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VOL 2/11 November 2005


365 DAYS
With all due respect, Charles, just
how many days do you need to
begin to clear the innocent?

and is incapable even though the last 20 years have seen
of carrying out the horrendous harm caused to children and
necessary reforms. Each families by such junk science as the Anal
crisis has simply resulted in Dilatation Test (Cleveland), Repressed
Charles Clarke, Home Secretary, has been more legislation to boost the CP system’s Memory Syndrome (widespread across the
in post for nearly 365 days. Innocent men powers and resources and very rarely have U.K. over many years), Satanic Ritual Abuse
and women have been in gaol for every one the voices of consumers been heard. (Orkneys, Nottingham, Rochdale, and most
of those days. This government has ignored recently in the Isle of Lewis), Shaken Baby
even its own advisors and still resolutely Despite the cruel injustices which happened Syndrome, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome,
refuses to deal properly with the outrageous to Sally Clark and Angela Cannings, the Fabricated and Induced Illness in Children,
miscarriages of justice. government have merely sought to introduce Brittle Bone Disease (in this case denial of its
better training and accreditation for Expert existence in infants), etc.
CHARLES PRAGNALL writes on the cruel Witnesses although the faults were not in
injustice that still pervades this land. their ability to present evidence, but that The purges which have been carried out
their evidence was seriously flawed and under the guise of investigating historical
Despite Parliamentary Debates, Select misleading. The consultation and changes abuse of children (now adults) in residential
Committees, adverse media reports, envisaged by the Dept of Constitutional schools and children‘s homes have similarly
disastrous events in Courts, Public Inquiries Affairs are merely a cost-cutting exercise resulted in widespread injustices where
after the deaths of children under the care or which will even further reduce the capacity normal tenets of law (e.g. presumptions of
supervision of Child Protection agencies (e.g. of parents and other falsely accused adults innocence, factual evidence, corroborative
Victoria Climbie) etc, the present government from receiving fair and just hearings and will evidence, etc) have been cast aside and
is in complete denial or oblivious to the fact merely fast-track the Care Proceedings in the false accusers have been tempted by large
that the CP system is deeply flawed, erratic, same way that the Adoption Procedures have sums of money offered by lawyers and the
and dysfunctional. been fast-tracked. Criminal Injuries Compensation Board to
past residents and pupils to make allegations
Many thousands of children, their parents, Of most concern are the `theories’ of child of abuse from 20 and more years ago.
and adults have all suffered serious injustices abuse which can be introduced with no Volume of evidence replacing the veracity of
and continue to suffer because the CP system scientific basis and no system of verification evidence.
is incapable of learning from its mistakes or validation by a National Validation body,

FACTION / November 2005 1

In Shieldfield Nursery, Newcastle, two young
carers were pilloried for years and their lives I feel that I must touch base with you and do my best
and their careers ruined by false accusations to bring you update with the work of the APGAI. Of
of abusing over 60 children in a Day Nursery course the months from Easter were dominated by the
until they were finally exonerated by a Civil General Election, the APGAI was one of the first groups
Court many years later and awarded a large to reconstitute in the new Parliament and our AGM was
compensation against their ‘professional’ held on the 8th June. Our membership remains at 50 plus,
accusers. giving the Executive a mandate to work on your behalf.

There can be little doubt or argument that the The Executive confirmed that our main concern continues
Child Protection system is in absolute chaos to be with the processes involved in abuse investigations
and is causing immense harm every year to and that our main objectives are as follows:
thousands of children, parents, and other caring
adults - over 150,000 reports of child abuse Objective analysis of the investigation techniques used in abuse cases.
are found to have “NO Substantive Basis” i.e.
False Accusations, for mistaken, mischievous, The creation of an oral evidence gathering protocol, similar to that which exists
malicious, or monetary reasons. for physical evidence.

Reports from parents with disabled children Prescribed rules for police officers on the mechanistic parts of the investigation.
and their representative organisations provide For example, it should be forbidden to mention compensation in interviews with
compelling evidence that the governments policy complainants or witnesses.
of integrating disabled children into mainstream
schools is resulting in Education Authorities External scrutiny of the NSPCC’s, and other third parties’, procedures.
denying disabled children a proper assessment of
their educational needs and making appropriate The creation of new rules regarding advertising by private solicitors in prisons.
provision and if the parents protest, the family
are referred into the Child Protection system Anonymity for the accused up to conviction.
where they are stigmatised and persecuted by the
CP system and its composite agencies. Imprisoned complainants or witnesses should be removed from the prison
environment and taken to rape suites for interview, and be treated as sensitively
The governments target-setting for adoption as a complainant alleging rape, with appropriate support and aftercare.
numbers by local authorities has undoubtedly
resulted in legalised abductions of children The video recording of all interviews between the investigating authorities and
into local authority care and very quickly complainants and witnesses.
thereafter into adoption, with no pretence of
attempts at preventative work with the family or The rules on disclosure to be tightened so that the defence team is not
rehabilitation and re-unification of the child with disadvantaged.
the family by social work agencies.
We will begin work without delay in October and plans are underway for a
In conclusion, I would suggest to you all Conference on the ‘Interviewing of witnesses and the management of evidence in sex
that there needs to be a Royal Commission abuse cases’.
of Inquiry into the entire Child Protection
system and the associated Courts and legal John Denham has been reappointed Chair of the Home Affairs Committee, I have not
systems and a concerted effort by us all to been reappointed but that should make no difference to our work. The Earl Howe and
bring this about. If such a Royal Commission I had a meeting with John Denham at which the following items were discussed:
were to take place, then precedence in giving
evidence to the Commission should be given to The interaction between the CCRC and the Historical Abuse Appeal Panel
children, parents, and adults who have suffered
the injustices of the system rather than the Terms of reference of the CCRC.
agencies which provide these services and who
have constantly monopolised previous Public The Senior Officers Handbook on The Investigation of Historic Child Abuse and
Inquiries and protected, promoted, and expanded the lack of an oral evidence protocol.
their own self-interests.
Since that meeting I have heard that the Home Affairs Committee may follow-up the
I would suggest that there should be two former Committee’s inquiry into The Conduct of Investigations into Past Cases of
forms of approach to obtaining such a Royal Abuse in Children’s Homes. This is excellent news and as requested I have made
Commission : some suggestions as to what areas of the Report the Committee should look at, I have
a) that each group/organisation organise a also asked Mark Newby to put a paper together for the benefit of the Committee.
petition to demand such a Royal Commission;
and Mark and I continue to work closely together and I value his support. For reasons
b) that each group request its members, beyond their control the last year has not been an easy one for the Historical Abuse
associates and supporters to lobby their Member Appeal Panel, a huge amount of work has flooded into them and they have had to
of Parliament to support a call for such a Royal cope with this in difficult circumstances. We should thank them for their perseverance.
From all this you will see that many people, unknown to you, continue to work on
I would very much welcome your views, advice, your behalf and in addition I am hopeful that the autumn will bring new initiatives,
and suggestions on this proposal, particularly in the Care Home cases, with the possibility of ‘spin off’ for others.

