A Lesson On Tank Gauging On Ships

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A lesson on Tank Gauging On Ships

What is Gauging ?

It is accurate measurement of the Quantity of liquid in a tank.

(Cargo, Ballast, Bunkers and Lubes).

How are tanks Gauged ?

1. By Ullaging. 2. Or by Sounding.

What is the difference between Ullage and Sounding?

A gauging instrument


Sounding Or Innage

How are cargo calculations done ?

A) Quantities computed By Use of tables.

Quantities computed By a Loadicator Computer

A Loading computer or A Loadicator : View of an Modern On-line gauging / calculating system

Loading computer An Off line system (Older version).

What is Trim ?

Aft Vessel with a STERN or AFT trim


A tanker in Ballast Condition and Having Aft(Stern) Trim

What is List ?



Water line

Vessel with a Port List.

(A vessel can be listed either to Port or to Starboard)

Vessel with No list and trim

Measured Ullage
Actual Ullage

Horizontal Plane

Cargo Tank

No corrections are required

A Loaded VLCC without any LIST

How does trim effect Gauging ? Aft

Measured Ullage
Actual Ullage


Correction Horizontal plane

Vessel trim by the stern

Cargo Tank

To get the actual quantity in a tank, TRIM CORRECTIONS must be applied

How does List effect Gauging ? Port

Measured Ullage
Actual Ullage


Correction Horizontal Plane

Vessel List to Port

Cargo Tank

To get the actual gauged value LIST CORRECTIONS must be applied

When a vessel is on an Even Keel and Upright No corrections are required to be applied to the measured Ullage or to the Sounding.

The Arctic Blue Fully Loaded,No LIST & No TRIM

How are Cargo figures calculated

Shore tank Parcel of cargo loaded from shore tank (B/L figure) Freight is payable on B/L figures only

Shore pipeline

Cargo Parcel received by ship (Ships figure calculated to verify B/L Figure)


How is Ullaging done ?

Cargo Tank Ullage Port

Ullage port was used for open ullaging in the past.

No longer used as personnel are exposed to toxic gases and This is AGAINST OUR COMPANY POLICY

UTI Tape

(Ullage, Temperature & Interface)

MMC Tape Vapor Lock

Tape reading

Vapor Lock

How is Sounding / Innage done ?

Using MMC Closed type sounding rods for CARGO tanks. Sounding Tape used for bunker tanks.

Sounding rod Used for Ballast tanks

Remote gauging is good for monitoring NEVER use them for calculating figures or for topping off tanks . It is Dangerous & It is against our Company Policy

Our newer vessels have Remote gauging (Radar Type)

SAAB Tank Radar, How the housing looks on deck of a ship

SAAB tank Radar Housing

A view of a ON-LINE cargo console of VLCC Courtenay Bay One of the MOST advanced On-Line Systems in the World

Remote gauging Float Type

Deck mounting of Float type remote gauge

Real life picture of float in tank moves on a Guide pipe

Remote Ullaging and Sounding from float type gauge

Remote Reading of Cargo Tank Ullage in Cargo Control Room

What can go wrong with Incorrect Gauging ?

Over flow Pollution Claims Customer satisfaction

Remember : If we dont take care of our customers Someone else will.

Thank You

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