Du Terroil Comparative Euro Healthcare

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3 semester credits (45 lecture hours) Class Meetings: TBA Instructor: Ren M. Du Terroil Instructor Availability: Please schedule an appointment before or after class. Contact: reneduterroil@gmail.com - 349.245.9298

COURSE DESCRIPTION Health care is a priority and concern facing all industrial nations. All countries whether they have a private, public or mixed health care system face the same challenges with regard to quality, delivery and cost of services. Many health care systems face the challenge of restructuring and redefining their mission, which has changed significantly since the end of the post-war period when most systems were implemented. Of particular importance are the origins and development of the welfare state first in Bismarck Germany and later in Victorian England and how this formed the basis for the majority of European national health care systems following WWII. This course will focus on the historical origins, present day functioning and challenges to health care systems in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden and Poland. The major areas covered will include: medical training, nursing, state funding, public and private insurance companies, cross border medical treatment, differences between universal health care systems and aging populations and the challenges facing all nations of long-term care. Instructors Note: In addition to the above, when possible we will have guest speakers as well as site visits in Florence to both public and private health care facilities. OBJECTIVE This course does not seek to advocate a system as the ideal, but rather illustrate the historic and political factors and realities for both industrialized and developing nations in their approach to health care policy. Students are encouraged to come to their own conclusions, but nonetheless through extensive class discussion, guest speakers, readings and videos be presented with realities diverse from their own. Students will be expected to be able to identify and explain the following characteristics of each health system covered: Historical and political background Welfare state model Organizational structure and management Financing Health care delivery system Issues and reform

In addition through in-depth class discussions and short critical essays students will have the possibility to construct REQUIREMENTS The most important component of this course is that students complete the weekly study guide which is the basis for our class discussion. I cannot stress how important the combination of readings, on-line news services and documentaries, terminology and discussion questions are in not only covering the material but also making an enjoyable and intellectually challenging semester. Any written assignment must be turned in on the due date in class at that time only. Please do not e-mail or ask for an extension.
Comparative European Healthcare Systems Ren M. Du Terroil


If you miss a class, you will receive zero credit for the study guide, if you have used a personal day, then someone must turn your study guide questions in for you. You will lose 50% credit for missing the discussion, which cannot be made up. It is not permitted to use laptops to take notes during class. There is extensive class discussion and participation thus using a laptop will interfere with this. In addition not taking notes with a laptop eliminated the temptation of FB, IM and all other insidious forms of social networking. Please refrain from eating or using mobiles in class.

TEACHING METHOD A combination of traditional lecture, directed class discussion, guest speakers and site visits are the primary methods employed. Students are expected to carry the class discussion. For any and all questions, concerns or doubts, please speak to me directly or send an e-mail. TEXT BOOK AND ACADEMIC RESOURCES A course pack has been prepared for this course. It is made up of selections from the following texts as well as individual journal and newspaper articles. It will be supplemented by handouts as well as mandatory and recommended readings and videos from the internet. Coursepack sources and recommended readings: Bilfersky, Dan. "Medical Care in Romania Comes at an Extra Cost." New York Times [New York] 8 Mar. 2009. Blank, Robert H., and Viola Burau. Comparative Health Policy. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007. Cochrane, Allan Douglas, John Clarke, and Sharon Gerwitz. Comparing Welfare States: Britain in International Context. 2nd ed. Sage Publications Ltd, 2001. Cousins, Mel. European Welfare States Comparative Perspectives. Minneapolis: Sage Publications Ltd, 2005. Den Exter, Andr, Herbert Hermans, Milena Dosljak, and Reinhard Busse. "Health Care Systems in Transition: Netherlands." The European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies (2004). Dutton, Paul V. Differential Diagnoses A Comparative History of Health Care Problems and Solutions in the United States and France (The Culture and Politics of Health Care Work). New York: ILR, 2007. Fraser, Derek. The Evolution of the British Welfare State: A History of Social Policy Since the Industrial Revolution. 4th ed. Palgrave Macmillan, 2009. Freeman, Richard. The Politics of Health in Europe. Manchester UP, 2000. Green, David G., and Benedict Irvine. Health Care in France & Germany Lessons for the United Kingdom. New York: Civitas / Institute for the Study of Civil Society, 2001. "Health Care Systems in Transition: Germany." European Observatory on Health Care Systems and Policies (2000).
Comparative European Healthcare Systems Ren M. Du Terroil


