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S.Kesh, S. Kala, N.


Report of Minor Project

Report of Minor Project on GIS Integration of Remote Sensing Data & Several Geophysical Data for Hydrogeological Exploration
Partial Fulfillment of

Bachelor of Technology In Geo Informatics Engineering

Submitted By
Subhasis Kesh (R620209059) Sumi Kala (R620209060) Neha Sharma (R620209038)

Under The Guidance of

Dr. Sabyasachi Maiti
Department of Petroleum Engineering and Earth Science University of Petroleum and Energy Studies Dehradun- 248007 India

S.Kesh, S. Kala, N.Sharma

Report of Minor Project


Acknowledgement Abstract Introduction Study Area Methodology Results Discussion Conclusion References Annexure

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Page No. 3 Page No. 4 Page No. 5 Page No. 6 Page No. 7 & Page No. 8 Page No. 9 & Page No. 10 Page No. 11 Page No.12 Page No. 12 Page No. 13 & Attachments


S.Kesh, S. Kala, N.Sharma

Report of Minor Project

We are acknowledged to our faculty advisers for helping us to complete this project with a great success. Those are, Dr. S. Maiti: Asst. Professor of Department of Petroleum Engineering and Earth Science, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies. Dr. P. K Srivastava: Asst. Professor of Department of Petroleum Engineering and Earth Science, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies Shri C. P Srivastava: Regional Director of Central Ground Water Board, Kolkata for providing the tools of Geophysical Data Collection


S.Kesh, S. Kala, N.Sharma

Report of Minor Project

Analysis of hydro-geological data often involves incorporating information from many sites each with a unique geographical location. Interpretation of these data requires that the spatial location be incorporated into the analysis. Geographic Information System (GIS) can be used efficiently for this purpose where hydrogeological data having different spatial identity can be analyzed independently using different logical approaches. In this project GIS is used for the analysis of hydro-geological data acquired from remote sensing (mainly Landsat MSS Data) and surface geophysical techniques for the assessment of economically high water system development of a hard rock terrain in Bankura District, West Bengal, India. United States Remote Sensing Satellite, Landsat MSS data is used for the generation of thematic map of geology. Geophysical survey is conducted using Vertical electrical sounding (VES) at several locations in the study area. The data is interpreted using evolutionary programming technique based on global optimization. Aquifer resistivity and thickness interpreted from VES data is used to generate the corresponding thematic maps. Weights are assigned to different ranges of resistivity and thickness values based on their position on geological map. Finally the weighted maps are integrated using a GIS based aggregation method to model the hydro-geological i.e. economically high water system condition of the area which will be helpful for the society to get natural water in right manner.


S.Kesh, S. Kala, N.Sharma

Report of Minor Project

Better interpretation of hydrogeological data often requires that their spatial location be incorporated into the analysis. Geographic Information System (GIS) can be used for storing hydro-geological data as well as their spatial locations in a relational database. It also provides the facility to analyze the spatial data objectively using various logical conditions. As a result, now a day, GIS is widely used for spatial modelling of hydrogeological prospect of a large area with more reliability. Examples from recent literature spotlight several uses of GIS as applied to ground water exploration. Gustafsson (1993) used a GIS for the analysis of lineament data derived from SPOT imagery for ground water potential mapping. Minor et al. (1994) developed an integrated interpretation strategy to characterize ground water resources for identification of well locations in Ghana using a GIS as the unifying element. For the assessment of ground water resources of Northwest Florida Water Management District, Richards et al. (1996) took the advantage of GIS for spatial analysis and data visualization. Krishnamurthy et al. (1996) developed a GIS based model for delineating ground water potential zones of Marudaiyar basin, Tamil Nadu, India by integrating different thematic layers derived from remote sensing data. The field verification of this model established the efficacy of the GIS in distinguishing the potential ground water reserve. Application of GIS for ground water resource assessment has also been reported by Sander (1997), Teeuw (1999) and others. In the present paper GIS is used for spatial modelling of hydrogeological condition of a hard rock terrain in Bankura District, West Bengal, India through the integration of geological and geophysical thematic maps prepared from remote sensing data and vertical electrical sounding (VES) results respectively. United States Remote Sensing Satellite LANDSAT-7 MSS data is used for the generation of thematic map of geology. For the preparation of geophysical thematic maps vertical electrical sounding is conducted at several sites in the study area. The VES data are interpreted by using Evolutionary Programming (EP) technique based on global optimization (Shahid et al., 1999). The spatial location of VES point and corresponding aquifer parameters viz. aquifer resistivity and its thickness obtained from VES interpretation are stored in a GIS. The parameters are then contoured to prepare the corresponding thematic map. As the resistivity of the aquifer material depends on the geology of area, different features or resistivity range values of the aquifer resistivity thematic map are scored according their prospect in predicting lineaments condition by overlaying it on geology map of the area. One the other hand, the features in the thematic map of aquifer thickness are scored according the thickness values. The two thematic maps are then integrated to generate the spatial model of hydrogeological prospect of the study area.

