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1)Pneumocistis jirovecii (former carinii)

a. produces a human disease called .................. Pneumocystis pneumonia,......................
b. is a protozoan with double symmetry.
c. is transmitted via respiratory airways
d. is localized in the pulmonary alveolus
e. can be identiIied in the Iollowing pathological products: .........................................

a) produces aspergilloma (Iungus ball)
b) produces ascaridosis
c) is a mould (Iilamentous Iungi)
d) is a protozoan
e) is transmitted to humans throughout meat consumption.

)Which one of the following may cause pneumonia?
a. Pneumocistis firovecii (carinii)
b. Aspergillus.
c. Candida.
d. Criptosporidium.
e. Cryptococcus.

)Candida albicans may produce
a. skin inIections
b. pneumonia
c. systemic inIections
d. cysts inside the brain
e. endocarditis
5) Trichomonas vaginalis
a. is a helminthes
b. is a protozoan living inside erythrocytes
c. is a protozoan living inside duodenum
d. is a protozoan present at the level oI vagina and cervix
e. exists only as a vegetative Iorm (trophozoit)

6) Which of the following symptoms are specific for urogenital trichomoniasis?
a. it is asymptomatic in males
b. symptoms oI bladder inIection can occur
c. in time, inIection becomes chronic
d. reactivations during pregnancy are possible
e. parasites produce ulcerations oI the vaginal mucosa

(31) Parasites-Lecture
7) Entamoeba hystolytica:
a. produces cholera-like enteritis
b. produces dysentery-like enteritis
c. evolves with Ieces with mucous and blood
d. evolves with watery diarrhea
e. can produces serious surgical complications

8) Which of the following properties correspond to iardia intestinalis?
a. It exists as trophozoite and cyst
b. Contamination occurs by eating viable cysts Irom Ieces-contaminated water or
c. It is a human parasite
d. the main route oI contamination is by sexual contact
e. the main location oI the parasite is the genital tract

) Which one of the following parasites may be a cause of diarrhea in immune
compromised persons?
a. Pneumocistis jiroveci
b. Aspergillus.
c. Microsporidium
d. Criptosporidium.
e. Criptococcus.

10) A diarrhea syndrome with the following characteristics (bloody, mucus
containing diarrhea) in a patient returning from Togo is more likely produced by
a. Vibrio cholere
b. Trichomonas
c. Entamoeba hystolitica
d. Entamoeba coli
e. Plasmodium ovale

11) aegleria fowleri
a. produces a human disease called Iasciolosis
b. is transmitted to humans through meat consumption
c. is transmitted to humans through the eye (swimming in contaminated pools)
d. is transmitted to humans by sexual contact
e. is an amoeba causing acute meningo- encephalitis

12) Encephalitis can be produce by
a. rabies virus
b. ycobacterium tuberculosis
c. Toxoplasma gondii
d. Naegleria fowleri
e. Plasmodium falciparum

1) Acute Toxoplasma gondii infection acquired in the first semester of the
a. is always (100) transmitted to Ietus
b. is responsible Ior severe Iorms oI congenital toxoplasmosis.
c. is the cause oI the latent Iorms oI congenital toxoplasmosis. ?
d. diagnosis oI mother is made by the detection oI speciIic Ig G antibodies in blood
e. diagnosis is made by the detection oI T. gondii oocysts in mother`s Ieces

14) Acute %oxoplasma gondii infection acquired
A) in the Iirst semester oI the pregnancy;
B) in the second semester oI the pregnancy;
C) in the 3 rd semester oI pregnancy:
1)is always (100) transmitted to Ietus, 2). is responsible Ior severe Iorms oI congenital
toxoplasmosis. 3). is the cause oI the latent Iorms oI congenital toxoplasmosis, 4).
diagnosis is made by the detection oI speciIic Ig M antibodies, 5). may be responsible Ior
cranial malIormations, cranial calciIication, etc.
1 2 3 4 5
A ...................................
B .............................
C .............................
15) Plasmodium falciparum
a. produces a mild Iorm oI malaria
b. is responsible Ior severe cases oI malaria
c. has a particular shape (banana or sausage-like) oI the gametocyte
d. is responsible Ior quatrain Iever
e. all evolutionary Iorms are usually Iound in capillary blood

16) Rapid diagnosis and determination of the causal species are essential because of
the immediately life-threatening nature of which one of the following parasitic
a. malaria
b. chronic amebiasis
c. ascaridosis
d. trichomoniasis
e. giardiasis

