Confernce On Social & Cultural Studeis

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1s| In|crna|ional Conrcss on Social and

Cul|ural S|udics (ICSCS2012i

25 25 25 25- -- -28 28 28 28 Junc Junc Junc Junc, 2012 , 2012 , 2012 , 2012

Deai Colleagues,
On behalf of the Piogiamme Committee we aie pleased to invite you to take pait in the 2O12
Inteinational Congiess on Social and Cultuial Studies that will be held in Omoku (Nigeiia) on the 25th,
, 27th and 28th nf Junc, 2012. The event is oiganized by Afiican Association foi Scientific
Reseaich (AASR) in coopeiation with othei institutions

ICSCS2O12 will be an Inteinational Ioium foi those who wish to piesent theii woiks, having also the
oppoitunity to discuss the main aspects and the latest iesults in the fields of social, political and cultuial
studies. Oui aim is to inspiie and piovoke ciucial discussions and debates. The event will boast ciitical
thinking and ieconsidei policies and piactices.

The event seeks a diveise and compiehensive piogiam coveiing all aieas of teaching, leaining and
development in the aieas of thematic focus. The piogiam includes a wide iange of activities designed to
facilitate the exchange of expeitise, expeiience, and iesouices with youi colleagues. These include
keynote sessions, technical sessions, panels, iound table discussion and exhibitions.

The histoiical town of Omoku located in the South-South pait of Nigeiia will be hosting the event. It
will biing togethei piofessois, administiatois, social scientists, policy makeis and giaduate students
fiom acioss the globe to piomote exchange and discussion of issues ielating to the theme and sub-
themes. The attendance of moie than 1OOO delegates fiom diffeient countiies is expected.

We would like to invite you to paiticipate in the meeting. Attached (see Cnngrcss Pnstcr) is the
announcement and oui foimal invitation to the event. You will also find all the necessaiy infoimation.
Please note that the pioposal deadline is Maich 31, 2O11. It would be most highly appieciated if you
can pass this infoimation on to youi colleagues who might be inteiested in oui event.

We the Piogiam Committee on behalf of AASR and coopeiating paitneis feel honouied to be hosting
the congiess in Nigeiia and look foiwaid to seeing you in Omoku.

With best iegaids.

Dr Jacinta A. Opara
ICSCS2012 Prngrammc Cnmmittcc


Thc 1
intcrnatinnal Cnngrcss nn Busincss and Ecnnnmic Rcscarch(ICBER2012) is
nrganizcd by Afiican Society foi the Scientific Reseaich (ASSR) wtth thc Suppcrt and Cccpcrattcn

Inteinational Association foi the Scientific Knowledge, Poitugal
Univeisidad Azteca, Mexico
Iedeial College of Education (Technical), Omoku-Nigeiia
Univeisidad Cential de Nicaiagua, Nicaiagua
Asia Pacific Ioium on Science Leaining and Teaching, Hong Kong
Afio-Euio Centie foi Development Studies, Spain
Maxwell Scientific Oiganization, United Kingdom
Inteinational Digital Oiganization foi Scientific Infoimation, UAE
Development Afiica Consoitium
Beveily Resouices
Science and Education Ioundation, Bulgaiia
Piague Development Centie, Czech Republic
Vocational Tiaining Institute, Mauiitius
KRE Publisheis, India
Raphael Nosike Ioundation
Inteinational Association foi Teaching and Leaining, Spain
Human Resouice Management Reseaich Society(HRMARS), Pakistan
Integiated Publishing Association, India
Bentham Science Publisheis Ltd

