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show IVR show IVR vsan top overall IVR configuation IVR VSAN topology

Cisco MDS 9000 Quick Reference SAN-OS 2.x

Version 1.5 Compiled by: Kevin Beaulieu, Service Readiness EMC Based upon documentation by Cisco and EMC Sections from Troubleshooting Guide by Bill Bentley

switch Info
show show show show show show show show show show show switchname version module sprom backplane 1 sprom backplane 2 clock hardware process process cpu process memory license Gives switch name Firmware version information Shows info on each module sprom backplane information sprom backplane information date/time these logs were collected. Detailed information on the hardware Process list Shows CPU process list Shows memory usage Shows the switch licenses

show show show show show show tech-support details collects full set of logs accouting log log showing any user made changes. logging log log of anything happening on switch tech intern link link history for every port topology topology for each vsan fcdom dom show switches in each VSAN

Port / Fabric Information

show interface brief show interface show fcns database show show Brief look at every port in the switch. Info on every port List of all WWNs logged into Fabric (all switches) fcns database detail detailed information of all WWNs. fcs database Fabric config status, links attached WWNs with port WWNs flogi database Links interface, 24 bit address and attached WWNs (one switch only) flogi internal info Detailed info about devices logged in such as BB credit etc...

Fibre Channel Interfaces

Switching Modules Leds

Key Cisco Primus Solution:

Common MDS 9000 Family Switch Solutions emc100582

show show

Release Notes, SAN-OS, Upgrade Instructions located on ESN Product Page: 0MDS%209000%20Family Cisco Documentation only at Ciscos Site: eries_home.html Default logs: show tech-support details (Primus emc70376)

Network Information
show show show show interface mgmt0 IP address for supervisor TCP/IP interface ip route IP information, including FCIP ports arp arp table snmp SNMP traffic info & Fabric Manager account info

Events / Errors / Environment

show show show show show environment Shows environmental status module diag Shows diag status for each module system reset-reason Show supervisor resets, when and why process log Look here for switch crashes and core dumps processes log details Shows stack trace information

show running-config running config information show startup-config startup config information show port-channel database Shows port channel database show fcdomain domain-list Shows domains for all domains in fabric show fcs ie ISL config information show fctimer FC timer variables such as ED_TOV and RA_TOV

show show show show vsan Shows config and status of each VSAN vsan membership Shows the interface ports of each VSAN fspf Shows fsfp for each VSAN fspf database Shows fsfp database for each VSAN

Set port state and enable / disable gracefully

Step 1 switch# config t Enters configuration mode. Step 2 switch(config)# interface fc1/1 Configures the specified interface. Step 3 switch(config-if)# switchport mode F

show zoneset defined zones and zonesets for each VSAN show zone status zone status information for each VSAN show zoneset active shows the active zoning for VSANs.

operational state to auto, E, F, FL, Fx, TL,or SD port mode.

Step 4 switch(config-if)# No shutdown enables it. shutdown Gracefully shuts down the interface and administratively disables traffic flow (default).

Zoning via CLI

IVR Configuration
Step 1 Determine whether to use IVR NAT (Network Address Translation). Step 2 If you do not plan to use IVR NAT (supported as of Cisco MDS SANOS Release 2.1(1a)), verify that unique domain IDs are configured in all switches and VSANs participating in IVR. Step 3 Enable IVR in the border switches. Step 4 Configure fabric distribution as required. Step 5 Configure the IVR topology, either manually or automatically. Step 6 Create and activate Inter VSAN Zone Sets in all of the IVR-enabled border switches, either manually or using fabric distribution. Step 7 Verify the IVR configuration.

Step 1 Create the zone, building a zone name that reflects the names of the members. ca-9506# config terminal Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. ca-9506(config)# zone name Z_host1_fcaw0_symm78FA03ab vsan 804 ca-9506(config-zone)# member pwwn 22:35:00:0c:85:e9:d2:c2 ca-9506(config-zone)# member pwwn 10:00:00:00:c9:32:8b:a8 Step 2 Then add the zone to the zoneset ca-9506(config)# zoneset name ZS_Engr_primary vsan 804 ca-9506(config-zoneset)# member Z_host1_fcaw0_symm78FA03ab Step 3 Display the zoneset: ca-9506# show zoneset name ZS_Engr_primary vsan 804 zoneset name ZS_Engr_primary vsan 804 zone name Z_host1_fcaw0_symm78FA03ab vsan 804 pwwn 22:35:00:0c:85:e9:d2:c2 pwwn 10:00:00:00:c9:32:8b:a8 Step 4 Finally, to put the zoneset into production activate the zoneset using zoneset activate name ZS_Engr_primary vsan 804. This will activate all the zones in the zoneset, not just the one that was just added.

