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Educational Guide

Frequent masturbation and ejaculation stimulate acetylcholine/parasympathetic nervous

Iunctions. Excessive stimulation can result in over production oI sex hormones and
neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine, dopamine and serotonin.
Abundant and unusually large amount oI these hormones and neurotransmitters can cause the
brain and adrenal glands to perIorm excessive dopamine-norepinephrine-epinephrine conversion
and turn the brain and body Iunctions to be extremely sympathetic. In other words, there is a big
change oI body chemistry when one excessively masturbates.
Masturbation is a healthy sexual behavior. Like other behaviors, when over practiced or
addicted it can lead to both psychological and physiological imbalances.
The side effects of such changes to the body include:
O Fatigue. Feeling tired all the time
O Lower back pain
O %hinning hair / Hair Loss
O $oIt / Weak Erection
O !remature Ejaculation
O Eye Iloaters or Iuzzy vision
O Groin / %esticular !ain
O !ain or cramp in the pelvic cavity or/and tail bone
Masturbation plays a big role in a normal sex liIe. $ome oI us discover it as children because it
starts to Ieel so good between our legs. Others are shown by our Iriends. We continue to
masturbate because it Ieels so good. It gets us ready Ior mature sexual relationships when we
reach adulthood, and it helps us take care oI those raging hormonal urges and surges when we
are teenagers. Masturbation can enhance mature sexual relationships where two partners use it
either as a prelude to other sexual activity, or as the main Iare. And it keeps us going when
relationships Ialter, such as when a partner is ill or away. It is a great equalizer in a relationship
where one partner needs more sexual activity than the other.
ow much is too much masturbation?
%hat depends but it's suggested men keep their ejaculation Irequency down to 2-3 times a week.
However, sexual activity can be experienced more oIten iI men learn how to orgasm without
ejaculation. Doing so can actually store bioenergy into your system and make your penis Iirmer,
your erections last longer, and your ejaculate volume bigger.
Masturbation is a part oI liIe and our sexual practices. In Iact, most doctors recommend it, not
only to improve sexual experiences but to also promote good general health. However, like most
things in liIe, too much oI a good thing can be bad. Excessive masturbation can lead to
symptoms like stress, Iatigue, and memory loss. In extreme cases, suIIerers Iall into the pitIalls
oI impotence and hair loss.
&nder most circumstances, masturbation is neither good nor bad
One recently published study reported that 87 oI women and 95 oI men have practiced
masturbationbut when done to extreme, it causes drastic changes in brain and body chemistry.
Masturbating too much can over-stimulate acetylcholine/parasympathetic nervous Iunctions and
disrupt the liver`s release oI enzymes that synthesize neurotransmitters acetylcholine, dopamine,
and serotonin. Additionally, the liver`s ability to release enzymes that aid in hormone production
is aIIected. As a result, the brain and adrenal glands produce too much dopamine,
norepinephrine, epinephrine, and other hormones and neural transmitters.
Symptoms (also called $exual Exhaustion) is distressing liver and nervous system Iunctions,
include youthIul impotence/erectile dysIunction (including a soIt or weak erection) and seminal
leakage. While more than 30 oI men have experienced impotence at one time or another,
impotence in youth is more rare and can oIten be attributed to the above Iactors.
Over-masturbation can also cause problems such as seminal leakage, which can cause sperm
to ooze or leak out oI the penis with no accompanying erection. Both semen leakage and
youthIul impotence are embarrassing, uncomIortable, and signs oI $exual Exhaustion.
$emen leakage is a sign that the parasympathetic nerve, which keeps the ejaculation valve shut
and holds the erection, is weakening as a result oI over-masturbation. With a weakened nerve,
maintaining an erection is a problem.
et Rid From The Addictive Behavior?
%he Iirst step to getting better is to reduce masturbation and ejaculation Irequency and try to
overcome this bad habit. Eat more soybean products and eliminating excessive caIIeine Irom
your diet. Focus on nutty Ioods like sunIlower seeds, and peanuts and eat more sea Ioods,
seaweed, vegetables, and try to minimize red meat and dairy product intake. Instead oI soda, try
drinking orange juice or cranberry juice and, oI course, drink plenty oI water.
We have developed Kohinoor old in order to combat sexual exhaustion and reverse the eIIects
that over-masturbation has on your body. Feel your erections become more Iirm and more
engorged, you will be able to last longer, Ieel less pain in the prostate and testicles, and Ieel more
alert and energized.
I am a 29 years old unmarried male.I used to masturbate Irom young age. However as suggested
on your site masturbating 2-3 times weekly is not excessive. I never masturbated more than this.
However now I have reduced this habit and I masturbate 2-3 times in 3-4 months.
But I am having night emissions where the semen released is like water. Further whenever I
masturbate I ejaculate very early. II there could be any other medical problem also I do not
know.!lease advice whether these are the side eIIects oI masturbating and whether these are
curable. Further suppose I take medicines how could I know that I am cured. I don`t want to
masturbate any more as I think that this is the cause oI my problem. I also think (though I am not
sure) that the skin on the Iorehead oI my penis does not get down at the time oI erection.!lease

