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1. What is the water assessment of Bicol river? 2. Are there harmful microorganisms in Bicol river? 3. Is the water in the Bicol River safe for people near it?


1. The water assessment in Bicol river tells that the water quality of the river is good/bad and safe/dangerous. 2. There are lots/few possibilities for the Bicol river to have harmful microorganisms. 3. The water in Bicol river is safe/dangerous to people near it.

Background of the Study

Significance of the Study

This study was conducted to monitor safe water issues in Bicol River and present a comprehensive review providing an authoritative picture of the state of water quality. This initiative represents an opportunity to raise awareness on rivers. This also summarizes a variety of information regarding the water sources used by a public water system. This water assessment is a tool for identifying the benefits and destructions within Bicol River. It evaluates how water quality relates to human conditions, social position and enabling environments as well as other elements deemed necessary within the water sector.

In this study, we can help promote awareness regarding the water quality in a water system.

Scope and Limitation

This study, which promotes awareness on water quality, specifically covered the description of the body of water and the area that affects this body of water. It also included the description of the water quality and the possible presence of harmful microorganisms to anyone using the river. But this study cant totally explain all concerns about water assessment because this only serves as a piece of knowledge in the vast nature concerning water quality and water assessment. This experiment cant also present the exact quantitative water assessment because we didnt have all the needed apparatus that was needed to determine all things about this study. This study simply exhibits the basic and main concepts about water assessment and how it is important to be aware about this.


We therefore conclude that the water assessment in the Bicol River showed that it is safe/dangerous because theres a high/low percentage of harmful bacteria which can cause poor health.

Project In Biology 1

Determining the Water Assessment of the Bicol River

Submitted to: Dr. Miguel M. Lavadia Jr. Biology 1 Teacher

Submitted by: Medelle R. Base Michael Antonio Favorito Mac Andrew B. Villanueva Lorenz Anthony Caldito Alaine Cabanza Exel John Paolo B. Ragas

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