8155. http:// mrislistings.mris.com/Matrix/Public/ Portal.aspx?ID=44359295782.

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52 DECEMBER 09, 2011



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NEVER HIRED BEFORE? Get tips for a good experience here: http:// beforeyoucome.blogspot.com.

FLORIDA BOY MUSCLE BODY! Extra Large Endowment! Scott (202) 4915022. M2M SENSUAL MASSAGE BY LATINO, 42, in-shape, shaved head. OUT CALLS ONLY! 202-276-9272.

A quality massage by a nationally certied, Irish/Italian US Navy Swimmer/Gymnast. Exceptional deep tissue & sensual bodywork for total stress relief in private studio. (Shower & parking available, Metro 2.5 blocks) Call Erik 202-544-7905. for one of the best. In calls only.

JOEY JORDAN - BODYBUILDER/ Pornstar in town Dec 13-19. Call (416) 666-8142 or email joeyjordanxxx@ hotmail.com for more info. Reviews at www.daddysreviews.com under Toronto.

MASSAGE SILVER SPRING Spanish/ Irish, 160 lbs, 510 great shape, beach tan, strong soothing hands. Full-body erotic experience, masculine energy. Stress release. Comfortable studio, private home. $70/hr. Days/evenings, metro. BRUNO (301) 580-2716. EROTIC SWEDISH MASSAGE - healthy clean cut guy, 61, 160 lbs, Dupont Circle, massage table, noon to 1:00 a.m., indulge your body. $70 for 1 hour. Bill 202-728-0238. THE BLACKLIST SITE a tool for escorts. http://blacklistednow.blogspot.com. AFFORDABLE MASSAGE BY friendly & intuitive Latin male, in relaxing, priv. studio just 15 min from DC in Arlington. Plenty of Parking same day appts, (703)401-9093. or a2006mx@yahoo. com.


ALL-AMERICAN BOY 59, 138 lbs, 29w. Very cute & clean-cut, w/a smooth lean build. Affectionate & versatile, loves older guys. HotDCkid@gmail.com. 703-568-1560.

MASSAGE BY 21,130,56, 28 w.mixed w/a smooth thin/lean build, tan body, loves older guys, you wont regret it hotel welcome. in/out. 202-710-2224. LATIN GUY NEW to DC. Light skinned 30 year old, 55 165lbs Versatile. Available 24/7 (202) 374-9253.

DCBEAU.BLOGSPOT.COM THE MAGIC TOUCH: Swedish, Massage or Deep Tissue. Appts 202-486-6183, Low Rates, 24/7. NUDE BLACK CERTIFIED Massage Therapist. The Right Touch. Personal Massages & Rub Downs. Young, professional, athletic, clean, discrete & reliable. (312) 662-9699 Out calls only.


DAVID EROTIC MASSAGE by certied therapist. Deep tissue also available. On table. Handsome man with class. Thank you for your repeat business. Days & evenings. Easy parking or metro. Call 202-421-8900. HOT LATINO with a special touch. 32 yo, 5 9, 165 lbs, Offering full body release in a private atmosphere. In/out. Parking Available, hotels welcome, Silver Spring/DC area, 24/7. 240-462-8669 brazilusa50@yahoo.com.

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54 DECEMBER 09, 2011





DECEM BER 09, 2011 55








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