The Word of God Is Eternal Life

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ALWAYS BE ATTENTIVE TO TIDS ONE SOURCE: The scriptures say, he who feels he is wise should remain a fool so that he may be wise. If you maintain this, scales will fall from your eyes. No use asking angels or men question'i. All publications are printed for your own use. The moment you comply with one gospel you are well. Do not believe on any man, but only on God. Believe on teachings written in the gospels. Believe on the creator of heaven and earth. Do not doubt the contents whether you have been here for twenty years or more, always be attentive to this one source. The teachings of God are written in black and white. Publications like "Brotherhood of Man" "Submit to your Rulers" and "Flee from Fornication". Once you believe, you are all right. Visions like ruling big cities like Calabar do not bring you salvation. You want God and at the same time the weak and temporary things of this world. Nothing in this world give you peace. Man gives problems. Man cannot give you eternal life. Man is hating, persecuting, fearing and condemning one another. When the three wise men came to Herod, they did not know the evil thoughts nursed by him. He said he would also go and worship Him. Therefore the first and foremost thing in this kinrdom is to receive the divine teachings and put them in,to practice. You should forget about trying to advise any person. You should use the words

of God you receive here to liberate those who are in the dark. Do not come here to look for positions - a Pastor or an Apostle, can you do the work? You have been promoted so high that I do not know what other position to promote you. Paul the Apostle said "I have to practice this word of God, so that those I preached to do not get saved and I perish. I do not see or hear evil. If you do not practice the word of God, you shall not have peace. Some one who does not see evil, what will you do with such a person. No temptation comes my way, I see only joy, joy, joy. All the things you are after are nothing at all. What you are lacking is the word of God. But now you go to visioners in distant places, you do not want to practice the word of God. You want to All these things happen look outside. because you want carnal things. GO AND TELL THEM WHAT YOU HAVE SEEN IN THE LEADER: In this kingdom of God, you have beeL. taught that we are in certain a category, You cannot compare a member here to those; in the world. A sinner here is a Jesus Christ in the world. CHOOSE YOUR PARTNER, MIND YOUR OWN IF YOU FIND THAT BUSINESS. YOUR WAY OF LIFE IS DIFFERENT FROM THE OTHER PERSON, LEAVE mM AND FIND SOMEONE WITH THE SAME CHARACTERISTICS WITH YOU AND THE TWO OF YOU CAN MOVE TOGE~R. We are not a church denomination but we are gods in human form. God Almighty, the Holy Spirit our Lord Jesus Christ are indwelling in you.

Go to the orthodox churches and reveal this God to them. Go and tell them what you have seen in the Leader. The great miracles of your Leader. Do not argue or dispute with anybody. Listen to the spirit and if the spirit directs you to go to a place, do so, but if it is at variance with Brotherhood 0 f the Cross and Star doctrines, do not believe it. Do not believe in anybody except what the Holy Spirit has told you. IDS SUPERNATURAL TEACHINGS: All the inhabitants of this world are one. Remember the statement of our Lord Jesus Christ - how great is the joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine who have already repented. Changing man is the assignment the Father has come to accomplish. Now we have two, three persons that is why we can speak boldly. I have come to give you the word of God, to change you in order to have eternal life. There is money, wealth, but where are the truthful persons in this world? That is why I keep preaching daily. Now we have so many person who have changed. Its a Supernatural Teacher that has a way of teaching you. You should not look upon the ordinary teachers of the world but practice love one another. Buy the Brotherhood of the Cross and Star pamphlets, and believe firmly on what are written therein. Practice all the words of the Father, the contents will be translated into many languages. You are taught peace, truth, love, humility etc. You are harming yourself if you fail to practice these virtues wherever you go.

THE PENTECOSTAL CENTRES: The Father has established ten Pentecostal Centres in Akwa Thorn and seven in Cross River State that is, a Pentecostal Centre in each Local Government Area. You are at liberty to go wherever you want because we are one indivisible whole. The centres are not what matters but the spirit in you. It is the spirit that urges you to move to Akwa Thorn or to Rivers State. We must have to go round.. This can be likened to the television sets. There is the main television house and the radio house and what we see on the screens come from the main source. To simplifY things, make a schedule for the choristers to go to these different Pentecostal Centre to sing and then return. Make adequate arrangements so that they do not complain of transport money. What is really required is the expression of love. Do not force anybody. We are under freedom where the spirit of God is, there is liberty. Anything that comes out of force is sinful. The time has come for you to leave here and go out to teach the inhabitants of the world. Our Lord commanded that you are to go and make the nations of the world my disciples, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Teach them exactly what you are taught here, not adding or subtracting anything. You can eat their meals and sleep with them. Do not preach against people, church denominations but come here and receive the words of Gop and impart same to them. NARRATE YOUR TESTJM:ONIES: Tell the juju doctors to refrain from necromancing, to leave off vices because the

time left is short. Try not to argue with anybody. The salvation of the world is practicing the word of God, forsaking the secret societies and testifying about God There is no need to say 0.0.0. is God or the Holy Spirit. Tell the world what you were, tell them your experiences. Tell them about Brotherhood Pulpit. Hitherto the Father's gospels were not wanted in the television and radio but now the gear is changed. Tell the world what the Father says and how He behaves. This is the assignment you were called into this Kingdom to perform. The people outside do not have the opportunity you have here. TELL THEM WHAT YOU HAVE SEEN AND OBSERVED: A certain pastor in an African Church died but before his death, he told his wife that when he dies, she should inform some people to see his corpse before the church members were allowed in. This first group wanted to cut off his left hand but the wife refused any they dropped the idea that it shall not work well with the family. So you see people attend carnal churches and also indulge in diabologies. This is why when people come here I conduct them round the vestry. Man is fearful, he should be dreaded. Have I ever used any strange thing on you when you are ill or speak strange languages with God and tell Him what you have seen and observed. Paul the Apostle said, when I am a child, I behaved like a child but now that I am grown-up, I should behave like an adult. NOT THE HOLY OIL BUT FAITH THAT WORKS:

What do you refer to as general and special holy oil? That statement should die from Am I the one that made that today. statement? It is said that nothing is lawful except that person makes it lawful. It is a pathetic situation to hear you refer to the holy oil as special and the other as common. When you keep this oil well, it becomes red like blood or yellow or white and as you use it, the quantity increases, when you are angry or have fornicated, do not touch it. At all times this oil should be sacrosanct. It is not the holy oil that heals but faith that wroughts miracles. That holy oil is likened to visions. You can fill a bottle to the brim with holy oil but after sometime, the bottle is empty. Does it mean then that your God is no longer with you? Those of you who rely upon visions, you pray to God to reveal a situation to you, and He does it, other times something happens which He failed to reveal to you. The best thing to do is to believe firmly in God. You should come to a stage where you should not fight the will of God. Our fasting and prayers cannot bring to naught the will of God. If it is revealed that thieves will break into your house and carry away your things so that you may be m peace, what then is wrong with that? May God bless His Holy Words. Amen.

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Volume 111

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