The Life: A Different Concept Between Sciences and Religion: Nicolás Bertone Gese - Grade 8

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Nicols Bertone Gese - Grade 8 -

The life: a different concept between sciences and religion

In this composition I tried to talk about science and religion which defend life through different conceptions. The discussion between sciences and religion has always been focused on opposed ideas that never go deeper in the analysis of facts, for example evolution theory, big bang, miracles, etc. Religion and sciences are cultural facts that have been in our society along the history. It is false to think that sciences started in the Modern era. However, we must know that the modern science was born in a Christian environment, so there is the problem. Both have different ways of understanding reality, sciences and religion may pursue knowledge using different methodologies. Faith and religious experience are the foundation of religious knowledge in which is based theology. In contrast, scientific knowledge is based on empirical facts resulting from experiments and observations, which are the root of different theories and laws. That knowledge converges at the society. Priests and scientists have influencing opinions about different topics of reality, and the people respect them. Sometimes those opinions are opposed, yet certain at the same time. Religion and sciences have different ways of answering human questions but in a way are equally valid because both have the same values. I think that values could be summarized in one: life. So my thesis is that sciences are in a catholic environment, so they share the same values with catholic religion but with different ways of seeing life. I would like to talk about some classical controversial topic that usually discussed issues such as abortion, euthanasia, contraceptive and cloning. Firstly I would like to talk about abortion, in a shortly and clear description of the topic, we could say that is when a mum (a woman) interrupts her pregnancy. So she

Nicols Bertone Gese - Grade 8 -

removes out the embryo. Considering Catholic religion, it is against of this practice. Its is considered that all women who practice abortion are murders since religion institutions, because it protect life from the very beginnings. Some scientists prioritize women life more than the embryo because they consider that an embryo is not yet a life. Although there are many arguments against abortion, this practice has existed along history due to psychological, social and economical factors. As regard of euthanasia; the ethical dilemma arises when it is questioned whether I have the power to unhook a person or not. Catholic Church keeps in the position that life is life from the beginnings to the ends, and that only god has the right to decide. Some medics have usually another point of view; if there is a terminal ill person at hospital it will be better to unhook him/ her to stop the familys sufferings. And for have more beds and machine for save more life than one. Another topic to mention is contraceptive used; well here the conflict is around corporal health versus spiritual health. Science is cared to prevent illnesses and unwanted pregnancy (to aroid unsafe abortion). On the other hand, religion considers that people need to have responsibility in their relationships and love should be the base in the couple. Finally, cloning is a particular topic. What is clone? The American Medical Association defined cloning as the production of genetically identical organisms via somatic cell nuclear transfer. I dont looking for expose the ethical or legal dilemma about it, only I trying to demonstrate my hypothesis. So, why the scientist want to clone people? The answer is to cure, for example cancer and AIDS. A clone could be a plant, that I sow it (do the insemination) for keeping its fruit (do organs transplants). So, scientists are looking for enlarging our life. But for a religion point of view this revolution of medicine is dangerous. Because try to develop others ways apart from the natural way to bring life into this word, God is the only one who can create life. They are created by scientists only to be used, and who take care of them?

Nicols Bertone Gese - Grade 8 -

In conclusion I must say that my thesis is valid the problem of both worldviews are in the different conception of life. That is the central concept of both so it is because occidental sciences were born in a catholic environment and absorbed from this believes. And we could see this phenomenon in four central and controversial issues like abortion, euthanasia, contraceptive and cloning. In all of that topic both position defense life in different ways.

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