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VOL 2/13 March 2006


A school worker who killed himself
believing he was being accused of child
abuse, should have been given more
information when he was suspended from
his job, a coroner has said.

John Hughes said the death of support

worker David Baines, 57, from near Addressing Mr Baines’ widow, he said her
Wrexham, was unforeseeable but did have husband had been described during the
the potential to be avoided. Police ‘Error’ hearing as an “enthusiastic and valuable
member of staff and I hope you will cling
Mr Hughes said he would be writing to
both Wrexham Council and the Welsh
discovered after to that”.

assembly urging a change in procedure. Mr Baines’ death Outside the inquest, Mr Baines’ son Lee
spoke of the family’s anger.
Recording his verdict, the north east
Wales coroner said: “The death of David “The death of my father was a
Baines was not foreseeable but there was In fact, the convictions belonged to terrible tragedy and our family
a potential for its avoidance.”The inquest another man with the same name - an error feel very angry that he took his life
heard Mr Baines had killed himself discovered only after Mr Baines’ death. because he was never told at the
in October 2003, the day after he was suspension hearing anything about
suspended from St Christopher’s Special the reasons for his suspension,”
School. Delivering a narrative verdict, Coroner he said. “As a result he was left to
John Hughes also called for more training imagine the worst.”
Head teacher Maxine Grant had defended for senior school staff in how to manage the
her handling of a meeting during which Mr suspension process. Also after the hearing, the organisation
Baines was suspended and a decision not to F.A.C.T ( Falsely Accused Carers and
inform him what the exact reasons were. “That would go some way to restoring Teachers) issued a statement saying the
The inquest heard that it was in fact a confidence in the system. It didn’t get the case raised “many questions about society’s
matter of “personal conduct” but relatives balance right on this occasion,” he said. attitude towards carers and teachers”.
said Mr Baines believed he was being
accused of child abuse. Officials, the court Describing some of the evidence as “He would not have died had the proper
heard, had also been wrongly informed “harrowing”, he said he sincerely hoped procedures and safeguards been followed
by police that Mr Baines had previous his advice to the authorities would not be and the necessary support systems been in
convictions for wounding and dishonesty. ignored. place,” it read.

FACTION / March 2006 1

R E P O RT The death of David Baines adds another life lost to
FACTION MARCH 2006 the evil of false allegations of abuse. How quickly the
‘authorities’ rush to absolve themselves of blame! I read
just the other day of a person who had seen a little girl
The National Committee met on Saturday 27th shortly before she drowned and said that he had wanted to
January without, alas, George Jensen who was go to the child but feared he could be accused of abuse!
still in hospital, but we were happy to know, via
regular bulletins from Iris, that he was on the road to recovery. At the same The madness proceeds apace.
time, we welcomed Roger Griffiths, who came along as the North Wales
representative. It was good, too, to hear from Gail Stack that FACT North Volume 2, my Thirteenth issue!
West was going from strength to strength.
This is a sad one for me as I have to let you know that I
Ian Argyle, the National Treasurer, (I’ve just inadvertently typed ‘National shall be relinquishing my role as Editor from this issue.
Treasure’, which may also be true, of course) reported a strong financial
position; Joy Gower kept us up to date on the extensive support for prisoners All of you who have been wrongly accused, all of
and their families; and Gail Saunders outlined Press and Media coverage you who have been wrongly convicted and have been
and outlined her plans for the Spring Conference on Saturday 20th May. incarcerated, will know that it knocks the stuffing out of
The Secretary, Mike Barnes, highlighted issues from the voluminous you. It ruins your self esteem, it can compromise your
correspondence he receives from members, those needing help and official health and relationships. It really ‘screws you up’ to use
organisations. modern parlance.

A major focus was on FACT’s call for a Royal Commission. George I have found it cathartic to use some of my skills in
Williamson has already launched this under the heading Operation Release: producing FACTion. Nevertheless, my health has not
The Right To Be Heard. The meeting considered the overall strategy, the been too good of late, probably due to the unwelcome
tactics, the political dimension and the definitions of the issues involved (ie. onset of ageing!
structural weaknesses in the system; institutional failings; and cultural /
societal matters). It posed the questions: what type of Royal Commission do There was an unconscionable delay between this issue
we wish to see adopted; what role we do we expect the Royal commission and the last and that has been almost entirely my fault.
to undertake; what the terms should be; how we should best proceed and We have had problems with the machine which prints
what we anticipate as potential benefits? Clearly, we hope that these will FACTion and this is an ongoing difficulty but, more
include a reform of the Criminal Justice System and a major reduction in the importantly, I have found I just cannot maintain the effort
disgraceful extent of the current injustice. This would make a real difference required to bring each issue to ‘press’ regularly enough
to those who have been so sadly devastated. A sub-committee has been set and work full time as well.
up to examine the whole initiative.
I am convinced that it is time for me to relinquish this
Another important topic was the contentious question of lists, following the task in favour of a person or group which can give more
fiasco involving Ruth Kelly, the DfES and others. Claire Curtis-Thomas has than I can at present. It has been said, kindly, that I may
been very quick off the mark and has already met with Ruth Kelly. The be suffering ‘Battle Fatigue’. That is probably so.
National Committee is gathering information and concerns at present,
but has also been making a number of requests, under the Freedom of I hope that you have enjoyed the way FACTion has been
Information Act, to various listing bodies (List 99, Sex Offenders Register, laid-out and that it has ‘invited’ you to read the articles!
CRB etc.) and will keep members informed of our progress. We are all very
well aware of the on-going nightmare facing those who have been released I want to let you know in my last Editorial that I have
from prison, particularly those still fighting the injustice of their conviction; never in my life met with and served on a Committee
and those who have had their convictions overturned, but whose lives are with such good and comradely people. Their dedication
blighted by ‘lists’; and, indeed, those who have been unjustly accused and, to this cause is exemplary and I am immensely proud
simply because of the false allegation, may also appear on one or more of to be able to regard them as friends. I have no hesitation
these lists. in saying that FACTion will be in good hands. This
campaign requires men and women of steely will and
The recent North West Minutes give cause for thought. The point is made I will confess to you that I feel ashamed at times when
that, often, released members are forgotten. We would all do well to I compare myself with those who give so much of
remember this. themselves in this Campaign.

Also, in the same Minutes, is a reference to the death of Ray Alston. When As a parting ‘shot’, whilst I still have a little control
I first joined FACT, he was particularly vociferous at our meetings; always over these pages, I would ask all of you who have been
speaking sound common- sense and identifying the human rights angle, the true victims of these vicious false allegations, your
before this became an automatic response. His wife, Pam; his daughter, family, your friends and supporters, please write for
Liz, and her husband, Charlie Mills, were founder members of FACT and, FACTion. Just a small piece is fine and you can remain
together, they were responsible for involving Claire Curtis-Thomas in anonymous if you wish. It is so important that the
FACT’s fight for justice. We shall always be grateful for that and to Ray for readers of this paper get real views and stories from the
his wise counsel in the early days. real people involved in these wicked lies.

The Committee met recently, on Saturday 11th. March. The focus was once
again on Lobbying, Operation Release, The Royal Commission and on I shall, of course, remain as a member of FACT and, I
plans for the Spring Conference on Saturday 20th May, when we hope to hope, contribute to the future issues of FACTion. I shall
see a large number of members and friends. Details will be sent out towards then have to run the gauntlet of the new Editor!
the end of April. If you have any concerns, suggestions or would like us to
discuss particular issues, please let Mike Barnes know. Your input is highly
David Sherwell (Editor)
Rory O’Brien (Chairman)

2 FACTION / March 2006

all souls
Looking Forward to a
Full, Fruitful and
Satisfying Retirement
They took my life away, they and the liars
who put me in jail, and effectively ensured
Now that I‘m officially “old”, in that the kids find their way. I was able to be there that I can never again enjoy a day free of
nice people at the Pensions Department to make the rocky road of change a little concern or fear. Because I am in fear. I‘m
have been in touch to say that I can claim easier. And I failed often, but the small in fear of discovery, now that I‘m “free”.
my Old Age Pension, I got to thinking. successes made the failures easier to live I‘m in fear of the postman, as it turns out
Specifically to thinking about where I am with, even though those failures really to be, knocking on the door. I‘m in fear of
and where I thought I might be all those hurt, and made me think long and hard ANYONE knocking on the door. I‘m in fear
years ago when the world was a place full about what I was doing. Overall, though, I of the neighbourhood children asking for
of wonder, excitement and things to look was competent; not wonderful; not world sponsorship for some school thing. I‘m in
forward to. When there were so many changing; not god‘s gift; competent; and fear of children. I‘m in fear of encountering
opportunities that there was not, literally, occasionally able to make real and lasting an accuser. I‘m in fear of the police making
time to fit them into the life that would be worthwhile contributions to young people‘s routine enquiries. I‘m in fear of forming
left to me, even should I live to be a very lives. And I really enjoyed the overall job a relationship, and having to disclose to a
very old man. My goodness, how things that I was doing. It kept me on my toes, and prospective partner that I am registered as
have turned out. helped me keep a sense of perspective. a sex offender. I‘m in fear of the whole Sex
Offender‘s Register business of regularly
There were so many things that I could You know what‘s coming, or you‘ve going to a police station, in case something
have been. So many avenues open to strayed onto this newsletter by mistake. about that process reveals me in the wider
explore. So many careers from which to Operation Cleopatra was established world. I‘m in fear of applying for a job in
choose. So many possibilities. So much in Greater Manchester to investigate case difficult questions are raised about
time. Now I look back, and, acknowledging allegations of abuse in children‘s homes. my work history. I‘m in fear of trying to
that I made many mistakes, and took many Apparently taking their pattern from all of take a holiday overseas in case I‘m asked
wrong turns along the way, remember how the worst bits of other enquiries nationwide, questions at passport control in some
pleased I was, how delighted in fact, when they skewered a number of alleged foreign land. I‘m in fear of taking more
I eventually found the right way for myself offenders, at a minimum cost of £2 million than three days away in this country, in case
and landed my job in childcare. I‘d been for the investigation alone,. They brought the police contact my hotel to verify that
around a bit. I‘d explored a number of dead six people to trial, and ruined those people‘s I‘m staying there. I‘m in fear. I‘ve become
ends. I‘d been lost and found my way again lives, and the lives of others who did not changed from the gregarious social drinker
a few times. Despite all of that, my feet had go to trial. I can, of course, only speak for that I used to be. Released from prison
landed on the pathway of a career in which myself, but if the other five are as guilty as at the end of March, I‘ve visited a pub,
I would struggle and strive, but thoroughly I am then it‘s been 2 million totally wasted formerly a two or three night a week social
enjoy, while giving something useful to the pounds, because I never harmed one child. activity, once. I haven‘t been back, because
people I worked with, and through that, to But, then again, perhaps the self-fulfilling, I felt fearful the whole evening.
the world as a whole. self-justifying, self-righteous abuse industry
isn‘t concerned about the money thrown “Fearful” is such an easy word. We use
I was useful. In that usefulness I helped at putting innocent people in prison - the it in all sorts of light and easygoing
young people to make sense of their, police certainly don‘t appear to be, any connotations, but, for me it means exactly
sometimes, senseless world. I helped lost more than our wonder less government. what it says, “full of fear”. It‘s a hateful

