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New Business Development

Marketing Research Plan


Brief Introduction

Setting the Strategic New Business Direction Example case study

Digital Strategy List of other ideas Sum up Appendix

New Business Strategic Direction

Board level discussion Where do you want to play What is your USP in these sectors Clients research budget size Competition Your budget investment levels Need consensus on the best bets Pharma Media CPG Retail Todays example will be an approach set in the CPG sector

Sector CPG - Strategy

Where? The bigger they are the harder they fall Maybe start with small manufacturers
esp. Private Label

What? Could go with Pricing or NPD, but will use package concept testing as the USP Why is this important to PL? Helps manufacturers sell it into retailers 60% of retailers choose suppliers on ability to deliver custom formulations, products or packaging see Within this context, need a compelling case study/key hook the important conversation starter with a potential client. (We saved Client X $2 million last year by .....) Once strategy is agreed, we move to execution

CPG Execution

Conferences Walk the floor/Stall/Sponsor/(speaker?!)

Private Label Trade show 13-15 November, Chicago, see Store Brands Innovation & Marketing Summit, 1-2 March 2012, Des Plaines, Illinois Snaxpo, Exhibition and Conference, 16-19 March 2012, Phoenix, Arizona

Associations, like the Snack Food Association, see Package Design links,, see Other examples -,, Industry Experts

Getting Name Recognition

Connect to trade press Provide content include hot topic questions two/three times a year if possible, issue journalist friendly press release Take out an ad to cement relationship Increase Affiliations see Digital section

Direct Approaches - Gold Calls

Up to now we have been manuring the ground
Seeds grow best in well fertilized soil

All about timing!

CPG Direct Approaches

Change is Good:
Dan Slattery will be replacing John Morgan as president of Morgan Foods Inc. Morgan will continue to serve as chairman and CEO for the Austin, Ind. Based company. Also, Bryan Flowers has been named senior vice president of sales and marketing, and Tom Hargrove will serve as VP of operations. Morgan foods offers private-label soups, broths, gravies, sauces, beans and kosher products.

CPG Data Base

This process results in a New Business data base The data base needs continuous management
Online/trade press/other - to add new names/companies Google/LinkedIn to follow existing targets

Approaches need to be carefully planned constant calls, emails and nagging will not work in fact, it may damage your brand name Timing and type of contact is key
Can be for other reasons (see other ideas slide)

Once sales process is in place for CPG data base, you can then restart manuring process in another sector Pharms/Media?

Digital Ideas, working with your WebMaster

Web site evaluation

SEO for your most vital key words, target to place top six in Google search
Web site wording and tag titles Helped by Ad Words Campaigns

Identify and establish links Track through Google Analytics

Example of good affiliation:

Go to
On left hand side under Resources you will see Marketing Research, click on this.

Training Day

Other Ideas

Get the most out of your research budget One day course See for workshops charging $945 pp. Media Training Target Brand and Marketing Managers Webinars - see under Seminars & Events

University/College Links
Guest Lectures Build relationships with Professors

New business round table day (once a month/quarter)

Acquisitions/Mergers Fast Track to Growth

Complementary companies Focus Groups/Web-scrapers Cost sharing partners

PR/Communications Role
Newsletter - Important for brand building - see Both mainstream media and digital

Social Responsibility/Local Community - for Web site Corporate Entertainment


Its about making money, not more RFPs, more calls or more contacts. Hence, recommend a strong New Business strategic vision. You will want a good ROI on any new business plan so realistic and achievable targets need to be agreed for example, over next three years we target $X in year one, $X+ in year two and $X++ in year three (also profitable new business!) Process may take time we are trying to brand you as experts, a trusted authority (too busy to make cold calls!) You play in a very competitive field, differentiation and brand identity are important in opening doors. The Four Rs: Marketing Research is a people business. Hence, Recognition, Reputation and Results lead to Revenue!

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