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ServIce DfferIngs

StaffIng SoIutIons

LE8's abIlIty to work across Industry segments and address personnel needs, across management functIonsllevels,
owIng largely to It's wIllIngness to Invest abundant tIme wIth the clIent's organIzatIon to understand theIr exact
requIrement and dedIcate capable resources towards executIon of the same. LE8's total dedIcatIon and
commItment to clIent relatIonshIps ensures a long lastIng and mutually benefIcIal partnershIp, furtherIng the
objectIves of both.

As a complete one stop solutIon, HF servIce provIder our experIenced/ specIalIzed consultants lend expertIse In
all HF related domaIns to help desIgn and Implement selectIon/assessment processes, where requIred to enhance
the effIcIency of the clIent's recruItment and selectIon tasks.

LE8's StaffIng solutIons comprIse of four dIstInct components:
O !ermanent StaffIng
O ontract StaffIng
O %raInIng
O ssessments
O ecutIve Search
O # onsuItIng
!ermanent StaffIng
Permanent staffIng prImarIly caters to requIrements for mIddle and junIor level management posItIons In an
organIzatIon through database, advertIsed and turnkey recruItment servIces, as per the clIent's
0atabase #ecruItIng
Handled through our comprehensIve database of resumes, across segments, fIelds and profIles compIled through a
varIety of scIentIfIcally and thoroughly devIsed actIvItIes, thus makIng It unIque.
/vertIse/ #ecruItIng
n case desIred by the clIent, or on the basIs of sheer volume/ urgency of the need,we can release a
recruItment advertIsement on behalf of the clIent and manage the entIre recruItment process, rIght from the
venues for IntervIews, to helpIng complete the fInal selectIon! recruItment of candIdates.
%urnkey #ecruItIng
A specIalIzed recruItment process that handles large volume requIrement of recruItments from clIents, especIally
for requIrements at the junIor/ mIddle management posItIons and Is best suIted for startups/ new projects
IncludIng large scale 8PD projects, large scale expansIon of teams across geographIcal locatIons.
ecutIve Search
We at LE8 realIze the nature and sensItIvIty of addressIng the clIent's requIrement of personnel at the senIor/top
management levels. For thIs purpose LE8 prefers to be retaIned on a per mandate basIs so that the requIred
levels of attentIon can be provIded to the clIent's requIrement and hIghest levels of satIsfactIon/servIce can be

A search brIef Is fIrst prepared by a specIally desIgnated team, In close coordInatIon wIth the clIent and
hIsdesIgnated team, detaIlIng the scope of the assIgnment. The resultant posItIon profIle and candIdate
specIfIcatIons form the basIs for the subsequent search. WIth a well researched and evolved search plan and
targeted headhuntIng(keepIng the Importance of confIdentIalIty In mInd), thIs process generally proceeds
collaboratIvely wIth the clIent through multIple meetIngs and consultatIons to ensure that the fInal result Is
effIcIent and to the clIent's complete satIsfactIon.

LE8's capabIlItIes across segments, helps In creatIvely shapIng the specIfIcatIons that factor transferable skIll
sets/competencIes In IdentIfyIng a suItable leader for the clIents.

ontract StaffIng
Contract staffIng busIness provIdes workforce when requIred across geographIcal locatIons. Under thIs
arrangement the manpower supplIed shall be on the payroll of LE8, thus takIng away the worry of complyIng wIth
the statutory, legal requIrements and ensurIng a no lIabIlIty sItuatIon for the clIent.
Dn beIng retaIned LE8 would take on responsIbIlIty for all of the followIng:
O FesourcIng candIdates wIth a profIle matchIng the job descrIptIon provIded by the clIent.
O Short lIstIng and conductIng IntervIews.
O FacIlItatIng the candIdates reportIng to work at the clIent's work premIses, after takIng hIm/her on LE8's
O HandlIng all statutory requIrements pertaInIng to the candIdates durIng theIr tenure wIth the clIent.
O PerIodIcally ensurIng InteractIon wIth the deputees, to ensure smooth delIvery of job responsIbIlItIes.


Dur traInIng dIvIsIon assumes full responsIbIlIty of fulfIllIng the clIent organIzatIon's complete traInIng related
requIrements, rIght from assessIng the need to desIgnIng the modules for traInIng and theIr subsequent delIvery.
Dur traIners drawn from varIous streams possess dIverse skIlls and understandIng to be able to cater to the
requIrements of most IndustrIes. n case retaIned for thIs functIon, we partner wIth our clIents to ensure that
employee traInIng and alIgnment are In lIne wIth the company's objectIves/goals, for whIch we undertake the
O dentIfy traInIng needs.
O evelop traInIng strategy and course content.
O mpart traInIng In leadershIp, teamwork and change management. . Project management traInIng delIvery.
O valuatIon and reportIng of the effectIveness of the traInIng Imparted. We cater to onsIte as well as
offsItetraInIng requIrements, IncludIng content, venue arrangements etc. ThIs helps In makIng LE8 an
actual one stop solutIon as far a clIent's personnel traInIng related requIrements are concerned.


Assessments and psychometrIc analysIs when coupled wIth staffIng solutIons, become an extremely powerful tool
for ensurIng short lIstIng of candIdates best suIted to the job requIrements and the objectIves of an organIzatIon,
whIch leads to hIgher levels of productIvIty and longevIty, two essentIal IngredIents to fuel an organIzatIon's
growth. LE8 uses Its well researched and standardIzed tests, whIch can be customIzed to suIt the IndIvIdual
clIent's requIrement for achIevIng the desIred results and ensurIng hIghest levels of clIent satIsfactIon.