Jakubowski, Elke, and Reinhard Busse. Health Care Systems in the EU - A Comparative Study. Luxembourg: European Parliament, 1998. Johnson, James A., and Carleen H. Stoskopf. Comparative Health Systems: Global Perspectives for the 21st Century. 1st ed. Jones & Bartlett, 2009. Jones, Catherine. New Perspectives on the Welfare State in Europe. 1st ed. Routledge, 1993. Krugman, Paul. "Learning From Europe." New York Times [New York] 10 Jan. 2010. Ladaique, Maxime, and Willem Adema (2009). OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers No. 92 How Expensive is the Welfare State? Paris, France: OECD. Lister, John. The NHS After 60: For Patients or Profits? Middlesex UP, 2008. Law, Jacky. Big Pharma Exposing the Global Healthcare Agenda. New York: Carroll & Graf, 2006. Longman, Phillip. Best Care Anywhere Why VA Health Care is Better Than Yours. New York: Polipoint, 2007. Magnussen, Jon, Karsten Vrangbaek, and Richard B. Saltman. Nordic Health Care Systems: Recent Reforms and Current Policy Challenges (European Observatory on Health Care Systems. 1st ed. Open UP, 2009. Netherlands. Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport - Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Dutch Health Care. 2009. Pollock, A. The New NHS Explained A Guide to its Funding, Organisation and Accountability. New York: Routledge, 2006. Rees, Rosemary. Poverty and Public Health (Heinemann Advanced History). New York: Heinemann Educational, 2001. Savas, B. Serdar et al. In Thomson, S. and Mossialus, eds. Health care systems in transition: Turkey. Copenhagen, European Observatory on Health Care Systems, 4 (4) (2002). Schwartz, Nelson D. "Swiss Health Care Thrives Without Public Option." New York Times [New York] 30 Sept. 2009. Social Security Administration. Social Security: A Brief History. SSA Publications No. 21-059, 2008. Staff, World Health. The World Health Report 2000 - Health Systems Improving Performance. Chicago: World Health Organisation, 2000. The European Observatory on Health Care Systems and Policies. Health Systems in Transitions: Bulgaria. By Lidia Georgieva, Petko Salchev, Rostilava Dimitrova, Antoniya Dimova, and Olga Avdeeva. Vol. 1. World Health Organization, 2007. Ser. 2. The European Observatory of Health Systems and Policies. Health Systems in Transition Sweden. By Anna H. Glenngard, Frida Hjalte, Marianne Svensson, Anders Anell, and Vaida Bankauskaite. Copenhagen: World Health Organization, 2005. Williams, Walter E. "Williams: A look at Sweden's way." Washington Times [Washington D.C.] 21 Mar. 2009.