FACTION / March 2006 3

“I am full of regrets.
I am absolutely That’ll
pessimistic about any
kind of future.
magic (let alone
“all powerful”;
because I am
be £60,
I cannot see any
future that contains the
power-less) ring.
I have to spend
rest of my days please!
anything but the
hiding from the light,
being ever wary, A WOMAN has been fined for wasting police time after
briefest of happy ever fearful, and ever
aware that anything
alleging she was raped.

moments.” I do may result in a

final fateful and, quite easily
The 22-year-old woman from St Albans maintained a man
she knew raped her following a Christmas party on Friday,
possible, fatal consequence. December 16.

feeling, in the utter reality Incidentally, the police contact But police officers quickly established that the allegation
of that word too. It involves person I have, for sex register was false and the man was spared a humiliating arrest. The
one totally. It is not possible purposes, told me yesterday that woman, who has not been named, was given a fixed penalty
to live what my probation if I make any kind of emergency notice by police.
officer calls a normal life call, I can expect the most rapid
while being fearful. Every of rapid responses, because my Sgt Michaela Doherty said: “We would never wish to
moment is a breath away name and address are “flagged” on dissuade anyone who has been the victim of a rape or sexual
from the next time I will be police records - that, of itself, I find assault from reporting it to the police. On the contrary we
afraid. The central heating frightening, not at all the reassuring would urge them to do so in order that the offence can be
pipes creak - I‘m frightened. message I‘m sure I was supposed thoroughly investigated.
There‘s a sudden noise in to infer. So I look back, and I curse
the street outside my house the day that I had that “successful” “However, false or malicious allegations can detract
- I‘m frightened. I need to go interview I was so delighted about. valuable police resources away from other vital
shopping - I‘m frightened. I curse the judicial system I used investigations. If allegations of this nature are found to
I have to catch a bus - I‘m to think was the best in the world. have been made we will always consult with the Crown
frightened. There are a group I curse the police I used to thank Prosecution Service to establish if it is in the public interest
of people I have to walk past for doing a difficult, dangerous to take legal action.”
- I‘m frightened. Almost and thankless job. I curse the care
every activity I engage in is less, totally selfish, lying bastards She pointed out that had the case proceeded, the woman
accompanied by fear - and whose blatant lies brought me to could have been prosecuted for perverting the course of
my probation officer says that this place. I curse, regularly, twelve justice.
I should be making efforts men and women who revealed an
to live a “normal life”! Well, incomprehensible group stupidity. .... so know you know. The police, in Hertfordshire at least,
if it‘s normal to spend all I curse my own life for being so are more concerned that false allegations waste police
day, every day, frightened, I full of fear. I cannot think what it resources and their time than with the effect they have on the
can do that, but I don‘t think is that makes me want to remain accused. What is also clear is that a false allegation of rape
that‘s what he really means. alive, but some dim spark is there ranks no higher in importance than the average motoring
I‘m supposed to “put the past that prevents me from wishing I offence which might result in a fixed penalty notice. The
behind me”. I‘m supposed were dead, but I do think that death lesson is clear - for sixty odd quid you too can falsely accuse
to “look to a better future”. might be a release, were it to come some of rape and get away with it.
I‘m supposed to “re-build uninvited.

But then again

” my life. I‘m supposed to
“put away negativity”. I‘m And I look forward. I begin to
supposed to be “glad that you draw my old age pension next
can make a new start”. I‘m month. What an old age it promises
definitely not supposed to feel to be. It will be fuelled with A former parliamentary candidate for the UK Independence
sorry for myself. But I do feel regret and bitterness. It will be Party has been awarded £10,000 in damages after winning a
sorry for myself. filled with hate and loathing. It defamation case.
will be filled with fear. I will be a
I am full of regrets. I am horrible, hateful, bitter and twisted Tracy Williams, had taken objection to his anti-war
absolutely pessimistic old bastard, with no friends, no comments and, using an alias, had posted a series of
about any kind of future. I future, and no life. Those feelings defamatory remarks about Mr Smith.
cannot see any future that and thoughts for the future from
contains anything but the so long ago? Shipwrecked. These included calling him a racist and a sex offender,
briefest of happy moments. Abandoned. Lost with all souls. according to reports. Smith sued, obtained court orders
I have honestly tried to see Futile. Wasted. Gone. enabling him to identify the person behind the remarks, and
has now won a defamation action against Williams.
something - anything - that is
better than what I feel is the And “Best Wishes for Christmas” Judge Alistair MacDuff ruled that the remarks were clearly
dimmest of dim existences, - my probation officer said that. defamatory and awarded Smith £10,000 damages. He
but I can‘t. I feel like Gollum, What “Christ”? What “God”? issued an injunction, prohibiting Williams from repeating
as portrayed in the films, must What “Justice”? the remarks, and ordered her to pay the costs involved in
feel, but without any hope bringing the action.
whatever of obtaining any Name and Address Supplied

4 FACTION / March 2006

Man’s Happy Birthday!

Keith Sutton

Michael Brizzalari


“Not everything
faced can be
changed, but nothing
can be changed until
itis faced.”
When the history is told, in some future own but who have become uncaring and
years, of the last quarter of the twentieth lacking in compassion. Just as the evils James Baldwin
century and the early years of the new and atrocities carried out in the name of
millennium in Britain and the United God were done by men who distorted and
States of America, there will be told a invented the meanings of the scriptures for
story of events which will rank alongside their own ends, so these men distort and
those of brave deeds of wars in eastern invent their own meanings of psychology,
also written by men to bring enlightenment
email change
countries and of the terrors brought by self-
destructive madmen and of changes to the to others and to help provide the meaning
world wrought by great politicians. These of men’s behaviours.
events will be of great atrocities committed
These child-saver zealots have created false In future can you send
against the children of these two countries emails to us at our
and the families of ordinary people by beliefs in Satanic Ritual Abuses of children,
state-empowered zealots. questionable medical theories of child parliamentary address:
sexual abuse and of parents deliberately
They will be of events which will rank causing children’s illnesses and diseases
alongside others as examples of man’s and disabilities, and false memories of
inhumanity toward man and the joy which childhood abuse manufactured in them
some men seek in the infliction of pain by the brainwashing powers of powerful
professionals. this will allow
upon others. In times past such events
included the Spanish Inquisition, the Salem
and English Witch Hunts, the purges by And their justification for the committal Claire’s staff to view our
the Nazis of the peoples of Germany and of their state-mandated atrocities is the emails whilst we are away
other European countries and by Stalinists perverse pretext that they are protecting on holiday making sure that
and saving these children from abuse and
of Russia, and of the McCarthy era in
maltreatment, just as those before them items are picked up
America and the events in South Africa
under the state rule of apartheid. justified their actions with higher moral and
religious and political goals. make sure that our
The earlier of these atrocities were grandchildren who are
committed in the names of God and the The history of our times will talk of broken becoming increasingly IT
latter events in the name of man and the families, of children without a family to literate don’t read unsuitable
remember, of heartache and tears of fear
state in which they occurred.
and a lifetime of terror of that knock on the messages
The atrocities of our times are the tearing door at midnight, of being wrenched from
their mother’s arms, and of brothers and help separate private work
of children from their families – some
to be thrown into stranger families as a sisters disappearing, never to be seen again. from Claire’s work
social engineering experiment and others This will be the legacy of our times for
to languish and vegetate unloved in state future generations. It is being written now Thanks for your help with
care. Many hundreds more families were in newspapers, television documentaries, this
fortunate to keep their children but forever Parliamentary debates, and most
branded and stigmatised as surely as importantly of all, by those who have
suffered. Carole & Alex Hampton
having the Star of Israel or the Cross of
the Plagued painted on their door – their
emotions brutalised and their good names
Charles Pragnell is an Expert Defence
Witness and Child Protection and Child/
Yet those who carry out the atrocities are
ordinary men and women carrying out Family Advocate Helpline
the state’s will in an extraordinary fashion
– men and women with families of their
02920 777 499
FACTION / March 2006 5
Nothing to
is even determined. Also the cases rely
on force of numbers because not one of
these allegations in themselves can really
stand up because there is no independent