17) The seriousness of Plasmodium falciparum infection compared with the other
forms of malaria is due to one of the following
a. destruction oI white blood cells
b. stem cells in the marrow are largely destroyed
c. extensive damage to the liver can occur during the erythrocytic phase
d. blood stream parasites reinvade the liver and induce a more severe disease state
e. misshapen inIected red cells adhere to the interior lining oI blood vessels and block
blood Ilow through these vessel ~ pernicious abscess

ab - Parasites (8)
18) The definition of definitive host (in parasitology) includes
a. organism in which the parasite live its whole liIe
b. organism in which the parasite develops its adult liIe
c. organism in witch the parasite undergo its sexual multiplication phase
d. organism in which the parasite is present as a larvae
e. organism in which the parasite undergo its asexual multiplication phase

1) Giardiosis may be eliminated as a diagnosis
a. aIter one O&P examination that results negative.
b. in adults that have not giardiasis records.
c. aIter 3 O&P negative examinations, realized at a distance oI 3-5 or even 7 days.
d. aIter 3 O&P examinations realized in succession oI 3 days.
e. only aIter perIorming a duodenal test.

20) Diagnosis in criptosporidiasis mainly relies on
a. clinical aspect
b. characteristics oI the diarhea
c. O&P examination oI the Ieces
d. special staining oI a smear Irom Ieces (modiIied acid-Iast staining- Kinyoun)
e. serologic examination
21) Acute Toxoplasma gondi infection acquired in the first semester of the
a. diagnosis oI mother is made by the detection oI speciIic Ig G antibodies in blood
b. diagnosis is made by the detection oI T.gondii oocysts in mother`s Ieces.
c. The IgM test is more reliable than the IgG test Ior determination oI past inIections;
d. The test Ior Toxoplasma antibodies is highly nonspeciIic
e. induce the Iormation oI Toxoplasma antibody

22) Plasmodium falciparum
a. Only ring Iorms oI early trophozoites and the gametocytes are seen in the peripheral
b. SchIIner stippling is routinely seen in red blood cells that harbor parasites
c. has a particular shape (banana or sausage-like) oI the gametocyte
d. is responsible Ior quartian Iever
e. all evolutionary Iorms are usually Iound in capillary blood

2) The diagnostic characteristics of Plasmodium vivax are best described by which
one of the following statements?
a. A period oI 72 h is required Ior the development oI the mature schizont, which
resembles a rosette with only 8 to 10 oval merozoites
b. InIected red blood cell has irregular appearance oI the edges
c. The signet-ringshaped trophozoite is irregular in shape with ameboid extensions oI
the cytoplasm
d. all evolutionary Iorms are usually Iound in capillary blood
e. SchIIner stippling is routinely seen in red blood cells

2) %richomonas vaginalis
a. is a helminth
b. is a protozoan living inside erythrocytes
c. is a protozoan living inside duodenum
d. is a protozoan present at the level oI vagina and cervix
e. exists only as a vegetative Iorm (trophozoite).

25) An outbreak of mild intestinal distress, sleeplessness, itching, and anxiety has
broken out among preschool children in a private home. The single most likely
parasitic cause of the outbreak is
a. Trichomonas vaginalis
b. Enterobius vermicularis
c. Ancylostoma duodenale
d. Plasmodium vivax
e. Ascaris lumbricoides
26) Oxiurasis
a. represents a leading cause oI parasitic diseases in children colectivities
b. is Irequent in immune compromised persons.
c. is present especially in tropical countries.
d. represents the cause oI chronic enteritis in AIDS patients.
e. produces an important pruritus ani during the night

27) In which of the following diseases, bloody-mucous-violent stools, may appear
along with low-grade fever, anemia, sometimes-rectal prolaps, appendicitis and
moderate hipereozinofilia
a. oxiurosis
b. botriocephalosis
c. tricocephalosis
d. criptosporidiasis
e. none

28) Trichinelosis
a. is produced by Trichomonas species
b. is produced Trichuris species
c. is produced by Trichinella species
d. evolves with Iebrile enteritis in the Iirst weak oI inIection
e. evolves with muscular pain at the end oI disease course


2) Botriocephalosis
a. evolves as a Ieverish enteritis, with watery stools
b. oIten has non-symptomatic evolution
c. is transmitted through consumption oI cercariae inIested water or aquatically plants.
d. represents the cause oI some serious complication due to worm migration to other
e. is transmitted through consumption oI raw Iish.