Comparative European Healthcare Systems Ren M. Du Terroil


INTERNET RESOURCES: Internet resources will be e-mailed to students in order to facilitate accessing the hyperlinks. GENERAL "France24 - Is Europe taking care of its health?" France24. 19 Feb. 2010. http://www.france24.com/en/20100219-europe-health-system-belgium-bulgaria-survey "FRONTLINE: Sick around the world." PBS. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/sickaroundtheworld/view/main.html O'Grady, Timothy. "BBC iPlayer - Health Check: Medical Tourism." BBC News. 27 July 2009. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p003qgcb/Health_Check_27_07_2009/ Orszag, Peter Healthcare Reform in the USA London School of Economics Lecture Series. 27 June 2011 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ckiFGJ7JcZM "T.R. Reid The Healing of America: A Global Quest for Better, Cheaper, and Fairer Health Care on Vimeo." Vimeo. Calvin College, 2009. http://vimeo.com/8977537 (70 minutes) BELGIUM "Healthcare costs - Health - Portal Belgian Government." Belgium.be. http://www.belgium.be/en/health/healthcare_costs/ DENMARK "Welfare and Choice in the Danish Public Sector - sum.dk." Indenrigs- og Sundhedsministeriet - sum.dk. http://www.sum.dk/Aktuelt/Nyheder%20English/Health/2005/November/Welfare_and_Choice.aspx ESTONIA "Estonia Ministry of Health (English)." Sotsiaalministeerium. http://www.sm.ee/eng.html FINLAND "Finland - Ministry of Social Affairs and Health." Etusivu - Sosiaali- ja terveysministeri. http://www.stm.fi/en/frontpage FRANCE Baldwin, Britt. "France's health care system." CNN.com. Web. 7 Aug. 2009. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkkNyBCgypA Turecamo, David. "A Votre Sant- France: 'Best' Health Care?" CBS News. 26 Oct. 2008. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNR_6UuVl4s "T.R. Reid talks about health care systems around the world." YouTube. KCTS 9 TV, 15 Sept. 2009. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKw8-_79nCo&feature=related GERMANY "Germany: Health Care for All : NPR." NPR : National Public Radio : News & Analysis, World, US, Music & Arts : NPR. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=91971170

Comparative European Healthcare Systems Ren M. Du Terroil


"German Health Care Reform: Mission Impossible? | Germany | Deutsche Welle | 03.08.2006." Home | Deutsche Welle. http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,,2117345,00.html "German Health System Not Quite in Intensive Care | Germany | Deutsche Welle | 18.04.2006." Deutsche Welle. http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,,1973312,00.html "German healthcare issues back on agenda ahead of election | Election | Deutsche Welle | 04.09.2009."Deutsche Welle. http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,,4637571,00.html "German Brain Drain: Sick of Bad Pay, Doctors Flee Germany - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News - International." SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten. 2 July 2006. http://www.spiegel.de/international/0,1518,399537,00.html "Bundesministerium fr Gesundheit Health Care System and Reform in Germany." Bundesministerium fr Gesundheit - Ministerium. http://www.bmg.bund.de/cln_178/nn_1169696/EN/Gesundheit/gesundheit__node.html?__nnn=true "FRONTLINE: sick around the world: interviews: Karl Lauterbach |." PBS. 15 Apr. 2008. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/sickaroundtheworld/interviews/lauterbach.html Knox, Richard. "Most Patients Happy With German Health Care : NPR." NPR : National Public Radio : News & Analysis, World, US, Music & Arts : NPR. 8 July 2008. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=91971406 Knox, Richard. "Keeping German Doctors On A Budget Lowers Costs : NPR." NPR : National Public Radio : News & Analysis, World, US, Music & Arts : NPR. 2 July 2008. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=91931036 IRELAND Welcome to the Department of Health and Children. http://www.dohc.ie/ Royal College of Physicians of Ireland:. http://www.rcpi.ie/pages/home.aspx The Department of Social and Family Affairs. http://www.welfare.ie/EN/Pages/default.aspx ITALY Bompard, Paul. "Times Higher Education - Italy suffers doctor epidemic." Times Higher Education - World University Rankings, education news and university jobs. 25 Apr. 1997. http://www.timeshighereducation.co.uk/story.asp?storyCode=101114&sectioncode=26 Italian Hospitals set to be Austerity Casualty. Euronews. 14 July 2011. http://www.euronews.net/2011/07/14/italian-hospitals-set-to-become-austerity-casualty/ LITHUANIA "Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania." Lietuvos Respublikos sveikatos apsaugos ministerija. http://www.sam.lt/go.php/lit/IMG/4 MACEDONIA "Ministry of Health Repubilc of Macedonia." . http://moh.gov.mk/eng/

