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Team Leader Programme

Product sheet for recruitment

Welcome to recruitment for the TL Programme! In this document, you will find three key things to remember when you recruit for Team Leader Programme.. The value proposition of the TL Programme. The programme conditions and policies. How to sell TLP as a product.

Based on these, you can also see Dos and Donts of GIP recruitment.

Value Proposition
Why it matters: The value proposition of a programme should be the central message you communicate when you recruit students to the programme.

For youth, the TL value proposition is: a practical team leader experience to gain

personal and professional development. The overall experience needs to give an entrepreneurial and responsible attitude towards being a better leader.

Programme conditions and policies

Why it matters: The programme conditions and policies tell you what defines a TL experience. If you are part of this programme at any level of the organisation, you must live the experience based on these conditions and policies. TLP conditions: TL Programme is an experience hosted by an AIESEC entity in any country or territory. The primary purpose of the programme is to provide a practical learning and development experience to a young person, through leading a team and having responsibilities towards improving AIESEC performance and the delivery of its experiences. A TL Programme experience is between 8 weeks and 18 months. TL Policies: The policies for the TL Programme are not in place yet. To find an example on 2015 Programme Policies, please check the Exchange Programme Policies legislated in the Global Compendium which are available here.

How to sell TLP as a product

Why it matters: TL Programme can be run in two main ways: being team leader of a project team or being part of an executive leadership body on local, national or global level. In the majority of the cases TLP is sold to participants of other ELD Programmes or even to a person who have already participated in TLP. Why do we need to sell TLP? Since this programme has great role in driving other ELD programmes such as TMP, GIP or GCDP, which requires clear expectation setting and planning from both the entitys and the individuals side during programme delivery. The health and sustainability of the organisation is hugely depending on the successful pipeline management of TLP, which needs conscious planning and execution, since people usually join TLP as their second or third programme experience. How can we recruit for TLP? TLP recruitment can happen internally and externally at the same time. Selling TLP internally or for students needs to be considered as selling an exchange experience: making a very concrete promise, clear expectations for duration, skills development and learning provided and possible job descriptions of the team leader. Defining the HR and structural needs of the LC and communicating TLP as an independently packaged experience can ensure organisational sustainability and customer satisfaction on the long run.

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