0) Human infection with the beef tapeworm, %aenia saginata, usually is less serious
than infection with the pork tapeworm, % solium, because
a. Acute intestinal stoppage is less common in beeI tapeworm inIection
b. Larval invasion does not occur in beeI tapeworm inIection
c. Toxic by-products are not given oII by the adult beeI tapeworm
d. The adult beeI tapeworms are smaller
e. BeeI tapeworm eggs cause less irritation oI the mucosa oI the digestive tract.

1) Analysis of a patient`s stool reveals small structures resembling large rice
grains; microscopic examination shows these to be proglottids. The most likely
organism in this patient`s stool is
a. Enterobius vermicularis
b. Ascaris lumbricoides
c. Necator americanus
d. T. saginata
e. Trichuris trichiura.

2) Which one of the following parasites has as an intermediary host fishes or snails
a. Tenia solium;
b.Trichinella spiralis;
c. Botriocephalus;
d. Toxocara cannis;
e. Fasciola hepatica.

) Cisticercosis
or which one oI the Iollowing parasites human beings can to be an intermediary host:
a. Tenia solium
b. Toxoplasma gondii
c. Echinococcus granulosus
d. Tricocephalus
e. Fasciola hepatica.

4) Human contamination with Echinococcus granulosus is realized through
a. Contact with dogs.
b. Consumption oI inIested pork meat
c. Eating non-properly washed vegetables
d. Direct human-to-human contact.
e. Drinking contaminated water.

5) Hydatic cyst
a. is produced by Echinococcus multilocularis
b. human contamination is realized through contact with Ioxes.
c. can crack or break spontaneously or traumatically.
d. can be diagnosed by serological reactions.
e. human contamination is realized through contact with dogs

ab - Fungi (62)
3) Aspergillus
a) produces aspergilloma (Iungus ball)
b) is an yeast
c) is a mould (Iilamentous Iungi)
d) is a protozoan
e) it can not be cultivated in laboratory using culture media.

37) Cryptococcus neoformans
a) is an encapsulated yeast
b) is a bacteria
c) on Sabouraud medium Iorms S type colonies, very mucous.
d) on Sabouraud medium Iorms R type colonies
e) the cryptococcus antigen can be identiIied Irom CS and serum Irom the patients.

38) Candida
a) is an yeast
b) is a bacteria
c) it can be cultivated on Chapman medium
d) it can be cultivated on Sabouraud medium
e) is a mould.

ln Lhe unlLed SLaLes cerLaln enLerlc proLozoan and helmlnLhlc lnfecLlons were prevlously
consldered Lo be exoLlc lllnesses relaLed Lo forelgn Lravel or Lo conLamlnaLed food or waLer
Powever sexual Lransmlsslon of Lhese dlseases has produced a hyperendemlc lnfecLlon raLe
among male homosexuals Whlch of Lhe followlng ls Lhe mosL common lnfecLlon seen ln Lhls
A Clardlasls
8 Ascarlasls
C Ameblasls
u LnLeroblasls
L 1rlchurlasls

1he answer |s A

1he lnfecLlon raLe wlLh ClotJlo lombllo ln male homosexuals has been reporLed Lo be from 21 Lo
40 1hese hlgh prevalence raLes are probably relaLed Lo Lhree facLors Lhe endemlc raLe Lhe
sexual behavlor LhaL faclllLaLes Lransmlsslon (Lhe usual barrlers Lo spread have been
lnLerrupLed) and Lhe frequency of exposure Lo an lnfecLed person

Analysls of a paLlenLs sLool reveals small sLrucLures resembllng rlce gralns mlcroscoplc
examlnaLlon shows Lhese Lo be progloLLlds Whlch of Lhe followlng ls Lhe mosL llkely organlsm ln
Lhls paLlenLs sLool?
A LnLeroblus vermlcularls
8 Ascarls lumbrlcoldes
C necaLor amerlcanus
u 1 saglnaLa
L 1rlchurls Lrlchlura

1he answer |s D

toblos (plnworm) Ascotls (roundworm) Ncoot (hookworm) and 1tlcbotls (whlpworm) are
roundworms or nemaLodes 1 soqloo (Lapeworm) a segmenLed flaLworm affecLs Lhe small
lnLesLlne of humans 1apeworm segmenLs called progloLLlds appear ln Lhe sLool of lnfecLed

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