Coke Assignment

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Abdul Nasir (Group leader) M. Attiq M. Aftab M.

Faheed Shoaib Ashraf Shijil Akram Ali Hussain Saddam Hussain

LIF11MCOM0028 LIF11MCOM2039 L1F11BCMH0002 L1F11BCMH0001 L1F11MCOM0010 L1F11MCOM0031 L1F11MCOM0009 L1F11MCOM0008


Madam Mahapara Shah

The Coca-Cola Company is an American multinational beverage corporation and manufacturer, retailer and marketer of non-alcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups. The company is best known for its flagship product Coca-Cola, invented in 1886 by pharmacist John Stith Pemberton in Columbus, Georgia. The Coca-Cola formula and brand was bought in 1889 by Asa Candler who incorporated The Coca-Cola Company in 1892. Besides its namesake Coca-Cola beverage, Coca-Cola currently offers more than 500 brands in over 200 countries or territories and serves over 1.6 billion servings each day. The company operates a franchised distribution system dating from 1889 where The Coca-Cola Company only produces syrup concentrate which is then sold to various bottlers throughout the world who hold an exclusive territory. The Coca-Cola Company owns its anchor bottler in North America, Coca-Cola Refreshments. The Coca-Cola Company is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, United States. Its stock is listed on the NYSE and is part of DJIA, S&P 500 Index, the Russell 1000 Index and the Russell 1000 Growth Stock Index. Its current chairman and chief executive is Muhtar Kent.

John Pemberton created a prototype drink as a Coca Wine called, Pemberton's French Wine Coca. It was created after Atlanta and Fulton County passed prohibition, limiting the sale of Alcohol in the city and county. It was created as a non-alcoholic French Wine Cola which was popular at the time. It first started selling in a pharmacy in Atlanta; it was sold as a cure-all drink making claims that it cured things like, Impotence, Morphine Addiction, Headaches and many other diseases. The name coca cola was suggested by Frank Robinson who was a Johan Pembertons bookkeeper in Atlanta, Georgia, US.

In 1886 the first advertisement for Coca-Cola appeared in the Atlanta Journal, a major daily newspaper that was founded in 1883.

Our Roadmap starts with our mission, which is enduring. It declares our purpose as a company and serves as the standard against which we weigh our actions and decisions. To refresh the world... To inspire moments of optimism and happiness... To create value and make a difference.

Our vision serves as the framework for our Roadmap and guides every aspect of our business by describing what we need to accomplish in order to continue achieving sustainable, quality growth.

People: Be a great place to work where people are inspired to be the best they can be. Portfolio: Bring to the world a portfolio of quality beverage brands that anticipate and satisfy people's desires and needs.

Partners: Nurture a winning network of customers and suppliers, together we create mutual, enduring value.

Planet: Be a responsible citizen that makes a difference by helping build and support sustainable communities.

Profit: Maximize long-term return to shareowners while being mindful of our overall responsibilities.

Productivity: Be a highly effective, lean and fast-moving organization.

Stakeholders are any constituencies in an organizations environment that are affected by the organizations decisions; these groups have a stake in or are significantly influenced by what the organization dose. In turn, these groups can influence the organization. Internal Stakeholders External Stakeholders

The main attributes in internal environment include efficiency in the production process through management skills and effective communication channel among all members of the internal stakeholders. To effectively control and monitoring the internal environment, the Coca Cola Company must conduct continual appraisals of the businesses operations and readily act upon any factors that causing inefficiencies in any phase of the production and consumer process. Shareholders They concern on earning profits. Board of Directors (Management) They have concern to keep the labor and material cost down, so, they can keep the production cost low. Employees While the employees want to have raises and increased benefits from the company.

The attributes in external environment those are equally important for effective business environment, following are cokes external stakeholders. Customers The customers of Coca Cola are, individual consumers, food stores, and other retail outlets. Customers have influence in demand, complaints, and trust, which must be considered by the company, because the customers taking the most important role in company performance. Suppliers The supplier of Coca Cola for example are NutraSweet as the producer of aspartame which is one of the ingredients in their product, Stephan Company as the authorized company to process and import coca plant which we know is the main ingredient in Coke, the packaging company, the local raw materials suppliers, the machinery company, etc. As supplier, they have objective to gain more revenues by charging higher price to their customers. They also taking important part for the progress of a company, so the management must able to build an effectively and efficiently communications with them in order to establish a good supply chain for the company. Competitors The first competitor of Coca Cola is Pepsi Cola, followed by 7Up (Seven Up), and other soft drinks products. The presence of the competitors of a company can bring a good impact for the company itself; this condition will make the company more innovative. Strategic partners Coca Cola have several strategic partners, such as McDonalds, Pizza Hut, and the other restaurants in Pakistan. These strategic partners taking role in the products marketing of Coca Cola. Government Several government policies that have impact directly to the Coca Cola Company are registration, Environmental Protection Agency, Labor Law, regulations for beverages manufacturers, etc.

Media The function of media is for advertising. Advertisement is not only via the paper and television media, but also can be done via some events. The advertising media of Coca Cola is print / paper media in magazines, newspapers, etc.; television media which sometimes the advertising is collaboration with popular artist in their market segment and adjust the advertising with the public holiday in Pakistan. international events and foundations, such as become the sponsor of Olympics and WWF.

