Local GW Group Life Terms and Conditions July 09

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Group Life Assurance

Standard Terms and Conditions

This document sets out the standard terms and conditions governing the Generali Worldwide Insurance Company (referred to as we or us from now on) Group Life Assurance product. The Standard Terms and Conditions, together with the 8) do not change by more than 20% to those in-force at the commencement date. In such circumstances, we reserve the right to change the premium rate at the date on which such changes first occurred. At the expiry of the guarantee period, the Policy shall be reviewed. An individuals benefit entitlement will be assumed to be based on their annual basic salary. Other salary definitions to Any special terms detailed in the quotation shall replace the corresponding standard wording contained in this document. In the event of any conflicts in any of the wordings between these documents, the wording of the Policy Document (once issued) will prevail. 11) 10) 9) be insured must be explicitly advised to us at quotation stage. No early or late retirees will be covered by any Policy unless expressly agreed to by us. The Policy will be terminated, immediately and without notice, unless the invoiced premium has been paid within 30 days of the invoice date. We do not offer Continuation Options.

corresponding quotation form part of the contract, and prospective clients are advised to read these carefully.

We will not assume risk for any Policy until all outstanding information requested in the corresponding quotation has been received, and we are satisfied that such information is acceptable. 1) 2) 3) Our quotations are valid for 1 calendar month from date of issue shown. No return of premium will be made in year one if the contract is cancelled. All our quotations include active employees, but exclude individuals in receipt of an income from any sickness or incapacity insurances. Cover may be approved for any such individuals once we have been provided with written confirmation of the nature of the illness or injury and the corresponding first date of absence from normal duties. 4) 5) A full listing of the eligible membership must be provided within 1 calendar month of the Policy incepting. Provided that satisfactory confirmation of the Policys eligibility and take-up rate has been received by us, individuals will not be required to be medically underwritten if their full benefit entitlement does not exceed the free cover limit. 6) Individuals not joining the Policy at the first opportunity or who do not satisfy the eligibility conditions in any other way will be excluded from any free cover limit. 7) If the Policy is governed by a unit rate, the rate is guaranteed for two years provided that: (iii) the number of lives, or (iv) the total sum assured

Commencement of Assurance at Policy inception

For any individual who is eligible to be covered by the Policy, assurance for their full benefit entitlement commences on the corresponding commencement date with the following exceptions: (i) Individuals who have had periods of absence from work due to illness or injury in the 12 month period immediate to inception date. For all such individuals, we will require written confirmation of the nature of the illness or injury and dates of corresponding absence before consenting to commencement of the members insurance. Cover for such individuals would only commence once we have issued written confirmation. Please refer to the wording in the quotation which explicitly details the period of time of such absence for which we shall require to be notified. (ii) Benefit in excess of the insured free cover limit will be subject to our appropriate medical underwriting procedures. a) Any individual being underwritten will be covered for their full benefit entitlement (excluding pre-existing medical conditions) for a period of 90 days to allow for the underwriting procedure to complete. If, after this period has elapsed, the underwriting decision remains outstanding, individuals will be restricted to the insured free cover limit, or for accidental death only in the absence of a free cover limit, and will continue to be so until the decision has been made. b) If the underwriting decision remains outstanding after 90 days, we may agree to an extension of full cover (excluding discretion. pre-existing medical conditions) at our

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Any individual who is not actively at work on the commencement date as a result of illness or injury will not be covered until they have returned to work in their usual capacity for two consecutive months.


If our free cover limit is higher than the previous insurers, our free cover limit will not apply to any Members whose previous cover had been subject to adverse underwriting decisions; further increases in benefit entitlement for these Members will be fully underwritten on our terms.

Actively at work means that the individual: a) b) is working their contracted number of hours and undertaking their usual duties and is not working contrary to medical advice received.


The previous underwriting decision was made less than 12 months before the date of the Policy switching to us. For Members whose underwriting decisions were made prior to this 12-month period, we reserve the right not to offer noworse terms.

We will not agree to backdate cover for the Policy as a whole, or for any individuals subsequently joining after Policy commencement.

(iv) (v)

Such terms will only apply to previous medical ratings of up to +300% extra mortality. No Member had been restricted to a previous free cover limit as a result of poor health. For individuals restricted in this manner, we would underwrite the Member for their full benefit entitlement before terms would be considered.

Termination of Assurance
The assurance of a Member covered under the Policy will cease immediately on the earliest of the following occurrences: (i) (ii) (iii) The Member ceases to be eligible in any way under the Policy; Discontinuance of payment of premiums; Any Member whose period of cover exceeds the provisions laid down under the Policys temporary absence clause. (vi)

Similarly, any Member previously declined cover by the previous insurer would be underwritten for their full benefit entitlement before acceptance terms would be considered.

In instances of (v) or (vi), any free cover limit that the Policy may have will not apply to such Members.

Temporary Absence
The periods of permitted absence from work covered by the Policy are as follows: (i) (ii) To normal retirement age for any period of illness or injury; 24 months for any other reason. Clients shall agree to provide any information requested by us to support previous underwriting terms. Failure to provide such details will result in the offer of no-worse terms being withdrawn by us.

Any Member covered by this Policy who is absent from work will remain covered accordingly. Should payment of premium be discontinued in respect of any Member covered in temporary absence, such cover will cease for that Member. The cover may be subsequently resumed without the need to provide evidence of health on completion of two consecutive months in their ordinary occupation following a return to work and a resumption of premium payment.

No-worse terms
For insured policies that switch to us, all medical underwriting terms applied by the previous insurer will be matched by us on a no-worse terms basis at the date of switch of cover subject to: (i) Such terms will only apply to the Members sum assured that had been previously underwritten. Any subsequent increase in sum assured that a Member is entitled to would be underwritten on our terms.

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Policy Exclusions There are no such exclusions under this policy. Member-specific Exclusions In certain instances, Members may have specific conditions applied to them resulting in exclusions of cover. Claims arising either directly or indirectly from causes excluded in this manner will not be accepted under any circumstances. These will be explicitly detailed if they apply to any Members.

Catastrophe Limit
The Company will not pay more than the catastrophe limit (as detailed in our quotation) in the aggregate for the total of benefits which may be due under this Policy as a consequence of any single incident or series of incidents arising out of one event or occurrence and resulting in claims in which 2 (two) or more Members die within a period of 12 (twelve) months of the event. Where the event in question is a natural disaster such as earthquake, storm or flood, all claims resulting there from within a period of 72 (seventy-two) hours of the occurrence of the event shall be considered as arising from a single event. Where a pension is payable, the capital value of that payment will be used for this calculation.

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