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hys|c|ans for ub||c Safety "Med|ca| Mar|[uana keduces 1raff|c Deaths"

New evlJeoce soqqests tbot leqollzotloo of meJlcol motljoooo ls ossocloteJ wltb o Jecteose lo
olcobolteloteJ fotol ctosbes
Mlll valley Callfornla uecember 12 2010 SLaLlsLlcs from Colorado 8hode lsland and
MonLana lndlcaLe LhaL legallzaLlon of marl[uana ls assoclaLed wlLh an overall decrease ln alcohol
consumpLlon especlally among 20 Lo 30 yearolds resulLlng ln fewer alcoholrelaLed Lrafflc
deaLhs accordlng Lo hyslclans for ubllc SafeLy
A november 2011 paper auLhored by u Mark Anderson aL MonLana SLaLe unlverslLy and uanlel
l 8ees aL Lhe unlverslLy of Colorado Medlcal Marl[uana Laws 1rafflc laLallLles and Alcohol
ConsumpLlon" poslLs LhaL Lhe negaLlve relaLlonshlp beLween legallzed medlcal marl[uana and
Lrafflc faLallLles lnvolvlng alcohol ls conslsLenL wlLh Lhe hypoLhesls LhaL marl[uana and alcohol
are subsLlLuLe" drugs

1he booze lobby spenL blg bucks ln 2010 Lo flghL Callfornla's marl[uana lnlLlaLlve for a reason"
uouglas Slaln a lawyer and cofounder of hyslclans for ubllc SafeLy sald rofessors 8ees'
and Anderson's sLudy shows us LhaL even aL 003 8AC drlvers ooJetestlmote Lhe degree Lo
whlch Lhey are lmpalred drlve fasLer and Lake more rlskswhereas marl[uana users whaLever
Lhe dosage commonly drlve slower Lake fewer rlsks and ovetestlmote Lhelr lmpalrmenL
Larller cllnlcal sLudles have shown LhaL drlvlng under Lhe lnfluence of marl[uana does noL of
lLself lead Lo lncreased rlsks of colllslons leL alone faLal accldenLs due Lo compensaLory"
behavloral paLLerns" Slaln sald
Medlclnal cannabls ls a facL of llfe ln 16 uS sLaLes Canada Lhe neLherlands and lsrael among
oLher places 1hey all share Lhree condlLlons 1) alcohol consumpLlon 2) Lrafflc faLallLles and 3)
legallzed medlcal marl[uana hyslclans for ubllc SafeLy seeks papers and oLher sLudles from
Lhese [urlsdlcLlons or from any oLher [urlsdlcLlon sharlng Lhese Lhree condlLlons"
hyslclans for ubllc SafeLy ls an lnformaLlon clearlnghouse applylng for 301 (c) (3) l8S sLaLus
calllng for papers" and oLher sLudles relaLlng Lo hlghway deaLhs marl[uana and alcohol
ConLacL uouglas Slaln MA !u
hyslclans for ubllc SafeLy
39 Mornlng Sun Avenue # A
Mlll valley CA 94941
1 4138882389 / L dougslaln[gmallcom


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