Charles Pragnell Kindest Regards

Expert Defence Witness - Child Protection and
Child/Family Advocate Claire Curtis-Thomas MP

2 FACTION / November 2005

child protection ‘industry’; every legal Teachers TV, Private Eye and many other
department; everyone who can make a parts of the media are expressing similar
difference: all have been identified, written concerns; when spectacular successes
to and their replies are being analysed. in the Appeal Court were tempered by
Again, this is work done behind the scenes acute disappointments; when the links
and the results are proving interesting with Ireland and Australia were further
and will ultimately be extremely useful in strengthened and when Richard Webster’s
determining the direction of the Campaign. remarkable and expertly researched book,
“The Secret of Bryn Estyn”, launched on
Many will know of George’s work setting 19 March at Portcullis House, gave hope to

CH A I R M A N ’ S
up regional initiatives, though we need so many and cause for panic to Wrexham
100% involvement from all the regions to Council.

make this effective. Although local groups
may do excellent local work, they also need There are several new and exciting
to be part of a National Campaign. initiatives on the horizon, various academic
FACTION November 2005 studies are underway and a research Trust
As for our Secretary, Michael Barnes, he Fund is being set up.
is the lynchpin. Go onto the FACT website
– that’s his baby; ring up the help-line FACT is alive and well.
The new National Committee has now – he’s at the end of it; find yourself with
completed two years in office ; two years any FACT related problem – Michael is We are not complacent. We do not think
in which the progress achieved by FACT there to solve it; the Committee Meetings we are infallible in all that we do and we
since its birth in the autumn of 1999 has are efficiently organised and the Minutes acknowledge there is much still to be done.
been strongly maintained and considerably detailed and accurate. The fact that others We welcome constructive, positive criticism
broadened. on the Committee do so much enables from all members. The basis for sound
Michael to spend a great deal of time criticism is goodwill and a wish to improve
The work of the Committee has been well dealing directly with FACT members. And wherever and whenever possible. We still
documented in FACTION and I would like he does all of this modestly, energetically, have a huge mountain to climb and this
to take this opportunity to thank them all efficiently and, above all, courteously. His can only be done effectively if every single
for their dedicated and ceaseless work on communication skills are first class and his member in every single region combine in
behalf of all our members. expertise with modern technology keeps the determination to achieve our ideals.
Committee up to date with all that he does
In particular I would like to single out two and, importantly, allows for constant Rory O’Brien (Chairman)
who are retiring this year : Kath Brizzalari ‘dialogue ‘ between meetings.
and Gordon Rozario, our Treasurer.
I make no apology for describing
Kath has been spending many hours the Committee’s work yet again. All M
researching for HAAP and will continue organisations rely on those who have
to do so, thus continuing to benefit FACT. chosen to devote themselves selflessly to
Most of her work is done behind the the common cause. FACT is no exception
scenes and we thank her for her immense and we are indeed fortunate to have so
contribution. many, including the area representatives, 22220000000064444
who can give FACT such a wide range of
Gordon has been an excellent Treasurer and expertise and who are able to contribute in
has put FACT’s finances on a firm basis for a mature, positive, supportive and reasoned
the future. We hope he will be able to work manner which encourages goodwill and
with the Committee in a different capacity. mutual respect.

The others have covered an enormous The year’s achievements will be Conferences 2006
amount of work, too. The Committee highlighted elsewhere – the good times
is very much like an iceberg – a great when excellent progress is made; the
deal goes on below the surface – more bad times when we seem to be slipping
than can possibly be imagined. David back. Fortunately, the good times were
Sherwell’s role as FACTION editor can be many – FACT contributed much to the Spring Conference
readily appreciated but, like all successful UCAFAA Conference in November 2004
publications, the work involved is complex
and demanding. The responsibility for its
(Investigate the Investigators – Calling for
Accountability) and attended the All Party
May 20th
distribution and for overall membership, Group for Abuse Investigations Conference
undertaken by Joy and Ian Gower, help the in December (Abuse Investigations Annual General Meeting
organisation to run smoothly and remove a – Systemic Failure). Our own Spring & Autumn Conference
huge burden from the Secretary’s shoulders. Conference in May 2005 (False Allegations September 16th
Joy’s wonderful work with those in prison of Abuse – Righting the Wrongs) was well
and their families, mostly unseen, is at the attended and successful. This was a year,
very heart of FACT’s mission. too, when three prominent “experts” were Both conferences will
called to account – Sir Roy Meadow, be held at St Chad’s
Gail Saunders’ excellent organisational David Southall and Dr. San Lazaro; when Cathedral, Birmingham.
abilities are behind the FACT conferences our number one supporter, Claire Curtis-
and AGM: another major support for the Thomas MP, closely questioned several
Secretary. George Williamson has breathed Government Ministers and continued to Speakers to be confirmed
new life into the lobbying campaign. highlight concerns with the processes
Every single agency involved in the involved in abuse investigations – where

FACTION / November 2005 3

The Background to
False Allegations
– a personal view
Faith and evidence
FACT Lobbying Co-ordinator Unreasoning faith, whether religious
or secular, where subjective conviction
becomes objective truth, is a threat to the
rational side of human experience and
material existence. Notwithstanding the
Child protection movement and legitimate political power are both extremes of religious fundamentalism and
seen as obscenely abusive of ‘victims’ and fanaticism, faith may be fine for balanced
Those of us concerned about false detrimental to their rights. Consequently, spiritual belief but not what is needed when
allegations of child abuse require an many victims’ advocates feel they are evidence is imperative. Abuse allegations
understanding of the motivation of the justified in doing all they can to destroy are virtually sacrosanct, bathed in an aura
theorists and activists in the child protection that authority; and child abuse allegations, of sanctity like holy scripture, and beyond
movement. It drives their campaigns allied to compensation claims, is a powerful challenge and scepticism. Belief in their
against child abuse, vulnerable adult abuse weapon to use. truth, like the shibboleths of any secular or
and domestic violence; and is behind religious faith, depends on sidestepping the
their politics of childrens, womens and To temper the excesses of the cravings lack of proof supporting them.
vulnerable peoples’ rights. For some among of the dependency way of life, and
them, it includes seeking to ‘get even’ the insatiable demands of consumer The child protection movement’s beliefs
with men for ‘centuries of patriarchy’, pressure, politicians try to monitor and inhabit this drift from reality. As with the
by describing them, past and present, as manage private life and behaviour. This many questionable doctrines of religious
universally abusive heads of the family. interference increases the decline in and secular causes, beliefs about abuse,
mature citizenship and in what stability impervious to reason and compelling
remains in the family and society. Such evidence, lead to denying the clear facts
Demands, rights and authority pervasive authoritarianism undermines to the contrary. Child protection activists
personal loyalties among citizens and believe that uncontrollable abuse is
The child protection movement’s creates the sense of a war of all against all. occurring. They accept the assertions of
campaigns are promoted within the No wonder collective action, seeking fair almost anyone claiming they were abused
widespread dependency culture of and indivisible justice, free of the invasive and grossly exaggerate the numbers of
counselling and compensation claims, victim ethos, is so difficult to organise and abused people as yet undiscovered. Lack
eroding people’s sense of personal and achieve among these often atomised and of evidence, supporting their doctrines, is
social responsibility and society’s common self-obsessed individuals. no deterrent to joining their ‘church’ and
bonds. The family setting, with nurturing its political cause. ‘Casualties’ have to be
and care at its historic heart, is portrayed as The abuse protection theorists and activists found.
the most likely place to be abused, along exercise their own form of power and
with any institutions that also try to nurture authority through counselling and emotional Where many religious faiths see
and care. This is the background in which blackmail. They feel that the family, close humanity as ‘fallen’, the child protection
ever-increasing numbers of false allegations relationships and society at large should campaigners, like many secular political
of abuse are occurring. be monitored by them, in their search for movements, have a mean-spirited view
abusers whom they alone know exist. Far of human beings as ‘debased’. They see
Authority and responsibility have to be from being criticised for their delusional them as likely to exploit any position of
based on mutual respect, reciprocated trust beliefs, they influence government policies ‘dominance’ in order to abuse vast numbers
and shared loyalties. The paranoid victim and many receive state support and of children and vulnerable adults in family,
culture lacks respect for legitimate authority official funding. Their views are regularly institutional, work and care settings. Given
and adult duties and responsibilities. These promoted, with little questioning, by much the zealots’ warped piety, they, of course,
have lost out to a new populism, interested of the media and so affect jury opinion exclude themselves from the abusing mania
only in absolutist individual and group in abuse trials. Their views are also to that they insist is all around them.
rights, which damages the general interest. be found among abuse investigators and
Society and the family are viewed as made prosecutors as well as the judiciary. It is no
up mainly of ‘victims’ and ‘survivors’ with wonder that false allegations of abuse are George Williamson
few rights against the powerful and anyone leading to injustices. FACT Lobbying Co-ordinator
in authority. Common-sense family order

4 FACTION / November 2005

by the accusers but also by the tainting of
evidence collected by the police using opaque
methods of questioning and drafting witness
statements themselves.