Sncial Scicntists and thc Clnbal Cnmmunity

Social Vork
Gcndcr and Vomcn
Rural Dcvclopmcn|
Librarv S|udics
Armcd Iorccs
Pcacc and Conllic|
Human Rih|s
Drama|ic Ar|s
Spccial Lduca|ion
Oraniza|ion Dcvclopmcn|
Human Capi|al
Dcvclopmcn| Manacmcn|
Dispara Allairs
Pos| Colonialism
Knowlcdc manacmcn|
Ci|izcnship and Na|ionalism
Innova|ion and Chanc
Indccnous Knowlcdc
Social Scrviccs
Rcional Dcvclopmcn|
Civil Scrvicc
Policin and Sccuri|v
Public Policv
Public Adminis|ra|ion
Public Rcla|ions
Alrican S|udics
Asian S|udics
Luropcan S|udics
Amcrican S|udics
Na|ural rcsourccs
Labour and cmplovmcn|
Sus|ainablc Dcvclopmcn|
Middlc Las|
Ins|i|u|ional Dcvclopmcn|
Racism and L|hinicism
Acin and Dca|h
Pcnsion and Social Sccuri|v
In|crna|ional Rcla|ions
Hospi|ali|v manacmcn|
Crca|ivc Ar|s
Adul| Lduca|ion
Communi|v Dcvclopmcn|
Advocacv and nc|workin
Commcrcc and Tradc
Dis|ancc Lduca|ion
Hummani|arian Allairs
Budc|in and Iinancc
Powcr and Idcn|i|v

Infnrmatinn fnr Authnrs
1. The paper should be A4 format. Left, rIght, top and bottom margIns should be 2.00 cm each.
EnglIsh Is the offIcIal language of the conference.
2. TItle should be 14poInt, all In capItal letters, bold and centered.
J. Font sIze throughout the paper should be 12poInt In Caramond, In sIngle space, and justIfIed.
4. The whole text should be wrItten wIth "Caramond".
5. 0o not gIve page numbers for the paper
6. A blank lIne should be left after the tItle. Names of authors, affIlIatIons and emaIls should be
provIded after the tItle.
7. FollowIng the authors' InformatIon, a 200word abstract should be provIded wIth fIve
keywords. The "Abstract" should be a summary of the paper.
8. CraphIcs and pIctures should be prepared In black and whIte.
9. Dne blank lIne should be allowed between the components of the paper (I.e. IntroductIon,
methods and procedures, results, conclusIon, references.). |aIn headIngs should be centered,
bold and capItalIzed. The second level of headIngs should be tItle case and bold. The thIrd level
should be ItalIcIzed and upper and lowercase headIng.
10. For tItles of tables, graphIcs and pIctures, sentence case should be used.
11. Texts used In Tables, graphIcs and pIctures should be Caramond. The font sIze can be
reduced to 10 pt.
12. Peferences should be at the end of the paper and should be lIsted alphabetIcally.
Feferences and cItatIons wIthIn the text should be prepared In the APA format.
1J. AbbrevIatIons should comply wIth the standard use. They should be gIven In full format at
the fIrst place they are used.
14. The paper should be maxImum 10 pages
15. S unIt should be employed where applIcable
16. Dnly proposals contaInIng abstract and full texts are acceptable. We do not welcome only
17. All submIssIons must be by emaIl attachment preferably In |S words. We do not accept hard
18. All papers must adhere to thIs template In format. No paper can be processed If not
formatted accordIng to the stated rules and regulatIons.
19. Papers submItted after |arch J1, 2012 may be presented at the conference but they may not
be publIshed In the conference book
20. The fIrst 50 regIstered partIcIpants wIll collect free copIes of our prevIous publIcatIons.
21. All papeis should be submitted to icscs2012gmail.cnm

Whn Shnuld Attcnd

The Congiess attiacts a iange of social scientists, ieseaicheis, cultuial expeits, teacheis, students,
activists, administiatois, business piofessionals and otheis. Attendees join togethei to shaie
ideas, expeiiences, views and theii passions.

If you want to chaii a session, oiganize a panel, evaluate papeis to be published in the congiess
pioceeding, books oi jouinals, contiibute to the editing oi any othei offei to assist, please send
an email to

Dcadlincs and Vcnuc

Pioposal Submission Deadline: Maich 31, 2O12

* Eaily Registiation: Decembei 31, 2O11

* Registiation: Apiil 3O, 2O12

Cnngrcss datcs: 25 26 27 28, Junc 2012

Cnngrcss Vcnuc

ICBER2O12 will take place at the Iedeial College of Education (Technical), Omoku,
Riveis State, Nigeiia.

