Whole Group Reading Lesson Plans - 11.29

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Who|e Group Lesson |an 1uesday November 29


Sub[ect 8eadlng

1op|c ShorL /o/ words

SLudenLs wlll be able Lo ldenLlfy blend and read shorL /o/ words LhaL begln wlLh r and l

O @wo dlfferenL colored markers (one for Lhe shorL o and one for Lhe resL of Lhe
O ne large posLlL noLe posLer
O arge prlnL ouLs of crayons green blue brown gray green red

O @oday we are golng Lo work on blendlng and spelllng words LhaL have Lhe shorL o
sound plus some of Lhe consonanL clusLers we have been worklng on 8efore we
begln worklng wlLh Lhe shorL o leL's pracLlce blendlng some oLher words!

O fLer calendar sLudenLs wlll be asked Lo sLand up and flnd a new seaL on Lhe carpeL
faclng forward Ms Maya wlll creaLe sound paLLerns whlch Lhe sLudenLs wlll copy
(for example clapplng Lwo Llmes and slapplng my knees Lhree Llmes)
O 8egln wlLh Lhe ually honemlc wareness cLlvlLy on age @ of Lhe PoughLon
Mlfflln book
O wlll have large plcLures of dlfferenL colored crayon wlLh magneLs on Lhe
whlLeboard wlll Lell Lhe sLudenLs LhaL am Lhlnklng of a color word am golng Lo
say Lhe sounds of a word and you wlll blend Lhe sounds Lo flgure ouL whaL color
crayon am Lhlnklng abouL
O So for example lf say /r/ /e/ /d/ we wlll flrsL blend Lhe leLLers LogeLher (red)
@hen we wlll say red" and polnL Lo Lhe plcLure of Lhe red crayon
O Pave Lhe sLudenLs blend Lhe followlng words polnLlng Lo each color
4 /g/ /r/ /ee/ /n/
4 /b/ /l/ /oo/
4 /b/ /r/ ow/ /n/
4 /g/ r/ ay/
O -exL 'll call on one sLudenL Lo chose a crayon a dlfferenL color crayon and keep lL
hldden behlnd Lhelr back Class wlll be lnsLrucLed Lo flrsL llsLen Lo Lhe color word
LhaL Lhe sLudenL ls sharlng Lhen blend Lhe sounds @hey should show Lhumbs up
when Lhey Lhlnk Lhey know Lhe color @he sLudenL wlll begln Lo say Lhe sounds and
Lhe whole class wlll blend Lhem llnally Lhe sLudenL wlll show Lhe crayon color and
Lhe class wlll see lf Lhey were correcL
O @eacher wlll ask one sLudenL Lo selecL Lwo dlfferenL color markers (only Lo someone
O -exL we wlll work wlLh an adapLed verslon of Lhe honlcs acLlvlLy on g 137
O wlll say a word and Lhen you all wlll say Lhe sounds LhaL you hear ln Lhe word lor
example lf say b|ock you would say ]b] ]|] o] ]k]
O JhaL sounds do you hear ln trot?
O JhaL sounds do you hear ln rog?
O Make posLer wlLh Lhe followlng words for sound blend snap uslng drop s|ot
c|ock |ock rog JrlLe Lhe word and have Lhe sLudenLs say Lhe sounds Lhey hear
blend Lhem say Lhe word and snap 8epeaL Lhls for each word
O Make a senLence uslng Lhe words SlghL words ln black ConsonanL and l ln one
color llrsL sound ouL and blend each word @hen read Lhe whole senLence
LogeLher fLer each new word LhaL ls wrlLLen have sLudenLs reread Lhe prevlous
word (8emlnder slghL words should noL be blended or sounded ouL) 1he rog saw
the c|ock and dec|ded to drop |t

Wrap Up
O JhaL do you noLlce abouL Lhe words? Jhere ls Lhe shorL o usually placed ln Lhe

1rans|t|on to
O fLer calendar Ms Maya wlll make sure LhaL Lhe readlng cenLers sllde ls open on
Lhe compuLer
O Ms Maya wlll ask Lhe cenLer crew Lo seLup cenLers
O llrsL Ms Slmon's blue group wlll be asked Lo go Lo Lhe back Lable
O -exL Ms Maya's green group wlll be asked Lo go Lo @able 3 and lnformed LhaL Lhey
should be quleLly readlng Lhe book aL our Lable
O @hen sLudenLs aL worksheeL wlll be asked Lo go Lo worksheeL
O llnally wlll go Lhrough each group of sLudenLs Lo make sure Lhey go Lo Lhe correcL

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