Raise Doubts The difficulty for appellants who ‘go

it alone’ is that they must rely on basic
appeal points and do not get to challenge
the nature of the inquiries on which the
evidence against them was formed or
(apart from lack of evidence, of course) collected. That is why a group of around 15
legal firms got together under the banner
of the Historical Abuse Appeal Panel
(HAAP). The panel, in agreement with
Shortly before Christmas 2005, a 71- Exeter Crown Court in June 2001 on 26 the Legal Services Commission and the
year-old man named Brian Ely lost an charges of buggery and indecent assault CCRC, is preparing 10 of the 85 men on
appeal against his conviction on more than relating to offences against nine boys at its books as test cases. Doncaster-based
two-dozen sex abuse charges against boys two schools between 1962 and 1977. His lawyer Mark Newby said this would allow
at approved schools. The judges found appeal barrister, Sir Ivan Lawrence QC, lawyers to investigate police practice,
nothing to raise doubts about the former said his conviction had arisen from an issues of contamination and collusion, and
housemaster’s guilt, although they reduced unfair system of investigation and that Ely’s to identify links between complainants,
his sentence by three years to twelve. Ely’s was the twentieth ‘historical abuse’ case institutions and inquiries. “What we are
family, they noted, had stood by him. to come before the Court of Appeal in the doing is effectively acting as a police force
The support given to Ely by his wife and past decade. Sir Ivan highlighted the issue carrying out a re-inquiry,” he stated.
son is far from unusual in these cases of of compensation made available to victims Mr Newby said there had been considerable
so-called ‘historic abuse’. Wives have of abuse. He said the payouts could run into political progress, which he could not
not only stood by their men, despite the five figures – one complainant had actually discuss publicly but he was ‘pretty
heinous nature of the crimes of which they received £100,000 – and might provide a confident’ that the HASC would be
are accused, but been at the forefront of motive for witnesses coming forward to returning to the issue. “All I can say is
campaigns to prove the convictions are make false allegations. that there are very deep concerns about
wrong. the way in which these cases occurred,”
The other case – that of Tony Burke, who he said. “I’ve never been one to say that
Ely is one of an estimated 100-150 was jailed for eight-and-a-half years in police officers have acted with bad faith.
men serving jail sentences after police December 2001 for abusing three boys I think they have often behaved in an
‘trawling’ inquiries into allegations of at a former assessment centre in Cardiff exuberant way and got carried away with
abuse at children’s homes and approved - reveals the problems in trying to prove the the investigation and the allegations that are
schools. The inquiries have been described allegations incorrect. Burke’s offences were being given to them.
as witch-hunts leading to ‘a new genre alleged to have happened in 1970 and 1971
of miscarriages of justice’. Now, lawyers but did not emerge until detectives tracked “But the allegations the people have faced
are predicting a leap forward in the down those who had been in care and asked have been terrible. Even if they are lucky
campaign to prove that analysis correct. if they had been abused. At both his trial enough to get their conviction quashed,
Over the next few months, 10 cases will and appeal, his lawyers argued that the they can never walk back into their normal
be prepared for a special Criminal Cases passage of time meant that he could not get existence.”
Review Commission (CCRC) pilot that a fair trial. Crucial documentary evidence
will help test the safety of all the trawling - such as staff rotas, which might provide
convictions. Meanwhile, intense political him with an alibi - had disappeared or been Greg Lewis is a freelance journalist
lobbying by people such as Crosby MP destroyed. Key witnesses, other members of whose work has featured in a number of
Claire Curtis-Thomas has opened up the staff, were dead. publications including Private Eye, The
possibility that the Home Affairs Select Observer, The Big Issue and Wales on
Committee (HASC) will follow its 2001-02 Although the appeal judges found that the Sunday.
inquiry into ‘trawls’ with a second series absence of ‘crucial documents’ on one
of hearings. The Select Committee’s 2002 charge prevented Burke, a father-of-three He can be contacted at
report had highlighted the ‘onerous task’ with no previous convictions, from having
faced by defence teams. “In most trials, a fair trial, they ruled that the loss of staff
the principal evidence is testimonial, with rotas did not have the same importance
little – if any – medical or other objective in relation to the other charges. They also
evidence to go on,” it stated. “Memories
have generally faded, potential witnesses
dismissed Burke’s claim about the lack of
witnesses. “Public sympathy is with the
may be dead or untraceable, crucial social complainant, who is termed
services’ or care home records may have However, according to David Woods, ‘victim’ before the issue of
been lost or destroyed.” It concluded: “Set Burke’s solicitor at appeal, both may have
in the context of a growing compensation supported Burke’s defence that he rarely guilt is even determined.
culture and a shift in the law of ‘similar worked at night when the offences were Also the cases rely on force
fact’ evidence, the risks of affecting a
miscarriage of justice in these cases are
alleged to have occurred. “The difficulty in
these cases is that it is very easy to make
of numbers because not
said to be unusually high.” such allegations but very difficult to refute one of these allegations in
them,” Woods told me after the appeal last themselves can really stand
Ely’s case, and that of another man which
went to appeal last year, illustrate some
spring for an article in Private Eye. “Public
sympathy is with the complainant, who is
up because there is no
of these points. Ely had been convicted at termed ‘victim’ before the issue of guilt independent corroboration.”

6 FACTION / March 2006

Hitting the By PETER PRESTON

02920 777 499


‘BACK’ button
The real fight for the future of liberalism sickness and crime that truly sickens the
is the fight for justice and human rights. stomach. A single tide of public revulsion
It is the fight to make Britain a “fair” runs from Catholic cathedrals to the school
and “tolerant” society that cherishes its steps of Soham. Beware any who stand in
“liberty” (three Gordon Brown words as its way.
he waves his union flag) rather than pawns
its freedom for 90 days without charge. But that, now, is the liberal duty. Last week
So why, pray, are the voices of liberal the man who shot Pope John Paul was
conscience muffled now, when most of released from prison after 25 years. The
parliament and the press wallow in moral priest he tried to kill had forgiven him. Are
funk? Why is the instant response to Ruth we truly saying that there is no forgiveness,
Kelly’s problem with List 99 to jeer and no prospect of rehabilitation, on offer to
bay - with a twist of tawdry sexism - at a a teacher who strayed, just once, on to a
politician who seeks to explain and address forbidden website? Or to a teacher who, 25
infernally complex issues? years before, made sexual advances to a
15-year-old girl?
Let’s begin where Ed Davey, the Lib Dem
education shadow, began on day one. Was Last year a British libel court, bewigged
it right, he was asked, to put every name on and judicious, awarded £50,000 damages to
the sex offenders’ register straight on to List a fugitive from American justice, who fled
99, which means a lifelong ban on working charges of statutory rape of a 13-year-old
in schools, without let, hindrance or chance girl. More, it allowed Roman Polanski to
of appeal? Well, Ed conceded, that might testify to the hurt to his “reputation” via a
be going too far. There should always be TV link from Paris. Where, remotely, is the
the possibility of second thoughts or second symmetry of fairness in any of this?
chances. The difference between the sex offenders’
register and List 99 is the difference M
Precisely. We know that miscarriages of between an all-purpose ragbag of offences
justice, great and small, are inevitable. and cautions and a list that trained
We have particular cause to fear them, as professionals can review in the light of
with the Birmingham Six, when public, individual circumstances. It is also the
politicians and press are seized by a difference between a caution or sentence 22220000000064444
common hysteria. We ought to take special that will be gone in two or five years and
care in cases where a police caution is a punishment that lasts a lifetime (and can
quietly issued in return for an admission seemingly be unearthed at any time in
of guilt - and may be automatically random, retrospective blazes of publicity
expunged after a few years. Forced, and panic).
dodgy confessions breed prolifically along
Miscarriage Mews: the convenience of a So far the only attempts to see the situation Conferences 2006
caution, a case the police are happy to chalk whole have come from a few lonely voices
up as not worth more effort, makes such in the press. “Parents are not interested
dubiety even worse. in subtle distinctions,” says the Observer,
which broke the story, nor do they
The system is flawed and deeply fallible. remember that, overwhelmingly, “most Spring Conference
Of course there should be some chance child abuse happens within the home”.
of appeal. Of course a teacher, banned for
life should have some chance of arguing
No: this is a new virus of moral
McCarthyism, right down to lists compiled
May 20th
back. Did he download any of the images rather than tested. A few columnists
on the porn website that took his credit can’t begin to slow its infection rate. Nor Annual General Meeting
card number? Were there false allegations can poor Miss Kelly, a brain turned to & Autumn Conference
that could not be disproved? Was there Westminster blood sport. September 16th
malevolent intent, or naive imbecility?
Could he, like Pete Townshend of the Who, Where is Ed Davey now that reason needs
plead research of a subject he had to know him? Where are Ming the Merciful and Both conferences will
better because he, too, was abused as a Simon the Shrewd - or Dave with his class- be held at St Chad’s
child? A humanity? What “liberty” does Gordon Cathedral, Birmingham.
love? Will Downing Street stand up for, as
There is a difficulty in even asking such well as “stand by”, the hapless Ruth? To
questions, to be sure. It is to be thought have a debate you must first make a case, Speakers to be confirmed
somehow soft on paedophilia, to seek to not slide away with the herd.
excuse and thus somehow downgrade a

FACTION / March 2006 7

The Customer
is King!
The way to change the system is to
put the effort in to collecting data
produced by the system, and analyzing it

by IAN GOWER CEng, MIMechE, FACT So when I returned after an intensive week
and read Michael’s letter, the similarities
struck home instantly, specifically with
Being Joy Gower’s husband means China, has now led my Company to regard to changing the system, and
that I see some of the information look at ways of improving our business collecting/ analyzing the data. In trying
sent to her, from those currently in performance, by looking at revolutionising to relate the concepts of my course to the
custody, for inclusion in FACTION. the ways in which we work, both on the interests of FACT I came up with the
Michael Brizzalari’s article is one such manufacturing front, in the Engineering following observations (which are my own
communication, which is why I can Design, and all support areas. Spurred on opinions and I am happy to be challenged).
comment on it before it has been published! by a desire for a slight change in career
I read Michael’s article on my return from a direction, and frustrations described above, The system we are concerned with in FACT
week’s course which I recently attended at I volunteered for the task force called is obviously ‘the Justice System’. The
my Company’s request. ‘Process Excellence’. This is based on a suppliers to that system are the CPS, Police
world-wide business improvement model, forces, Jury, Courts, witnesses, etc. The
Although I have been a member of FACT also known as ‘Six-sigma’, ‘Statistical inputs are those people accused of crimes,
for some 6 years, I am neither a Carer Process Control’, or similar names, based the outputs are the results of deliberations
nor Teacher, but an aeronautical engineer on principles pioneered by W.E.Demming (e.g. acquittals or guilty verdicts).
with one of the UK’s largest engineering in the 1950s. It is already practiced by Sometimes the trial collapses, which
Companies. This may at first not seem General Electric (the largest company in means the process has gone completely
relevant to the aims of FACT, but over the world), Toyota (poised to become the wrong (maybe because of an ‘abuse of
those last 6 years there have been many largest car manufacturer in the world next process’), and there is officially no output.
times when events at work have had an year), Motorola, the telecommunications I have slight difficulty in defining the
uncanny resemblance to events involved giant, and many other world-leading customer, but have come to the conclusion
with FACT. The constant underlying theme companies. And that is how I ended up that ‘Society’ in general is the customer.
in this respect has been in the amount of on the course I mentioned in my first Unfortunately only a small part of Society
mis-information being passed around my paragraph, with the aim of becoming a will realize that they are a customer, and
department, based on mistakes, rumour, ‘Process Excellence Black Belt’. only a tiny minority will realize or care
misunderstandings and ‘Chinese whispers’. that the ‘process’ serving them can go
So much so that my initial reaction now I have completed one week out of about spectacularly wrong.
when hearing any ‘fact’ is to disbelieve six week’s formal training, with much
it until I have looked at the data myself. additional ‘self study’. The week was Part of our course involved a role play,
This annoys my colleagues, as you might interesting, steeped in technical jargon, but whereby the trainers took on roles of
imagine, but interestingly I estimate that with strong recurring themes: characters within our system (which in
about 40% of what is told me as fact, and our case was the manufacture of complex
I decide to investigate further, is totally Everything we do should be ‘customer’ engineering parts). The system was
or partially wrong. And that annoys me, focused. “The customer is King!” obviously going wrong, producing lots of
especially as the people involved are all rejected components. We had to interview
highly analytical, educated and dedicated Everything we do is part of a system all the characters and try to work out
professionals who have absolutely no what to do to put the system right. It was
intention of misleading anyone. Each system has suppliers, inputs, interesting to observe different characters
outputs, and a customer in the role play. Some had been heading
The highly competitive Industry we are up that manufacturing operation for years,
in, combined with the further threat of The way to improve things is to change and had a vested interest in not changing
emerging economies such as India and the system it; they had already invested millions of