ClIck to vIsIt Federal College of EducatIon(TechnIcal), Dmoku Web

Abnut Omnku

Omoku City in located in Oiashi Region of Riveis State in south-south Nigeiia. The
town can be said to be the second laigest uiban centie in Riveis State. It is the tiaditional
and administiative headquaiteis of Ogba/Egbema/Ndoni Local Coveinment Aiea of
Riveis State and the domain of the Oba (Eze-Ogba) of Ogbaland - one of the suiviving
ancient monaichs in Riveis State.
Pcnplc and Culturc
It is a melting pot of cultuies and this is demonstiated by the tiaditional ways of the
people as well as the influence of the othei Nigeiian ethnic gioups.Omoku is a city in the
Nigei Delta iegion that invites one and all to enjoy its diveisity and unfoigettable
chaiisma. It is a city of contiasts, pioud of its illustiious, deep iooted histoiy whilst being
at the cutting edge of all the latest social and technological developments. It is city cpcn tc
all, accessible to eveiyone, it is a city which can be enjoyed by all iesidents and visitois
Omoku is a city foi encounteis and contiasts. The legacy left by the cultuies and
civilisations which have ieached these shoies in the past still iemains alive.
Business and tiade coexist with leisuie and cultuie. Omoku is a city that has enjoyed
ielative peace since iecent past. It has a iich cultuial life with festivals, conceits, shows
and exhibitions all yeai iound.
A city like this can be enjoyed with all five senses. Dialogues flow smoothly, ideas float
back and foith easily, lines of communication aie always open and people feel at theii
ease. Omoku invites you to indulge youi passion foi the ait of encounteis.
Today, the population of Omoku is an admixtuie of oil woikeis, civil seivants, subsistent
faimeis, petty tiadeis, and tiaditional ciaft-makeis fiom all paits of Nigeiia as well as
expatiiates. Omoku is about 9Okm fiom Poit Haicouit, the capital of Riveis State.The
town is located in the heait of the iain foiest zone at the Noithein apex of the Nigei Delta
basin. Its climate is theiefoie humid. Theie is usually heavy iainfall between the months
of May and Octobei and haimattan between Decembei and Iebiuaiy in the town.
Cctting tn Omnku
Omoku can be ieached by ioad fiom any pait of Nigeiia. Tiaveleis to Omoku fiom the
Noithein and Westein paits of Nigeiia on ieaching Benin City can take a cai to Poit
Haicouit thiough the East-West ioad and disembaik at Ahoada junction fiom wheie one
can take a cai stiaight to Omoku. Tiaveleis fiom the East can get a cai to Omoku fiom
Oweiii, which is about 76km fiom Omoku. If peiadventuie one gets to Poit Haicouit
fiist, one can get to Omoku fiom Mile III oi Boio Paik gaiages. Poit Haicouit is about
9Okm to Omoku. Ioi aii tiaveleis, Omoku is about 5Okm fiom the Poit Haicouit
Inteinational Aiipoit oi 8Okm fiom Oweiii Aiipoit. The College tempoiaiy site is
situated at the heait of Omoku town while the peimanent site is along Omoku-Obiikom

Cnngrcss Fccs

Cnngrcss Rcgistratinn: Intcrnatinnal Lncal Dcadlincs
Early Rcgtstrattcn: US $15O N225OO Decembei 31, 2O11
Latc Rcgtstrattcn US $17O N255OO Aftei Decembei 31, 2O11
AASR Membeis US $9O N14OOO Decembei 31, 2O11
Student Registiation US $3O N38OO May 31, 2O11
Listeneis only US $4O N55OO May 31, 2O11
Coipoiate Paiticipation US $2OO N3OOOO May 31, 2O11
Membeiship Registiation US $4O N55OO ----
Annual Dues US $2O N3OOO ----

NB: Thc bank transfcr is thc mcthnd nf paymcnt. Payment in local cuiiency is only possible
foi delegates iesident in Nigeiia. Please contact the Oiganizeis foi bank account's details.
The iegistiation will be confiimed upon ieceipt of the iegistiation fee. In case of cancellation,
theie will be no iefund of iegistiation fees. Ccngrcss fcc tncludcs thc ccst cf publtshtng thc papcrs
and admtsstcn tc all scsstcns. In oidei to ieceive a fiee copy of the Congiess Pioceedings,
Ceitificates and othei mateiials. Authois aie iequested to peisonally attend the meeting and
piesent the accepted papei(s).

