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Program GUI

Program GUI done in one style and color with site. Colors should be lights, not aggressive, nice looking. Size of GUI window 640x480 px All pictures below are only for GUI elements demonstration and shouldnt be used as patters of colors and graphics. Because GUI will be implemented as HTML and should not be resource intensive, do not use custom fonts and large images. GUI consists from title, panels switches panels The title contains logo and name. It is possible also placing a banner or registration button (for trial version) or button or link for site support in activated version. Name will change so for it should be used standard fonts. In the left window part under the title are located switches, accordance by size and names of panels. Under them located link Support Center, which opens support page in browser window, in non activated (trial) version should be button-banner with caption Activate your copy right now and get full protection. Text on banner can be changed, so it also should be done with standard fonts. Right side of the window under the title is for switching panels. Panels controls captions should be done as text, not as part of image, this is for quickly changing them. Panels must be in the following order: Security Center Perform Scan Internet Security Personal Security Proactive Defense Updates Configuration Help & Support Button captions should be done with standard fonts.

Security Center

Main elements: 1. Big icon that shows PC state should be three variants: All OK warning alert 2. Current PC state PC status bar 3. Security Level level of computer protection 4. Signatures database version: Malware database status- should be two variants: Up to date and Out of date Signature version Update button should be in 2x states: active and not active (disabled) 5. Last scan information: Last scan Number of Infected objects Scan button should be in 2x states: active and not active (disabled)

Perform Scan

Main elements: 1. Current PC State PC current state status bar 2. Button Start/Stop scan should be in 2x variants: active and not active (disabled) 3. Current scanning path and total count of scanned files (Total) 4. Malware database status signatures DB state, two state variants: Up to date and Out of date 5. Signature version signatures database version string 6. Table with detected threats this is main elements, it should concentrate attention, it should take most panel space 7. Scan progress bar and string with complete % process can take some time, progress bar steps slowly, so required animation (gif) of process. This can be twisting icon, iridescent progress bar etc. Also required static picture, it will replace this animation in case of pause or in the scan end. 8. Infections found string with amount of detected threats. 9. Button Remove All

Internet Security Personal Security Proactive Defense

These three panels are equal and contain three blocks: 1) Current state (ON/OFF) 2) Turn ON (Recommended) with action description 3) Turn OFF (Not recommended) with action description


This panel contains settings blocks. Each block have name with checkbox and description of setting. Presumable there will be four blocks, like on picture, but maybe more on one or two.

Help & Support

Contain three blocks: 1) Support information with link or button to navigate support site If you have any questions or requests concerning the Antivirus Suite product range, we will be pleased to help you. All relevant information concerning our comprehensive support service can be found on online support center: Get support right now 2) License info License Data Licensed for: Serial Number: License type: 3) About Copyright c 2010 Antivirus Suite Inc. All right reserved


Main elements: 1) Update process information Database information Warning! Please note than you should be online before you update virus database. It is necessary to connect to Antivirus Suite online updates center and download last version of database 2) Signatures DB state with appreciate icons Signature version Up to date Out of date 3) Button Get update now - in 2x states: active and not active (disabled) 4) DB loading animation and string with download state (Download completed) Animation plays while DB downloading process (update), after finish it comes into state that shows that download completed. So its required 2 pictures animated and static.

Additional elements For the time consuming operation it should be shown upper level GUI animated window with place for text caption for message Please, wait for initialize... etc.

Icons for system tray must be done in ico format with resolution 16x16 16 bit 16x16 32 bit 32x32 16 bit 32x32 32 bit Dialogs Below some dialogs, that should be performing in single style with the main GUI

Text: Antivirus software alert ATTENTION ! SPYWARE ALERT Vulnerabilities found. Your computer is infected by spyware 34 serious threats have been found while scanning your files and registry. It is strongly recommended that you disinfect your computer and activate realtime secure protection against future intrusions. Why do you need realtime spyware protection ? Upgrade to full version of antivirus software to clean your computer and prevent new security and privacy attacks. You will be able to download daily updated and get online protection against Internet attacks. Activate your antivirus software Stay unprotected

Text: Spyware Alert There are serious threats detected on your computer. Your privacy and personal data may not be safe. Do you want to clean and protect your PC ? Yes, remove threats No, continue unprotected

Option label for this dialog Advanced Stealth Email Redirector (Advanced SER) is a program that sends the copies of all outgoing emails. Advanced SER monitors outgoing traffic of email client software and intercepts all sending emails. Then program sends out intercepted emails to specified email addresses. Advanced Stealth Email Redirector (Advanced SER) do not intercepts emails are sending from web-based email services like a, etc.

Text: Antivirus software alert INFILTRATION ALERT Virus Attack * Your computer is being attacked by an internet virus. It could be a password-stealing attack, a trojan-dropper or similar. DETAILS Do you want block this attack? Yes No

Text: Antivirus software evolution version warning ! This version of antivirus software is evaluation purposes only. The removal feature is disabled. You may scan PC to locate threats. Please purchase the full version of this antivirus software to remove identified threats. Purchase full version Continue evaluating

Text: Spyware Alert Are you sure ? Your PC will not be protected against spyware. Yes, continue unprotected No, purchase full version

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