8 FACTION / March 2006

pounds in it and didn’t want to lose face:
their reputation (and job) was at stake. Members of the All-Party
Some were indifferent; quite happy to Group of MPs and Lords
help on improvements when asked, but
didn’t go out of their way to push things If you have been wrongly convicted Mr David Amess MP
forward themselves. Other characters were then please ... Urge your solicitors to Rt Hon Alan Beith MP
just operators in the process; they didn’t join the HAAP. Instruct the HAAP Mr Tim Boswell MP
Mr Kevin Brennan MP
really care what happened as long as they to represent you. Mr David Cameron MP
got through the day and home on time. Mr Derek Conway TD MP
And then there were the ‘Jobsworths’, And if you have been involved in Ms Claire Curtis-Thomas MP
those who did exactly what they were told, historical abuse allegations please Mr Edward Davey MP
without question, even if they thought it request everyone involved in these Mr Wayne David MP
Mr Jim Dobbin MP
was stupid. You may find some similarities investigations to disclose their Mr Mark Field MP
between these characters and those in papers to the HAAP to assist others. Mr Edward Garnier QC MP
‘the Justice System’ ! The key to solving They need to contact the HAAP Mr Fabian Hamilton MP
our fictitious problem was to decide what with address details so that an Mr Michael Hancock CBE MP
data we needed, measure it meticulously, authority can be sent to them to Mr Evan Harris MP
Mr Gerald Howarth MP
analyse it in great detail, and be persistent request their case papers from their Mr Eric Illsley MP
in presenting that data to the controllers of solicitors. Mr Paul Keetch MP
the system to show them what was really Mr Jim Knight MP
going on. Mr Edward Leigh MP
Mr John MacDougall MP
Mr John McDonnell MP
Which brings me back to Michael’s letter. If Mr Austin Mitchell MP
W.E.Demming was right, and there is much Mr George Mudie MP
evidence to suggest it looking at General Mr Eddie O’Hara MP
Electric, Toyota, and Motorola, then the Dr John Pugh MP
way we are going to improve our situation Mr Ken Purchase MP
Mr Alan Reid MP
is to gather all the data we can, analyse Ms Iris Robinson MP
it thoroughly, and to present it to those Mr Barry Sheerman MP
in power to change the System. This will Mr John Smith MP
also be helped by greater public awareness Mr Ian Stewart MP
(increase our ‘customer base’!). We have Mr Paul Truswell MP
Mr Keith Vaz MP
many supporters now, in Parliament, in Dr Rudolf Vis MP
investigative journalism, and in other forms Mr Bob Wareing MP
of Public office, who can help us. Mr Derek Wyatt MP
Rt Hon Sir George Young Bt MP
So I will re-emphasise the plea in Michael’s Mr Richard Younger-Ross MP
penultimate paragraph: When FACT, Lord Beaumont of Whitley
HAAP or Claire Curtis Thomas call for Lord Bhatia OBE
information, please do everything you Viscount Brookeborough
can to supply it. There may be snippets of Baroness Carnegy of Lour
information that might not seem relevant Lord Dholakia
Lord Eden of Winton
on their own, but when combined with Lord Ewing of Kirkford DL
everything else, will help to complete a Baroness Janet Fookes
complex picture. Also, whenever there are Lord Graham of Edmonton
related items in the news, whenever you Earl Howe
can, write to the media, phone in to radio Baroness Elspeth Howe of Idicote
Lord King of West Bromwich
programmes, and put your point of view inspection was rejecting many parts (into Baroness Mallalieu
across. scrap and rework) unnecessarily because Lord Morris of Manchester
his light wasn’t working properly, and he Lord Plant of Highfield
The most revealing part of the role play to didn’t have a clear view of the part he was The Rt Hon The Lord Richard
me was that the quality operative on final assessing! Baroness Williams of Crosby

I said it would happen ! for many. As one prisoner wrote “Please

never underestimate the lift that a prisoner
gets from such things. I can be sitting in my
cell in very dark, often despairing moments
I said in my article in the December issue new and reassuring confirmation that there and a card of support arrives and suddenly I
of FACTION that, after Christmas, I would are people outside who care about them, feel alive again”
receive many letters from prisoners saying for those who are spending yet another
just how much the cards and greetings sent Christmas without justice they are again Can I also add my personal thanks to all of
to them by FACT members mean. aware that they are in our thoughts. you who sent cards and also to all of those
who attended at any of the three vigils
As predicted I have had a number of just Although many asked for their personal we held this year (Cardiff, Wakefield &
such letters asking me to pass on thanks thanks to be passed on I hope they Wymott) as well as those unable to attend,
to all of those who sent in. For those will accept this communal thank you who lit candles at home to join the vigils.
spending their first Christmas away from – I can assure all our readers that it is no
their family and friends the cards are a exaggeration to say the cards are a lifeline Joy Gower

FACTION / March 2006 9

as a Political
A Personal View vulnerable people’s rights. To promote the
idea of a pervasive, mainly male, threat
by GEORGE WILLIAMSON to women and children, there is a steady
FACT Lobbying Co-ordinator drip of publicity on two themes intent
on undermining men; the first, that there
are not enough rape convictions; and the
second, that there is a much higher level of
The intolerant and authoritarian side in The public expression of horror and domestic violence and child abuse than is
everyone when allied to a good cause, revulsion at the vileness of paedophilia is being acknowledged. It is inferred that rape
such as child protection, can lead to a not matched by outrage at the marketing conviction statistics are low only because of
situation, where the individual’s fear of of children’s sexuality. As the earlier and failure to bring alleged perpetrators to trial
being falsely accused of abuse makes earlier sexualisation of children occurs, and achieve convictions where there are
espousing the cause of child protection into the distinctions between young and old in trials, while resolutely refusing to concede
a defensive shield. Also, for some, loudly matters of sexual life are being clouded by that there could be considerable, even
supporting the cause of child protection the commercialisation of sexuality, both huge, numbers of false allegations among
has material and political advantages, as as a spectacle and as prurience. Youth and the claims of rape. Recently, the number
well as a personal safeguard against false adult sexuality is often promoted using of unreported rapes was put at 50,000 by
allegations. Thus, strident demands are messages interchangeable to both from the one source. Yet by its very nature, being
made for child protection measures that are sexual imagery of pop culture and youth unreported means no one can know the
totally disproportionate to the contingent fashion. The idea of a ‘young’, emotionally true figure. But by dissembling the facts
risk. These are listened to because ‘touchy-feely’ country means older people and dominating the arguments, anti-rape
illiberal attitudes and aversion to risk are are encouraged to think of themselves as campaigners have their distorted and
widespread. socially and sexually in touch with the dubious statistics accepted.
modern world.
The individual’s internalised It is fair to say that, in the past, considerable
authoritarianism, by which society is But at the same time, by disparaging the numbers of complaints of domestic violence
generally regulated, shows in the abuse sexuality of ‘the old’ in the youth media, and child abuse were ignored and went
protection activists’ view of perfectly and with puritan sexual attitudes regularly unreported because of fear of reprisal and
decent people as potential abusers for to the fore, it is not surprising that ‘older other factors. However, it does not follow
whom draconian measures must be people’ (anyone older than oneself) can be that today’s levels of complainants prove
put in place. Their proposals for more fair game for lascivious ‘pervy’ slander. In there were unimaginable levels of hidden
unaccountable powers for them to address the sexualised world of the young and not- abuse of women and children in the distant
child abuse concerns, many of their own so-young, with its lax use of the word ‘perv’ and recent past, and therefore all accusers
making, would undermine personal and ‘ped’, everyone can easily be seen as should now be believed to be telling
liberties; frighteningly justified because it a dirty old man - or woman! So, in the the truth. Yet, today’s high numbers of
is done ‘for the protection of our children’. febrile world of abuse awareness and lost accusations of abuse, now being reported,
The hype surrounding child safety trust, it is to be expected that ordinary men are stridently offered as the evidence that
threatens the welfare of ordinary people and women will be subjected to damaging there must have been a huge incidence of
with false allegations. The exaggeration and threatening innuendos from the young. unreported, hidden abuse in the past. This
of risk to children’s well-being induces Ironically, in today’s world the ‘touchy- ignores the fact that it is not just easier to
great anxiety and, at times, paranoia. feely’ way is a disaster, as the instinctive come forward and report abuse, a welcome
Trust between people, which is absolutely reaction to hug children or youngsters, change, it is also easier to lie, as there is a
essential to sustaining a fair-minded when they require comforting, is thwarted presumption of the truth of the allegations.
society and its freedoms, is being eroded by by the fear, sometimes even the terror, of The structure of necessary support
those who promote the paedophile panic. untrue abuse accusations. and justified concern for those making
Some of this is due to the changing role of allegations of abuse offers no robust means
women in work which is associated, often The gender vendetta by which false claims can be recognised.
unfairly, with instability in marriage and This is exploited by those who, in their
the family. This induces real fear about Many of those who organise the campaigns venal self-interest, promulgate the idea of
what is happening to children when their against child abuse, vulnerable adult an epidemic of abuse by men.
care is provided by relative strangers or by abuse and domestic violence are involved
separated partners, or even relatives. in the politics of children’s, women’s and concluded on page 16 ...