Comparative European Healthcare Systems Ren M. Du Terroil


NETHERLANDS "MinVWS | The new health care system in the Netherlands." Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport | Home. http://www.minvws.nl/en/themes/health-insurance-system/the-new-health-care-system-inthe-Netherlands-video/ Neighmond, Patti. "After-Hours Doctor Calls Save Holland Money : NPR." NPR : National Public Radio : News & Analysis, World, US, Music & Arts : NPR. 17 July 2008. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=92606938 "Netherlands' Health Care Reflects National Values : NPR." NPR : National Public Radio : News & Analysis, World, US, Music & Arts : NPR. 17 July 2008. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=92641635 Suarez, Ray. "In Netherlands, Insurers Compete Over Quality of Care | Online NewsHour | October 6, 2009 |." PBS. Web. 6 Oct. 2009. http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/health/july-dec09/netherlands_10-06.html Cohn, Jonathan. "Going Dutch - Life after the public option." The New Republic. Web. 29 Sept. 2009. http://www.tnr.com/print/article/health-care/going-dutch Klink, Ab. "AARP International: Experiences Abroad: Health Care Reform in The Netherlands." AARP International. http://www.aarpinternational.org/resourcelibrary/resourcelibrary_show.htm?doc_id=705282 Naik, Gautami. "In Holland, Some See Model For U.S. Health-Care System - WSJ.com." Business News & Financial News - The Wall Street Journal - WSJ.com. 7 Sept. 2007. http://online.wsj.com/article_email/SB118903445878218649-lMyQjAxMDE3ODA5NjAwMzY0Wj.html NORWAY "BBC NEWS | Programmes | From Our Own Correspondent | Norway's formula for a happy life." BBC NEWS | News Front Page. Web. 8 Sept. 2005. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/programmes/from_our_own_correspondent/4223148.stm "BBC NEWS | World | Europe | Norway's welfare model 'helps birth rate'" BBC NEWS | News Front Page. 28 Mar. 2006. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4786160.stm "Health and care - regjeringen.no." Ministry of Health and Care Services (Norway). http://www.regjeringen.no/en/topics/Health-and-care.html?id=917 POLAND McLaughlin, Daniel, and David Smith. "Doctors go west in Polish brain drain | Money | The Observer." Guardian. 15 May 2005. http://www.guardian.co.uk/money/2005/may/15/workandcareers.europeanunion SERBIA "Ministry of Health - Serbia." . Web. http://www.zdravlje.gov.rs/index.php? SLOVENIA "Slovenia - Ministry of Health." Ministrstvo za zdravje. http://www.mz.gov.si/en/

Comparative European Healthcare Systems Ren M. Du Terroil


SWEDEN "BBC NEWS | Health | How the NHS could learn from Sweden." BBC NEWS | News Front Page. 28 Nov. 2005. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4460098.stm "Health and medical care policy." Government Offices of Sweden. http://www.sweden.gov.se/sb/d/2950 "Healthcare in Sweden." NHS Choices Homepage - Your health, your choices. http://www.nhs.uk/NHSEngland/healthcaresweden/Pages/healthcaresweden.aspx "The Swedish Health Care System." YouTube. Canadian Broadcast Corporation, 25 July 2009. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muSd9xw1qwo "The Swedish Model: Admire the best, forget the rest." The Economist 7 Sept. 2006. Tonybee, Polly. "Polly Toynbee: Sweden's social democrats are at risk from a loss of confidence | Politics | The Guardian." Guardian. 25 Aug. 2005. http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2005/oct/25/society.foreignpolicy SWITZERLAND "Federal Office of Public Health - Health insurance." Federal Office of Public Health - Switzerland. http://www.bag.admin.ch/themen/krankenversicherung/index.html?lang=en TURKEY Baldwin, Brooke. "Video - Health care in Turkey." CNN.com. 1 Sept. 2009. http://www.cnn.com/video/data/2.0/video/bestoftv/2009/09/01/ldt.baldwin.healthcare.turke y.cnn.html "Republic Of Turkey Ministry Of Health." T.C. Salk Bakanl. http://www.saglik.gov.tr/EN/Default.aspx?17A16AE30572D313AAF6AA849816B2EF4376734BED947CD E "Turkey: Healthcare." The World Bank. Web. 1 Oct. 2009. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12t6e-FPb9Y UNITED KINGDOM "Prime Minister Clement Attlee introduces and explains the new Social Services. - BIRTH OF THE NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE - The New Social Services and the Citizen." BBC - Archive. 4 July 1942. http://www.bbc.co.uk/archive/nhs/5147.shtml "Analysis: a classier NHS, but choice still an illusion - Times Online." Times Online. 1 July 2008. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/health/article4243012.ece "BIRTH OF THE NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE | How the state of the nation's health became a political ideal." BBC - Homepage. 2 Nov. 1942. http://www.bbc.co.uk/archive/nhs/5139.shtml "Charley's March of Time (1948)." YouTube. 1948. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNczVnlrU9Q DH United Kingdom : Department of Health. http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/index.htm "Doctors, patients and chemists share their memories of medical treatment before the NHS." BBC - Archive. 5 Mar. 1991. http://www.bbc.co.uk/archive/nhs/5158.shtml "EEA countries." NHS Choices Homepage - Your health, your choices. 26 Feb. 2010. http://www.nhs.uk/NHSEngland/Healthcareabroad/Pages/EEAcountries.aspx
Comparative European Healthcare Systems Ren M. Du Terroil