Judicial decisions have permitted and

endorsed the practice of admitting ‘similar
fact evidence’, (which is in reality, mere
allegation, not fact) which enables the
prosecution to combine all allegations of
sexual offence whether similar or dissimilar
onto the charge sheet. In the past judges had
to assess whether similar fact evidence was
admissible or inadmissible and would have
made the latter decision if the information
was likely to be prejudicial to the defence

Is Europe a way
rather than probative in evaluating a relevant
issue of the case. The reality is that juries
will generally be swayed by the similar fact
evidence as proof that the offences occurred.
The balance of probabilities test supplants
the one of reasonable doubt: they will be

persuaded by the numbers of accusers and
take the view that the greater the number of
accusers and allegations, the more likely it is
that the offences occurred.
What the Court is not told is how the multiple
allegations were generated. The Court
assumes that the police have been honest and
REASONS FOR APPLYING TO THE is the fact that a wrong has occurred (the have properly conducted their investigations.
COUNCIL OF EUROPE TO REDRESS actus reus) and the jury has to decide whether It would be a brave, brazen, (efficient!)
SYSTEMIC INJUSTICE blame can be imputed to the defendant. defending lawyer who cross-examines the
Prima facie the defendant is blamed by the investigating officer as to the exact details of
I welcome the efforts of individuals in the complainant until such time as the defendant how their team extracted their information
UK who are trying to persuade the British can disprove that s/he caused the wrong e.g. from interviewees. There will be no
Government to reconsider and accept the the defendant argues that the complainant recording of the interviewees by video or tape
recommendations as set out in the Home that the wrong was in fact caused by the to see how the complainants were approached
Affairs Select Committee Report: ‘The complainant or was caused by another party and what questions or inducements they had
Conduct of Investigations into Past Cases of or unforeseeable circumstance. The trigger been given. Under the present described
Abuse in Children’s Homes’ 2001-02. The of such cases is damage to persons and/or circumstances it is apparent that the similar
Report was at that time a ray of hope to all property and in most cases is a tangible, fact evidence is unsafe to be presented to the
who suffered injustice, firstly by those who assessable damage. jury in allegations of historic allegations of
have made false allegations, and secondly, sexual abuse.
injustice caused by the State itself which By contrast, allegations made by adults of
assumes that the accuser(s) are always right sexual abuse by someone in their childhood You may be asking yourself how these issues
and gives almost unfailing support to them are much more problematic. In these square with human rights principles.
based on that assumption. The willingness cases, there is no tangible offence, merely The UK signed the European Convention
and practice of persons such as the police, the verbal allegation by an accuser. Any such on Human Rights and instituted the Human
CPS lawyers, and the judiciary to ensure that allegation is taken by law enforcement and Rights Act 1998. As UK citizens we may
the accused is brought to trial and convicted the legal system as being factual; otherwise have redress to the institutions which
at any cost runs counter to the presumption of there would be no basis for investigating honour the original Articles of the European
innocence which is a cornerstone of English and prosecuting the alleged offence. But on Convention. The Human Rights Act was
law. It is also a principle enshrined in the this premise the burden of proof has shifted designed to give direct effect to decisions in
European Convention on Human Rights. onto the defendant to prove that the accuser cases which complaints raised human rights
Article 6(2): ‘Everyone charged with a is lying or mistaken. Juries are supposed to issues. My own experience of the courts,
criminal offence shall be presumed innocent be told in such trials that they should only particularly the appeal courts in the UK is
until proved guilty according to law.’ There convict a defendant if they are sure that that they refuse to accept the significance
are exceptions in English law which accept the defendant committed the offence (the of their obligations to remedy human rights
the reversal of burden of proof which has ‘reasonable doubt’ test). But in practice violations unless they are compelled to do
been set out by statute: strict liability is one they are applying the probability test (the so. The Human Rights Act is not an optional
such example. (These, are, broadly speaking, likelihood of the accused to be culpable for extra which the courts may apply at their
cases where an offence has been committed an alleged offence). This test is borne out by discretion: the UK courts should be, but are
and a party is presumed to be negligent for the many guilty verdicts in multiple accuser failing to make decisions which do not run
causing the incident/accident). Statutory cases which have issued from police trawling counter to the tenets of the human rights
offences with reverse of this burden of the operations. The multiple allegations which Convention and the Act.
burden of proof generally have a lower are not eyewitness accounts corroborating
standard test of culpability known as the the allegations of the primary accuser are It is submitted that the current practices
‘balance of probabilities’ which means that combined into a single trial. The evidence employed by the state for bringing to trial
the jury is directed to ask itself to assess the which has been gathered by the investigating historic allegations of child abuse are so
likelihood that the defendant is to blame for team is fraught with dangers not only unsafe and flawed that until and unless
the offence. In such cases the starting point because the evidence may be fabricated safeguards such as those as the Home Affairs