S.Kesh, S. Kala, N.Sharma

Report of Minor Project

Situated at a distance of 180 km away from Calcutta, the capital of West Bengal, the area in Bankura District lies between 23015 and 23030 of North latitudes, and 87004 and 87008 of East longitude (Figure 1). The area comprises several villages and two towns, Bankura and Bishnupur. Climatologically, the area falls in the Gangetic West Bengal region with an average annual rainfall of 152.2 cm and average temperature of 35C. An oppressive and hot summer, high relative humidity and well-distributed rainfall during the monsoon are some of the characteristics of its climate. The topography of this part of Bankura District is very gentle. The average elevation above the mean sea level is about 48 meters. The upland areas are thickly vegetated with Sal (Soria Robusta) forest, whereas the low land areas are moderately cultivated. The area is mainly drained by the river Damodar and its tributaries.

Fig 1: Study Area Adequate water supply, particularly during summer, has always been a problem in the area. The problem is becoming progressively more acute with the growth of population and industry. It has been projected that the total water demand for the year 2011 comes to 27 MLD considering per capita demands as 135 liter/day for Bankura municipality area only. At present, only a part of the municipal areas are provided with piped water supply through the wells at riverbed. But it is far from requirements. Adjacent rural areas mostly inhabited by tribal face severe crisis of water throughout the year. If rainfall is low in a year the drought situation endangers the area. Therefore, in view of necessary augmentation of the present water supply in and around Bankura and Sonamukhi towns is chosen for the proposed study.

S.Kesh, S. Kala, N.Sharma

Report of Minor Project

First, we go for the LANDSAT Multi Spectral Sensor (MSS) Data to detect the lineaments of the study area. To determine the lineaments from the LANDSAT MSS Data of the study area, we have created a .img file of that data from .jpeg file by using the ERDAS Imagine 9.1. Georeferenced data was directly collected from the USGS source of the study area. After, completing the file formatting, we applied the convolution filtering to get the lineaments presence in the image. For getting the proper lineaments we use the LANDSAT Band 3, Band 1 and Band 2 i.e. Blue, Green and Red. After selecting the bands, we go for vertical and horizontal convolution filtering by using the 5x5 filtering. After filtering the image we got the lineaments. But, to get it perfection, we do the histogram matching of the study area and then got the corrected lineaments mapping of the study area. After that we saved that lineaments mapped data in .img file to get digitized by the Arc Map software. (Fig 4) By using the digitization tool of the Arc Map we have done the digitization of the lineaments which are shown by the ERDAS in the Data. So, we marked the heavy and light lineaments. For the heavy lineaments we have marked by the red lines and light lineaments we have marked by the yellow lines. After studying the LANDSAT MSS Data we just go for the Geophysical Data mainly Vertical Electrical Sounding Data study for getting the lineaments of the study area. (Fig 2 & Fig 3) Geophysical data greatly help in locating the lineaments and groundwater potential of any area in any hydrogeological setup. The property and thickness of various litho-units obtained from geophysical survey at different location if integrated can yield a lineaments potential model of higher reliability and precision. We are proposing a method for the interpretation of geophysical data and estimation of Lineaments Potential Index (LPI) and Ground Water Potential Index (GWPI) at various survey locations and we used this similar approach for our study area and calculated the ground water potential. In this case we used VES data for the