In: Men's Health,$exual Health
O What ou Need 1o know
O 1oo much masLurbaLlon may lead Lo a reduced response Lo oLher peoples Louch
O 9osslble slde effecL lnclude abraslons or swelllng of Lhe penls
O ompulslve masLurbaLlon can be a problem lf lL affecLs oLher aspecLs of your llfe
Wlll masLurbaLlng cause acne? lf lL dld 93 of guys would be walklng around wlLh a face full of zlLs

My penls ls mad aL me Pow could l wrlLe an arLlcle on Lhe negaLlve slde effecLs of masLurbaLlon? Pe
Lhlnks l'm a LralLor and swlLched Leams l hope he doesn'L Lake lL ouL on me and be a passlveaggresslve
llmp noodle for my nexL sexcapade 8uL how much do we really know abouL masLurbaLlon and lLs slde
effecLs? Sure we know masLurbaLlon feels good LhaL's a glmme 1here are nearly endless Lechnlques
for experlenclng Lhe pleasure of masLurbaLlon buL whaL else can lL do Lo us? 9laylng wlLh ourselves can
help us fall asleep reduces headaches and sLress anxleLy and Lenslon lL's greaL for lmmune funcLlonlng
lncreaslng endorphln producLlon and ls so good for our prosLaLes 8uL ls Lhere anyLhlng else we should
be looklng ouL for besldes klm kardashlan's nexL arl's !r commerclal?
Tbe negative side effects of masturbation your parents believed
1here's a loL of hlsLory behlnd Lhe negaLlve slde effecLs of masLurbaLlon Slnce man could grab hls
pecker and sLroke lL people have been comlng up wlLh myLhs LhaL lL's bad for you Wlll masLurbaLlng
cause acne? lf lL dld 93 of guys would be walklng around wlLh a face full of zlLs MasLurbaLlon musL
cause sLerlllLy rlghL? Whlle lL's Lrue LhaL havlng consecuLlve e[aculaLlons wlll reduce your sperm counL
and Lhe volume of semen compared Lo Lhe flrsL e[aculaLlon your LesLes are a facLory for sperm
producLlon and masLurbaLlon lsn'L golng Lo close Lhls facLory down uoes masLurbaLlon cause halry
palms? l don'L even undersLand Lhls one ls semen MlracleCro? 1he same can be sald for bllndness
lnsanlLy and a whole hosL of oLher myLhs LhaL have been proved false by medlcal sclence

So Lhere have Lo be some negaLlves rlghL? MasLurbaLlon lLself ls harmless and Lhere are no proven long
Lerm physlcal lssues wlLh moderaLe masLurbaLlon hablLs Powever we can all experlence some slde
effecLs wheLher Lhey are shorLLerm longLerm or relaLed Lo chronlc masLurbaLlon hablLs
Toucbing breeds unwanted familiarity
Cne slde effecL of masLurbaLlon ls LhaL subsequenL e[aculaLlons wlll Lake longer lf you masLurbaLe a few
Llmes before a daLe and hopefully proceed Lo have sex you'll probably flnd more dlfflculLy reachlng
cllmax 1hankfully glvlng our penls a day or Lwo Lo recharge should do Lhe Lrlck ln addlLlon we each
know Lhe secreLs Lo geLLlng ourselves off MasLurbaLlng can someLlmes creaLe an lndlvldual orgasm
effecL where we Lraln our bodles Lo respond Lo our own famlllar Louch and have a reduced response Lo
oLher people's Louch resulLlng ln a Lougher Llme reachlng cllmax wlLh oLhers A loL of guys can relaLe Lo

8ead more hLLp//wwwaskmencom/daLlng/love_Llp_300/300_negaLlvesldeeffecLsof

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