FACTION / November 2005 5

Report (ibid above) are implemented the not be entertained by any signatory member For those who have exhausted all domestic
accused cannot receive a fair trial in the state which has undertaken to ensure that its remedies by appealing against wrongful
UK. This breaches the Convention Article laws are compatible with the Human Rights conviction in the UK Court of Appeal,
6(1): ‘anyone accused of a criminal trial is Convention. The more serious the allegation there is the possibility of taking their case
entitled to a fair and public hearing within and the more severe the punishment, then to the European Court of Human Rights
a reasonable time by an independent and greater is the requirement to ensure that the in Strasbourg. The Applicant or his/her
impartial tribunal established by law’. state institutions honour the presumption representative will need to show that
The tribunal is ‘unfair’ because in allegations of innocence of the accused; that legal a Convention Article(s) has/have been
of child abuse there is the presumption that safeguards are in place which screen the breached and they must quote the relevant
the allegations are true and therefore the quality of the evidence gathered; that the section and/or subsection under which they
accused is burdened with the presumption evidence is real as opposed to generated and are complaining. You will find the full text of
of guilt, which is amplified in multiple fabricated by the processes of investigation. the European Convention on the European
allegation cases. How do we persuade the UK Government Court of Human Rights website which you
The evidence presented to the court in an to accept the findings of the Home Affairs may read and download for free: the website
historic allegation case may well be stale Report and act upon them? It is possible to is:
because of the gap of years, if not decades do so with the assistance of the European
when an allegation may be made. The Commission and the European Court of
evidence may well be tainted by the police Human Rights. I would ask interested readers Prospective applicants to the ECHR must
interviewing technique. Can it be said that to write to the European Commissioner Mr do so within six months of the last appeal
it is ‘a fair hearing’ to present this type of Alvaro Gil-Robles at: The Council of Europe, decision the UK or else they will lose this
evidence to a jury? How can the UK tribunal Avenue de l’Europe, 67075 Strasbourg, opportunity. The earlier the case is filed, the
be ‘impartial’ if it presumes from the outset Cedex, France, or email CommissionerHR.C better. The Court’s address is: The Registrar,
that the accused is guilty? European Court of Human Rights, Council of
Europe F-67075 Cedex France. Make sure
The issue of ‘reasonable time’ may be Mr Gil-Robles is the current Commissioner that you can support your statements with
pertinent here as well: some lawyers may for the Council of Europe. He explains his documentary evidence wherever possible and
argue that this means that a person charged role on the Council of Europe website: obtain copies of all appeal decisions in the
with an offence should be put on trial The Office of the Commissioner for Human UK. The Application form and guidelines are
promptly. But might it also be construed Rights was established in 1999 as an freely available on the ECHR website. Note 9
as meaning that persons should make independent institution within the Council of the Guidelines states that it is not necessary
their allegations within a reasonable time of Europe. In accordance with his mandate, to have tried to have the case reopened after
of the alleged offence? If so, then this and without excluding the possibility of going through normal appeal procedures in
would validate the argument for a statute of complementary actions, the Commissioner the courts, nor do you have to use post-appeal
limitations for prosecuting such allegations. focuses his activity on four main areas. non-contentious remedies such as petitioning,
Can it be successfully argued that the UK These are the promotion of the education or writing to commissioners, MPs, heads of
has been systemically prosecuting and in and awareness of human rights, the state etc before you can apply to the ECHR.
incarcerating individuals accused of sexual encouragement for the establishment of
abuse using methods and rules and case- national human rights structures where they
law which circumvent the usual procedures do not exist and facilitate their activities You may ask whether it costs to use the
for criminal cases? Case-law from the where they do exist, the identification of ECHR. It is possible for the ECHR to
European Court of Human Rights suggests short-comings in the law and practice with grant legal aid to engage a representative if
that, for example, presumptions of fact regards to human rights and, lastly, the it decides to proceed to a full hearing, but
or of law operates in every legal system promotion of their effective respect and full the initial Application is made by yourself
and that the Convention does not prohibit enjoyment in all the member States of the or your representative and the Court
such presumptions in principle. The Court Council of Europe. usually decides the case on the basis of the
does not wish to be seen to be meddling in documentary evidence you have submitted
domestic court affairs. to it. You can make the Application yourself,
The Commissioner therefore has the remit but be sure that what you submit is within
‘It does, however, require the States to to look at systemic state-sanctioned human the remit of the Court and that you are
remain within certain limits which take into rights abuse; this should therefore include the certain about which part of the Convention
account the importance of what is at stake defects in the UK law enforcement and legal has been breached. There is nothing to
and maintain the rights of the defence.’ (p.126 system which have given rise to numerous prevent aggrieved individuals from writing
Criminal Justice and the Human Rights Act wrongful imprisonments. The Commissioner to the Commissioner as well as making an
1998 , Professor Steve Uglow (2001 edition). is empowered to look at allegations of human Application to the ECHR. However if you
The Court has hitherto been wary of rights abuse and can write an Opinion which are at the beginning of the appeal stage in the
encroaching upon the sovereignty of states the offending member-state is obligated to UK then the only present option for redress
in the individual state’s lawmaking, but consider and implement. Interested parties would be with the Commissioner.
this may now well have changed given the should set out in detail which part of the
ruling from the European Court of Justice to Convention has been violated how the
the European Commission which ‘… gives state has caused the wrongful conviction I have made best endeavours to provide
the Commission an unprecedented role in and be prepared to supply documentary accurate and helpful information. The
the administration of criminal justice’. (The evidence if requested. They may also set information I have discerned may change at
Times, September 14th 2005). out how they think the Commission could any time and I cannot accept responsibility
remedy the injustice, either with reference for giving legal advice. Please check websites
In essence, the complete lack of safeguards to the guidelines proposed by the Home for any changes and updates. I wish you
in police investigations, the combining of Affairs Report above or with suggestions the best of luck with your letter-writing/
multiple allegations issuing therefrom under of their own. It may be better to write in Application. Collectively we might be able to
the practice of corroboration by volume some depth to him about the particular and change the system and redress the balance.
and the subversion of the rules of evidence general injustice, rather than complain in a
in respect of historic allegations of sexual standardised petition.
abuse flies in the face of justice and should Ingrid, wife of Peter Ward

6 FACTION / November 2005

MR PHIL FIDDLER While Phil Fiddler is an Officer or
Committee member of FACT North
As many of you know the FACT West, he must demonstrate respect
national committee were asked to consider for the National Committee and its

a resolution at a meeting held on the 9th members and willingness to work with
November 2005 that, in our view Phil them.

Fiddler’s failure:-
3. In the immediate future, the give an undertaking as requested North West Committee must work

by the Chairman of FACT not to with the National Committee and
commission an advert for FACT in the Officers to produce a memorandum of
north West Press understanding, designed to achieve good
working relationships in the interest of
2. Refusal to support the work of the FACT and all its members.
4. Although we are reinstating Mr. In his speech at the Labour Party
3. Repeated and persistent denigration Fiddler’s membership of FACT, Conference and repeated in his
of the Committee and the work they do, we regard one term or condition as interviews with the media (29th
September 2005) Tony Blair said
and his general conduct towards new necessary, namely that until the two
initiatives are incompatible with the preceding paragraphs have been
responsibilities of membership and the implemented, he should remain “We must not go over the line and
holding of office, and are prejudicial to suspended from holding office either in destroy our way of life. The primary
duty of any justice system is to
the interests of FACT and to its future. FACT or in any of its Branches. protect the innocent from being
convicted ... if you apply common
We therefore call upon the national 5. We urge all members of both sense people will know what you
Committee to exercise its powers and to Committees to ensure that specific and mean”.
exclude from membership forthwith. extraordinary measures are put in place
rapidly, to improve communication and Can we ask what steps Tony Blair
Phil was asked to attend the national to open dialogue in the future. will take to:-
committee meeting and to make
representations as to why he should not The decision is binding on both parties. 1 Apply common sense to the
be expelled from membership. After The practical effect of this decision is that question of historical abuse
taking into account his views the national Mr Fiddler’s membership has been restored
committee decided that he should but that he is suspended from holding 2 Protect the innocent from being
be expelled from membership of FACT. office locally or nationally until two wrongly convicted
specific measures are taken.
In accordance with the terms
of FACT’s constitution Mr Fiddler Firstly the North West committee are I would add that Tony Blair also
appealed against this decision to an made fully aware of any policy differences referred to elderly people being
frightened and to suspected terrorists
independent panel consisting of Roy between them and the national committee. fearing the midnight knock on
Everett, Dr. Christopher Reeves and Ivan The second measure requires the FACT the door. He needs to be told that
Geffen (Chair). Written material in support North West Committee work with hundreds of elderly people – not
of and opposing Mr. Fiddler’s expulsion the national Committee to produce a terrorists but carers and teachers
was distributed to the panel, whose memorandum of understanding aimed at – good people, have suffered the
members met privately on the afternoon producing good working relations, in the ‘midnight knock’ on the door by
of Tuesday September 20th. They heard interests of FACT and it members. It is also the police - and that this fear will
evidence and submissions from FACT incumbent on Mr Fiddler to demonstrate continue for the rest of their lives.
(Michael Barnes and Rory O’Brien) respect for the national committee and its
and Phil Fiddler (supported by Mick members.
O’Gorman, a member of the North West We are grateful to Ron for submitting
Committee) on the 21st September. The national committee are committed to this comment
completing the remaining tasks as quickly
The Panel met again privately on the as possible and have every confidence
evening of September 21st and the morning that the matter will be resolved to the
of September 22nd. On 25th of September satisfaction of both parties. It hoped that
the panel announced their decision. the memorandum of understanding will
be achieved by the end of November. The
1. The appeal is allowed and Mr. subsequent decision of FACT North West
Fiddler’s membership of FACT region to call an Emergency General
reinstated subject to the condition set
out in paragraph 4 below.
Meeting in order to elect a new regional
committee has unfortunately delayed
Thank You
matters. This issue of FACTion is
2. There needs to be positive
sponsored by
consequences of this episode. FACT, The FACT national Committee wish to
and its members, are entitled to expect record their thanks to the independent Doreen & Barry Strettle
its leaders to work co-operatively to panel for assisting in this matter.
achieve its objectives. Specific measures
are required, to ensure that the North If you would like to sponsor an issue
West Committee members are fully please contact the Secretary
aware of policy differences between
them and the National Committee.