10 FACTION / March 2006

And the Losers are ...
Abused Children!
Children are being left at risk of abuse improving the health and consequently the
because doctors are afraid to speak out lives of the most vulnerable members of our
following the pillorying of paediatricians society?”
in the media and by the General Medical
Council, senior doctors warn today. The way forward, says Sir David, is through
changes in the regulatory system, a stronger
In a strongly worded article for a leading evidence base in child abuse cases, and
medical journal, a former president of the better training and continuing education for
Royal College of Paediatrics and Child paediatricians.
Health criticises the GMC, the doctors’
regulatory body, for the disciplinary action “Our hope is that protecting children
it took against the child protection experts will once again be seen as a core part
Roy Meadow and David Southall. of paediatric practice and that health
professionals can continue clinical work
Many in the profession no longer have and research with skill, compassion and
confidence in the GMC, says Sir David humility, recognising the difficulties, but
Hall, implicitly accusing it of paying more aware of their duty to protect children from
attention to parents who complain than to cruelty, abuse and neglect.
the welfare of the child. “Changes in the
way complaints are managed are urgently “Our aim is that they will no longer need to
needed,” he writes in the Journal of the be preoccupied with the risk of having their
Royal Society of Medicine. career abruptly interrupted or terminated
those working in child protection,” he says. by inappropriate management of complaints
Professor Meadow was struck off the “Nor do they believe that the authorities about their work.”
medical register by the GMC for wrongly are able to withstand public, political and
asserting that the chances of a second cot media pressures in high-profile cases.”
death happening in a family were one in The evidence base in child protection cases
73 million. His expert evidence was given is still weak, he says. Insufficient research Backstory
during the trial of Sally Clark, who was has been done on forensic questions, such
convicted of killing her second child but as the ageing or pattern of bruises or the Roy Meadow, who retired in 1998, was
later freed on appeal. significance of human bite marks. “It an eminent paediatrician who frequently
is a bitter irony that among the doctors gave expert evidence on child abuse in
Professor Southall was suspended from who have been called before the General court. In 1999, he testified at the trial of
child protection work for contacting Medical Council are several who have Sally Clark for the killing of her first two
police to accuse Mrs Clark’s husband of contributed so much to our knowledge of babies. She was freed on appeal because
killing two of their babies after watching child abuse.” of undisclosed evidence from the baby’s
him on a television programme. Both postmortem examination, but the judges
paediatricians have been the target of An editorial in the journal says the said his statistical error - saying the chances
vociferous campaigns by groups defending profession is becoming frightened of of a second cot death in such a family were
parents accused of abusing their children. speaking up for abused children. After 73m to one - would also have made the
But Sir David writes that a paediatrician the GMC verdicts against “the leading conviction unsafe. Other convictions that
fundamentally owes a duty of care to the lights of child protection”, writes editor relied on expert medical evidence have
child, not the parent. Guidance from the Kamran Abbasi, “paediatricians began to been reviewed, and Angela Cannings and
judiciary and the Children’s Act make wonder who would protect them if they Donna Anthony, both convicted partly
it clear that the child’s interests must be raised concerns about child safety or gave on Meadow’s evidence, have been freed.
paramount. evidence in court. Professor Southall was brought before the
GMC and banned from child protection
“With regret, it must be recorded on behalf “These were also worrying omens for work for three years for intervening in care
of many UK doctors that they currently children who are at risk of injury or abuse proceedings over the Clarks’ surviving
have no confidence in the competence of but on whose behalf the medical profession child.
the regulatory authorities to apply this finds it increasingly difficult to speak up.
guidance when making judgements about How did we come to this? What forces have Sarah Boseley, health editor
the expertise or professional behaviour of cowed a profession that prides itself on Guardian.

FACTION / March 2006 11


Parents Champion The Barrister Andrew evidence, even if it is flawed. It‘s
Scott is drawing plaudits for clearing the the same in all these cases: the
name of parents who have been accused of legal system likes finality, a
harming their children. The secret of his settled view of the facts.’
success? Twelve years experience a a nurse.
Their solicitor, Bill Bache,
Andrew Scott has spent the morning at reassures Scott that the
the Royal Courts of Justice. In front of failure is not his fault,
two judges, he has been arguing that a but he doesn‘t accept it, ‘I
couple whose children have been put up always think, “Was I eloquent
for adoption should be allowed to appeal. enough? Were my tactics
Knowing how much it means to them, he right?”’ Although he speaks as
has hardly slept all weekend. It is more if used to defeat, that is not so.
than a year since the children were taken, He has been a qualified barrister
on the grounds that the mother is too for just over a year, but already
slow-witted to care for them. One piece of Scott has battled so successfully
evidence against her is that she took too on behalf of parents accused
long to brush her teeth when a child needed of harming - or potentially
attention. Another is that when her toddler harming - their children that he
fell over, she did not pick her up. At the has gained a reputation as a
time, she says, it didn‘t seem necessary. white knight. ‘My greatest
Although it is lunchtime and the parents victory,’ he says, ‘was
and their lawyers are sitting in a cafe, in the case of a mother
Scott is not eating. He failed in his efforts accused of poisoning her
and his attention is entirely focused on the child with epilepsy drugs.
dignified but bereft parents. Despite being [Secrecy rules prevent
a large man with a bullet head, his manner the individuals being
is exceptionally gentle. ‘You must take care identified.] I was able to
of each other,’ he says, giving the mother a show that the child had
hug. ‘We will keep fighting.’ a defective liver, so
that what looked
As the couple leaves the cafe for their home like an overdose
- a place of unused toys and photographs was not.’
of absent children - Scott looks despairing.
There seems no way to overturn the And his proudest moment? He smiles as he 2000 on suspicion of smothering him, 10
judgment. An appeal will only be granted recalls the inquest into the death of three- months after his brother had died in similar
if there is new evidence,’ he says. ‘Judges month-old Toby Woods, whose mother, circumstances. Scott was able to show that,
won‘t want to look again at the original Donna Hanson, was arrested in January when not in his mother‘s care, Toby had

12 FACTION / March 2006

spontaneously stopped breathing and that secrecy prevent parents from discussing death could have occurred. His medical
these episodes had been observed by nurses their cases or questioning expert opinions, knowledge means that he can spot a flaw
who hadn‘t recorded them and did not and journalists are not allowed to report in a theory that expert witnesses have
mention them in their written statements. proceedings. Best known are the cases of presented as fact. He can also come up with
Scott insisted on cross-examining the Sally Clark and Angela Cannings. After an alternative explanation. His other asset
nurses and the crucial details emerged. The being imprisoned for murdering their is his common touch. ‘It‘s just like being
jury duly found, in September 2004, that children, their verdicts were overturned a nurse,’ he says. ‘You often have to break
the child had died of natural causes. in the Court of Appeal when Professor bad news to people. How you do it has a
Sir Roy Meadow‘s evidence against them bearing on how well they cope.’
As Hanson left the court,’ Scott remembers, was shown to be statistical rubbish. Prof
with a catch in his voice, ‘the jury formed Meadow‘s view was that two cot deaths This approach is not just humane, it is
a guard of honour. As she walked through, in the same family were suspicious, while important to his success. As Michael
they said how sorry they were. It was a three inevitably meant murder. In fact, Mansfield pointed out to him when Scott
John Grisham moment.’ there is a strong genetic component to acted as his junior on his first case in March
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, making 2004 (the case was that of Mark Latta,
The rash of cases in which parents have the chances of more than one occurring in accused of shaking his 10-week-old baby to
been wrongfully imprisoned or had their the same family about 200 to one, rather death), parents may instinctively know the
children taken from them is one of the than Meadow‘s estimation of 73 million errors in the prosecution case - but unless
great scandals of our time, even though no to one. Yet despite Meadow being they are asked, they may not say. These
one knows how many cases pass through struck off the medical register last qualities all brought Scott to the attention
the family courts each year (there are summer, hundreds (possibly of Bill Bache, the solicitor who handled
no published figures). Unlike criminal thousands) of families’ lives Angela Cannings‘s successful appeal, even
courts, family courts are not open to are still being destroyed before he had finished his pupilage at the
scrutiny and the standard of proof is by a system that requires bar. Since then, Bache - who describes
lower: judgments are made on ‘balance defendants to prove what Scott as ‘brilliant’ - has channelled so many
of probabilities’ rather than having to be is often impossible: their cases his way that the dining-room of his
‘beyond reasonable doubt’. Strict rules on innocence. Teesside home is buried under legal papers
relating to cases that cover the whole range
Following a review of 88 of allegations commonly made against
cases in which parents were parents.
imprisoned for shaking
their babies to death, the It is exhausting work, for the parents are
Attorney General, Lord distraught. They know they have done
Goldsmith, is expected to nothing wrong and yet their lives have been
announce this month that ruined. Their surviving children have been
only four convictions merit taken from them and, in their own ‘best
reinvestigation interests’, been placed with foster parents
or put up for adoption. The parents fear
‘It‘s disappointing,’ Scott says. not only for themselves, but also for their
‘The individuals concerned will children, who may be emotionally scarred
be heartbroken. for life.

