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Math Who|e Group Lesson 1hursday November 17


1op|c SubLracLlon SLraLegles CounLlng 8ack
Cb[ect|ve SLudenLs wlll be able Lo use a number llne Lo counL back and solve subLracLlon
16C1a uevelop sLraLegles for addlLlon and subLracLlon baslc facLs such as counLlng
on counLlng back maklng Len doubles doubles plus one
Introduct|on O @oday we wlll be learnlng a new sLraLegy Lo help us solve subLracLlon
O Can anyone remember whaL sLraLegy we worked on yesLerday? WhaL was lL
called? Pow can we use counL on Lo help us solve 92 ?
O @oday we wlll be uslng a number llne Lo help us solve subLracLlon problems
We are golng Lo use Lhe number llnes Lo counL back WhaL are we golng Lo use
Lhe number llnes for?
Lesson |an (pu||
up a number ||ne
on the

O 9rlor Lo Lhe lesson (durlng lunch) l wlll make a large number llne on Lhe floor (l
wlll use noLe cards and Lape)
O rom Lhe carpeL sLudenLs wlll be Lold LhaL we are golng Lo explore uslng a
number llne Lo counL back and solve subLracLlon problems 8ehavlor
expecLaLlons for acLlvlLy keep your hands Lo yourself no chaLLlng and eyes on
Ms Maya whlle she ls speaklng lf we cannoL handle sLandlng we wlll slL back
down on Lhe carpeL Lach sLudenL wlll be handed a noLecard wlLh a number on
lL and Lold Lo quleLly flnd sLand on Lhe number LhaL maLches Lhelr card
SLudenLs wlll be Lold noL Lo share Lhelr number wlLh anyone
O Ms Maya wlll make sure sLudenLs are llned up by asklng Lhem Lo say Lhelr
number ouL loud
O n Lhe fronL whlLe board Ms Maya wlll wrlLe 206
O rlends we are golng Lo use Lhls sLuffed waLermelon Lo help us counL back on
our numberllne @he waLermelon ls a maLh Lool and we are noL playlng wlLh lL
Ask Lwo sLudenLs Lo show us how we genLly pass noL Lhrow Lhe waLermelon
O When uslng a numberllne Lo help us counL back we flrsL clrcle Lhe blgger
number Whlch number do we clrcle flrsL? 8lghL Lhe blgger number @he
blgger number Lells us where on Lhe number llne we are golng Lo begln Whlch
ls Lhe blgger number ln our problem? Where on Lhe numberllne are we golng
Lo begln? 8alse your hand lf you are number 20 on our numberllne keep lL
O @he small number Lells us where ln our numberllne we have Lo go Whlch ls
Lhe smaller number ln Lhls problem? 8lghL! 8alse your hand lf you are number
6 on our numberllne
O Where ls our waLermelon golng Lo begln? 8lghL 20 And where do we have Lo
pass lL down Lo? 8lghL 6!
O As Lhe waLermelon ls passed down our numberllne we need Lo counL how
many Llmes lL ls belng passed
O 8emlnder of behavlor before Ms Maya hands Lhe waLermelon Lo number 20
O eL's begln SLudenLs pass waLermelon down from 20 Lo 6 counLlng along Lhe
way Pow many Llmes dld we pass Lhe waLermelon down Lhe numberllne?
very good 14! @haL ls our answer 20 6 14 @hls means LhaL 6 ls 14 less
Lhan LwenLy
O eL's Lry anoLher one 1810 (revlew behavlor flrsL Lhen Lhe sLeps from
O eL's Lry one on a real number llne LogeLher! A number llne from 120 ls on Lhe
9romeLhean 8oard @he problem LhaL ls wrlLLen lL 174
O eL's read Lhls problem LogeLher Whlch number do we clrcle? 8lghL Lhe
blgger number! now l also need Lo clrcle LhaL number on Lhe numberllne
WhaL ls Lhe smaller number? WhaL ls Lhe smaller number Lelllng us? very
good where we need Lo go eL's clrcle Lhe 4 on Lhe numberllne
O now on our human number llne we passed Lhe waLermelon n Lhls
numberllne we are hopplng! eL's hop Lo Lhe number 4 and counL each hop
Pow many hops dld we Lake? CreaL! 13 174 13 (all read LogeLher)
O now we are golng Lo pracLlce our Lwo subLracLlon sLraLegles from Lhls week ln
our groups!
Math Center O SLudenLs wlll be rolllng cubes Lo help compleLe a subLracLlon senLence (Lhls
goes along wlLh Lhe W@A worksheeL from Lhe MaLhWorks acLlvlLles for Lhls

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