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TV is better than books:

Most kids plug into the world of television long before they enter school. Two-thirds of infants and toddlers watch a screen an average of 2 hours a day Kids under age 6 watch an average of about 2 hours of screen media a day, primarily TV and videos or DVDs kids and teens 8 to 12 years spend nearly 4 hours a day in front of a TV screen and almost 2 additional hours on the computer (outside of schoolwork) and playing video games These show that children are much attracted by televisions. So this is the best medium for the children to gather knowledge compared to books. Supporting points: 1) TV brings the news and other updates faster than the books 2) After a long stressful day in school, TV act as a stress buster 3) Helps to be creative and imaginative 4) Children who have seen the movie Harry potter are more than who have read it. Its because, seeing the movie will take only very less time 5) Music has lots of effect on children. Music influences the childrens dress, dancing and talk. Music introduces all different kinds of cultures to children. Music gives children a way to express their emotions and feelings. Music helps children cope with daily stresses and helps them deal with stresses from peers. It gives children a calmness that lets them dream and have hopes 6) Video game playing introduces children to computer technology. Some games provide practice in problem solving and use of their motor and spatial skills. Games can also provide occasions for parent and child to play together. Because of games children are introduced to information technology

Television can influence the children in many ways. These ways can be both positive and negative. The children these days watch on average 25 hours per week or 3 hours a day.

School Bus TV (26" LCD televisions) Kids news and kids programme from NASA are shown in school bus TV Using School Bus TV there was reduction in discipline problems on the buses. The Discovery Channel Atlas4D, Bizarre Dinosaurs, Movie magic These programs help the children to develop their creative and imaginative skills The History Channel Programs like Ape to Man gives information about ancient civilization and cultures TataSky:(DTH) Always parents are complaining about children sitting infront of the TV and wasting their time. The latest Tata Sky ads featuring Aamir Khan talk about Tata Sky educational services as badaltey India ke badaltey classrooms Tragedy of India has been the inability of our education system to think outside the box. Audio visual teaching aids are only available in only the crme of the schools. But what about children who dont have access to these facilities at school? This is where Tata Sky educational services can play a useful part. Kids can use these services, thereby learning at home in a fun and interactive environment and parents have no reason to complain about children watching TV all day. It is a win-win situation for both Tata Sky has services such as Actve Stories (with stories from Panchatantra and Jataka Tales), Actve Wizkids (lessons for pre-schoolers) and Actve Learning (quiz based education for older children)

DishTV: On Dish TV, there is Kids Active, through which children can surf the channels meant for them. There is also a gaming channel which has regular games, quizzes and learning for pre-schoolers. In future the company has planned for a Kids fest at summer break. Airtel Digital TV: Airtel digital TV is currently running a movie festival where animated movies have been made available in its pay-per-view (PPV) channel. It also has tutorials for students and a game zone on offer DTH operators are moving beyond the TV screen into schools. While the idea of setting up TV screens in schools seems surprising, schools are actually welcoming them as long as the content is educative. By these points TV is always better than books for the children to gather knowledge.

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