"EU regulations European Health Insurance Card." NHS Choices Homepage - Your health, your choices. http://www.nhs.uk/NHSEngland/Healthcareabroad/Pages/EUregulations.aspx "Britain's health services: The family doctor (1962)." YouTube. Wellcome Film: Digitalising Medical History. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8fH5IveHDM "YouTube - National Health Service - public announcement 1947." YouTube. http://www.youtube.com/watch#v=qG_DH5Yl88o&feature=related "NHS an introduction - Marr's Modern Britain." YouTubehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCrHlAemaFw "Britain's health services: The family doctor (1962)." YouTube. Wellcome Film: Digitalising Medical History. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8fH5IveHDM "FRONTLINE: Sick around the world: interviews: Nigel Hawkes |." PBS. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/sickaroundtheworld/interviews/hawkes.html

EVALUATION AND GRADING SYSTEM Final Grade Breakdown 10 Weekly Study Guides: 40% - 400 points Midterm Exam: 20% - 200 points Final Exam: 20% - 200 points Presentation: 20% - 200 points 10 Weekly Study Guides: The study guide is generally made up of supplementary articles, relevant maps, vocabulary lists and biographies. In addition there will be several short answer and discussion questions. Students are expected to complete the questions and be prepared for the discussion in class. Each study guide counts for 50 points (total of 500 points) or 5% of the final grade. The weekly written assignments must be turned in at the start of the class, before the class discussion. If the written portion is not turned in the student will lost 25 points of the 50. Likewise if a student is not present for the discussion portion of the class, they will lose 25 points of the 50. Midterm and Final Exam: Each exam counts for 200 points or 20% of the final grade. The exam is composed of two sections: 1. Take Home Essay: The week prior to the exam students will receive four essay questions and have to choose two. The essays need to be a minimum of two pages each (500 words), typed and properly cited. The citations are not considered part of the two written pages. The essays must be turned in at the start of class on the exam day they will not be accepted at any other time. 2. Written Exam: The written exam is made up of multiple choice and short answer questions. The written exam counts for 50% of the final grade. (100 points) Presentations: Students will give a 10 minute presentation (PPT is optional) in week 6 and 14. (Prior to the Midterm and Final Exams). Students will choose from a list of topics. Students may also work in small groups of up to three students upon approval from the instructor. Guest Lectures and Site Visits: During the course there will be several guest speakers and fieldtrips. While these are not accounted for in the grade breakdown, if a student misses a guest lecturer or a fieldtrip their final grade will be lowered by one letter grade at the end of the term.

