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Lesson Plan for 11/2/2011: Lord of the Flies Objectives: By the end of class today, students will be able

to: - Begin to understand themes presented throughout The Lord of the Flies - Work collaboratively with other classmates and discuss varying opinions about controversial issues. Materials Needed: Scenario Worksheet Blank pages of paper with scenario written on top Markers Tape Activities: Introduce Worksheet (1 min) -Tell students expectations about answering the situations on the worksheet Have students fill out the worksheet (5-10 minutes) -Have students mark on the paper whether they Agree or Disagree with the statement on the sheet. Tell students to write a brief sentence or two defending their choice. As students fill out the worksheet, Claire and Brian will walk around the desks making sure students remain on task. Ask students to flip their paper over when they are finished so we know when to move on. Have students collaborate on one theme from the worksheet (10 minutes) -Break students up into groups of two or three, making sure that all of the groups will work on a different question from the worksheet. Hand students a blank sheet of paper where they are to defend their position on the particular situation. If the group has differing opinions, they are to divide the paper and show points for each position. Claire and Brian will go around discussing with different groups making sure they stay on task. Have students flip their paper over when they finish writing the bullet points for their scenario Group Presentations (5-10 minutes) -Have each group stand up and briefly present their scenario and explain to the class their position. After they present their point, ask the rest of the class if they feel the same or different about each scenario. Have each group hang their poster up somewhere in the class so they can refer to their beliefs while reading the book. Lesson Wrap Up (2 minutes) -Remind the class to think about their answers to these scenarios while reading the book. Ask the class to think about their answers and see if they change at any point throughout the book. Assessment of Lesson Plan Goals: Assess the understanding of themes presented throughout Lord of the Flies: -Walk around classroom as students fill out the worksheet and as they work with their partner(s). Check to make sure students are answering the worksheets and discussing

their opinion about the scenario assigned to them. Assess the collaborative relationship with classmates: -during the small groups, check to make sure that both group members are discussing their opinions about the scenario. Check to make sure they are writing their beliefs on the paper so they can present it in class. During the group presentation, make sure both students in the group talk about their opinions.

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