FACTION / November 2005 7

evidence whatsoever to back up the are proof that the present prejudicial system

(Stop Injustice Now)

The privileged servants of the people, the

of justice is not working. Please stop that
injustice now.

dispensers of so-called “Justice” are being “If I deny, I am condemned already,

We are a group of innocent men in prison forced to abuse their powers and appear to In courts where ghosts appear as witnesses,
who have been found guilty of sexual be totally unmoved by the human suffering And swear men’s lives away.
offences which we did not commit and wish they are helping to inflict on other people If I confess,
to draw attention to the injustices we have through evidence based on lies. Then I confess a lie, to buy a life
suffered. Which is not life, but only death in life.
We, the innocent, demand change and I will not bear false witness against any,
“Know the truth and the truth we demand it now! We call for a fair Not even myself. Whom I count least”
will set you free.” and honest legal system with the age-old
assumption that a person is innocent until (William Wadsworth Longfellow)
We believe that if the truth was known, proven beyond all reasonable doubt to the
many innocent men would indeed be free. contrary. We, the innocent men in prison V.I.P. (Victims In Prison)

Our convictions were based on written and

verbal lies and not on a shred of forensic
evidence. The words, “Beyond reasonable
doubt” have become meaningless in
cases of a sexual nature where the onus
is now placed on the accused to prove his
innocence of a crime that never took place. Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Mr. Common
Surely in the name of justice, circumstantial Sense. Mr. Sense had been with us for many years. No one knows
evidence alone should never be enough
to convict anyone. We are being trampled
for sure how old he was since his birth records were long ago lost in
over, and used as political pawns to appease bureaucratic red tape.
the “witch-hunters” of modern society.
He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as
The lure of compensation has become an knowing when to come in out of the rain, why the early bird gets the
added incentive to encourage claimants worm and that life isn’t always fair.
to deprive innocent men of their freedom
and the odds seem stacked against the
“Accused”. We are left wondering how Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don’t spend
many other countries “pay” the supposed more than you earn) and reliable parenting strategies (adults, not kids,
“Victims” of such crimes, when they are in charge).
themselves are committing the crime of
false allegations and perjury. His health began to rapidly deteriorate when well intentioned but
The gross seriousness of this situation overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a six-year-old
should and must not be underestimated, yet boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens
the protests of the innocent go ignored. suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher
But we won’t go away and we won’t fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.
remain silent. Mr. Blair wake up to the fact
that innocent citizens are behind bars in
your country. The courts and the elected
Mr. Sense declined even further when schools were required to get
government have both a legal and moral parental consent to administer aspirin to a student; but could not
duty to protect our rights and our liberty. inform the parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to
The balance must be restored or inevitably have an abortion.
more innocent men will find themselves
incarcerated behind bars. Finally, Common Sense lost the will to live as the Ten Commandments
Section 32 of the Criminal Justice and became contraband; churches became businesses; and criminals
Public Order Act 1994 has removed the received better treatment than their victims.
need for corroborative evidence. Why? Is
its purpose to gain even more and easier Common Sense finally gave up the ghost after a woman failed to
convictions? realise that a steaming cup of coffee was hot, she spilled a bit in her
lap, and was awarded a huge settlement.
The harsh reality is that the legal system has
been duped by lying and deceitful people
and the innocent have paid the price. Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust,
his wife, Discretion; his daughter, Responsibility; and his son, Reason.
Current laws relating to sexual offences are He is survived by two stepbrothers; My Rights and Ima Whiner.
flawed to the extent that they ruin innocent
lives, splitting up families, depriving wives
of their husbands, children of their fathers
Not many attended his funeral because so few realised he was gone. If
and causing untold emotional and mental you still remember him, pass this on; if not, join the majority and do
trauma. Some men have been given “Life nothing.
Tariffs” on the strength of one person’s
word against another with no forensic

8 FACTION / November 2005

AGM and WINTER Gordon Rozario also presented his financial
report and thanked every one for their
support during his two years in office. He
that thanks largely to the generosity of its

members FACT had now achieved financial
stability and can look forward positively
to the future. Gordon stated that whilst he
was sad to be leaving as treasurer business
pressures made this necessary, however he
hoped to remain involved with FACT for
some years to come. The following were
elected to office, Rory O‘Brien Chairman,
The FACT AGM and Winter conference and supporters who give their time and Ian Argyle, Treasurer (new appointment),
took place in Birmingham on 1st October. resources to make FACT work - especially Gail Saunders ordinary committee member
Rory O‘Brien began by opening the AGM those who had contribute financially, (Gail was previously South Wales Rep)
at which over 80 people attended. In his whether it be by making a donation, The AGM was followed by the Winter
report he highlighted the work of the sponsoring FACTion, or sponsoring the conference. The main talks was given
national committee. In particular he paid distribution of Richard Webster‘s book to by John Greer, a solicitor from Northern
tribute to the work of Kath Brizzalari and those in prison - who wish to have it. Ireland, who gave an account of his
Gordon Rozario both whom had announced experience in defending George Anderson,
their retirement from the national Michael also drew attention to the changing in what was described as Northern Ireland’s
Committee due to ‘work’ commitments. On face of FACT - which made it vulnerable worst case of alleged child abuse. This
behalf of all FACT members and supporters to criticisms that it was not doing enough, case which was featured in November
Rory presented both with a token of our was failing to maintain standards, and 2005 edition of FACTion and also
appreciation of their work they have done was not communicating effectively. He involved Margaret Hewitt. Both George
for FACT. suggested that one of the reasons why some and Margaret had their appeal upheld and
people felt this way was because they had convictions squashed. John who was very
Rory referred to the work of the national not realised that much of what is achieved critical both of the police investigation and
committee as being like an iceberg with is at individual, personal level. Years ago prosecutions handling of this case was able
much of the work being unseen. He also when FACT was primarily a lobbying to demonstrate that some of the witnesses
paid to tribute to work undertaken by other group one could be far more open about had lied at the previous trials, and that some
committee members and referred to several what was actually being done. Then the of the evidence given by the police and
new and exciting FACT led initiatives on work was much more visible. Now that the child care professionals was to say the least
the horizon, including various academic work of FACT is more person centred and questionable. John also paid tribute to the
studies, and the founding of a research individually based it is much more difficult support given to Margaret and to George
Trust Fund. Rory also paid tribute to all to inform the general membership what we by their families, many of whom were
those people who belong to FACT and who do without intruding into peoples own lives present in the audience, and by FACT. In a
support its work. and experience. This is particularly true of moving response both George and Margaret
the work of the help line. The facts however paid tribute to the work of FACT and to
This was also the theme in the secretary‘s clearly showed that FACT was busier than the support they had received from FACT
address to the meeting. Michael provided ever and was making steady progress. members whilst in prison. Both were very
an outline of the pleasing things and some Michael also announced that the FACT web pleased to be able to meet some of those
of the not so pleasing things which had site had received a completely new make who had written to them and sent them
occurred during the year. He highlighted over. cards.
the contribution made by those members The conference also heard a very up beat