Comparative European Healthcare Systems Ren M. Du Terroil


Tentative Visits and Guest Lectures: Dr. Damiano degli Innocenti: Lecture on working as a physician in both the public and private system in Italy as well as how Italian medical schools function. Careggi and Meyer Hospitals: Visits to the hospitals as well as meetings and question and answer sessions with staff. Christina Koop: Researcher at the European University Institute in Public Policy will speak about the reforms of the Dutch system as well as the Dutch philosophy and support of home births. Dr. Olga Baranova: Will give a talk on the transformation in Belarus from the Soviet system of healthcare and welfare state in the early 1990s. Dr. Bussolin, Head of the Meyer Hospital Trauma Center: Will discuss the present state of the Italian healthcare system and the roles of the Careggi and Meyer hospitals. Walking tour of spedali Fiorentini : via San Gallo (S. Agatha S. Bonifacio,Bonifacio Lupi todays Questura, Ges Pelligrino) , Santissima Annunziata and Santa Maria Nuova. Misericordia 118 unit: Class visit to 118 unit, talk from volunteers as well as andministrator.

LESSON PLAN Week 1 Lecture Topics

Introduction to the course and the instructor. Review of course syllabus, instructor expectations, required and suggested reading and video viewing assignments, explanation of weekly study guides as well as exams and planned field trips and guest speakers. Evolution of national social policy from the Poor Laws of Elizabethean England to the Industrial Revolution. Perceptions about different national social policies, welfare states and health care systems. Freeman, Richard. The Politics of Health in Europe. Manchester UP, 2000. Chapter 2: The Health Care State in Europe pp.14 31 Cousins, Mel. European Welfare States Comparative Perspectives. Minneapolis: Sage Publications Ltd, 2005. Chapter 2: Welfare State Theories 19 40

Class Discussion Required Reading

Next Week Week 2 Lecture Topics

Complete questions for discussion in Study Guide 1.

Early Welfare States and Social Policy: Bismarcks Prussia Victorian Britain Weimar Germany America in the Depression (Social Security) Conditions in Post-war Europe, which led to the creation of national welfare states. Social Policy before and after the war. The early American welfare state and social programs.

Class Discussion

Comparative European Healthcare Systems Ren M. Du Terroil


Required Reading

Cousins, Mel. European Welfare States Comparative Perspectives. Minneapolis: Sage Publications Ltd, 2005. Chapter 5: Welfare States in Europe 77 106 Johnson, James A., and Carleen H. Stoskopf. Comparative Health Systems: Global Perspectives for the 21st Century. 1st ed. Jones & Bartlett, 2009. Chapter 1: Introduction to Health Systems pp. 3-16 Freeman, Richard. The Politics of Health in Europe. Manchester UP, 2000. Chapter 3: National Health Services: Italy, Sweden and the UK pp. 32 - 50 "Doctors, patients and chemists share their memories of medical treatment before the NHS." BBC - Archive. 5 Mar. 1991. Web. http://www.bbc.co.uk/archive/nhs/5158.shtml Complete questions for discussion in Study Guide 2.

Required Listening Viewing Next Week Week 3 Lecture Topics

Postwar Britain How political and public will allowed bankrupt Britain to establish a welfare state. Britain before and after WW2.

Class Discussion Required Reading

What was health care like in Britain before WW2? What alternatives were available to Britain in the immediate post-war period? Johnson, James A., and Carleen H. Stoskopf. Comparative Health Systems: Global Perspectives for the 21st Century. 1st ed. Jones & Bartlett, 2009. Chapter 5: United Kingdom pp. 83 110 "BIRTH OF THE NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE | How the state of the nation's health became a political ideal." BBC. Web. http://www.bbc.co.uk/archive/nhs/ Tweddel, Louise. "The Birth of the NHS July 5th 1948 | Focus | Nursing Times." Nursing practice, NHS and health care news, community pages, blogs and more. 8 Jan. 2009. Web. http://www.nursingtimes.net/the-birth-of-the-nhs-july-5th-1948/441954.article "FRONTLINE: Sick around the world: interviews: Nigel Hawkes." PBS. Web. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/sickaroundtheworld/interviews/hawkes.html "National Health Service - public announcement 1947." YouTube. Web. http://www.youtube.com/watch#v=qG_DH5Yl88o&feature=related "Britain's health services: The family doctor (1962)." YouTube. Wellcome Film: Digitalising Medical History. Web. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8fH5IveHDM "Great Britain: A Leader in Preventive Medicine." FRONTLINE: sick around the world. Web. 15 Apr. 2008. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/sickaroundtheworld/view/main.html Complete questions for discussion in Study Guide 3.