# onsuItIng

Dur team of experIenced and dedIcated professIonals serves the changIng needs of large busIness houses, publIc
sector and multInatIonal companIes. Dur team helps maxImIze the effectIveness and mInImIze the cost of a
company's workforce, whIle fosterIng employee satIsfactIon, retentIon and productIvIty. Dur objectIve Is to help
our clIents get theIr people systems rIght, In all dImensIons. Dur servIces In thIs area Include:

uman #esource Strategy

CombInIng your knowledge of busIness and Its prIorItIes wIth our skIlls, experIence and methodologIes, we help
your HF functIon delIver demonstrable busIness results through:
O ClarIfyIng organIzatIonal strategy and values whIch wIll drIve people practIces.
O easurIng and developIng HF capabIlIty to work as a partner In formulatIng and ImplementIng the
busIness strategy, HF audIt and due dIlIgence
O mployee surveys
O esIgnIng and ImplementIng HF busIness processes and polIcIes IncludIng:
O FecruItment, selectIon and InductIon Performance anagement
O CompensatIon strategy
O Career and success plannIng
O TraInIng and development
O FetentIon and exIt management
O HF polIcIes and procedures

# 0ue 0IIIgence
Dur team at LE8 can make the transItIon fuelled by mergers and acquIsItIons more effectIve. Successful mergers
and acquIsItIons requIre an Integrated approach that connects busIness needs to people prIorItIes. t requIres a
comprehensIve merger and acquIsItIon strategy that Includes:
uman apItaI FInancIaI 0ue 0IIIgence
O PensIons and retIrement provIsIons
O 8enefIts and redundancy oblIgatIons
O Legal and contractual commItments
uIture ompatIbIIIty 0ue 0IIIgence
O LeadershIp styles and Its Impact on culture
O mployee concerns or expectatIons from the merger/ acquIsItIon
uman apItaI Systems 0ue 0IIIgence
O Assessment of key personnel for jobfIt
O CompensatIon and grade structures
O CompatIbIlIty of HF polIcIes and processes
ndustrIal FelatIons due dIlIgence
O HIstory of dIsputes and pendIng court cases
O Fetrenchment and retraInIng possIbIlItIes
uman #esource InformatIon Systems
We help our clIents leverage on technology to streamlIne theIr HF systems and make theIr HF processes robust.
Dur team of specIalIsts can help your organIzatIon In:
O AnalysIng the benefIts of ImplementIng an HF nformatIon Systems
O efInIng the requIrements of HFS for the organIzatIon from a systems and HF functIonal perspectIve.
O evelopIng the road map for HFS ImplementatIon
O dentIfyIng, evaluatIng, selectIng and ImplementIng offtheshelf HFS packages
uman #esource DperatIonaI Improvement
At LE8, we belIeve In offerIng a comprehensIve HF solutIon that IdentIfIes potentIal costsavIng opportunItIes and
process Improvements to help clIents prIorItIze and Implement change. Some of the key areas that the program
focuses on are:
HelpIng clIents reduce the process costs of theIr entIre HF functIon IncludIng
O 'IsIble costs, such as HF operatIons budget
O nvIsIble costs, such as unproductIve deployment of manpower and clIent satIsfactIon Impact
uman #esource DutsourcIng
O dentIfyIng HF actIvItIes that can be outsourced
O elIverIng technologyenabled HF selfservIce
O ProvIdIng retaIner servIces of HF capabIlItIes
O FedesIgnIng HF processes based on best practIces
O ProvIdIng ImplementatIon support
!erformance an/ #ewar/s hanagement
At LE8 , we strIve to partner wIth our clIents to create powerful Performance and Fewards solutIons that help
them attract, motIvate and retaIn employees. These Include:
!erformance hanagement
O FecruItment, selectIon and InductIon Performance anagement
O evelopIng board structures, defInIng governance rules and dIrector remuneratIons.
O CascadIng 8oard / xecutIve performance measures
O efInIng the performance appraIsal process
O nstItutIonalIzIng performance feedback and counselIng
O efInIng career and successIon plannIng
O evelopIng a reward and strategy lInked performance
!ay an/ #ewar/ SoIutIons
O evelopIng the compensatIon strategy
O esIgnIng the executIve compensatIon plans
O esIgnIng the sales IncentIve plans
O CompensatIon structurIng
O CompensatIon and benefIts InformatIon servIces.
%a eIp 0esk
Tax laws In ndIa are complex and subject to frequent changes. any multInatIonal employers have launched
employee tax awareness and support programs for theIr employees. We assIst multInatIonal corporatIons on Issues
relatIng to employment arrangements, tax complIance and tax plannIng avenues through the followIng
O dentIfyIng HF actIvItIes that can be outsourced
O mployee presentatIons
O Helpdesk
O CounselIng
O Dneonone meetIngs wIth top executIves
!ayroII DutsourcIng
For employers, ensurIng confIdentIalIty of data and enhancIng the level of servIce to theIr employees, Involves
very large Investments In people and costs. Payroll outsourcIng leads to sIgnIfIcant reductIon In costs whIle
maIntaInIng the desIred levels of confIdentIalIty.

Dur experIenced and well qualIfIed personnel ensure all statutory and tax complIance, thus ensurIng the least
botheratIon for our clIent wIth the hIghest levels of effIcIency.
LItIgatIon Support
LItIgatIon In ndIa can be extremely cumbersome and tIme consumIng. The process of lItIgatIon Is complex and
requIres an Indepth understandIng of the law and related regulatory procedures.

LItIgatIon If not properly handled can lead to a lot of dIstress as well as fInancIal loss. Dur team, of legal
consultants, If retaIned, takes care of the entIre legal complIance/lItIgatIon requIrements of the clIent, wIth the
clIent just havIng to sIgn a few documents and leavIng the rest to the experts.

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