Grammar Review For Final Test - KEY

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KEY NOUN PHRASE Ex 1. Complete the sentences with a/an, the, or 1. a, the, the 2. The, the 3. a, the 4.

. an, the, 5. the, a, the 6. the, a, the 7. , the, a 8. the, an 9. , the Ex 2. Write GEN, SPEC, or UNI to indicate the reference of the noun phrase

1. Gen 2. Spec 3. Gen 4. Spec 5. Gen 6. Spec Ex 3. List all the noun phrases in the following sentences and state if it is a basic (B) or a complex (C) noun phrase. 1. the diagram B 3. the trade winds C 2. normal conditions C 4. the weak west winds C 1. classes - B 2. the language - B 3. my general knowledge C 4. a really enriching process - C 5. the luckiest person - C

Ex 4a. State if the underlined modifications are restrictive (R) or non-restrictive (NR). 1. R 2. R 3. NR 4. NR 5. R 6. NR 7. R 8. NR Ex 4b. State if each the underlined is temporary (T) or permanent (P). 38. T 39. T 40. P Ex 5. Make a noun phrase from each group of words, arranging the premodifiers in their most natural sequence. (3 MARKS) 1. brothers several new silk ties 2. those many ready-made traveling suits 3. a high red brick wall 4. A beautiful wooden sailing boat 5. A square yellow slippery road sign 6. That interesting small Spanish book 7. A delicious round chocolate cake VERB PHRASE Ex 1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form. 1. are yelling 5. have been made 2. will carry 6. be raised 3. have been working 7. had driven 4. might/may/could have been 8. will you be waiting Ex 2. Decide what types of verb the underlined words belong to based on their complementation. 1. Complex-transitive 4. Mono-transitive 2. Intensive 5. Intransitive 3. Di-transitive SIMPLE SENTENCE

Ex 1. Identify the clause type of each statement below. 1. SVO 7. SVOA 2. SVC 8. SVO 3. SVOC 9. SVOC 4. SVA 10. SV 5. SV 11. SVOC 6. SVOO Ex 2. Identify the semantic role of the underlined words 1. Recipient S, Affected O 2. Instrumental S, Locative O 3. Agentive S, Effected O 4. Empty it 5. Locative S 6. Affected S 7. Recipient S 8. Agentive S, Recipient O, Affected O Ex 3. Rephrase the sentence below in TWO ways according to the focuses of negation. All the students are not interested in the universitys volunteer work. a. None of the students are interested in the universitys volunteer work b. All the students are interested in some work, not the university volunteer work 2. He didnt agree because he had his own position. Because he had his own position, he disagreed. He agreed, but it was not because he had his own position 3. Mary couldnt go out on any day of the week. Mary could go out on none of the days of the week. Marry could only go out on some certain days of the week. COMPLEX SENTENCE Ex 1 1. Simple 2. Complex, Adverbial 3. Compound 4. Complex, Adverbial 5. Simple 6. Compound 7. Complex, Adverbial 8. Simple (which has just come out is the post-modifier of movie) Ex 2. Joint each pair of sentences, using a dependent clause then underline and state its function 1. She later found out (that) she made a lot of mistakes in the report. 2. They eventually succeeded in making him take up the offer. Od Od/ Cprep.

3. The police are looking for the burglars who broke into the museum last night. Postmodifier in NP 4. He is fed up with his wifes complaining a lot about nothing./ Cprep. He is fed up with the fact that his wife complains...... Appositive 5. They came up with a decision that they would employ a Appositive

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