Required Viewing

Next Week

Comparative European Healthcare Systems Ren M. Du Terroil


Week 4 Lecture Topics Class Discussion Required Reading Required Viewing

The NHS (National Health Service) The politics of health policy in Britain. Mrs. Thatcher and the private sector. Rodwin, PhD, MPH, Victor G. "The Health Care System Under French National Health Insurance: Lessons for Health Reform in the United States." American Journal of Public Health 1st ser. 93 (2003): 31-37. Turecamo, David. "France: 'Best' Health Care?" CBS. Web. 26 Oct. 2008. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNR_6UuVl4s Baldwin, Britt. "France's health care system." CNN.com. Web. 7 Aug. 2009. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nkkNyBCgypA Complete questions for discussion in Study Guide 4.

Next Week Week 5 Lecture Topics Class Discussion Required Reading

Postwar France and the development of the social welfare state. The solidarity and insertion model. Do health policies reflect the national culture? The French pharmaceutical industry. French mutual aid societies. Johnson, James A., and Carleen H. Stoskopf. Comparative Health Systems: Global Perspectives for the 21st Century. 1st ed. Jones & Bartlett, 2009. Chapter 8: Germany pp. 147 166 Freeman, Richard. The Politics of Health in Europe. Manchester UP, 2000. Chapter 4: Social insurance systems: France and Germany pp. 51 65 Naik, Gautami. "In Holland, Some See Model For U.S. Health-Care System - WSJ.com." Business News & Financial News - The Wall Street Journal - WSJ.com. Web. 7 Sept. 2007. http://online.wsj.com/article_email/SB118903445878218649lMyQjAxMDE3ODA5NjAwMzY0Wj.html

Required Listening Viewing

"Germany: Health Care for All : NPR." NPR : National Public Radio : News & Analysis, World, US, Music & Arts : NPR. Web. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=91971170 "German Health Care Reform: Mission Impossible? | Germany | Deutsche Welle | 03.08.2006." Home | Deutsche Welle. 3 Aug. 2006. Web. http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,,2117345,00.html "German Health System Not Quite in Intensive Care | Germany | Deutsche Welle | 18.04.2006." Deutsche Welle. Web. 18 Apr. 2006. http://www.dw-world.de/dw/article/0,,1973312,00.html "German Brain Drain: Sick of Bad Pay, Doctors Flee Germany - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News International." SPIEGEL ONLINE - Nachrichten. 2 July 2006. Web. http://www.spiegel.de/international/0,1518,399537,00.html "FRONTLINE: sick around the world: interviews: Karl Lauterbach |." PBS. 15 Apr. 2008. Web. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/sickaroundtheworld/interviews/lauterbach.html Knox, Richard. "Most Patients Happy With German Health Care : NPR." NPR : National Public Radio : News & Analysis, World, US, Music & Arts : NPR. 8 July 2008. Web. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=91971406

Comparative European Healthcare Systems Ren M. Du Terroil


"Netherlands' Health Care Reflects National Values : NPR." NPR : National Public Radio : News & Analysis, World, US, Music & Arts : NPR. Web. 17 July 2008. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=92641635 Suarez, Ray. "In Netherlands, Insurers Compete Over Quality of Care | Online NewsHour | October 6, 2009 |." PBS. Web. 6 Oct. 2009. http://www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/health/july-dec09/netherlands_10-06.html Next Week Week 6 Lecture Topics Complete questions for discussion in Study Guide 5.

Germany: the two German states and reunification. The social market model. The Netherlands: Transparency, Regulation and Equal coverage for all after the public option Review for the Midterm Exam. Public and private in the German system. How do sickness funds work. What challenges do a decentralized system pose to delivery and quality. Integration of old East German system. Students will be given a list of essay topics to prepare for the midterm exam for the take-home portion. (Remember the essays are due at the start of class no files may be sent my e-mail.)