Hundreds of families’ lives are Scott is eager to do what he can for them
still being destroyed by a system because he is horrified by what goes on. ‘I
that requires defendants to prove don‘t think the public appreciates how low
their Innocence ‘I expect it is the threshold is,’ he says. ‘When children
because the Attorney General is are taken from their parents, it is not
only looking at the evidence given because there is a certainty of future harm
at trial. Sally Clark and Angela or even that, on the balance of probabilities,
Cannings were able to overturn those children could be harmed.
their convictions because they
brought in new evidence’ It is enough that there is the possibility of
future harm. If there is a 70 per cent risk
Though 37 years old, Scott is not of a child being harmed and every child
yet one of the well-known names with that risk is taken into care then, in
of human-rights law, but he is a late 100 such cases, 30 children will be taken
entrant to the bar. A school failure from families where they would come to
from a council house in Newcastle, a no harm. Sometimes, I wonder whether it is
potential Labour Party candidate and the children who are being protected or the
a former trade-union official, social workers’ careers.
he is gaining respect
because he seems to have ‘I have two daughters, aged 12 and
the knack of unlocking these 10. They could fall downstairs. All
cases. children could come to harm. I leave it
to my wife to decide when they should
He has the rare advantage among go to the doctor, yet I see parents
barristers of having worked as a nurse criticised for not taking children to
for 12 years. When defending parents the doctor when something turns out
who have been branded shakers, to be wrong. If, however, they take
poisoners and smotherers of their own them to the doctor too often they can
babies, he has to work out how else the be accused I of having Munchausen

FACTION / March 2006 13

Syndrome by Proxy, or Factitious or and he was about to give up when he was Having worked with hospital doctors
Induced Illness, as it is now called. asked for an interview at Doughty Street, a for many years, Scott is not so cynical.
prestigious radical set dedicated to carrying ‘They don‘t set out to deceive,’ he says.
I’ve seen reports saying the child had out the words carved into the stone of the ‘The role of the medical expert is very
crisps and a sandwich for lunch and Old Bailey: ‘Defend the children of the difficult to undertake, but there are things
“the parents didn‘t intervene when the poor’. Despite arriving ‘covered in bird shit that aren‘t explicable by the science that
child ate the crisps first”. and Coca-Cola’, he was one of four out of we know, and experts often fail to tell the
350 applicants to be offered a place. He court when they speculating, or giving a
My children might not have eaten the spent his gap year as an official with the opinion outside their area of knowledge.
sandwich at all. Does that make me NASUWT teaching union. My experience in a clinical setting is that
incompetent? There seems to be a lack of they are never sure. They say, “It could
common sense. The raison d‘etre of the Robin Oppenheim, his first pupil master, be this. It could be that.” Yet in court they
1989 Children Act is that families should is a distinguished medical-negligence present a theory as a certainty even though
be kept together, but the state acts too specialist. Before Scott‘s six months with the issue is so important - the irrevocable
quickly to remove children. There seems to him was up, he got his first break. In March loss of a child. ‘When I was working in
be a feeling that the child would be better 2004 Gill Evans, a criminal barrister a hospital I saw parents being accused of
off with a new family. Since Labour came and his second pupil master, asked if he having Munchausen‘s and I questioned that
to power, there has been a shift - a concern could help with the medical evidence in diagnosis. We have to be sensible. Parents
not just about the physical wellbeing the trial of Mark Latta. ‘Having worked do kill and harm their children. Fact. But
of a child but about better development as an aesthetic nurse, I worked out that I am concerned that those doctors who
outcomes when they are adults. There‘s a laryngeal spasm could have caused the challenge their peers are seen as mavericks.
an unspoken fear that children from poor baby to stop breathing. I told the silk who The hospital is the consultants’ domain,
backgrounds are being freed up for middle- was leading the case - Tony Jennings from but the courtroom is my domain and I can
class adopters.’ Matrix [Cherie Booth‘s question them.’ Following
chambers] - about the Angela Cannings‘s
Scott was born in Skelton, Cleveland, the mode of death and he won successful appeal two
son of a redundant foundry man who took the case.’ years ago, it looked as if
a degree in politics and history; his mother many similar cases would
was a nurse. At school Scott‘s intellect Above both Donna quickly be reviewed and
stood out sufficiently for the deputy head to Hanson and Mark Latta further such cases would
tell him that he ought to be a barrister, but were accused of killing be halted. But change
although he loved watching Crown Court their children; Scott is slow in coming. Each
he was more interested in snooker than helped clear their names. case has to be argued
exams. Instead, he followed his mother into Below the solicitor Bill on its own merits, with
nursing. Bache handled the appeals the lawyers having to
of Angela Cannings and find grounds for appeal.
It was only when he won a battle with Sally Clark, who were Having been involved
his union he became interested in law. convicted on Sir Roy in a large number of
Representing himself, he did such a good Meadow‘s discredited these, Scott can suggest
job that the union‘s barrister offered his
congratulations and Unison offered to
evidence “I’m very pleased to some reforms that might

sponsor Scott while he did a part-time law Scott sees himself as the be able to continue to atlessleast make injustices
likely to happen in
degree at the University of Teesside. It took conduit between legal treat sick and injured future. He starts with
five years, working as a nurse and studying and medical experts. children ...” the law: if barristers lack
at weekends and in the evening, but in 2001 Although many barristers the specialist knowledge
he was awarded not only a first-class degree acquire a knowledge of Professor David Southall to challenge doctors, he
but also three prizes. medicine, they are often would make sure they
better at ‘talking the talk’ were trained. ‘After all,
His interview to read for the bar at Gray‘s than understanding the fundamentals. nurses now get training in legal matters.
Inn, however, could have proved unsettling. ‘You can get a lot from a textbook,’ he Why shouldn‘t lawyers? Judges should be
‘What does your wife do?’ he was asked. says, ‘but it is no substitute for experience. regularly retrained, too - they already are
Barristers working on medical negligence for rape cases.’ Having seen how social
‘She‘s a dinner lady,’ he replied. and child-care cases often have no medical workers’ subjective reports can lead to
knowledge, so they believe what the parents losing their children, he would
‘How charming,’ the interviewer remarked. doctors say is correct when they should be introduce trial by jury in such cases.
challenging them. Judges can only base ‘Juries are the best mechanism we have
But Scott is not chippy. ‘They wanted to decisions on the evidence put before them.’ for detecting dishonesty,’ he believes. ‘I
know if I could stand up for myself,’ he wonder whether its children that are being
says, ‘so I said: “You haven‘t got a problem Doctors are often viewed as the villains in protected, or social workers’ careers’
with that, have you?” * He was then asked cases of false allegations against parents.
about his outside interests, to which he When Prof Meadow was shown to have lan and Angela Gay were imprisoned for
replied that he was a member of the Magic made a mistake in the case of Sally Clark, force-feeding salt to their foster child. Scott
Circle, but would not tell them if he sawed it undermined public confidence in the is working on the couple‘s appeal He would
his wife hi half unless defence counsel was profession. If such an eminent paediatrician also establish specialist regional social-
present. He was given the top scholarship could be so wrong, many other parents services departments to deal with children
and when he had finished his studies at could have been wrongfully accused on the at risk, where experienced workers would
Northumbria University, he came top in basis of doctors’ over-bold pronouncements. review such cases and introduce an element
crime and fifth overall. It can appear that doctors are too ready of consistency - as it stands, a family‘s
to act as expert witnesses in return for chances of staying together seem to depend
Even so, finding a pupillage was hard. handsome fees, too eager to believe on where they live: some local authorities
Eighty-six sets of chambers rejected him fashionable ideas about wicked parents. will give them the benefit of the doubt,

14 FACTION / March 2006

others (perhaps fearful of Victoria Climbie
on their patch) err on the side of caution.
He would also pay social workers more:
‘The better ones shouldn‘t have to move into
management to get higher pay,’ he says. ‘And
“Yet here I sit
there needs to be a public body to discipline
them for the protection of the public.’ still convicted.”
Most of all, he would change the way they
operate. ‘If social workers were brought in
to assist families and got to know them, they
would be able to assess risk better than if Responses to Brian
they are expected to take immediate action.

Families need more support: I was a great

Hudson’s Article
believer in the welfare state when I was a
nurse on £20,000 a year and a trade-union
official on £38,000; as a barrister, I earned
£89,000 in my first year, doing legal-aid I have given the article, and my We can change our future, enable
work, and I still believe in the welfare state. own feelings, much consideration. history to record the errors and
I would bring back National Service, not just With regard to his distress and my achieve our freedom. FACT members
in the Army but in the police, social services respect for Mr. Hudson’s right to air and supporters give much of their
and across the board.’ his views, at first I was reluctant to time and money to support us. This
respond. However, although we are a includes the ‘officials’ who have
One day, perhaps, if he becomes an MP representation who share commonality almost taken on full time jobs in
(he put himself forward for Mo Mowlam‘s of employment and events he appears organising efforts to assist. HAAP
Redcar constituency in 2001), Scott may to hold differing prospectives. was not in existence at the time of my
effect such changes, but he is in no hurry to Consequently, I submit my own to add trial, I only wish it had been. Their
leave the law. He loves it with a late starter‘s to Brian’s, after all we do share the task is one of a legal perspective, to
passion and is keen to work all hours, often same desire. offer a critique that removes the chaff
pro bono, to assist victims of injustice. Later off discontent and leaves the wheat of
this month, he is bringing an appeal for a For a number of years I have railed at effective application. While I accord
couple (who cannot be named) who were our situation and lack of progression. them an analytical role I do not deny
thought to have poisoned their youngest I have written and shouted about their individual emotions, I know
child. the damage inflicted on my family many share our distress.
and me. Others have also suffered
Two children were adopted; two put in care. such trauma and bore the load for This writing cannot pass on without
Even though Prof Meadow‘s evidence was longer than I I have come to examine paying tribute to Claire Curtis-
pivotal, Scott has had to go to the High Court what has taken place, looked at past Thomas and group. We are indebted
to fight for them to have their fostered son efforts to effect change and can only for their application to the campaign.
back. The higher up the legal system you go, conclude; it is not a time to query the FACT’s own role will continue with
the braver the judges,’ he hopes. past efforts of FACT, and in more its efforts to change perceptions.
recent years HAAP. I applaud the Difficult but a change to one of a
Soon after, he is involved in the appeals work done. I am grateful. It is not an questioning posture from one of a
of lan and Angela Gay, a Worcestershire easy task to change public perceptions child abuser behind every door would
couple imprisoned for force-feeding salt to a but to achieve our goal inroads in such be of immense help.
child they were planning to adopt. Without are paramount. It is now time, possibly
wanting to reveal his evidence, Scott is long past time, to move on. I close with a plea; further assistance
confident that he knows what really caused from FACT members; The emphasis
the child‘s death. The factors that led to my conviction now required is for information
have their origins in system protection, gathering & data collection. When
He has another salt-poisoning case to fight on not an unusual state of affairs. The FACT, HAAP or CCT call for
behalf of a terrified mother, and he is going procession of liars are a consideration, information please supply it. Amongst
to the Criminal Cases Review Commission they will always appear. The reality your individual records/documents,
for a father accused of smothering his child. is a system whose self interest, its memory banks lies data possibly of
He is also handling an appeal for a father self preservation at all costs take the immense value, items that can move
accused of shaking his child to death. As blame. Subsequent appeal results the pendulum. Snippets that may
in many cases of sudden infant death, the have, with few exceptions, contributed appear minor in the sum knowledge
true cause may be gastro-oesophageal to saving the justice system at the of your experience; when added to
reflux: many children who spit up constantly expense of justice itself. Constant others who knows? 2005 was a poor
stop breathing suddenly. After that, he is re-iteration of our distress will not year.
representing a local authority in a child- progress our quest for a true justice
protection case: ‘It‘s important to act for the decision. The point, oft made in Don’t have someone writing that at
other side, too,’ he says. respect of legal representation, media the conclusion of 2006.
bias and overall unfairness etc are
Each of these cases involves many boxes of well made and valid. It has happened, Michael Brizzalari
documents. ‘It‘s daunting,’ he says, ‘but I history will not be changed, we must
often find that the first piece of paper says move on. Set our past to one side, do
it all. The doctors haven‘t considered an not forget it, recognise it will only
obvious medical possibility.’ provide an emotional drive which will
little impact on those with power.

