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A Chinese Tail by Anabel Fernndez

Once upon a time, in the ancient China, a wise and old man called Qigong became famous. Qigong home was far away, at the west, up to the mountain. He became famous because he did heal a lot of people across the west of the Chinese Empire. Qigong was very old, but nobody really knew exactly how old he was. A lot of people mentioned that he was older than a hundred years. One day, during the war against the Hunos, the Captain of the Chinese Army was attacked meanwhile he was protecting the Emperor; he lost the seeing when acid was thrown to his face by the dark forces spies used by the Hunos. The Emperor decided to reward him, so he ordering to carry the Captain to the mountains to meet with Qigong. The Emperor assigned the best carriage available and a group of soldiers. It was the only choice, nothing to lose. After ten days of travel the group arrived to Qigong house, a small, dark and poor house of wood. When the sun was disappearing at the back of the mountain a tiny man with white hair like the snow showed in front of the houses door. Qigong came inside of the carriage and asked the Captain:How a humble man like me could serve such an honourable and important person like you Captain . The Captain answered: Honourable Qigong, Im not important, I am just a servant of the Emperor and Empire, but without seeing I am not able to serve anybody, I do not want to be a hindrance, so I request, I beg to you to try to do something for me. I will be satisfy and thankful even I do not get any healing because your deference. Qigong asked the Captain: Do you believe in me? Captain answered: I do, I feel your presence like the presence of the health, I had heard about you and Im sure you are good healer. The Captain was guided by Qigong inside the house, after three days and three nights the Captain came out shouting: I can see, I can see.

After some days of the Captain return a big carriage showed in front of Qigong house. A soldier indicated to Qigong that he was called to be the healer of the prohibited city and to serve the Empire. Qigong new life was surrounded of luxury and comfort, but he tried to continue helping others, guards, soldiers, servants One day the Emperor was hurt in a battle, he had a deep pain in an arm, so the Emperor called Qigong. Once Qigong enter into the Imperial Room the Emperor shouted out: Old man, I do order you to heal me immediately! Qigong replied after a minute in a low voice: Sir, do you believe in me? The Emperor got angry and wrinkling the face shouted out again: Why I should answer such a stupid question, does not matter what I do believe or not, I did ordered you to do something, so do it now! Qigong said: The health is not a lonely woman, she always comes in company of humility and faith. He turned back and in a low voice he said: I will wait until you are ready. The Emperor refused to go, his arm got better because the hurt was not serious. After some years in a battle the Emperor was hurt of death, and when he was sure to be on the last moments he asked to be carried to Qigong home. When Qigong entered into the carriage the Emperor said in low voice: Qigong, sorry I was so blind that I forget I was a human, please help me. Qigong:Emperor, you already are in the way of healing, you had come with faith and with humility, so as you deeply want to continue on this world you will, not because me, because of your deep desire.

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