Class Discussion

Next Week Week 7 Midterm Exam Required Reading

Students are required to turn in the take-home essay questions at the start of class. Written Midterm Exam. During the break students are expected to complete required readings and study guide for the next class meeting. Donatini, Andrea, Ana Rico, and Silvia Profili. "Health Care Systems in Transition: Italy." European Observatory on Health Care Systems (2001) Introduction and Historical Background pp. 1 18 Organizational Structure and Management pp. 19 34 O'Grady, Timothy. "BBC iPlayer - Health Check: Medical Tourism." BBC News. 27 July 2009. Web. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/p003qgcb/Health_Check_27_07_2009/ Complete questions for discussion in Study Guide 6.

Required Listening Viewing Next Week

Week 8 Meeting No class- Midterm Break Week 9 Lecture Topics Class Discussion Required Reading

Italy The southern welfare state model. The challenge of regionalism in the Italian system. Donatini, Andrea, Ana Rico, and Silvia Profili. "Health Care Systems in Transition: Italy." European Observatory on Health Care Systems (2001) Health Care Financing and Expenditure pp. 35 58 Health Care Delivery System pp. 59 - 82 Dr. Damiano degli Innocenti (Dermetologist/Venerologist) will speak about working in the public and private health system as well as cosmetic procedures in Italy. Complete questions for discussion in Study Guide 7.

Guest Speaker Next

Comparative European Healthcare Systems Ren M. Du Terroil


Week Week 10 Site Class visit to the Ospedale Pediatrico Meyer (Meyer Pediatric Hospital) Visit Students need to bring two city bus tickets ( 2.40) We will be meeting with the head of the trauma center as well as emergency crews and psychologists specialized in dealing with children. Following the visit to the Meyer there will be a tour of Careggi hospital as well. Week 11 Site Visit Required Reading Walking tour of the spedali storici and Misericordia Magnussen, Jon, Karsten Vrangbaek, and Richard B. Saltman. Nordic Health Care Systems: Recent Reforms and Current Policy Challenges (European Observatory on Health Care Systems. 1st ed. Open UP, 2009. Part I Nordic health care systems: balancing stability and change: 1 Introduction: the Nordic model of health care Jon Magnussen, Karsten Vrangbaek, Richard Saltman and Pal E. Martinussen The European Observatory of Health Systems and Policies. Health Systems in Transition Sweden. By Anna H. Glenngard, Frida Hjalte, Marianne Svensson, Anders Anell, and Vaida Bankauskaite. Copenhagen: World Health Organization, 2005. Williams, Walter E. "Williams: A look at Sweden's way." Washington Times [Washington D.C.] 21 Mar. 2009. "The Swedish Model: Admire the best, forget the rest." The Economist 7 Sept. 2006. Required Viewing Next Week Week 12 Lecture Topics "The Swedish Health Care System." YouTube. Canadian Broadcast Corporation, 25 July 2009. Web. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muSd9xw1qwo Complete questions for discussion in Study Guide 8.

The Scandinavian model: Sweden (Institutional Redistribution) Norways Platinum welfare state The difficulty in providing national healthcare in small countries. Class What next? The mature welfare state. Discussion Is the Swedish model sustainable? Does the electorate trump politics and finance? Required Coursepack Readings: Reading Next Complete questions for discussion in Study Guide 9. Week Discussion points will be give out so that student may prepare for the class discussion. Week 13 Class Discussion Next Week

Class discussion on the pros and cons of the national healthcare systems covered in the course. Complete questions for discussion in Study Guide 10.

Comparative European Healthcare Systems Ren M. Du Terroil


Week 14 Presentations Student Presentations Review Questions and class review for the Final Exam, topics for the take-home essay questions will be distributed. Students must decide in class which essay they are going to write.

Week 15 Final Final Exam Exam

Comparative European Healthcare Systems Ren M. Du Terroil

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