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Kevin Yu APWH-7 10/13/11

PERSIAN Chart Pre AP World History

POLITICAL Leaders, Elites

Chapter: 6
~ Muslim empire spread from Spain to central Asia, ~ Combined Greece, Egypt, Persia ~ Bedouin organized in tribes and clans ~ Mecca founded by Bedouin ~ Fighting between Bedouin clans led to instability ~ Ummayads have great power, found Muhammad as a great threat to their power and belief ~ Muhammad was persecuted by Ummayads (Quraysh), but was a competent leader ~ Islamic Arabia had a large bureacracy ~ Ummayad fall due to caliphs addiction to luxury and soft living, and various Muslim factions disputing their legitimacy

State Structure War

Diplomacy, Treaties Courts, Laws

ECONOMIC Type of System

Technology, Industry Trade, Commerce Capital/Money Types of Businesses RELIGIOUS Holy Books

~ Ocean trade routes, cooperation with Jewish, Armenian, Indian ~ Transferred food, crops, ideas, technology ~ Economy of Bedouin based on camel and goat herding ~ Trading between cities and Bedouin included date palms, come caravan trade ~ Ummayads grow rich from commerce

Beliefs, Teaching Conversion Sin/Salvation Deities

~ Quraysh clan believed in a supreme god, Allah ~ Culture in Arabia was not well developed pre-Islam ~ Bedouin had very loose belief in gods, kind of half-hearted ~ Muhammad prophet of Islam, normal not divine orphan, trader, lived with Quraysh for his childhood ~ Monotheistic ideas becoming more widespread around 600 CE ~ Muhammad gets his first revelation around 610 CE, but had a small following ~ Islam is absolute in its monotheism ~ Islam offered an end to the vendettas and feuds between clans and tribes ~ Solidified belief, became a global religion ~ Quran Arabic text laying the beliefs of Islam ~ Before Islam, mostly nomadic Bedouin groups ~ Kin related clan groups ~ Women in pre-Islam Arabia were not secluded, no veils, had important opinions ~ However, women often had the short end of the stick when it came to politics and land ownership ~ Women were not equal to men in pre-Islam Arabia ~ Men earned prestige through battle ~ Muhammads initial preachings declared the equality of male and female ~ Women under Muhammads preachings could not lead prayer, but could be involved in politics ~ Women were large part of compiling the Quran ~ Women could have multiple partners pre-Islam, also matrilineal ~ Poets were hugely important in Arabia ~ Oral history in pre-Islam also hugely important ~ Islam led to a highly scientific society ~ Muslim empire combined Hellenistic, Persian, Indian, Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Christian, and Jewish learning and traditions ~ Muslims made large advancements in algebra, geometry, anatomy, astronomy, medicine ~ Continued Greek writing and philosophy, translated them into Arabic ~ Scientific revolution


Family Gender Relations Social Classes Inequalities Life Styles


Writing, Literature Philosophy Math & Science Education


~ Inhospitable desert ~ Scrub areas at edge of desert hosted Bedouin ~ Coastal region had extensive agriculture, cities, kingdoms~

Physical Movement Human/Environme Region



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