S.Kesh, S. Kala, N.Sharma

Report of Minor Project

estimation of layer parameters, namely, aquifer resistivity and thickness at different points which has given us the presence of lineaments and groundwater potential. We assigned weights to different layer parameters and ratings to the features of the parameters according to the performance of the existing subsurface geological structures and groundwater channel in the vicinity and estimated the LPI & GWPI of the survey points. As the LPI & GWPI obtained in this process is derived from the physical properties of the subsurface layers, they showed that it gives an accurate measurement of Lineaments potential like high and less and as well ground water potential of that area. In this investigation, for the estimation of hydrogeological condition, data obtained from VES surveys are interpreted for the estimation of the subsurface parameters viz. electrical resistivity of the thickness. These parameters at different survey points are contoured using Krigging method (deMarsily 1986) and the corresponding thematic maps are prepared. The resistivity and thickness of the subsurface media are directly related to transmissivity and structure conductivity of the subsurface. Therefore, integration of these two data is providing the Lineaments potential of an area. However, different types of lithology with different resistivity ranges have different lineaments potential prospect. Therefore, different range of values or features has a different score in a scale according to its importance in accumulating the information about the low resistive path i.e. lineaments. An overlay operation would then evaluate the intersected regions by a sum of the scores, so that each resulting region is characterized by a score measuring its potential. Based on this method lineaments condition of the study area is estimated. After the lineaments detection by these two methods i.e. LANDSAT MSS Data and VES Data study, we are suggesting for making a cannel through the high lineaments area from the Durgapur barrage to Bankura city to develop the water system of that area. From this lineaments mapping we can do the hydro-geological modelling as well by the ground water potential which can be detected by the VES survey.
N.B: Each and every raw and derived data is in the annexure section with label.

S.Kesh, S. Kala, N.Sharma

Report of Minor Project


Fig 2: Multilayer Interpretation of VES Data

Fig 3: High and Low Density Lineaments Map from VES


S.Kesh, S. Kala, N.Sharma

Report of Minor Project

Fig 4: Digitized Landsat MSS Data

From the VES data and Digitized Landsat MSS Data, we are getting the most of the same result. By observing the two type of data we just interpret the artificial groundwater reach area and most preferable hydro-geological explorative reach area.

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S.Kesh, S. Kala, N.Sharma

Report of Minor Project

For the hydro-geological modeling to develop the water system of our study area is done by these two methods. We choose two methods because lineaments mapping cant be 100% correct by the studying of satellite data. So, we choose VES study to cross check the data. At the time of lineaments mapping by the VES data there is also a chance to get Groundwater Potential Index which will be helpful for the groundwater potentiality study. Groundwater potentiality and the lineaments is the great answer for a semi arid area where water is going to question mark. By the proper lineaments and the ground water potential study we can model a water system through the high lineaments area from where water is flowing over the flooding line at the time of rainy season and some other time as well. So, these project helps to develop the water system of the Bankura district mainly Bankura City.

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S.Kesh, S. Kala, N.Sharma

Report of Minor Project

At the end of this paper, we can conclude that this project is totally depend on the GIS, Remote Sensing and Geophysics. In this project we have tried to Integrate these three to get a corrected result and to develop the water crisis of the Eastern India Part i.e. Bankura City.

Ahmed A Madani: Integrated Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System Based Approach Towards Groundwater Development Through Artificial Recharge in Hard-Rock Terrain, Centre for Remote Imaging, Sensing and Processing (CRISP), National Institute of Singapore, (2001). Debasish Das: Integrated Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System Based Approach Towards Groundwater Development Through Artificial Recharge in Hard-Rock Terrain, University of Kalyani. Hani Al-Amoush Integration of Vertical Electrical Sounding and Aeromagnetic Data Using GIS Techniques to Assess the Potential of Unsaturated Zone and Natural Basalt Caves for Groundwater Artificial Recharge in NE-Jordan, Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering Vol. 4 Edet, A.E. and Okereke, C.S. (1997) Assessment of hydrogeological conditions in basement aquifers of the Precambrian Oban massif, southeastern Nigeria, Journal of Applied Geophysics, 36, 195-204. Gustafsson, P. (1993) High resolution satellite imagery and GIS as a dynamic tool in groundwater exploration in a semi-arid area. Proceedings of the IAHS conference on Journal of Spatial Hydrology 12 Application of Geographic Information Systems in Hydrology and Water Resources Management held in Vienna, Austria, on April 19-22 1993, pp. 93-100. Vienna. Manas Banerjee Evaluation of Hydrogeology of the Lower Son Valley Based on Remote Sensing Data, Journal of Geographic Information System (2010), 220-227. Maged Marghany and Mazlan Hashim: Lineament mapping using multispectral remote sensing satellite data. International Jornal of the Physical Science Vol. 5(10).

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S.Kesh, S. Kala, N.Sharma

Report of Minor Project


Fig 5: Raw Landsat MSS Data

Proofs of References are attached with this project report as the part of the Annexure. Please refer attachment for the same.

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