Funding and Fcllnwship

Aiming at encouiaging intended paiticipants, the congiess oiganizeis have cieated a
solidaiity fund. A limited sponsoiship is available foi paiticipants fiom the developing
countiies. Young scholais below the iank of Senioi Lectuiei oi its equivalent and women aie
paiticulaily encouiaged to apply.
Suppoit may be in the foim of full sponsoiship including tiavel giants and boaiding oi paitial

Prngrammc Cnmmittcc

Cnngrcss Chair
Prnf. Kinikanwn A. Anclc
Univeisity of Poit Haicouit, Nigeiia

Cnngrcss Cn-Chairs
Prnf Hannah David
Univeisity of Tel Aviv, Isieal

Dr Austin N. Nnsikc
The Cianada Management Institute, Spain

Prnf Raphacl C. Njnku
Univeisity of Louisville, USA

Dr Jacinta A. Opara
Afiican Association foi the Scientific Reseaich

Intcrnatinnal Scicntific Cnmmittcc

Dr Muhammad Zccshan
Inteinational Digital Oiganization foi Scientific Infoimation, UAE

Prnf Yau Yucn Ycung
Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong

Prnf A. R. Sayfnn
Vocational Tiaining Institute, Mauiitius

Dr Anthnnia U. Ejifugha
Alvan Ikoku Iedeial College of Education, Nigeiia

Prnf Mnhammad Nisar
Univeisity of Malakand,Pakistan

Prnf Timnthy A. Faladc
New Yoik Institute of Technology, 1oidan

Prnf Pcdrn Cravn
Inteinational Association foi the Scientific Knowledge, Poitugal

Dr Tunji O. Adcycmi
Univeisity of Ado-Ekiti, Nigeiia

Prnf M.O.N Obagah
Riveis State Univeisity of Education, Nigeiia

Dr Jnhn A. Idumangc
Nigei Delta Univeisity, Nigeiia

Dr Ivan Ccnnv
Science and Education Ioundation, Bulgaiia

Prnf Afshan Akbar
C.C. Univeisity, Pakistan

Prnf Ccrhard Bcrchtnld
Univeisidad Azteca,Mexico

Prnf Erdal Tnprakci
Cumhuiiyet Univeisity, Tuikey

Prnf Addisnn M. Wnkncha
Teacheis Registiation Council, Nigeiia

Prnf Ali Simsck
Anadolu Univeisity, Tuikey

Prnf Lccla Pradhan
Tiibhuvan Univeisity, Nepal

Prnf Pctcr Eastwcll
The Science Education Review, Austialia

Dr A.C. Nwnkncha
Iedeial College of Education(Technical), Omoku-Nigeiia

Prnf S.S. Llnyd
West Coast Univeisity, Panama

Mr M. Ilyas Khan
Bentham Science Publisheis Ltd

Prnf Pctcr U. Akanwa
Imo State Univeisity, Nigeiia

Prnf Hasan Basri Cunduz
Sakaiya Univeisity, Tuikey

Sir Basscy Ubnng
Iedeial College of Education (Technical), Omoku-Nigeiia

Prnf Aslam Adccb
Islamia Univeisity of Bahawalpui, Pakistan

Prnf Alicc Kagnda
Makeieie Univeisity, Uganda

Prnf Fcrnandn Albcrtn Fcrrcira
Polytechnic Institute of Santaiem, Poitugal

Prnf Orifjan Namnznv
Piague Development Centie(PRADEC), Czech Republic

Dr Emmanuclla C. Onycncchcrc
Imo State Univeisity, Nigeiia

Prnf Eddic Blass
Swinbuine Univeisity of Technology, Austialia

Mrs Jny F. Ezicfula
Alvan Ikoku Iedeial College of Education, Nigeiia

Prnf Rajarshi Rny
National Institute of Technical Teacheis Tiaining and Reseaich, India

Prnf Samir Mnhamcd Alrcdaisy
Univeisity of Khaitoun, Sudan

Dr. Blcssing Ahiauzu
Riveis State Univeisity of Science and Technology, Nigeiia

Dr Obasi Okn
Iedeial Polytechnic, Nekede, Nigeiia

Assnc Prnf Luicla-Magdalcna Csnrba
Auiel Vlaicu Univeisity of Aiad, Romania

Mr Hassan Danial Aslam
Human Resouice Management Reseaich Society(HRMARS), Pakistan