FACTION / November 2005 9

message from Mark Barlow
(deputising for Mark Newby November 21st

who had injured his leg the day Barrie Alden CR9151
before and was awaiting surgery). CARDIFF LAW STUDENTS TO Wing E1 - 03
HMP Norwich
In keeping with the theme of INVESTIGATE CONVICTIONS Knox Road
the conference Mark referred Norwich NR1 4LU
to three HAAP project which Some have idealised views says Lecturer
had been going on behind the November 26th
scenes. The first of these involved Peter Ward EM7229
HAAP, in partnership with Law students in Cardiff are to take a hands-
on approach to learning their trade by HMP Albany
FACT, establishing a Cambridge Newport
investigating possible miscarriages of justice.
University, independently led, Isle of Wight PO30 5RS
research project in various aspects
relating to historic child abuse. Cardiff Law School has joined nine other December 2nd
The second involved a lot of universities in an Innocence Project, the first Bernard Littlewood EF9413
background work with Clare of its kind outside of the USA, Canada and HMP Wakefield
Australia. Love Lane
Curtis-Thomas, and others aimed
at encouraging the Home Affairs Wakefield
Under the project, the students will W Yorkshire WF2 9AG
Select Committee to re-examine
aspects of its report on the conduct reinvestigate cases where doubts have been
expressed over someone’s conviction. December 18th
of investigations into alleged child Steve Crosby KX8990
abuse in care homes. This often I Wing
delicate and time consuming work They will spend time interviewing prisoners, HMP Wymott
was beginning to pay off and it was re-examine evidence and talking to witnesses. Ulnes Walton Lane
very much hoped that the Home Leyland
Affairs Select Committee would The move has been welcomed by Michael Preston PR26 8LW
re-open its file on these matters. O’Brien, who was one of three men wrongly
The third initiative was establish a jailed for 11 years for the murder of Cardiff December 29th
trust fund for continuing research. newsagent Phillip Saunders in 1987. Paul Melville KX9507
The need for the fund had already B1-03
been demonstrated and both HAAP ‘This is a very important project, those who HMP Wymott
have been the victims of miscarriages of Ulnes Walton Lane
and FACT were committed to its Leyland
success. justice can often give up hope, I know I did
at times,’ said Mr O’Brien, who recently Preston PR26 8LW
Mark concluded his talk with a addressed law students in Cardiff.
January 4th
rallying cry for all those who share Ian Brooke FG5450
our aims and objectives. Much ‘Often lawyers and solicitors cannot get legal HMP Wymott B1-16
work is, and has been done, but it aid to continuing looking at these cases, so Ulnes Walton Lane
is only by working together that we students can be the only people prepared to Leyland
can achieve more. keep sifting through the evidence.’ Preston PR26 8LW

The conference finished with A similar scheme at Bristol University has January 5th
a delightful and informative already had contact with Barry George, Anver Sheikh PE4511
presentation by Phil and Fly Faber the man convicted of killing the television HMP Hull
from S.A.F.A.R.I. (Supporting presenter Jill Dando, and the family of Hedon Road
Michael Stone, who has twice been convicted Hull HU9 5LS
All Falsely Accused People of murdering Lin and Megan Russell. PR26 8LW
with Reference Information)
Commenting on the conference
which well over 200 people As well as major cases, students in Cardiff
attended Rory O‘Brien thanked will also be offering the public free legal
all those who had taken or had
helped in organising the event. The
conference had, he said, been a Some criminal lawyers and solicitors across
great success and had shown how, South Wales are to work with the students.
by working together successful
outcomes could be achieved. ‘Cardiff is one of Britain’s biggest law
schools and our students are very excited
about this,’ said solicitor and lecturer at
Addendum. At its first committee Cardiff, Julie Price.
meeting held on the 5th November
the following were also co-opted to ‘Many come into law with a very idealised
the National Committee. Gordon view of the system.
Rozario, George Jensen, and
George Williamson. The following ‘Looking at possible miscarriages of justice
were also appointed regional reps. cases is a real eye-opener for them.
Gwen Hurst (North Wales), Guy
Perry (West Midlands), and Gail ‘For example, when Mr O’Brien spoke of his
Stack (North West). experiences, many students were reduced to

10 FACTION / November 2005

IC. No. I don’t know of anyone who
practices that kind of religion.

PO. Have you any knowledge of the use of

statues in practising the occult? What about
the ritualistic killing of animals? Ritualistic
Falsely accused remain demoralised dress, as in gowns, that type of thing? Do
you have any books about witchcraft?

By Daryl Dobson IC. Umm, Wicca witches and things like

that? Yes in the kitchen?

I am the uncle of the three girls at the skills. However, in all sincerity I do not PO. Wicca witches? What’s that?
centre of this case and the brother of their think they were sexually abused, despite the
mother. For legal reasons I am not writing findings of the SWIA Report. My wife and I IC. Well paganism, you don’t know about
under my real name. My concerns for my had extensive knowledge of their situation, paganism?
nieces’ well-being led me to offer help as a as we looked after them for a considerable
worried family member knowing that my time, trying to show them that there was a PO. I don’t.
sister and her husband were very neglectful. better way of upbringing than they received
I have no reservations in stating that her from their parents. IC. It is not against the law. Paganism
family undoubtedly needed help from social is basically about people who believe in
services and brought to the attention of the The sad fact is that the problems of a mother earth. It’s not witchcraft as in, you
child protection agencies. My sister had a seriously dysfunctional family, which we know, flaming voodoo sort of things.
history of making false allegations of abuse tried to help keep together, spread out to
before coming to the islands, where she embrace a number of perfectly innocent PO. I have information that you were
continued to make them. people. They were caught up in the zealous involved in devil-worshipping ceremonies.
methods of the investigation agencies Have you ever been into devil worship?
When the recent Social Work Investigating influenced by the corrupting, and often
Agency (SWIA) Report concluded that insane, beliefs of those who influence; IC Not at all.
the children were definitely sexually educate and train them.
abused, I and the others falsely accused PO. The information we have is that it has
were extremely depressed knowing that In our case it was the mad ideas about taken place and that you did use it to dress
the message going out, in order that the organised, satanic paedophile rings, hidden up in a long white gown and wore masks,
authorities could be let off the hook, in God-fearing society, practising ritual as did your wife, and that you carried
was that we had got away with it. The abuse on children. In echoes of the much out some sort of ceremony during which
inference was that the guilty had escaped earlier Orkney’s case, where they played up there was dancing, and that your children
because the authorities had made mistakes a mysterious minister with his sinister cloak were dressed up in a similar manner to
– not that the we were innocent and the and stick, we had investigators and social yourselves and there was music being
investigators had displayed workers fixated on Pagans, cape and mask played, described as Indian music.
unbelievable gullibility and wearing Mormons who slaughter cats, other
credulousness animal sacrifices and human killing, and And also that during this, some form of
confusing Paganism with Satanism. chanting and praying took place. Further
As a close family to that, there was information given to us
member I have no Throughout our ordeal, I thought we were that whilst this was being conducted, it was
hesitation in saying going to be caught up in that injustice being videoed on a camcorder.
that the children within the British judicial system, which
suffered I believe is much greater in numbers Have you been in a position of seeing any
from very than those wrongly jailed for murder, videos which would depict serious sexual
serious armed robbery and IRA bombing, namely abuse? People being killed, and I’m not
neglect wrongful conviction of child sexual abuse. talking acting here? Have you ever drank
regarding the blood of a chicken? Have you ever
their To conclude, the following transcript from witnessed anybody else doing that? Ever
basic the interview of one of the falsely accused drink the blood of any other animal?
welfare exposes the lunacy in the investigating
and their police officer’s mind. This, and the other The interview ends with a howl of anguish
mother aberrations in the case should have been from IC as he is charged with rape.
and at the heart of the SWIA Report, exposing
father had the recklessness of the investigators and

