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SOLUTION (UNIT 1) 2006-07

1. (c) Consider the change of state from saturated liquid to saturated vapor of a pure substance. This takes at constant place at constant temperature and therefore the right hand side of the above equation can be integrated between the saturated liquid and saturated vapour states. During the evaporation, the pressure and temperature are independent of volume. [ ]

Where Sg , Sf are the specific entropies of saturated vapour and saturated liquid and Vg and Vf are the specific volumes of saturated vapour and saturated liquid respectively. Sg Sf =Sfg = hfg/Ts Where Sfg and Vfg are the increase in specific entropy and specific volume. hfg is the latent heat added during evaporation at constant saturation temperature Ts.

This is known as clausius clapeyron equation for evaporation of liquids. The significance of this equation is that (dp/dT)sat is the slope of the vapour pressure curve. Thus hfg can be determined at given temperature from the slope of the vapour pressure curve and the specific volume of saturated vapour and saturated liquid at the given temperature. (d) (i) Coefficient of volume expansion: It is defined as the change in volume with change in temperature per unit volume keeping the pressure constant. It is denoted by . mathematically, coefficient of volume expansion,

(ii) Coefficient of isothermal compressibility: It is defined as the change in volume with the change in pressure per unit volume, keeping the temperature constant. It is denoted by K. Mathematically, isothermal compressibility (iii) Coefficient of adiabatic compressibility: It is defined as the change in volume with change in pressure per unit volume when entropy is kept constant. It is denoted by KS. Numerical: Let temperature be T1=295oC and T2=305oC at P=350 KPa From steam tables V1=0.74794 m3/kg (at P=350 KPa and T1=295oC) V2=0.75065m3/Kg Volume expansivity = V2-V1/T2-T1= 0.000271 m3/oC. (e)If s=f(T,P) then Tds= But dh=vdp+Tds For a constant pressure process above equation reduces to, CP(dT)P=0+T.(ds)P Also


This is known as second Tds equation. The principle use of maxwells relations is in formulating tables or graphs of thermodynamic properties of various fluids from experimental data. It is also important to remember that these relation must hold for any pure substance.

2007-08 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
1. (a) Suppose z is a function of two independent properties x and y, such that z=f(x,y) According to the condition of exact differentials, dz= dz=M.dx+N.dy

(c) Internal energy, dU= The above equation is of the form dz=Mdx+Ndy Where M=T, N=-P,x=S and y=v Therefore Enthalpy, dH=dU+d(pv) =dU+pdv+vdp =(TdS-pdv)+pdv+vdp =Tds+vdp Where, M=T, N=v, x=S and y=p Therefore (d) The change in temperature with drop in pressure at constant enthalpy is termed as Joule Thomson coefficient (). Mathematically, It varies with both the temperature and pressure of the gas. The magnitude of the joule Thomson coefficient is a measure of the imperfection of a gas or its deviation from perfect gas behavior. For real gases, may be either positive or negative depending upon the thermodynamics state of the gas. When is zero, the temperature of the gas remains constant with throttling. The temperature at which =0, is called the inversion temperature for a given pressure. If is greater than temperature of the gas decreases with throttling and when is less than zero, the temperature of the gas increases with throttling. Thus in cooling of a gas by throttling, we require that the gas shows a large positive value of .

1. (b) Gibbs function: The gibbs function is also property of a system and is denoted by G. mathematically, G=U-TS+pv =H-TS Since (H-TS) is made up entirely of properties, therefore gibbs function is also a property. Helmholtz function: It is a property of a system and is given by substracting the product of absolute temperature (T) and entropy (S) from the internal energy (U). Mathematically, Helmholtz function, A=U-TS.

(d) The clapeyrons equation represents a relationship between saturation temperature, saturation pressure, enthalpy of vapourisation and the specific volume of pure substance of pure substance during the phase change. This equation helps in calculating the slope of the curve in two phase region. From the third maxwells relation, we have During phase change pressure is the function of temperature only and it is dependent of the volume therefore, we can write Consider the phase change from liquid to vapour and let sf and sg be the specific entropy of liquid and saturated vapour with their respective specific vaolumes as Vf and Vg, then

On substituting the values from the above equations dP/dT= But entropy change during vapourization process from liquid to vapour is given by Sfg=hfg/TS dp/dT=hfg/TS(Vg-Vf) The above equation is known as clausius clapeyrons equation.

2004-05 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
1. (c) The clapeyrons equation represents a relationship between saturation temperature, saturation pressure, enthalpy of vapourisation and the specific volume of pure substance of pure substance during the phase change. This equation helps in calculating the slope of the curve in two phase region. From the third maxwells relation, we have During phase change pressure is the function of temperature only and it is dependent of the volume therefore, we can write Consider the phase change from liquid to vapour and let sf and sg be the specific entropy of liquid and saturated vapour with their respective specific vaolumes as Vf and Vg, then

On substituting the values from the above equations dP/dT= But entropy change during vapourization process from liquid to vapour is given by Sfg=hfg/TS dp/dT=hfg/TS(Vg-Vf) The above equation is known as clausius clapeyrons equation. (d) Maxwells equations are: , ,

The principle use of maxwells relations is in formulating tables or graphs of thermodynamic properties of various fluids from experimental data. It is also important to remember that these relation must hold for any pure substance.

SOLUTION (UNIT 2) 2006-07
2. (a) P1=0.6 MPa=6bar, Tsup=300oC P2=60 KPa Expansion is reversible adiabatic i.e. heat transfer q=o and entropy change during the process remains constant i.e. S1=Ssup1=7.374 KJ/KgK and hsup1=h1=3062.3 KJ/Kg Dryness fraction of steam at exit, x2: S1=S2=Sf2+x2.Sfg2 Values of Sf2 and Sfg2 are calculated from steam tables, X2=0.975 Workdone/kg of steam, W=(h1-h2)=h1-(hf2+x2.hfg2) W=466.14 KJ/Kg. (b) Given P=3 MPa, Tsup=350oC, m=40000 Kg/hr Feed water temperature, t1=100oC mf=5000kg; CV=35000 KJ/Kg (i) Equivalent evaporation, me: Me=m(h-hf1)/mf x 2257=9.9725 Kg of steam/kg of fuel (ii) Boiler efficiency, : =m(h-hf1)/mf x CV= 0.643 (f) Draught, h=15 mm of water; T2=525 K T1=25oC , air fuel ratio, m=18 h= 353 H[1/T1-(m+1)/m(1/12)] Height of chimney, H=31.59 m. 2007-08 (b) (i) If a saturated vapour at any pressure p and saturation temperature TS is heated at constant pressure upto a temperature TSUP.The difference of temperature (Tsup-TS) is called degree of superheat. If saturated liquid at pressure p and saturation temperature tSoC . The temperature, difference (tS-t)oC is called the degree of undercooling. (ii) Critical pressure pC, Critical temperature tC and specific volume, Vg at critical point for water. PC=221.2 bar TC=tS=374.15oC VC=Vg=0.00317 m3.

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