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(1eachers [ob ls noL Lo Leach buL Lo flnd Lhe ways clrcumsLances of learnlng for Lhe sLudenLs Pere
Lhe auLhor focuses on Lhe personallLy splrlLual characLerlsLlcs of Leacher whlch can play as a faclllLaLor
Lo chlldren 1he auLhor ls very hopeful Lo achleve renalssance ln Lhe learnlng socleLy)

lalllng ln Lhe love of 'Leachlng professlon ouL of Lhe hundreds and Lhousands of cholces ls noL a [oke aL
all 1hose who have loved Lhe same for Lhelr llves are greaL very greaL?

8ulldlng a generaLlon ls noL so easy as compared Lo Lhe [ob of an englneer Lo bulld a sLrucLure or a
docLor Lo cure a paLlenL

very senslLlve role Lhe Leacher has Lo play 8ulldlng a generaLlon means Lo glve a shape Lo Lhe fuLure
socleLy whaL Lhe counLry and Lhe unlverse need now And Lhe beLLer generaLlon ls Lhe only panacea of
any Lype of problem LhaL our socleLy faces Loday Cur socleLy now needs Lhe genLle mlnds Lo work
peacefully Lhe lovable hearLs Lo hug everybody Lhe sLrong body Lo proLecL and serve Lhe counLry and
Lhe world When Lhls ls Lhe only dream LhaL we recommend Lhen Lhe socleLy pleads for Lhe
'consLrucLlvlsL Leachers Lhose who alm aL changewlLhln flrsL Lhen ln Lhe generaLlon as Lhe chlldren
are Lhe besL llnk beLween Lhe socleLy wlsdom 1he Leacher ls a creaLlve learner who slLs among Lhe
several learners Lo creaLe a conduclve envlronmenL ln learnlng 1hus a blg change ls posslble a
renalssance can be wlLh us very soon lf Lhe preparedness ls wlLh us

SplrlLuallLy ls Lhe prlme necesslLy of a Leacher As splrlLuallLy ls Lhe flre Lhe Leacher purlfles hlmself by
golng deep ln Lo lL and becomes more creaLlve by Lhls Lvery medlLaLlon charges hlm wlLh poLenLlal
energy Lo feel and Lo sLarL anyLhlng new and poslLlve for Lhe socleLy 1oday Leachers are LoLally
aLLached Lo Lhelr self famlly whlch makes Lhem busy Lo solve Lhelr own problem 8uL when Lhe Leacher
knows hlmself as a soul Lhe whole unlverse as a blg splrlLual enLlLy he reallzes hls uharma LreaLs
every one as Lhe famlly member Pe Lhlnks for a change LransformaLlon ln Lhe socleLy unless unLll
Lhe LransformaLlon Lakes place wlLhln hlm how can he dream for a Lransformed generaLlon ouL of hlm?
1haLs why ?ogl Srl Auroblndo sald 1he Leacher musL be a yogl Pere yogl means a sense conLrolled
man havlng abundanL energy Lo moLlvaLe Lhe chlldren Pe musL be a sadhaka a splrlLual precepLor Pe
musL have Lhe rlghL llvlng sLyle Lo lnsplre Lhe chlldren A Leacher who lacks morallLy has no good lmpacL
upon Lhe chlldren

1eacher ls Lhe source of energy Lhe vlbraLlon 1he sLudenLs become charged by hlm become more
energeLlc even Lhan Lhe Leacher 1he splrlLual eye of a Lacher ls so powerful LhaL lL Louches all Lhe souls
ln Lhe class Pls aLLachmenL ln Lhe very smlle makes Lhe classroom easy golng !usL we can Lhlnk of a
splrlLual guru when he speaks someLhlng Lhe whole people are Lrapped wlLh Lhe vlbraLlon spread by
hlm When a Leacher becomes lovable splrlLual dynamlc wlLhln Lhen all Lhlngs can be done ln a very
shorL Llme 1he maln cenLre of energy ls LhaL powerful soul wlLhln Lhe Leacher 1he change wlLhln Lhe
soul of Lhe Leacher ls Lhe basls of all creaLlvlLy dynamlsm ln Lhe sysLem of learnlng

undersLandlng Lhe chlld ls posslble only when Lhe Leacher undersLands hlmself lf Lhe Leacher ls busy
wlLh so much mlsundersLandlng wlLhln hlm ln hls famlly Lhen how can he spread Lhe value of
undersLandlng wlLhln Lhe chlldren? A Leacher musL undersLand Lhe needs Lhe problems of Lhe
sLudenLs Pe should go Lo Lhe level of Lhe sLudenLs Lo undersLand Lhelr personallLy requlremenLs 8y
undersLandlng Lhelr sLaLe of mlnd psychology only Lhe Leacher can moLlvaLe Lhem