inadequate the childrens’ charities workers in the
parenting background. Significantly, they were
not. The transcript is ample proof of the
evidence, that we were caught up in the “Instead of wasting
bizarre thinking on satanic paedophile hundreds of millions of
rings of those determined to jail us, no pounds on compulsory
doubt convinced by the lurid tales they ID cards as the Tory
had encouraged my vulnerable nieces and Right demand, let that money
unbalanced sister to tell. provide thousands more police
officers on the beat in our local
Police Officer. Do know anyone else who,
or have you heard of anyone else who, Tony Blair (1995)
practices the occult?

FACTION / November 2005 11

News from Entirely unreliable
Dovegates Information
and Advice George Anderson and Margaret Hewitt
finally heard that they would not face any
re-trial for historical allegations of abuse
Encouragement comes from a variety
of sources but none so unusual as that
from Liz Beattie, the retired primary
schoolteacher, who was planning to put her
for Those said to have occurred when they were carers
at the Macedon Home in Northern Ireland.

George originally faced 34 charges and
recommendations before conference. Margaret 99 charges and were sentenced to
a total of 29 years in what has been
Liz Beattie believes passionately that described as Northern Ireland’s biggest sex
failure should not figure in a child’s
vocabulary. It should be replaced by
deferred success.
Application abuse case.
In giving their decision the Northern

Keith was so delighted by the news that

he could hardly contain his enthusiasm to
for Parole Ireland Appeal Court were highly critical
of the prosecution case and considered the
evidence in the case entirely unreliable
share his joy with me. Of course his Appeal especially after one complainant admitted
had not failed it was simple a matter of At the Autumn conference held lying in writing after the trial.
deferred success. on October 1st in Birmingham in
conversation with several people, it This case is a further illustration of the
became obvious that a considerable vulnerability of carers and teachers to
What concerns both of us is that Liz number of persons in prison would false allegations and provides support for
Beattie, in her proposition, does not making application for parole in the a fresh review of this issue by both the
indicate how long we will have to wait for forthcoming months. Home Affairs Select Committee and by the
this deferred success to be manifest. Government.
Several people told me that there
As I surveyed the scene in this place from was no hurry because their husbands/ George and Margaret have been supported
the vantage point outside my penthouse fathers/boyfriends were not due to throughout by FACT and have asked that
flat, I shared with a ‘fellow traveller’ my be considered for parole for many their thanks be passed on to all those who
opinion that I was not in a prison but a months yet. Let me assure you that have supported them through their darkest
madhouse. He confirmed that this was you cannot start getting information days.
indeed the case, supporting the view of an to support your application too soon.
officer at Wakefield who opined that 60% The actual process as set out in the A FACT spokesman said the trial of
guidelines takes twenty six weeks Margaret and George raises serious
of prisoners have mental problems that are but you should, in your own interests questions about the conduct of the police
not being properly addressed. It occurred commence long before that time investigation and the response of Barnado’s
to me that the Communists frequently arrives. to these allegations. Once again there has
imprisoned innocent people in mental been an hysterical response to ill founded
institutions by way of punishment. Is it With the agreement and support of allegations, and as a result, two innocent
possible that our Judiciary, subverted by the conference I am able to offer a carers have suffered the indignity of having
Government, is resorting to such tactics? It considerable degree of advice and their reputations destroyed and the liberty
often feels like it! assistance to men or women who taken from them. What this investigation
are likely to be considered in the shows is that the presumption of guilt
If you have not read it can I recommend forthcoming twelve months. is so deeply embedded in child abuse
to you a book by Noel Fellowes called investigations that no can rely on them to
‘Killing Time’? (Lion Publishing Co.) I would also be grateful for any reveal the truth.
Although in Noel’s case there was a crime information and details of applications
and indeed a dead body, he was clearly and problems encountered by those
people who have made application,
set up by the Lancashire Police in 1970 regardless of whether or not they were
for something for which he was entirely successful. You may simply duplicate
innocent. Bad policing, coupled with material I already possess, but you
a dogged refusal to keep an open mind may also give me a vital lead into a Home Office Minister Tony
ensured that another innocent man suffered particular problem which could be McNulty, commenting on The
fourteen years of hell. Although in our avoided. Politics Show in defence of
cases no crimes have ever been established, Home Office dawn raids on
the similarity is frightening. asylum seekers: “We are not
The address to write to: knocking down doors at four in
the morning with people booted
The Autumn looks as though it will and suited in riot gear. Most
provide some interesting developments and George A Jensen.
443 Abergele Road. of the removals occur around
hopefully the long awaited breakthrough half-five, half-six, seven in the
will appear. Old Colwyn.
North Wales. morning.”
LL29 9PR
To all of you who have worked so hard on So presumably the borderline
our behalf we extend grateful thanks. Tel: 01492 517967 between free democracy and
E-Mail: police state lies somewhere
between the hours of 4am and
Ron Hall & Keith Laverack 5.30am.

12 FACTION / November 2005

☎ = telephone number fax = fax number www = website @ = email address

North Wales Mr Mark Newby
Gwen 01978 781 220 Jordans Solicitors
4 Priory Place
Campaign on behalf of Manchester Doncaster DN1 1BP
Falsely Accused Carers & Teachers David 0161 724 1478 ☎ 01302 309831
fax 01302 327521
All written correspondence Cornwall
Angela 01736 367 231 Jordan’s Solicitors in Dewsbury who are
The Secretary currently advertising for victims of abuse to
FACT (UK) Yorkshire contact them, are not in any way connected
with Jordan’s Solicitors, Doncaster who
P O Box 3074 Gordon 01924 261 711
administer the Historic Abuse Appeal Panel
CF3 3WZ 3gis