FACTION / March 2006 15

actual proof that there have been no such Mirror that all is well with the world of
rings where they had thought they existed police investigations of paedophiles; and,
(Rochdale, Nottingham, Orkney). after he’s announced that “they” should all
be “banged up for life and castrated”, he’ll
Now the police, sharing their training with order another pint and not ask any awkward
social workers, trained by extremely partial relevant questions. Joe doesn’t care about
“experts” are involved in overreactions injustice, as long as it’s applied to someone
of massive and dangerous degree, are other than himself or his family - and I
believing what they hear from accusers and know, I was Joe myself once.
failing to make proper evaluations, for fear
of relapsing into the inadequacies that some Publicly, we are involved in a non-
of their predecessors made, and then being issue. The Police are doing a thankless,
castigated for their “lack of awareness.” unenviable and dirty job in clearing up the
Though I notice that they still fail, monsters who abuse children. The CPS
sometimes, to protect children, with fatal is fighting, against the odds, to secure
results. I’ll bore you with two examples of convictions. The Courts are handing out
curious police “investigation” from my own too short sentences. No, there won’t be any
1 was interested, as always, to read the case. Being interviewed, and following my changes. There will be no status with its
latest edition of Faction, and in particular comment that an accuser was lying, the quo upset. And, sorry Brian, but you and I
the letter from Claire Curtis-Thomas and “officer in the case” said to me “you didn’t (and the rest of us) have done our time. We
the article written by Brian Hudson. It see his face when I talked to him”; Sorry? should stop whinging, if only because we
seems to me that we are all missing the - Facial expression as evidence for veracity? are lucky that Joe didn’t get hold of us in
point, which is that, despite the best efforts Also “you took him to a house where you one of his more violent moods, and get on
of the all party group, FACT, HAAP, and committed these acts”, on my response that with life!
all the other organisations and individuals this was good news because they could Anthony
who have been, and steadfastly continue identify the house through further enquiry
to, fight for the righting of the many and of the accuser, and, knowing the area he
horrific wrongs that have been done in was talking about, and that I had at no from page 10 ...
the name of providing compensation and time had access to any house within that
“closure” to “victims”, there is, and, I area, reveal his allegation to be a lie, I was Women’s continuing emancipation
venture to suggest, will not be, sufficient told “we won’t be asking him about that, is rightly promoted, but from the
change put in place to correct matters. That because he’s under a lot of strain”. Very standpoint of a faction within the
is because there is not, and cannot be, the objective, don’t you think? In the event, and radical feminist milieu, revenge
political will to effect those changes. at the last minute in the trial, the “evidence” for women as the historic victims
was not presented, because the accuser of patriarchy is sought. The jailing
What politician is going to tell his had made allegations against a police of innocent men for child abuse
prospective constituency that he or officer during the previous weekend, which or rape is sometimes dismissed
she is going to fight for justice for the revealed him to be “a demonstrable liar”, as ‘payback’ for past and present
“paedophiles” in his area? Has Clare in the words of the CPS barrister it was too suffering of women in patriarchal
Curtis-Thomas done so? Have the other late, because that man’s allegations were society. From this extreme viewpoint
members of the all-party group? Although the ones that had put in train a whole series all relationships between men and
I would like to believe they have, I fid it of inadequate, and to my mind, unfair, women and their children are seen as
hard to conceive of a constituency meeting practises, which had resulted in other liars inherently abusive and coercive.
in which a rational debate, followed by “coming forward”. That’s a neat phrase of
consensus that thought such action is the it’s own, where “coming forward” identifies There are certainly justifiable matters
right path to follow, happening. To do so people who have responded to an invitation that the women’s and children’s
would be political suicide as long as there to complain! campaigners are perfectly correct
are social workers, police, “recovery” to confront, such as those religious
workers and a national press that is as In any case, we are a problem that will, beliefs that claim the basic scriptural
interested as anyone is in sensationalising given time, go away. There is no need to texts justify male dominance, and
the supposed existence of sexual abuse on do a thing. Those people serving sentences even violence against women,
a massive and institutional scale, and all of on the basis of false allegations will and the views of cultish churches
who influence voters and vote themselves. eventually be released. The investigations that imagine women and children
being followed now are beginning to are easily possessed by the devil
We continue to hope for changes, and the be more carefully made, but even those and evil spirits. Therefore, it is
correction of miscarriages of justice in that still result in injustice will end, and necessary to campaign to be rid of
vain. The police, in whom I and many other those sentenced unjustly, and there will male-generated, theology-justified
placed reliance and trust that they would be some, will eventually be released from oppression and punishment of
investigate properly and reveal various jail also. At some point there will be no women in male-controlled religious
bits of nonsense for what they were, have more investigations of the sort that have cultures and for an end to the sex
been “sensitised” by their previous failures led to the huge injustices with which we trafficking of women and children
to “adequately support” social workers are concerned. They will have been done, and to ‘honour ‘ killings of women,
working to an agenda that was out of date concluded, finished, ended, with varying as well as to promote female equity
in the America it came from before they degrees of incompetence and with varying and opportunity, free of unacceptable
got hold of it, and to which they cling damage done to innocent people. sexism, in secular society. However,
obdurately. We still have hundreds, if it is important to differentiate
not thousands, of social workers who go Time will not heal the wounds inflicted between these and the malevolent
on believing in the widespread existence on us, but Joe Public (you know Joe, he agenda of sectarian gender warriors
of “satanic abuse” rings of paedophiles, stands at the bar on a Friday night and puts intent on demonising and wreaking
despite the continuing glaring lack of the world right with his profound lack of revenge on any and every man.
any evidence whatever, and despite the knowledge), will be assured by the Daily

16 FACTION / March 2006

Half Way
to Bonkers
the burning deck, whence all
but he (and a couple of
other columnists and
one or two professors)
had fled. In recent
days HMS Sanity
has been set afire
and abandoned by — it sometimes seems
— most of the people on board. by DAVID AARONOVITCH
It’s pretty obvious that Gibson is not a
The Education Secretary is under threat paedophile and is no kind of threat to
and according to her Labour colleague, fired for “inappropriate touching” some adolescent boys. In fact, given that we
the ever-helpful Ian Gibson MP, has only unspecified time afterwards. A Mr Y sent know his proclivities better than those
till the middle of the week (ie, tomorrow) obscene text messages to a 16-year-old girl of most people, he may even be less of a
to show that she’s in full command of pupil, a Mr Z was fired for “inappropriate threat than other adults in Darryl and Co’s
the school paedophile crisis that has so words” in the condensation on his prep lives. And, like all but one on the Mail’s
suddenly engulfed her. The BBC news school flat, and in 2001 a tribunal allowed chilling roll call, he has also — as far as we
spoke yesterday morning of a “weekend of him to return to teaching in non-boarding know — never done anything wrong after
revelations” concerning dodgy teachers, schools. being allowed back into teaching. In other
and then seemed only to be able to find one words (whisper this) the decisions of the
new one, and a decent Sunday broadsheet In fact, before the weekend, the only cited successive secretaries of state, tribunals and
ran a headline about how Ruth Kelly had case of a sex offender coming back into officials seem to have been broadly right.
known about the paedo problem since teaching and committing a crime was There is no crisis.
last year — only to reveal in the text that that of Steven Taylor, who was on the sex
by “last year” what was meant was the offender’s list, and who subsequently raped I’m not soft in this. Those assessed to be
December just gone. an 11-year-old girl student in 2001. a risk to children should never work with
those children. And people should be
At least Monday’s Mail attempted to put That’s the “chilling roll call”. Complete, prosecuted for paying for or encouraging
horrid flesh on the scary bones, itemising save for what the Mail describes as “one the production of child porn; they are
a “chilling roll call . . .” of paedos working of the most disturbing cases” of all, that of rightly put on the sex offenders register. But
with our kids. And what did this list William Gibson. Gibson — the weekend’s that doesn’t mean that they are paedophiles.
amount to? Nine men. One had possessed cause célèbre — was convicted of indecent They may be, but there is a distinction
indecent images of boys, but was cleared in assault against a minor, but subsequently — reinforced for me this morning by seeing
2001 by Estelle Morris to work in all-girls found to be teaching in a boys school on the beautiful young waitress in my local
schools. This chap appealed to a tribunal the south coast. According to reports many café — between looking and doing.
against Morris’s ruling, and lost. Another, of the parents are deeply unhappy with the Equally, those who abuse their trust
Paul Reeve, the PE teacher whose exposure discovery. Mary Nunn, mother of 16-year- (however tempted) by having sex with their
started this whole furore, was cautioned old Darryl, told the Mail how dreadful it all charges should be sacked, and suspended
by the police in 2003 for accessing banned was, and how threatening. “You don’t allow from holding such trust. But the issue is
images of children on the internet. The a bankrupt to work at a bank,” she said, “so manageable risk, not punishment. After a
then-minister Kim Howells was advised why a paedophile at a school?” few years cannot a man or woman, who is
that Reeve did not represent a threat and no real danger to pupils, be permitted to
cleared him to work in schools. He was But Gibson’s more detailed history was that teach again, if it is decided that he or she is
forced to resign after eight days after he had had sex with a 15-year-old girl pupil fit to do so?
the police raised concerns. A Mr H had a quarter of a century ago, subsequently
molested a 12-year-old boy in 1976, but had married her and had a child with her. The As we have come to learn, the education
subsequently been allowed by a tribunal to chances of a Portchester pupil being made system has not chosen to use the
teach 14 pluses; a Mr W had been allowed pregnant and then wed by this particular blunderbuss of disqualifying anyone who
to teach under the last Conservative maths teacher must be rated as slim. But makes an appearance on the sex offenders
Government, despite allegations, and was then, I don’t know Darryl. register for whatever reason. Instead they