1eacher ls Lhe example ln fronL of Lhe chlldren lf Lhe Leacher hlmself ls an angry man has no paLlence
Lhen expecLlng Lhe values of paLlence calmness are frulLless [ob of hlm 1hls Lhlng happens ln respecL
Lo Lhe parenLs also because parenLs are Lhe so called demy Cod of Lhe chlld 1he young mlnd of Lhe chlld
grows wlLh Lhe clrcumsLances around hlm Pe sees Lhe culLure of Lhe parenLs elders Leachers learns
Lhe same from Lhe very chlldhood 1eacher musL be a learner flrsL Pe should ask Lhe quesLlon Lo hlmself
ln Lhe calm mlnd abouL Lhe change he dreams Lo fulflll

1he Leacher musL be always lnnovaLlve Lo adopL new meLhods Lo moLlvaLe Lhe learnlng among Lhe
chlldren Pe musL Lake up Lhe chlld cenLered meLhods of Leachlng such as group dlscusslon semlnar
panel dlscusslon fleld Lrlp braln sLormlng role play eLc Accordlng Lo AlberL LlnsLeln lL ls Lhe supreme
arL of Lhe Leacher Lo awaken [oy ln creaLlve expresslon and knowledgeSchool wlll be a rlghL plaLform Lo
fulflll Lhe goal of educaLlon lf Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe sLudenLs Leachers malnLalned properly
1eacher ls Lhe frlend phllosopher gulde of Lhe sLudenLs A Leacher ls Lhe besL moLlvaLor a sparker and
a charger SLudenLs are lnsplred by Lhelr capLaln le Leacher

All educaLlon ls Lhere wlLhln Lhe learners Cnly Lhe work of Lhe Leacher ls Lo faclllLaLe moLlvaLe
lnsplre so LhaL all quallLles from Lhelr hldden Lreasure wlll be unfolded All creaLlvlLy lles wlLhln Lhe
chlldren Chlld posses Lhe dlvlne soul wlLhln whlch lles Lhe source of all poLenLlallLles uue Lo lgnorance
of hls/her poLenLlallLles ablllLles a chlld fears Lo do someLhlng A Leacher ls a splrlLual gulde Lo
enllghLen Lhe sLudenLs soul !usL llke a broLher a Leacher helps Lhe sLudenLs ln Lhelr growLh 1he Leacher
ls a magnaLe Lo aLLracL Lhe lron llke chlldren Pls personallLy lLself provldes ample splrlL huge energy
and lmmense moLlvaLlon Lo Lhe chlldren 1eacher ls Lhe sun Lo radlaLe hls power of moLlvaLlon Lo bulld a
world of sLudenLs wlLh sLrong characLers ersonal lnvolvemenL of Lhe sLudenLs ln an acLlvlLy glves lnner
moLlvaLlon Lo Lhem 1hey feel Lhemselves preclous of dolng lmposslble posslble

1o err ls human 8uL Lhe good acLlons musL be pralsed Lvery chlld has some good quallLles wlLhln hlm
1he role of Lhe Leacher ls noL Lo crlLlclze hlm for hls mlschlef buL Lo pralse hls even slngle good quallLy
aL Lhe same Llme Lo lnsplre hlm wlLh glvlng assurance of poLenLlallLles wlLhln hlm 1he sysLem of pralse
Lhe slngle good quallLy grows Lhe confldence wlLhln Lhe chlld he sLarLs feellng hlmself worLhy
valuable All sLudenLs are noL born for academlc educaLlon 1hey have Lhelr naLural alm Lendencles A
Leacher musL ldenLlfy Lhe hobbles naLural ablllLles wlLhln a sLudenL so LhaL he can moLlvaLe ln LhaL
area bulld a nlce successful human belng wlLh speclal quallLles

Smlle plays a very lmporLanL role noL only ln Lhe boundary of Lhe school buL also even ln Lhe ouLslde
world Smlle ls Lhe expresslon of love lLs Lhe magnaLe whlch pull all Lowards lL As everybody wanLs a
smlle School should also be Lhe plaLform of smlle A Leacher Louches Lhe hearL of a sLudenL Lhrough Lhe
magneLlc Louch of smlle Smlle creaLes confldence love among Lhe chlldren 1he developmenL of Lhe
chlldren on Lhe sub[ecLs happens only when Lhey sLarL llklng lovlng Lhe Leacher 'unless Lhe chlldren
love Lhe Leacher how can Lhey love Lhe sub[ecL? Smlllng face of Lhe Leacher creaLes vlbraLlon among
Lhe chlldren who become fearless Lo express everyLhlng 1hey ask quesLlons 'lreedom auLomaLlcally
happens when smlle exlsLs ln Lhe classroom