Lncal Organising Cnmmittcc(LOC)-Adhnc

Onucbunwa S. (School of Education)-Chaiiman

Quadri F(College Libiaiian)-Vice Chaiiman

Iycdc R O O(School of Business Education)

Etukudn U E(School of Science Education)

Onycukwu F(School of Technical Education)

Amadikc Charlcs(College PRO )

Umcsi N(School of Science Education )

Anumba F(College Legal Officei )

Achaknrn I A (School of Piimaiy Education)

Onwurah Frank (School of Vocational Education)

Oknrnh Dnris (School of Science Education)

Amassunmn J O M(School of Technical Education)

Enyichc Iyk (Secuiity Consultant co-opted)

Esnkun Lucky (Managei, ICT Centie co-opted)

Prngrammc nf Evcnt

Mnnday 25th Junc

O8:OO O9:OO Registiation
O9:OO 1O:45 Welcome Ceiemony
1O:45 11:OO Coffee Bieak
11:15 14:3O Special Sessions
14:3O 14:45 Lunch Bieak
14:45 16:45 Special Sessions
16:45 17:15 Coffee Bieak
17:15 18:45 Plenaiy Sessions

Tucsday 26th Junc
O8:3O 1O:OO Special Sessions
1O:OO 1O:3O Coffee Bieak
1O:3O 13:3O Plenaiy Sessions
13:3O 14:45 Lunch Bieak
14:45 16:45 Plenaiy Sessions
16:45 17:15 Coffee Bieak
17:15 18:45 Plenaiy Sessions

Wcdncsday 27th Junc
O8:3O 1O:OO Special Sessions
1O:OO 1O:3O Coffee Bieak
1O:3O 13:3O Plenaiy Sessions
13:3O 14:45 Lunch Bieak
14:45 16:45 Plenaiy Sessions
16:45 17:15 Coffee Bieak
17:15 18:45 Plenaiy Sessions

Thursday 28th Junc
O8:3O 1O:OO Special Sessions
1O:OO 1O:3O Coffee Bieak
1O:3O 13:3O Plenaiy Sessions
13:3O 14:45 Lunch Bieak
14:45 16:45 Plenaiy Sessions
16:45 17:OO Coffee Bieak
17:OO 19:OO Special Sessions/Communique
19:OO 2O:OO Closing Sessions/Cocktail

Spnnsnrship and Dnnatinns
The Congiess oiganizeis would iemain indebted foi sponsoiships and donations to
suppoit theii events. All donations shall be acknowledged. Donois and collaboiatois will
have theii names and/oi logos placed on the Congiess official website.

Advcrting and Exhibitinns
The AASR welcomes iequests foi placing adveits on theii event website, Congiess
mateiials, etc. We also invite coipoiate agencies/individuals oi Associations that wish to
make exhibitions, tiade faii duiing the events. Adveits and exhibitions may be chaiged.
Ioi moie infoimation, please contact the Congiess secietaiiat.

Piactical Infoimation


Cheap hotels aie available aiound the confeience venue. If any paiticipants need
accommodation, the confeience oiganizeis can ieseive iooms foi them in Omoku.Piice of
accommodation ianges fiom US$15 to US$75 pei night.

Travcl and Lngistics

Aiming at assisting paiticipants to quickly move fiom Poit Haicouit oi Oweiii to Omoku, the
Welfaie and Logistics sub-Committee will oiganize an Aiipoit bus shuttle. The tiip by ioad fiom
Oweiii oi Poit Haicouit to Omoku takes less than two (2) houis.


Delegates aiiiving fiom the West Afiican sub-iegion may not need visa to entei Nigeiia.
Paiticipants will be assisted to obtain a visa. Please contact the oiganizeis foi details.

Insurancc and Innculatinns

Visitois enteiing Nigeiia iequiie tiavel/health insuiance and some medical inoculations
accoiding to immigiations laws. Inteinational paiticipants should contact the neaiest
Nigeiian Embassies/High Commissions/Consulates and the iequiiements foi
tiavel/health insuiance and inoculations.

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