FACTION / March 2006 17

have had a discretionary system
— List 99 — which may include

those who do not feature on the
register, as well as excluding many
who do. Given the scope of the

register, that’s sensible; a 1997
flasher is not necessarily a 2006
kiddy fiddler.
For many panickers, however, this
system is just too complicated. The making of a modern witch hunt
To his immense credit James
Naughtie, the Today programme
presenter, attempted to explore
the difficulties with Margaret
Morrissey, spokeswoman for the
National Confederation of Parent
Teacher Associations, yesterday.
“It seems to be clear and simple to A STORY OF
me and maybe to millions of other FALSE ACCUSATIONS,
parents,” said Ms Morrissey, who
has spoken to about 100, that those
on the sexual offenders register BAD JOURNALISM
“should not ever be allowed to
work with children.”
It’s a view. There may not actually
be a big problem with the current
system, but perhaps the need is to The Secret of Bryn Estyn tells the story
change it anyway so that, in the of the greatest series of miscarriages of
words of the Labour MP Martin justice in recent British history – how
Salter, confidence is restored. Let’s
ostentatiously fix the roof that ain’t
innocent lives have been destroyed, the
broken. But there are big problems public deceived and millions of pounds
here, of which the biggest is the wasted in a witch-hunt against innocent people.
problem of natural justice. As Mr
Gibson told the Bournemouth Echo
yesterday: “I know what I did was The Secret of Bryn Estyn is a richly documented account of the development of
wrong and I regret my actions . . a modern witch-hunt. Full of human interest and drama, it focuses initially on
. but I love teaching and I think I a small number of key players in the North Wales story and shows how their
have something to offer.” actions helped to shape an unprecedented police investigation, which would
eventually spread to the entire country.
Shami Chakrabarti, where are
you when we need you? If you The book traces the origins of the gravest series of miscarriages of justice in
listened carefully over the past modern British history, as a result of which thousands of people have been falsely
few days you will have heard the accused and as many as a hundred wrongly imprisoned.
obvious sounds of the Government
responding to the panic by The figures which are available suggest that by now between 5,000 and 10,000
panicking itself, and the less former residential care workers have been accused of physical or sexual abuse as
obvious sounds of the opposition a direct consequence of police trawling operations. Some of these allegations are
parties being very careful not to true. The evidence presented in the book, however, suggests that the majority are
suggest solutions. That’s because false.
there aren’t any, certainly not from Richard Webster is an uncompromisingly independent
the Government. Why anyone author who has been interviewed on the subject of false
should believe that things would allegations by John Humphrys on the Today programme,
be made a single iota better by by Jeremy Paxman on Newsnight, and by Jenni Murray
officials, panels, committees or a on Woman’s Hour. He has written about the issue of child
pantheon of the gods of Olympus sexual abuse in the Guardian, the Observer and the New
taking decisions without ministers Statesman, and gave evidence to the Home Affairs Select
is beyond me. Committee inquiry into police trawling operations. The Secret of Bryn Estyn, the
But, as I said, most have fled the product of a nine-year-long investigation, is his most controversial book yet.
ship by now and are half way to
Bonkers Island. As one Portchester ORDERS
mother complained, Mr Gibson
was her son’s maths teacher and The Orwell Press PUBLISHER: The Orwell Press
it was disgusting, because he was 61 Hayfield Road, ISBN: 09515922 4 6
always giving the class detentions. Oxford OX2 6TX Hardback, £25 752 pages, 4 b&w maps
Devious, devious swine. 10 b&w illustrations
Order online at:
The Times

18 FACTION / March 2006


The Shame
of Abuse
In 2002 Mark was accused of sexually
“A question which needs to be answered abusing one of his pupils at a school in
EVERY week a teacher at a Merseyside is ‘do we really want a situation in which Sefton, a charge he denied and he was
school is accused of abusing a pupil, the teachers are afraid to be on their own with ultimately cleared of any wrongdoing
ECHO can today reveal. A staggering 69 children?” he asks. following a police investigation.
teachers had allegations of abuse made
against them in 2004/05. “This situation puts great pressure on But four years on the stigma remains.
those teachers who get involved in extra- Unable to cope with being known as the
But only one of these cases made it to curricular activities like running football teacher who was accused of assaulting a
court and teachers unions today claimed teams on Saturdays because you tend to be child in his care, Mark quit the area and
the shock figures are an indication of the on your own at times like this.” now works as a supply teacher in North
incredible rise in the number of malicious Wales.
allegations which they say are making their John also spoke of the impact being falsely
members’ lives a misery. accused of abuse can have on a teacher “It‘s with me every single day,” he says.
and their family. “It doesn‘t just affect the “And the worst thing is I know I am
Local Education Authorities (LEAs) in teacher,” he insists, “it also affects their not the same teacher I was before this
Liverpool, Sefton, Wirral, Knowsley families. happened. My relationship with children
and St Helens all agreed to provide their changed, in all intents and purposes it was
most up-to-date figures for the ECHO “The NASUWT actually runs a counselling compromised.” The allegation against Mark
investigation. In all but a single case the service for members accused of abusing was made after he put a child on detention.
teacher accused of either physical or sexual children and it‘s very heavily used. The child in question then reported him to
abuse was either completely exonerated or the school‘s headmaster, claiming he had
not enough evidence was provided in order “In fact, those who do use it use it for a lot been sexually abused.
for the Crown Prosecution Service to take longer than you might imagine, such is the
the case to trial. And although suspension impact that being caught up in this sort of Mark was immediately suspended from his
of the accused teacher is not compulsory it thing can have on them. duties while an investigation was carried
is often the case that they are temporarily out by police and social services. He was
relieved of their duties until and unless the “One of the most frightening things about ultimately cleared but the damage was
allegation is found to be false. the whole issue is many don‘t return to already done.
teaching when their ordeal is over because
Some teachers we spoke to are now so they‘ve been scarred by the allegations.” “I was off work for a year and it was all
fearful of being falsely accused that they down to the stress of what I had been put
operate a strict no-touch policy in the Mark (we‘ve changed his name) is one through. You cannot even begin to imagine
classroom. teacher who felt unable to carry on teaching how badly something like this can affect
in Merseyside after he was wrongly accused you unless it happens to you,” he insists.
John Peat, National Association of of abuse.
Schoolmasters and Union of Women “And the big problem is it‘s happening
Teachers (NASUWT) executive member “The fact I knew I‘d done nothing wrong more and more. About 30 years ago too
for Merseyside, says the problem is and so did my accuser doesn‘t matter,” he many allegations of this nature were just
becoming so severe that some teachers are stutters. “I was accused of harming a child hushed up or were not looked into. Now the
increasingly fearful of being alone with - one of the worst crimes of all - and mud pendulum has swung too far the other way
pupils. sticks.” and almost every single allegation results

FACTION / March 2006 19

in a teacher being suspended and therefore potential teachers. But I say ‘good’.
being shamed without being proven guilty We can’t be too careful when it comes
of anything. to children. That’s why we aim to
have no teachers in schools from
“There has to be a recognition that there 2010.
are youngsters who know how to play the
system and they are prepared to make these And finally, I have decided no
kind of allegations when there is no truth to politician should ever again have
them whatsoever.” to make decisions about teachers.
These should, instead, be made by an
In light of cases like Mark‘s, the NASUWT independent panel. As to who should
launched a campaign for the identities of be on that panel, I don’t think it’s
teachers accused of abuse to be protected. right that either myself or any other
politician should decide. Who should
The union claims that once an allegation decide is also no longer for me to
has been publicised it becomes almost decide. I see my duty as Secretary of
impossible for an accused teacher to State for Education not to make any
return to work even if they are found to be further decisions about education,
innocent. and I know I have the wholehearted
support of the Prime Minister on this.
Their position is backed up by national
statistics which show that in recent
years 1,782 allegations have been made
against teachers who are members of the
NASUWT. In a staggering 1,686 of these “Sorry it’s got
cases no grounds have been discovered for to be this way. I
prosecution. can’t face another
NASUWT deputy general secretary Jerry day wondering
Bartlett says: “This is not an attempt to what or who?
protect those who abuse children. Such
behaviour cannot be tolerated. “Providing
My head is
anonymity does not hinder a proper exploding”
investigation or protect abusers. It simply
enables justice to be done in a civilised and Dame Ruth Kelly
fair manner, strengthening the principle of David Baines’ suicide note
innocent until proven guilty and avoiding Hello, I’m Secretary of State for Education,
trial by media.” Ruth Kelly, but please read on. I’m
delighted to have the chance to reassure the
A spokesman for Liverpool city council understandably worried and nervous cabinet
said: “The number of allegations made
against teachers in Liverpool (19 in
ministers I see around me. I will achieve
this by doing the following tough strides.
2004/05) is extremely small in relation to Introducing PILATEs, a new
the 70,000 pupils, and in proportion with First of all, on the sex-offender issue, it exercise regime designed to
other areas of the country. “Every single will now be compulsory for schools only keep your hands beautifully
allegation is investigated thoroughly before to employ teachers who have absolutely clean and free from all
a decision is made on whether to take no emotional feelings towards children stains
any further action. “Research carried out whatsoever. In fact, schools will be urged to
nationally by the Department for Education hire only people who hate children. This, I
recently found that in 98% of cases hope, will set parents’ minds at rest. “The decision to suspend
where an allegation is made there is some Mr Baines was taken
conscientiously by responsible
foundation to it.” I’ve also undertaken a complete review of professionals acting in
all past cases to weed out any sex offenders accordance with those
who may have slipped through the net. For procedures.”
example, I have been informed of the case Wrexham Council
Falsely accused Carer or Teacher? of a 30-year-old male currently employed
as a teacher who, 20 years ago, kissed a girl “It’s an extremely unfortunate
Helpline as young as 11. I’ve asked my department
to ruin him.
situation but the right decisions
were made”
Mr Boswell-Jones
02920 777 499 I’m also taking strict measures to find out
the names of all junior ministers and civil
School Liason Officer

“It was decided he should

servants in my department who have been
previously responsible for making incorrect not be told the reasons why.”.
Mondays to Fridays “I believe we did the correct
judgments about teacher appointments.
9.30am-12.30pm thing.”
Their names and addresses will be Mr Tom Davies
6.30pm-9.30pm published on a list, and everyone on the list Education Support Manager,
and most Saturdays will be deemed a Sick Nonce. Wrexham Council
9.30am-12.30pm Now some say these stricter codes may
Campaign on behlf of Falsely Accused Carers & Teachers deter many future applications from

20 FACTION / March 2006

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