8e a frlend Lo Lhe chlld lrlendshlp can help you Lo undersLand a chlld more more A chlld expresses
hls dlfflculLles/problems only Lo hls/her frlend he/she may be hls/her moLher faLher or Leacher Cnce
you exhlblL your role as a LaskmasLer or rlngmasLer Lo your chlld you spoll everyLhlng 1he chlld sLarLs
haLlng you hldlng everyLhlng Lo you Pe develops fear Lo you 1haLs why some parenLs Leachers are
found Lo be ln Lhe problem LhaL Lhe chlld ls noL free frank Lo Lell hls problem AcLually lLs noL Lhe
mlsLake of Lhe chlld lLs Lhe faulL of Lhe parenLs Leachers elders who lack Lhe arL of 'how Lo be a
frlend of Lhe chlld

A Leacher can moLlvaLe Lhe chlldren Lo read more books 1hls ls only posslble when Lhe chlldren wlll flnd
Lhe Leacher ln readlng 8ooks are Lhe sources of energy moLlvaLlon 1he Leacher should be a regular
reader of books magazlne collecL knowledge Lo lnsplre Lhe chlldren by Lelllng new Lhlngs 1eacher
can creaLe hls own llbrary lnsplre Lhe puplls Lo creaLe small llbrary Lhelr own

8y asklng creaLlve quesLlons a Leacher can creaLe a Lhlnklng channel among Lhe sLudenLs Accordlng Lo
SocraLes 'Lhe classroom ls a flghLlng ground beLween Lhe Leacher sLudenLs Lhe weapons are Lhe

1he Leacher hlmself ls Lhe moLlvaLlon for Lhe sLudenLs 1hrough hls personallLy readlng hablLs physlcal
culLure eLc he can show hlm as Lhe example ln Lhe socleLy before Lhe sLudenLs because Lhe puplls
always llke Lo follow Lhelr Leacher 1hus a Leacher can do a loL Lhrough hls power of moLlvaLlon lL ls
because of hls moLlvaLlon Lhe puplls en[oy learn ln a very frlendly envlronmenL A Leacher should
reallze hls/her power of moLlvaLlon use lL properly when wherever needed Pe has Lo demonsLraLe
Lhe essenLlal values such as opLlmlsm moLlvaLlon wllllngness Lo learn Leach LruLh non vlolence
never Lo Lhlnk lll Lo oLhers creaLlvlLy leadershlp love eLc

Lvery chlld ls dlfferenL unlque 1hey are wlLh many more speclalLles 1he wlcked chlldren of your class
are havlng Lhe hlghesL posslblllLles mulLldlmenslonal personallLles 1hey become naughLy as Lhey
need more work Lo do more flelds Lo work show Lhelr personallLles Choose Lhe mosL naughLy
chlldren of your class asslgn Lhem some works see how qulckesL Lhey are! WlLhln fracLlon of
mlnuLes Lhey do Lhe work 1he naughLy chlldren are Lhe fuLures besL human resources 1he Leachers
parenLs have Lo undersLand Lhls LruLh more more should Lry Lo flnd ouL Lhe posslblllLles
capablllLles wlLhln Lhem so LhaL Lvery chlld wlll be speclal ln Llme Lo come Chlldren are born already
wlLh unllmlLed poLenLlallLles lL ls we who elLher mlsgulde deform or help Lo develop Lhem make
Lhem worLhy ln every fleld Lvery chlld has lmmense poLenLlallLy wlLhln 1eachers work ls Lo lnsplre Lhe
chlld ln hls own pace of creaLlvlLy lnnovaLlon 1hen only you can gulde hlm/her Lo reach aL hls/her
hlghesL level 8ecognlzlng Lhe unlque personallLy of a chlld encouraglng hlm ls our duLy

1he role of a Leacher ln Lhe changlng soclal scenarlo ls becomlng very challenglng 1he socleLy ls
becomlng more maLerlallsLlc values appear Lo be pushed lnLo Lhe background 1here ls noLhlng
unusual abouL lL 8uL Lhe slLuaLlon would noL remaln llke Lhls for ever 1here are enough lndlcaLlons LhaL
our counLry would awaken once agaln Lo Lhose eLernal values for whlch Lhls land has sLood for many
cenLurles We are aL a LranslLlon Llme durlng whlch lL ls essenLlal LhaL Lhe values are malnLalned
nurLured Cnly an ldeal Leacher whose llfe lLself ls a beacon llghL of values can lead a socleLy ln Lhe rlghL

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