Local Communities The local communities have concern with the environmental issues and labor standards. The example of local communities is, labor union, etc


The market analysis investigates both the internal and external business environments. It is vital that coca-cola carefully monitor both the internal and external aspects regarding its business as both the internal and external environment and their respective influence will be decisive traits in relation to cokes success and survival in the soft drink industry

The internal business environment and its influence is that which is to some extent within the businesss control the main attributes in the internal environment include efficiency in the production process, through management skill and effective communication channels. To effectively control and monitor the internal businesss operations and readily act upon any factors, which cause inefficiencies in any phase of the production and consumer process.

The external business environment and its influence are usually powerful forces that can affect a whole industry and in fact, a whole economy. Changes in the external environment will create opportunities or threats in the market place coca cola must be aware off. Fluctuations in the economy changing customer attitudes and values and demographic patterns heavily influence the

success of coca colas products on the market and reception they receive from the consumer. The External environment has 2 components which are Specific & General environments. 1. SPECIFIC ENVIRONMENT The Specific environment includes the following factors: Customers The Coca Cola company has Youth as its main customers, the motive of the company is to increase sales volume among the young generation as Coke is sweeter than Pepsi and liked but now Coke is satisfying different target markets including people of all ages, races etc. Cokes products are purchased by almost every class in Pakistan as it does not have expensive drinks and offered in different volumes. Coke has also dominated its existence in the Hotel & Restaurant market as it has customers like Regent Plaza, Avari Towers, Arizona Grill, Copper Kettle etc are maintaining their brand loyalty with Coca Cola. . Pressure groups In recent years ISO certifications has influenced all the companies operating in Pakistan as Coke is in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) business and is mainly manufacturing and bottling a soft drink that is used by everyone, certain policies were implemented that increased the cost as Coke believes that Compliance to international standards on quality, environment and social accountability has been universally recognized as one of the key strategic elements of product competitiveness in both domestic and international markets, along with price and delivery factors. Quality is the pre-requisite for successful market access and for achieving continued customer satisfaction. Not to forget the Governmental policies also affect Coke in many ways as each year Budget is announced with taxes rates shooting up that decreases the profit margin.

Competitors All over the world Cokes biggest competitor is none other than Pepsi. The competition between the companies has been neck to neck as both of them keep on trying to outplay each other in terms of pricing, promoting & packaging. As Pakistans economy has suffered from global recession, the competition has become tougher. In Pakistan Pepsi is leading the market with 52% and Coke is climbing up to the 40% mark however globally this situation is reverse

Suppliers Suppliers always play an important role in any companys operation. Suppliers provide resources and raw material that company requires to produce the goods and services. Coke company suppliers in Pakistan vary with respect to the raw material they provide. Following is a brief list of different suppliers of coke. Balochistan Glass Limited provides glass bottles of all sizes that are used in bottling. Plato Bag Limited provides pet bottles with the labels. Labels are designed by the Packages Ltd. Saharan Mills Limited provides the quality sugar in hygienic packets. Vanillin Intercool Pakistan provides the machinery such as Visio coolers and chest coolers for the chilled coco-cola.

2. GENERAL ENVIRONMENT The Coca Cola Beverages Pakistan limited has a very strong potential in the future as Pakistani population is increasing and there is a shift in the consumer perception of its conservatism and the stigma, which was attached to it as an American product, is losing its effect. Increase in the level of inflation is a major concern for the company as the purchasing power of the people is eroding day by day. As there is an increase in the dual career families and women has started working in the offices with a great enthusiasm so it can be a capitalizing point for the company. The legal/political environment does have much effect on this company. As there has been a continuous change in the governments and the policies related to the duties and taxation so it is relatively less immune to changes in this sectors of the environment. The General environment includes the following factors: Political / legal conditions In Pakistan, Political & Legal conditions have become very uncertain as constant Political instability does affect the company in terms of building new relationships with new Governments and also the Legal system impacts us as new laws are amended that are not business friendly at times. Socio-cultural conditions Coke is very careful in implementing its promotional campaigns as Social and Cultural environment in Pakistan is very conservative and negative at times. Social factors Include the customer family, small groups and status. The consumption power of people has fallen but still Coke has maintained stability. Cultural factors Pakistani culture has affected the Coke purchasing massively. In recent days, events and festivals like Basant, weddings, parties etc are an important part of our culture in which the sales of Coke go very high as soft drinks are purchased in bulk. Economic conditions As the global economy has reshaped and affected the Pakistani market also as poverty and inflation has increased giving birth to various issues which has negative effect on the common man and almost each business has suffered in 2008 & 2009. Coke has also strived the recession era. The sales volume fell by 22%.

Demographic Factors Age- Coca Cola targets all ages. For youngsters Coke is considers a cool drink that everybody loves. For adults Coke is a classic drink which they grew up drinking, provides a familiar taste from the past. Income- Coca Cola's products are not introduced to a specific class. Its affordable and inexpensive. Their products are suited to everybody, from a teenager with no income to a rich successful business man.

Ethnicity- People from different cultural backgrounds are aware of Coca Cola's products, and even pair them with their traditional food. For example, from the country I come from, Israel, the most traditional food, Hummus, is very popular to be eaten while drinking Coke. Location- Where there are people there is Coca Cola. Some might think the saying is exaggeration, however, according to a show i watched on CNBC and other related articles, it is well known that even in the most remote, undeveloped villages anywhere in the seven continents Coca Cola can be found. Technological changes Technological changes can affect any huge business like Coke therefore it has diversified its technology as the world is getting more advanced. Coke uses latest technology in its production process which results in increase of production throughout Pakistan. At the upper Management level advanced software programs are bought, for Accounts department QuickBooks latest accounting software is purchased, advanced security systems are setup with 24 X 7 vigilance and cameras are installed in each office to monitor the activities of all employees. In short, Coke has reshaped itself with the changing technologies.

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