3 Grays Inn Square
☎ 02920 777 499 London WC1R 5AH
fax ☎ 020 7520 5600
www Law firms experienced in ☎ Emergency 07710 354 598
@ false allegations cases fax 020 7520 5607
Please inform us of any additions you
FACTION feel ought to be made to this list Andrews Angel
FACT’s periodical Solicitors
1st Floor
Contributions / letters 88 High Road
@ Essex IG1 1DN
or via the Secretary Mr Chris Saltrese ☎ 020 8911 9289
3 Regent Road
FACTION Editor David Sherwell Southport PR9 0AL Gill Rutherford
@ ☎ 01704 567 799 Andrews Angel
fax 01704 567 555 41 Sadler Street
@ Durham City
Chairman Rory O’Brien Co Durham DH1 8NU
@ Olliers ☎ 0191 370 9890
1st Floor www
Secretary Michael Barnes Sunlight House @
@ Quay Street
Manchester M3 3JZ HAAP
Treasurer Ian Argyle ☎ 0161 834 1515 Historical Abuse Appeal Panel
@ fax 0161 839 0804
www Mark Newby
Membership requests @ Jordan’s & Co
@ Solicitors
17 Park Place 4 Priory Place
Leeds LS1 2SJ Doncaster DN1 1BP
☎ 0113 246 0660 ☎ 01302 309831
NATIONAL NETWORK fax 0113 242 9741 fax 01302 327521
Someone you can talk to www www
@ @
South Yorkshire
Lynne 01226 241 136 Mr David Woods
Keith Levin & Co Solicitors
West Midlands The Willows ORGANISATIONS
Elin 01905 778 170 Rupert Rd
Huyton Contact details of organisations which
Somerset Liverpool L36 9TF may be able to assist in specific areas
Ian 01458 448 127 ☎ 0151 480 5777
www BFMS
Chepstow @ British False Memory Society
Joy 01594 529 237
Mr Stephen Clarke The Old Brewery
Doncaster & Lincolnshire Clarke & Hartland Solicitors Bradford-on-Avon
Kath 01427 873 451 48 The Parade Wiltshire BA15 1NF
Roath ☎ 01225 868 682
South Wales Cardiff CF2 3JD @
Gail 02920 513 016 ☎ 02920 491 333 www


The Field Foundation NEW WEBSITES Canterbury
Help to combat workplace bullying or National Association of Teachers in
intimidation Further & Higher Education (Eng) 27 Britannia Street
PO Box 67 London
Didcot WC1X 9UP
Oxfordshire OX11 9YS WEB LINKS @
☎ 0161 834 1515 Useful links on the Internet www
Richard Webster Secondary Heads Association
FAAS Author 130 Regent Road
False Allegations Action Scotland Excellent site with many articles on false Leicester
allegations LE1 7PG
www @ www

FASO The Orwell Press Doug McAvoy

False Allegations Support Organization General Secretary
National Union of Teachers
PO Box 4 Innocent Hamilton House
Cross Keys Organization which supports and Mabledon Place
Newport campaigns for innocent people in prison. London
Gwent NP11 7YA Good article repository. WC1 9BD
☎ 08702 416 650 @ www
Falsely Accused Youth Leaders Prison Today National Association of Schoolmasters &
(formerly False Scouting Allegations) Union of Women Teachers
For those falsely accused of abuse within MLA Press NASUWT
Scouting and other Youth Organisations P.O.Box 116 Hillscourt Education Centre
Manchester Rose Hill
PO Box 43158 M9 6WS Rednall
London E17 4WX Birmingham
☎ 07017 407 621 ☎ (0845) 0660011 B45 8RS
www em@il @
www www
Family Links International Find MPs General Teaching Council (Eng)
Locate MPs and their contact addresses Whittington House
PO Box 157 19-30 Alfred Place
Wallington London
Surrey SM6 7WZ directories.cfm WC1E 7EA
☎ 07719 020 208 @
www TRADES UNIONS National Association of Headteachers
MAI 1 Heath Square
Merseyside Against Injustice Education Boltro Road
Haywards Heath
PO Box 51 Sally Hunt RH16 1BL
Upton Wirral General Secretary @
Merseyside CH49 2WA Association of University Teachers www
Egmont House
SAFARI 25/31 Tavistock Place Social Work and
Supporting All Falsely Accused London WC1 9UT Local Government
with Reference Information @
170 Poplar Road South UNISON
Merton Park Jean Gemmel 1 Mabledon Place
London SW19 3JY General Secretary London WC1H 9AJ
www Professional Association of Teachers (Eng) @ See web site for specific
@ 2 St James Court locality
Friar Gate www
Support Organization for DE1 1BT British Association of Social Workers
Falsely Accused People @ (BASW)
www 16 Kent Street
PO Box 215 Birmingham
Egham Society of Schoolmasters and School B5 6RD
Surrey TW2 5WZ Mistresses @
☎ 07766 664 360 Kings School www


British Union of Social Work Employees
208 Middleton Road
M8 4NA
Membership is open to any adult who is, or has been, falsely
accused or wrongly convicted of abuse whilst caring for or
working with children in a non-parental role, e.g. a foster
GMB carer, day carer, youth worker, health care worker, church
National Office worker etc. It is also open to family and friends of someone
22/24 Worple Road falsely accused and to others interested in furthering FACT’s
London aims and objectives.
SW19 4DD
@ Please complete fully
Title ________________________________

Forenames (in full) ________________________________
Last name ________________________________
if you have a ‘criminal’ record
Address ________________________________

Some advice ... ________________________________

You must tell your insurers of any change in your
circumstances. If you don’t, your insurances for Postcode ________________________________
house and contents are null and void. The problem
with telling them is they will more than likely cancel Home phone ________________________________
your policies. None of the big insurers want to touch Daytime phone ________________________________
you if you have a criminal record.
Mobile ________________________________
I have found an insurer that will insure you if there
is a 5 year gap between conviction date and your Em@il ________________________________
application. I was more than candid with them and
they thanked me for my frankness. My opening Occupation ________________________________
phrase to them was “I am an ex-convict”. I told
them frankly about my alleged crimes and informed DECLARATION
them of my appeal and offered them the address of
HAAP so that they could confirm my statement. You I declare that I am innocent of any act of abuse and that any
will be asked if you have been turned down by any allegations which may have been made against me are false.
other insurance companies, I was truthful and said
yes. I agree to my membership details being stored on a database
and understand that my membership may be refused, revoked
They accepted my application. I paid with a credit or suspended if I bring the name of FACT into disrepute.
card. The policy covers all the normal things and
they give you the opportunity to add anything else
you might want. They were courteous and extremely ❏ I apply for / renew membership of FACT £ _______
helpful. There was no loading of the premium and
you pay the first £50 of any claim. ❏ I make this donation to the work of FACT £ _______

Thanks to Prison Reform Trust who gave me a Total £ _______

phone number to try and to Call Connect who
actually put me through to the insurers. We ask that members pay £20 per year if possible.
Those unable to afford this are still eligible for full
The name of the company ... membership.
Serving prisoners are entitled to free membership.
MORETHAN 0800 300 699 Signed __________________________

Date __________________________
Other companies you could tryHeath Lambert
0800 0374397 Please send this form to The Secretary
Bond Lavis 0800 7408047 FACT (UK)
P O Box 3074
I am told that Tesco might in certain circumstances Cardiff
entertain your application. CF3 3WZ
❏ Tick here if you are currently under investigation and
would like an ‘emergency response’.


We are sometimes asked to recommend a defence Solicitor/
Barrister/Law Firm experienced in abuse cases. It would be of
great help if you could let us know of any lawyer whom you could FACT is always happy to
recommend to others. consider people for giving
interviews to journalists, but please
If there are some details (e.g. email address) you don’t know, that’s don’t do this without permission
fine. Just fill in what you can and we’ll discover the rest. from the Chairman or Secretary.

Please complete the form and return it to:-

FACT Secretary, PO Box 3074, Cardiff, CF3 3WZ

Name of the Lawyer

Name of his/her firm



Telephone no 2222000000644
Fax no

email address

web site www.

Details about your Solicitor/Barrister/Law Firm (tick as


Did your your solicitor represent you in:- SPRING

Criminal Proceedings (e.g. police investigation and/or trial)

Civil Proceedings e.g. Child Protection/Employment issues

any Appeal hearings ❏
At St Chad’s
What in your opinion are your lawer’s strengths Birmingham

Falsely accused Carer or Teacher?

Your name
Address 02920 777 499
Mondays to Fridays
Phone and most Saturdays
Campaign on behlf of Falsely Accused Carers & Teachers


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