IVR detailed steps

Step 3 switch# config t Enters configuration mode. switch(config)# ivr enable Enables IVR. Step 4 switch# config t Enters configuration mode. switch(config)# ivr distribute Enables IVR distribution. Step 5 switch# config t Enters configuration mode. switch(config)# ivr vsan-topology database Enters the VSAN topology database configuration mode for IVR feature. switch(config-ivr-topology-db)# autonomous-fabric-id 1 switch 20:00:00:05:30:01:1b:b8 vsan-ranges 1-2,6 Configures VSANs 1, 2, and 6 to participate in IVR for this switch. switch(config-ivr-topology-db)# autonomous-fabric-id 1 switch 20:00:00:05:30:01:1b:c2 vsan-ranges 1-3 Configures VSANs 1, 2 and 3 to participate in IVR for this switch. switch(config)# ivr vsan-topology activate Activates

ip Configure IP features iscsi Enable/Disable iSCSI ivr Config commands for IVR logging Modify message logging facilities no Negate a command or set its defaults ntp NTP Configuration power Configure power supply poweroff Poweroff a module in the switch radius Configure RADIUS configuration distribution radius-server Configure RADIUS related parameters role Configure roles rscn Config commands for RSCN scheduler Config commands for scheduler snmp-server Configure snmp server ssh Configure SSH parameters ssm Config commands for SSM switchname Configure system's network name system System config command tacacs+ Enable tacacs+ telnet Enable telnet username Configure user information. Vsan Enter the vsan configuration mode wwn Set secondary base MAC addr and range zone Zone configuration commands zone-attribute-group Zone attribute group commands zoneset Zoneset configuration commands

Exec commands:
attach cd clear clock config copy delete dir discover exit fcping fctrace find install ips ivr mkdir move no ping port-channel pwd reload rmdir setup show sleep tac-pac tail telnet terminal test traceroute undebug update write zone zoneset Connect to a specific linecard Change current directory Reset functions Manage the system clock Enter configuration mode Copy from one file to another Delete a file List files in a directory Discover information Exit from the EXEC Ping an N-Port Trace the route for an N-Port. Find a file below current directory Upgrade software Various sibyte module commands IVR exec commands Create new directory Move files Disable debugging functions Send echo messages Port-Channel related commands View current directory Reboot the entire box Delete a directory Run the basic SETUP command facility Show running system information Sleep for specified number of seconds Save tac information to location Display the last part of a file Telnet to another system Set terminal line parameters Test command Trace route to destination Disable Debugging functions Update license Write current configuration Execute Zone Server commands Execute zoneset commands

VSAN Creation
The steps to create and name a VSAN on a single switch. VSAN 200 is created with the name TapeVSAN and fibre channel interface fc 1/1 is added.
switch1# conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. switch(config)# vsan database switch(config-vsan-db)# vsan 200 name TapeVSAN switch(config-vsan-db)# vsan 200 interface fc 1/1 switch(config-vsan-db)# ^Z

the configured IVR topology.

switch(config-ivr-topology-db)# end Reverts to EXEC Step 6 switch# config t Enters configuration mode. switch(config)# ivr zone name sample_vsan2-3 Creates an IVR zone named sample_vsan2-3. switch(config-ivr-zone)# member pwwn 21:00:00:e0:8b:02:ca:4a vsan 3 Follow regular zoning steps. Step 7 use show ivr and show ivr zoneset commands to check the configuration.

Configure commands:

Configuring Trunking E ports

How to configure the allowed VSAN traffic through the interface fc 1/1. The all keyword allows all VSAN traffic to go through the port. switch# conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. switch(config)# interface fc 1/1 switch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vsan all < all VSAN traffic switch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vsan add 2 < only VSAN 2 traffic switch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vsan add 2-4 < VSAN 2 to 4 traffic switch(config-if)# ^Z

aaa banner boot clock device-alias do dpvm end exit fcalias fcdomain fcinterop fcip fcns interface

Configure aaa functions Configure banner message Configure boot variables Configure time-of-day clock Device-alias configuration commands EXEC command Configure Dynamic Port Vsan Membership Exit from configure mode Exit from configure mode Fcalias configuration commands Enter the fcdomain configuration mode Interop commands Enable/Disable FCIP Name server configuration Select an interface to configure

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